
Sunday, April 19, 2020

COVID – 19: An alarming sign and messenger of Nature to warn humans:

 “Nature and Creatures both are made by GOD, so, Nature will not harm to the Creatures. The Creatures should also follow the same rule in order to maintain balances on Earth. If anyone either Nature or Creature crosses their limits, the chances of natural calamities may be many more .” 

Nature and creatures both have major diversities in their habitat. In Nature, plants and animals both have more similarities in their cellular structures. Both have sensation, feelings of happiness and sorrow. Both are getting affected by diseases. These are all not new things what actually I would like to say here but the question is that why GOD has given one more sense to Human beings to realize good or bad, Paap (sins) and Punyas (virtuous/good work), etc and based on those humans able to control all-powerful animals and also maintain plant families (Jungle). But it does not mean to misuse our brainpower to exploit the Nature and its Natural resources for the mere benefit of human ethnicity on Earth.

We have to apply our brain to safeguard the Nature as the entire creatures either minute or big have their own right for survival. The Natural resources like river, ponds pools, plants, mountain, etc always gives their contributions to the man in return man always try to destroy them. Whether it is not our moral duty to help the Ecosystem to maintain its food web and food chain? Why selfishness? Is it necessary to capture all-natural resources without any valid purposes and only for the fun of hunting to animals, destroying their habitat and making their life troublesome?

Today, COVID – 19 becomes a great problem for the entire World. A small, invisible, even not a complete creature but just a link between the living and nonliving things challenges to human survival why? Because man forgets his limits and due respect towards Nature. A man should consider Nature as Mother. A mother never make differences to her sons or daughter, elders or younger, similarly, it (Nature), will not allow harming other creature. Nature loves equally to all. Now, it is time to think about and correct our activities in order to not exploit Nature and Natural resources. It is very important to realize the eatable and non-eatable things.

As we know that many Shashtra explained how to respect the animal and plant on Earth. Again, we have to adopt give and take policies. Unidirectional treatment may harm Nature and its natural resources, for instance, it might take a lesson from “RAMAYANA” when Shri Sushain Vaidya prays to the Sanjeevani plant and requested to provide some leaves to treat Laxmana in the battle of Shri Ram and Ravana at Shri Lanka. 

We have to learn a lesson from our past behavior to nature and its creature and try not to repeat the same in order to escape such pandemic disease in the future.

 Let us pray for all !!  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


While sitting at home and facing lockdown due to pandemic COVID-19 and have some extra time to watch news. It is realized that our Nature losses tolerance capacity to adjust unwanted activities of human beings towards nature and its natural laws. Man has forgotten that every creature has equal right to survive on Earth. The Nature is also providing suitable food and dwellings to all by maintaining food chain on Earth. Our selfishness, over curiosity and misusing of brain has destroyed nature and natural resources. 

Many people among us might have visited jungle or seen adventure on T.V. Discovery Channel that a Lion, the king of Jungle even never hunt any animal until unless it really require for that but we the human, who actually require just 400 g food once a time to solve our hunger, just for taste, we destroyed a lot of creatures by killing them unnaturally and making them as food research materials. Really, it is very disgusting. 

In lockdown period, many news Chanel claiming that our river getting clean, tortoise hatching eggs, dolphin comes out on the seashore, jungle animal roaming on the road, air is cleaned due to less transport what it means that our nature recycling itself that may give boost in coming days to get good environment and we may think as "BOON" at the same time many loss of life due to death caused by  COVID -19 a declared pandemic that may be realized as "CURSE"
We have ever heard, that in ancient days when anybody got cursed by Mahatmas due to their unlawful activities and again the same person surrenders, the Mahatma himself give him point to reduce the effect of curses.
The lockdown (ekant vasa), social distancing (samajik durav), avoiding shaking hands (Indian culture mostly supports Namaskaram by joining hand together and not shaking hand), cleaning our hand and feet, washing face properly, wearing mask on the face etc had already been followed by the Jain Munis, Hindu Sadhus and others and that we may consider it as hint points to reduces the COVID - 19 curse.

