
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

New vaccine is being ready to prevent Breast Cancer….

The first human trial of breast cancer vaccine started in America claims; This will prevent the most dangerous type of triple-negative breast cancer. To prevent breast cancer, the Cleveland Clinic of America has started the trial of the first phase of its vaccine. With the help of this trial, triple-negative breast cancer, the most dangerous type of cancer, can be controlled. 

The Cleveland Clinic is working closely with vaccine company Anixa Bioscience after receiving approval for a vaccine trial from the US Food and Drug Administration. Why this trial is special and what it means, let us discuss in detail- 

The new vaccine has the potential to prevent breast cancer, says Vincent Tuofi, immunologist and vaccine developer at Cleveland Clinic's Learner Research Institute. Of all the cases of breast cancer, 12 to 15 are triple-negative breast cancer patients. This is the most serious type of breast cancer. Its cases are seen more in African and American women. So it needs to be controlled. 

Before the trial, this vaccine was given to patients aged 18 to 24 years suffering from this cancer. Tumors were completely eradicated in these patients. Monitoring is being done to understand the risk of re-tumor in them. In the first phase of the trial, this vaccine will be given to the initial patients suffering from triple-negative breast cancer. To fight cancer, how much immune response is visible in their body, maybe justified with this trial. 

Patients involved in the first phase trial will be given three doses of the vaccine. The effect and side effects of the vaccine will be monitored for 2 weeks. This entire trial will be completed by September 2022. The pre-clinical trial of the vaccine was done on rats. During the trial, it was revealed that the vaccine activated the immune system and was successful in preventing breast cancer tumors. 

Research published in the journal Nature Medicines says that this vaccine is effective on other tumors. If the first human trial is successful, then this vaccine can make big changes in the medical world. 


Monday, November 1, 2021

Is COP 26 summit is really help for developong country......

As we know that the global economy and suddenly changing of environmental behavior is challenging to the developing countries. Conference of the Parties 26 (COP 26) means the 26th summit of Glasgow and thus, it is named COP 26. The summit is now going on with a special motto to control or minimize the carbon dioxide emission in the world. 

In ancient days, the environment supported us and we were enjoying seasonal behavior such as timely winter, summer and rainy season, etc. The main motto of this summit is zero emissions of carbon dioxide that directly affect rain that is highly essential for India because the majority of people live in villages and depend upon farming. But who is taking care?

We are all utilizing nature very cruel manner. For instance, the summit going in Glasgow faces the arrival of many jet aircraft that carry the participants from various countries and going to emit approximately 45,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide within the summit duration. 

But the question is that why we are just engaging us to make documents. Whether the discussion is being held in Glasgow is not business-oriented where many discussions may come for technology transfer etc. One way the Western countries are advising to control Carbon dioxide emission and in other hands, they want to establish many product manufacturing industries in developing countries. India is also among these countries. We are already suffering many problems regarding exceeding temperature day by day and it is being observed that gradually our environmental behavior stops supporting us. 

For instance, Kerala is known for its lush green environment and clean climate and always gets good rain that also in time but nowadays, it is seen that the climate also not supported when it is to be rain, that time drought observed. That directly affects the crop season that gives poor yielding and ultimately it affects the life of the citizens of the state. It also affects the Indian economy. 

Not only Kerala state, but also all parts of our country facing such irregular climatic variations that push our future toward the darkness. Now, whether the topic which is being discussed in Glasgow City would practically be implemented or the number of summits only increases like COP 26,27,28 and so on... 

How the heart attack happens, knowing symptoms on time can help in saving life…

Nowadays many people are losing their lives due to heart attacks even in their pre-mature life.  According to some doctors, there have also been deaths of people whose age was less than 40 or 45.   

Let us know how many types of heart attacks are there and what are their symptoms- 

1. Hypertension- Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common types of heart disease. Under normal conditions, the blood exerts a specific pressure on the walls of blood vessels, which is called blood pressure. In many situations, this pressure can be so high that it starts damaging the body parts. This can be due to an increase in the amount of blood circulating in the arteries or a decrease in the diameter of the arteries. Symptoms- This condition does not cause any specific symptoms. Many people may suffer without even knowing it. However, some patients face multiple symptoms. They include headache, dizziness, shortness of breath and nose bleeds. 