Our Honourable Prime Minister of India has taken a proper action to save the life of the citizen of country. He is working restlessly to fight against the disease. He is asking only to cooperate him to stop spreading of this disease in the country. Not only for our Nation but also he is trying to save life of other countrymen by maximum possibilities whatever he can....We are very proud of him. He is the real leader of us.       

Let us discuss some main point that surely help in fighting with the CORONA as preventive measure and also supportive medicines.

1. We ourselves should strictly follow the advise of central/state government.
2. Download the Aarogya Setu app honestly in our phone
3. Boost our immune by taking more lukewarm water, orange juice, amla juice, citrus fruit juice, coconut water etc .
4. Turmeric added milk (haldi- doodh) approx 200 ml after food at bed time to boost our immune  system as it is a natural antibiotics, detoxifying agent.
5. Take one spoon of Chyavanprash after breakfast or 3 numbers of black dates before food with lukewarm water.
6.  Start your day by drinking hot water only.
7.  Avoid cold drinks, ice cream and other dairy products.
8.  Avoid using air conditioner in office and at home. 
9.  Gargle with hot water plus table salt is also helpful to avoid incubation period of viruses or bacteria in throat.

The above precaution is just a preventive measure. We must follow the guidelines as announced by the Government .

Stay at Home and Maintain good Health .

सनातन धर्म और विज्ञान - मंदिर में दर्शन के बाद बाहर थोड़ी देर क्यों बैठा जाता है?

मंदिर में दर्शन के बाद बाहर थोड़ी देर क्यों बैठा जाता है?

बड़े बुजुर्ग कहते हैं कि जब भी किसी मंदिर में दर्शन के लिए जाएं तो दर्शन करने के बाद बाहर आकर मंदिर की पेडी या ऑटले पर थोड़ी देर बैठते हैं । क्या आप जानते हैं इस परंपरा का क्या कारण है?

आजकल तो लोग मंदिर की पैड़ी पर बैठकर अपने घर की व्यापार की राजनीति की चर्चा करते हैं परंतु यह प्राचीन परंपरा एक विशेष उद्देश्य के लिए बनाई गई । वास्तव में मंदिर की पैड़ी पर बैठ कर के हमें एक श्लोक बोलना चाहिए। यह श्लोक आजकल के लोग भूल गए हैं । आप इस लोक को सुनें और आने वाली पीढ़ी को भी इसे बताएं । यह श्लोक इस प्रकार है -

अनायासेन मरणम् ,बिना देन्येन जीवनम्।
देहान्त तव सानिध्यम्, देहि मे परमेश्वरम् ।।

इस श्लोक का अर्थ है *अनायासेन मरणम्* अर्थात बिना तकलीफ के हमारी मृत्यु हो और हम कभी भी बीमार होकर बिस्तर पर पड़े - पड़े ,कष्ट उठाकर मृत्यु को प्राप्त ना हों अपितु चलते फिरते ही हमारे प्राण निकल जाएं ।

*बिना देन्येन जीवनम्* अर्थात परवशता का जीवन ना हो मतलब हमें कभी किसी के सहारे ना पड़े रहना पड़े। जैसे कि लकवा हो जाने पर व्यक्ति दूसरे पर आश्रित हो जाता है वैसे परवश या बेबस ना हो । ठाकुर जी की कृपा से बिना भीख के ही जीवन बसर हो सके ।

*देहांते तव सानिध्यम* अर्थात जब भी मृत्यु हो तब भगवान के सम्मुख हो। जैसे भीष्म पितामह की मृत्यु के समय स्वयं ठाकुर जी उनके सम्मुख जाकर खड़े हो गए। उनके दर्शन करते हुए प्राण निकले ।

*देहि में परमेशवरम्* हे परमेश्वर ऐसा वरदान हमें देना ।

यह प्रार्थना करें गाड़ी ,लाडी ,लड़का ,लड़की, पति, पत्नी ,घर धन यह नहीं मांगना है यह तो भगवान आप की पात्रता के हिसाब से स्वयं आपको देते हैं । इसीलिए दर्शन करने के बाद बैठकर उपरोक्त प्रार्थना अवश्य करनी चाहिए । यह प्रार्थना है, याचना नहीं है । याचना सांसारिक पदार्थों के लिए होती है जैसे कि घर, व्यापार, नौकरी ,पुत्र ,पुत्री ,सांसारिक सुख, धन या अन्य बातों के लिए जो मांग की जाती है वह याचना है वह भीख है।

हम प्रार्थना करते हैं और प्रार्थना का विशेष अर्थ होता है अर्थात विशिष्ट, श्रेष्ठ । अर्थना अर्थात निवेदन। ठाकुर जी से प्रार्थना करें और प्रार्थना क्या करना है , बस ऊपर बताये हुए श्लोक बोलना है।

"जब हम मंदिर में दर्शन करने जाते हैं तो खुली आंखों से भगवान को देखना चाहिए, निहारना चाहिए । उनके दर्शन करना चाहिए। कुछ लोग वहां आंखें बंद करके खड़े रहते हैं । आंखें बंद क्यों करना अरे  हम तो दर्शन करने आए हैं । भगवान के स्वरूप का, श्री चरणों का ,मुखारविंद का, श्रंगार का, संपूर्णानंद लें । आंखों में भर ले स्वरूप को । दर्शन करें और दर्शन के बाद जब बाहर आकर बैठे तब नेत्र बंद करके जो दर्शन किए हैं उस स्वरूप का ध्यान करें।"

 *मंदिर में नेत्र नहीं बंद करना । बाहर आने के बाद पैड़ी पर बैठकर जब ठाकुर जी का ध्यान करें तब नेत्र बंद करें और अगर ठाकुर जी का स्वरूप ध्यान में नहीं आए तो दोबारा मंदिर में जाएं* और भगवान का दर्शन करें । नेत्रों को बंद करने के पश्चात उपरोक्त श्लोक का पाठ करें।

जय श्री कृष्ण। 
जय जय श्री राधे। 

सनातन धर्म और विज्ञान - एक अकाट्य सत्य :

सनातन धर्म और विज्ञान - एक अकाट्य सत्य :
रावण द्वारा सीता हरण करके श्रीलंका जाते समय पुष्पक विमान का मार्ग क्या था ?
उस मार्ग में कौनसा वैज्ञानिक रहस्य छुपा हुआ है ?
उस मार्ग के बारे में हज़ारों साल पहले कैसे जानकारी थी ?
जो भी आजकल श्री रामानंद सागर जी द्वारा निर्मित रामायण का लॉक डाउन के समय आनंद उठा रहे हैं।  उनके मन में निम्न लिखित जानकारी सोने में सुहागा का काम करेगी। 
एक बात को मैं और स्पष्ट कर देना चाहता हूँ कि रामायण न तो एक इतिहास है और न एक काव्य अपितु यह एक सच्ची घटना है जिसको सभी को जानना चाहिए। जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं कि सनातन धर्म की स्थापना का उचित अवलोकन नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि यह प्रभु श्री राम और भगवान  श्री कृष्ण के धरती पर प्रकाट्य के पूर्व  से ही है। यदि हम प्रभु श्री राम जी के पूर्वजों की वंशावली का अवलोकन करें , तो यह विदित होता है, कि यह सनातन धर्म अति प्राचीन है।  

आइये हम सब विषय पर बात कर लें । 

रावण ने माँ सीता का अपहरण पंचवटी (नासिक, महाराष्ट्र) से किया और पुष्पक विमान द्वारा हम्पी (कर्नाटका), लेपक्षी (आँध्रप्रदेश ) होते हुए श्रीलंका ले गया | 

आश्चर्य होता है, जब हम आधुनिक तकनीक से देखते हैं की नासिक, हम्पी, लेपक्षी और श्रीलंका बिलकुल एक सीधी लाइन में हैं | अर्थात ये पंचवटी से श्रीलंका जाने का सबसे छोटा रास्ता है |
अब आप ये सोचिये उस समय Google Map नहीं था जो Shortest Way बता देता | फिर कैसे उस समय ये पता किया गया की सबसे छोटा और सीधा मार्ग कौनसा है ?
यदि थोड़ी देर के लिए यह मान लें  कि रामायण केवल एक महाकाव्य है जो वाल्मीकि ने लिखा, तो फिर ये बताइये कि उस ज़माने में भी गूगल मैप नहीं था तो रामायण लिखने वाले वाल्मीकि को कैसे पता लगा की पंचवटी से श्रीलंका का सीधा छोटा रास्ता कौनसा है ?
महाकाव्य में तो किन्ही भी स्थानों का ज़िक्र घटनाओं को बताने के लिए आ जाता |
लेकिन क्यों वाल्मीकि जी ने सीता हरण के लिए केवल उन्ही स्थानों का ज़िक्र किया जो पुष्पक विमान का सबसे छोटा और बिलकुल सीधा रास्ता था ?