2. Coronary heart disease (CHD)- Coronary heart disease is a condition that affects the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Due to many reasons, the lumen of blood vessels gets reduced, due to which the heart does not get oxygen and blood. One of the most common complications of this disease is myocardial infarction (MI), also known as a heart attack. This occurs when the artery becomes completely blocked and sufficient blood supplies the part of the heart. As a result, the cells do not have enough oxygen and they die within minutes. Symptoms- The main symptom of coronary heart disease is angina pectoris or chest pain. In most cases, it emerges after vigorous physical activity, occurs in the center of the chest, interferes with movement, and usually disappears after a few minutes of rest. Symptoms include chest pain, tiredness, difficulty in breathing, weakness all over the body, headache, dizziness.

3. Heart failure- Heart failure is one of the most serious types of heart disease. It is a diagnostic syndrome in which the heart cannot pump effectively leading to cardiac output or insufficient cardiac output. In other words, cardiac output is insufficient. Usually, when heart failure occurs, the ventricle muscles become very weak. So it doesn't shrink properly. Many changes in its structure or function can cause this. Actually, it is the last stage of some heart conditions. Symptoms include- difficulty in breathing, inability to breathe while lying down, pink sputum cough, swelling of the lower limbs, tiredness, ascites. include chest pain, tiredness, difficulty in breathing, weakness all over the body, headache, dizziness.

4. Congenital heart disease- One of the most common causes of heart problems in children is congenital heart disease. They are structural birth defects that occur early in pregnancy when the baby's heart is forming. Symptoms -  the symptoms of congenital heart disease usually appear in the early days after birth. Some of them are rapid breathing, purple lips, and difficulty in feeding, and growth problems. On the other hand, those who were born with congenital malformations and reach adulthood suffer from arrhythmia, shortness of breath, skin malaise, fatigue, and swelling in the lower limbs.  

5. Rheumatic heart disease- Various systemic diseases can affect the heart, for example, rheumatic fever.  It is a type of heart disease caused by a staphylococcus strain that attacks connective tissue, causing an autoimmune reaction. In this way it affects the muscles and valves of the heart, causing great damage in cases of rheumatic heart disease. These damages are so severe that they can cause severe heart failure and even death. The symptoms include- fever that does not exceed 101 °F, muscle and joint pain, general weakness, vomiting, gout.

6. Cardiomyopathies- Some heart diseases, such as congenital heart disease, require surgery. Cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that affects the heart muscle. They modify the size and distribution of the cells that make up it. In this way, the heart gets changed. The three most common types of cardiomyopathies are dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive. In the first, the ventricles are enlarged. In the second the ventricular wall thickens. Finally, restrictive cardiomyopathy occurs when the walls of the heart (ventricles) harden due to infiltration of connective tissue. The Symptoms- are shortness of breath after physical activity, swelling of the lower limbs, tiredness, heart palpitation, dizziness, and fainting.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Broken💔 Heart Syndrome is now trending disease in modern society.... be must aware of that.....

As we know that many things of life are directly correlated with our heart. Our heart is not only associated to pump blood to the whole body but also managing many stress, emotions, and Love. But do you know? Why are the people always told about the heartbroken 💔💔 story?  

Now the question is whether really heart is breaking💔💔. Many of us say, NO. Because the heart has no time even a fraction of a second to think. It keeps on continuously working and pumping blood to our whole body. If stop even a second, people hardly survive, so when is the time? 

[Broken Heart Syndrome]

Yes. Scientifically, somewhat better to argue in this but really our heart is involved in many activities that control our mood and mind😏😏. It maintains stress, provides sentiment, feels sorrow and happiness, affection, and so on..... 

Some of the people told heart is breaking💔. The heartbreaking is now common to the young generation as they are very much under stress due to study, job, life settlement, choosing their life partners, etc. Apart from that the trending lifestyle and waking late at night, sitting mental work also play a key role to give intolerable stress to heartand ultimately, when the stress crosses limits, it starts to give trouble to heart in many ways and inauguration of many diseases happens. 

Have you ever heard -  

" Jab Dil Hi Toot Gaya, tab Ji kar kya karein "
"Dil ka khilauna haye toot gaya" 
Dil deta hai ro ro ke duhai, kisi se koi pyaar na kare", etc. 