ये ठीक वैसे ही है की आज से 500 साल पहले गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी को कैसे पता की पृथ्वी से सूर्य की दूरी क्या है ? (जुग सहस्त्र जोजन पर भानु = 152 मिलियन किमी - हनुमानचालीसा), 
जबकि नासा ने हाल ही कुछ वर्षों में इस दूरी का पता लगाया है |

अब आगे देखिये... 
पंचवटी वो स्थान है जहां प्रभु श्री राम, माता जानकी और भ्राता लक्ष्मण वनवास के समय रह रहे थे |
यहीं शूर्पणखा आई और लक्ष्मण से विवाह करने के लिए उपद्रव करने लगी तब विवश होकर लक्ष्मण ने शूपर्णखा की नाक यानी नासिका काट दी |
और आज इस स्थान को हम नासिक (महाराष्ट्र) के नाम से जानते हैं | आगे चलिए...

पुष्पक विमान में जाते हुए सीता जी ने नीचे देखा की एक पर्वत के शिखर पर बैठे हुए कुछ वानर ऊपर की ओर कौतुहल से देख रहे हैं तो सीता जी ने अपने वस्त्र की कोर फाड़कर उसमे अपने कंगन बांधकर नीचे फ़ेंक दिए, ताकि राम को उन्हें ढूढ़ने में सहायता प्राप्त हो सके |
जिस स्थान पर सीताजी ने उन वानरों को ये आभूषण फेंके वो स्थान था 'ऋष्यमूक पर्वत' जो आज के हम्पी (कर्नाटक) में स्थित है |

इसके बाद | वृद्ध गीधराज जटायु ने रोती हुई और असहाय सीता जी को देखा, देखा कि  कोई राक्षस किसी स्त्री को बलात अपने विमान में लेके जा रहा है |
जटायु ने सीता को छुड़ाने के लिए रावण से घोर युद्ध किया था | रावण ने तलवार से जटायु के पंख काट दिए |
इसके बाद जब प्रभु राम और लक्ष्मण सीता जी को ढूंढते हुए पहुंचे तो उन्होंने दूर से ही जटायु को सबसे पहला सम्बोधन 'हे पक्षी' कहते हुए किया | और उस जगह का नाम दक्षिण भाषा में 'लेपक्षी' (आंधप्रदेश) है |

अब क्या समझ आया ? पंचवटी---हम्पी---लेपक्षी---श्रीलंका | सीधा रास्ता | सबसे छोटा रास्ता |

अपने ज्ञान-विज्ञान, संस्कृति को भूल चुके भारतबन्धुओं रामायण कोई मायथोलोजी नहीं है |
ये महर्षि वाल्मीकि द्वारा लिखा गया सत्य इतिहास है | जिसके समस्त वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण आज उपलब्ध हैं |
इसलिए जब भी कोई हमारे इतिहास, संस्कृति, साहित्य को मायथोलोजी कहकर लोगो को भ्रमित करने का या खुद को विद्वान दिखाने का प्रयास करे तो उससे उपरोक्त  सवालों के जवाब पूछना | विश्वास करियेगा , एक का भी जवाब नहीं दे पायेगा |

जब भी टी. वी.  पर रामायण देखें तो ये ना सोचें की कथा चल रही है बल्कि निरंतर ये ध्यान रखें की ये हमारा इतिहास चल रहा है | इस दृष्टि से रामायण देखें और समझें |
विशेष आवश्यक ये कि यही दृष्टि हमारे बच्चों को दें, बच्चों को ये बात बोलकर कम से कम एक-दो बार कहें कि 'बच्चो ये कथा कहानी नहीं है, ये हमारा सत्य इतिहास है, जिसको आत्मसात करने की आवश्यकता है |

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Kapha - Jwara Kadha (Kabasura Kudineer) - Siddha Shashtric Medicine; a hope of supportive treatment for COVID - 19

Kapha - Jwara Kadha (Kabasura Kudineer)  - Siddha Shashtric Medicine; a hope of supportive treatment for COVID - 19

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Prime Minister of India, who has taken utmost effort and precautions to save the citizens of India. Today, we are in safe mode because of his restless efforts and pure dedication towards the Nation. 