But it's true, the heart ❤ will not break but due to abnormalities in sleep, food, stress, lifestyle, etc., it gives more pressure on the mind, and the level of bad cholesterol increases. This cholesterol starts forming crust or plaques in important arteries of the heart, the narrowing vessels, then damage and as a result, a heart attack will come. This is called Heart is broken💔💔

Scientifically, Broken heart syndrome, also called stress cardiomyopathy or takotsubo cardiomyopathy, is a real condition. Although its symptoms mimic a heart attack, it's caused by sudden physical or emotional stress. Treatments include heart medications, anti-anxiety drugs, stress management, and cardiac rehabilitation. Broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition that's often brought on by stressful situations and extreme emotions. The condition can also be triggered by a serious physical illness or surgery. It may also be called stress cardiomyopathy, takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or apical ballooning syndrome. 

Broken heart 💔 syndrome is a condition with symptoms that may feel like a heart attack, like chest pain, and shortness of breath, but it's caused by going through an emotionally stressful event, not by clogged arteries. It's triggered by very stressful situations, like the death of someone you love. Stress may lead to high blood pressure, which can pose a risk for heart attack and stroke. Stress also may contribute to such cardiovascular disease risks as smoking, overeating, and lack of physical activity. "Chronic stress has been shown to be associated with increased cardiovascular events," Schiffrin said. 

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 💔or "Broken Heart Syndrome" is when the heart muscle becomes suddenly stunned or weakened. It mostly occurs following severe emotional or physical stress. The condition is temporary and most people recover within two months. 

Please🙏 don't allow your mind to become a hobby upon you and rule you whatever it wants. Control your emotional movement, think with mind considering that every action has a reaction either it is good or bad. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Friday, October 29, 2021

Custard Apple: The king fruit for winter seasons. Know the advantages and disadvantages before eating...

Custard apple (Annona squamosa) tree is a small shrub of genus Annona and the family Annonaceae. The fruit is popularly known as custard or sugar apple. In Hindi, it is called Sharifa’ or ‘Sitaphal’ in Sanskrit. Sharifa or Sitaphal is also called the king of fruits in winter.  This fruit is full of health benefits and is very sweet to eat. It is delicious in taste also. 

[Naturally ripen Custard apple]

Although it contains essential vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for our body according to the season, it is necessary to be careful before its eating. Sitaphal has started in the markets, but before eating it, definitely, we should know the advantages and disadvantages. 

Advantages of eating custard apple-

1. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. 

2. Helps reduce the risk of serious diseases like cancer. 

3. Vitamin A, magnesium, fiber are present. 

4. If you are suffering from a common stomach problem, then definitely consume custard apple but in small quantities. 

5. It is good to eat custard apples during pregnancy. 

Disadvantages of eating custard apple-

1. If you have any kind of allergy or skin allergy, do not eat custard apples. This can make your face itchy more. 

2. If you are suffering from the problem of digestion, then do not consume custard apple, because it is high in fiber. Due to this, you may have problems like stomach pain, gas formation, etc. 

3. It is rich in iron. Excessive consumption can cause nausea or vomiting. 

4. If your blood pressure drops very quickly, then consume it in a limited quantity. Otherwise, eat only with the advice of the Doctor. This can have an adverse effect on health, causing dizziness or lack of water. 

5. Sitaphal is rich in calories. If you want to lose weight in the festive season, then consume it at least, because it is high in sugar. Although it is natural sugar still does harm.

6. Do not consume custard apple seed. The ingredients present in it can cause allergic reactions in your skin and eyes.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Benefits of oil application (Abhyanga) over the body at regular interval…….

More than 2,000 years ago in India, oil was found to not only heal illness but also prevent future imbalances. These therapies are given (to oneself or to others) on a daily basis. Oil was poured onto the entire body is called “Abhyanga”, only in the head called ‘Shirobhyanga or Sirodhara”, ear (Karna Purana), feet (pada abhyanga), or specific site that require attention (Maram abhyanga). 

[Abhyanga (Oil application on the body]

There are many benefits that have been mentioned in Ayurveda for Abhyanga. Some important benefits are as follows-

1. Reverses/prevents aging and increases longevity. 
2. Remove fatigue and stress from work and life overall. 
3. Heals and prevents nervous system disorders. 
4. Promotes good vision
5. Nourishes the body and promotes sturdiness. 
6. Remedies insomnia. 
7. Creates an electrochemical balance in the body. 
8. Oil rubbed into the skin prevents dehydration and strengthens the nerves. 
9. Oil helps the electromagnetic field of the body. 
10. Stimulates antibody production, thus strengthening the immune system.
11. It stimulates the lymphatic system. The lymph is pervasive in the entire body except for the brain, bone marrow, and deep skeletal muscles (though some scientists believe they may extend there as well). The role of this system is to carry nutrients and remove the toxins from the cells. Some cells in the nodes destroy bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful particles. Other vessels send the fluid from the other side. Lymph contains about half the concentration of the proteins in the plasma and returns the serum protein to the blood. Thus this is a sort of self-feeding, pre-processing system that means the body prepares its own food and feeds itself. Additionally, it contains many white blood cells that help maintain the body’s resistance to immune disorders, forming these infection-fighting cells in the nodes. The amino acid tryptophan is needed for producing energy and balancing the hormonal and nervous systems. Melatonin a brain hormone synthesis from the tryptophan within the pineal gland is believed to relate to the thyroid gland, adrenal, and gonads. It has been found to help calm excess mental activity. An enzyme Dopamine beta-hydroxylase is believed to be related to schizophrenia and other mental disorders. Histaminase, other enzymes break down histamine. If histamine is in excess, it causes gastric acidity, lethargy, itching, headaches, pain in muscles and nodes; and allergies. Thus, abhyanga (oil application) may help the body to produce its own natural antihistamines.  Lymphs also played important role in the various forms of edema

Recommended oil for application on the body (massage)- 

Sesame, mustard, and almond oil are only recommended for application on the body or use for massage. The oil should be pre-heated and then wait up to lukewarm condition and then. Applicator’s hand or massagers hand should also be not in normal or cool condition. It must be a little warm in front of heat or both hands should be rubbed to each other until it shows heat, then only this is fit for the person to whom the oil application is to be done. 

Time for oil application (abhyanga) - 

Daily abhyanga is done 1 to 2 hours after eating. After abhyanga bath should be avoided within an hour. At least one hour must require for abhyanga before taking bath to let the oil nurse and detoxify all the tissues layers. 

Precautions: Abhyanga should not be given immediately after enemas, emesis, or purgation therapy; during the first stage of fever, or with indigestion. It should also not be given to a person having excess Kapha duration.                  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Precautions and some important safety measures on taking long time online classes…

This is observed from a survey that approximately 55% of the children taking online classes are suffering from various health-related problems. Due to the prolonged online classes in the pandemic, students of classes 4 to 12 are troubled by stress, eye problems, and insomnia. This has come to the fore in a survey conducted by specific chains of Schools in Lucknow. 

[Long term online classes may harm the health of students]

There were 4454 people included in the survey. In these, 3300 students from different schools, 1 thousand parents, and 154 teachers were asked about the advantages and disadvantages of online classes.

Some major things about the survey-

1. In the survey, 54 to 58 percent of the students said that they are suffering from problems related to eyes, backache, headache, fatigue, and obesity.

2. About 50 percent said they are worried about stress. At the same time, more than 22 % say that the problem of insomnia is not giving up.

3. About 65 % say that they are facing technical and network problems while taking online classes from mobile.

4. According to 45-47 percent of students, they find it difficult to interact with teachers and classmates. Not everyone can see at the same time.

5. Not only this, but students also say that they lack confidence and are not getting motivation.

There were many advantages in the midst of disadvantages- 

The survey says that due to online classes, both students and teachers have become comfortable using technology. 60 percent of the students say that now they are able to take extra time along with studies. He is using this time for gardening, art, and craft. Apart from this, his bonding with family members is also getting good.

What are the precautions that can be taken for online classes - 

Wash eyes with water 4-5 times a day- Dr. Vinita Ramnani, Eye Specialist and Glaucoma Expert at Bansal Hospital, says, children use mobile phones more. This has a direct effect on their eyes. 

These days children are spending more time with mobile due to online classes. So it is important to keep some things in mind-

· If there is a problem like an eye strain, itching, tiredness, redness, watering, blurred vision, then get alert. These are the symptoms of digital eye strain. These symptoms appear when the gadget is used excessively.

· Due to the continuous falling of blue light from digital gadgets on the eyes, the first cause dryness and then there is stress on the muscles. In such a situation, ask children to blink while using their gadgets.

· Due to the small screen of the mobile, there is more stress on the eyes. The blue light emitted from it leaves a bad effect because it is closest to the eyes. In order to avoid dry eyes, apart from classes, ask children to keep a distance between the gadget and the eyes. Apart from this, ask to wash the eyes with plain water 4 to 5 times a day.

· Most of the children play video games on mobiles or other gadgets by turning off the lights at night due to the fear of parents. This is the most dangerous situation because due to the darkness in the room, the blue light of the gadget directly affects the eyes. Parents keep these things in mind.

Keep these things in mind to avoid backache, headache, and fatigue- 

1. Experts say that body posture should not be allowed to deteriorate during online classes. Due to this fatigue and back pain starts. To avoid this, choose such a chair so that the back remains in a straight line. 

2. Do not tilt your head or back over the gadgets. Gadgets should neither be too high above the eyes nor too low.

3. To avoid headaches and fatigue, you can walk into the room or balcony when class breaks. With this, eye fatigue will be removed and headaches will be avoided. 

4. Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water a day, you will find yourself energized. Parents should include yoga in their children's routine for better body posture.

Breastfeeding develops super ability to think and understand in both mother and child.....

In modern days the breastfeeding their babies has been taken as a social restriction to maintain beauty and figure to move in high societies. However, Nature provides the first food as mother milk to the babies but supporting breastfeeding especially in western countries is very minimal.  Indian women know the benefits of breastfeeding since the civilizations and this is why there is nothing to say about the parental care to their child for the Indian Mother. 

[Mother feeding to her baby]

But, nowadays, in India also, avoiding feeding to the child becomes fashion even in some societies and it has been taken as high profile matter. Women were found to avoid breastfeedings to maintain them to move in high societies for the long term. But do you know, breastfeeding develops super ability to think and understand in both mother and child. Breastfeeding is compulsory for developing a sharp mind in the child as claimed by American scientists. 

American scientists have told another benefit of breastfeeding in their research. Scientists say that mothers who breastfeed their babies have a lower risk of reducing their ability to think and understand. Scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, who conducted the research, say that not only the child, but the growing age mother also has a positive effect on the mother's brain. Researchers say that children of breastfed women may have better-thinking abilities than mothers who never breastfeed. 

Positive effect on the brain as well as the body- Researcher Molly Fox says, in many earlier studies, it was said that breast milk keeps the baby healthy for a long time, but our study also tells how it affects the mother's health if not feeding to baby. Research says that in women who breastfeed, even at the age of 50, their brain works better than women who do not breastfeed. Molly says the results of the research are alarming because the ability to think and understand decreases at the age of 50. The risk of Alzheimer's and dementia increases. 

The great benefits of mother's milk to the newborn-

Improves Immune System: Babies who drink breast milk within the first hour of birth have a 20% lower risk of early death. The child responds better to vaccination.

Decreases the risk of infection: Drinking breast milk reduces the risk of diarrhea in the baby. The risk of intestinal infection decreases by about 64%. Food allergies are less common in babies who are breastfed for 6 months and more.

• Improves respiratory system function: Breastfed babies have up to 72 percent lower risk of respiratory infections. The risk of pneumonia, seasonal cold is less.

• Children's IQ remains high: Cholesterol and other fats are low in breast milk. There is better development of nerve tissue. The IQ level of such children is 2 to 5 points higher. That's how their heart works better.

Main b
enefits of breastfeeding-Breastfeeding reduce the mother's risk of heart disease by up to 10%. Similarly, the risk of breast cancer is reduced by 28% and the risk of arthritis by 50%.

Mother's milk gives protection to the baby in 1 year is as follows-

1. At birth: Mother's first milk provides immunity and gut protection.
2. After 6 weeks: Antibodies are found.
3. After 3 months: Calorie increases a lot.
4. After 6 months: Omega acids in milk increase. Due to this, the child's brain develops rapidly.
5. After 12 months: Higher levels of calories and omega acids, which aid in muscle and brain development.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Plastic particles found in the blood of cows and other animals and from them reaching to human... very dangerous....

Scientists have found microplastics in the blood of cows and pigs. Scientists claim that this is the first such case in the world. The research results suggest that there is a need to understand how much microplastic may be reaching humans. Researchers have warned that microplastics could accumulate in their organs and pass on to others through their milk. 

According to the Bridge University of Amsterdam, where, research has been conducted on12 cows and 6 pigs on a farm. During the research, fine particles of plastic were found in their blood. This danger is not only for animals, but it is a matter to think about for humans. These fine plastic particles can pass from one to another through the food chain. For example, there is a danger of it reaching humans from cow's milk. 

Researcher says that fine particles of plastic have been found in other animals before, but this is the first time that microplastic has been found in the blood of cows and pigs. The plastic present in the soil reaches the animals. Even the intestines cannot break down these particles; as a result, they reach the blood. They are so fine that it is difficult to see them with the naked eye. 

This is how microplastics are made-Researchers at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research in Greece say that 17,600 tons of plastic are removed from the sea every year. Of these, 84 percent of plastic is found on beaches and up to 16 percent in the depths of the ocean. It needs to be controlled. 

Researchers say microplastic particles are 5 mm or less in size. Microplastic particles are formed when plastic bottles and bags are broken or damaged. Apart from this, the particles released from the sole of the shoe when walking and the tire of the car during driving are also included in this.

Microplastic particles are present everywhere like water, food, and the surface of the land we touch. Through them, they reach the body. Scientists are trying to understand its dangers with the help of their research. 

Research from King's College London on microplastics says microplastic particles are also reaching the blood and body parts through the windpipe through the breath. The chemicals present in it are also causing inflammation in addition to making humans sick.

Plastic particles found in the umbilical cord- Recently, a surprising thing was revealed in the research of Italian scientists. Scientists said, for the first time, fine particles of plastic were found in the umbilical cord of a woman. These particles can have a bad effect on the health and development of the child in the future. Scientists are also working to control it.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Habits of using phones till late night cuasing big health issues due to disturbance in sleep….

Getting disturbed by sleep: The habit of using phones till late at night caused the country's sleep, and our India is second among the least sleepers, and it is seen due to sleep at late night there is a rift in the relationship also.

[Daily late night sleep can harm health]

In today's run-of-the-mill life, the routine of people has changed, along with their sleeping and waking habits are getting worse. People are so busy with their work that they are unable to complete their sleep. Even when people get a chance to get some sleep, they keep on forcibly awake. This is being called revenge bedtime procrastination, which is, forcibly avoiding sleep. Along with the health of the body, it is also spoiling the health of relationships.

What is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? In a survey by the US National Sleep Foundation, it was told that people stay up late for fun even after getting tired after working a lot throughout the day. The trend of forcibly waking up late at night increased among Indian youth. They stay up till midnight without even work. Because of this, we have become the second sleep-deprived country in the world. 

However, "Revenge bedtime procrastination” is an Internet phrase that was first used in China in 2016. Research is going on on this. But now researchers have come to the conclusion that after a tiring day watching TV as relief time, people keep awake for hours, assuming that they are relaxing themselves. Due to this psychology, they compromise with sleep.

What are the disadvantages of late night sleep - Not only does this harm our health, but in many ways, it is also affecting the relationship between husband and wife. The reason for staying up late at night includes talking to someone late at night on the phone, chatting, or watching a series on OTT. Sleep deprivation can be more harmful than you think. Deliberately sleeping late is not a disease like Insomnia, but it can lead to persistent lack of sleep and various problems arising from it.

Women lag behind in terms of sleep- Indian women are sleepless as compared to men. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 11 percent of men and 13 percent of women get less than 6 hours of sleep. Whereas, on average, women need 11 minutes more sleep than men. If men need 8 hours of sleep, then women should take 8 hours 11 minutes of sleep every day, otherwise, their health starts showing effect. 

Deteriorating relationships is merely due to late sleep- Deepali angel (original name hidden), a government bank employee, says that her husband is busy on the internet and smartphone instead of giving her time. Her husband is online all the time. They come home late at night and then engage in video calling or social sites. He does not get any time from his personal work. Because of this our relationship is getting spoiled.

Psychologists' thought of late night sleep- According to many Psychologists, people who do not get much free time during the day, usually wake up more at night. They forcibly wake up and do things like watching social media on the phone or watching TV. They feel that this 'my time' is their right and they want to claim their right on it. However, this me time is taking a toll on his physical and psychological health.

How to avoid this? No matter how much you knock but turn off the TV, put the phone to the side. Apart from this, turn off all the screens in your room. This will happen that the ongoing war between the mind and sleep will end and you will be able to sleep comfortably. So that you will not be inviting loss of sleep, heart problems, gaining weight, risk of diabetes, hormone imbalance, Decrease in immunity,  Fear of mental illness, and many more life-threatening diseases.

Stay healthy, stay safe…



e-cigarettes is very dangerous for the patients related cardiovascular diseases….

People try different ways to quit smoking addiction, even many people start smoking e-cigarettes. They believe that this will eliminate our urge to smoke, and there will be no harm to our health. 

Actually, the e-cigarette is a kind of electronic nicotine delivery system. The nicotine liquid in it does not burn, so there is no smoke. Vapor is emitted from this solution, which is inhaled and people feel like smoking. But research says that people who do this should be careful. 

It has been told in research that nicotine taken in this way immediately accelerates the rate of blood clot formation. In addition, it reduces the ability of small arteries to dilate, which increases heart rate and blood pressure. Nicotine also increases the level of hormones like adrenaline in the body and it also increases blood clotting. 

The research was presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress. Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, studied a group of 22 men and women aged 18 to 45 who smoked occasionally but were healthy. But after the use of e-cigarettes containing nicotine, short-term changes were found in them immediately. 

Gustaf Laitinen, a doctor at Helsingborg Hospital and researcher at Karolinska Institutet, said that our study shows that the effect of using e-cigarettes containing nicotine is similar to smoking conventional cigarettes. 

Long-term exposure to this type can cause the arteries to narrow or clog, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. So it would be better to say goodbye to e-cigarettes.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Some tips to increase the confidence of children by applying methods of good parenting…

Our children are facing mental as well as physical stress due to pandemics; they are staying at home for a long time. Many of the schools and colleges are now open for study but unable to give the good and effective environment of the study and our children are still in fear. 

Many Pharmaceutical companies claim to prepare vaccines for children and some companies started trials too. But, the arrival of vaccines in utility for children especially for this pandemic Covid still needs some more trials and practical as well as clinical studies. The online class is unable to fulfill the schooling desire of the children where they study, play, and perform many curricular activities. In this situation, it is very important to give them proper attention as good parents. 

Let us know what the methods of good parenting care. Parents must pay attention to these small things as per many experts’ opinions- 
1. Spend as much time as possible.

2.  Don't give negative feedback.

3. Be sure to appreciate. Being a parent is a big responsibility. There are a few things that parents should take special care of while raising their growing child. Many times parents say such things to their child, due to which his confidence becomes weak. We must avoid saying these things in front of the child. 

4. Don't count mistakes- Often parents start counting their children's mistakes in front of friends and relatives. This lowers the confidence of the children and these things sit in their minds. They start to think of themselves as weak. 

5. Don't make fun of kids in front of everyone- Never make the mistake of making fun of the child in front of everyone for not doing any work properly. This can break the spirit of the child and the next time the child may shy away from doing that work. Increase the confidence of the child in small and big efforts; this will motivate him to do good work.

6. No one is perfect- To increase the creativity of the child, teaching him new things, such as painting, planting, etc. This will keep your child engaged in different activities and will be creative. This will let you know what the child is interested in. 

7. Don't compare yourself to other kids-Every every child is different in itself. Every child has his own unique qualities. Do not compare your child with other children. By doing this the child's self-confidence will be low and the child may become irritable. The child may also fight with other children.

8. Instead of scolding or beating, explain with love- Instead of scolding or thrashing the child for making a mistake, explain it with love. Children understand the matter quickly with love instead of anger. Children are afraid of their parents by beating. Many children start feeling insecure about their parents. 

What is the psychiatrist's opinion about that- Many Psychotherapists say that parents themselves should behave in such a way that children consider them as their role models? If the parents themselves will be busy on the phone all day and ask the children to stay away from the phone, then the children will never listen to them. Secondly, you should never scold children in front of anyone, it lowers their confidence. Parents give quality time to children and teach them good habits with love.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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