Every citizen should understand their duties and responsibilities to make a successful fight against COVID -19. Our Prime Minister of India's role is like Rama's to build Setu over the Ocean. Small contributions may also play a key role if performed in a correct manner. Let us be a small squirrel to help Rama during his Setu building over the ocean. Considering this in the mind, I decided to write these articles to make them beneficial to citizens of India.

World Health Organization had already announced COVID-19 as a Pandemic. It is a very troublesome period to fight the disease in the absence of suitable medicines and vaccines.  The treatment is carried out based on supportive medicines and extra intensive care. Previously, it was told that this disease is highly affecting to senior citizens or people; suffering from any cordial, renal, or diabetic problem but later on, it was shown that many middle-aged people even children are not found safe with this COVID – 19. All over the world, many attempts are being made to make the vaccine and other antidotes to get rid of these pandemic situations but it will surely take more time as it has to cross many more trials on several levels.

As we know that the Siddha, a part of AYUSH, is very popularly practiced in South India especially in Tamil Nadu. Due to many important and ancient literature had been written in Tamil, the people of other states of India is not much benefit from Siddha Medicines. When the world is suffering from COVID – 19, the Siddha System of Medicines has given hope to treat the patient as supportive measures other than the allopathic system.  
In the AYUSH system, many Siddha Practitioners suggested using Kabasura Kudineer as complementary medicines for two groups of people - those who are highly vulnerable to COVID-19 due to contacts or travel history and to those who are asymptomatic but have tested positive for COVID-19.  In their opinion, China has also been trying its traditional medicine in treating COVID-19. The Siddha Physician told that Kabasura Kudineer has no side effect as the drug is prepared by using 15 herbs and spices that had been used for a long time in Siddha for treating pneumonia-like symptoms that lead to severe complications including respiratory issues.
According to Siddha Physician, it may also be given twice a day for five days (in the correct doses) as a measure to safeguard from swine flu by improving immunity. The immunity developed by ‘Kabasura Kudineer’ will provide an effective remedy for a range of fevers, shivering, cough, nasal congestion, body pain, diarrhea, irritation and watering in eyes, laryngeal irritation, loss of taste, etc.,”  
In Siddha physiology, 'Kaba' or 'Kabam' represents one of the three subtle physiological principles existing in our body (Vatham, Pitham, Kabam), which need to be maintained in equilibrium for physical and mental well-being and an imbalance will cause diseases. Derangement of 'Kabam' generally correlates with signs and symptoms of the respiratory tract.' Sura' or 'Suram' means fever. 'Kudineer' represents a therapeutic recipe in the form of decoction.

In view of the above, we can understand the meaning of 'Kaba Sura Kudineer', i.e., a decoction indicated for the management of fever due to the derangement of 'Kabam'.
Different texts describe different signs and symptoms for 'Kaba Suram'.  

The medicine was in practice for more than 1000 years and it contains herbal ingredients only. Hence, no need to worry about its safety.

Kabasura Kudineer - Siddha Shashtric Medicine (Ref: Siddha Formulary of India Part - I)


      1.  Zingiber officinale (Rhizome)        -  Sonth       
       2.  Piper longum (Pippali)                 -   Dried .Fruit               
       3. Syzygium aromaticum (Laung)    -  Floral  Bud  
      4. Tragia involucrata (Pit Parni/Barhant ) - Root             
      5. Anacyclus pyrethrum (Akarkara)       - Root         
      6. Hygrophila auriculata (Talim Khana/Kokilaksha) - Root         
      7. Adathoda vasica (Vasa)      - Leaf               
      8. Plectranthus amboinicus  (Patharchur/Karpooravalli) - Leaf     
      9. Saussurea costus (Kutha/Kuth/Kust) - Root            
     10. Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy)  - Stem            
      11. Clerodendrum serratum (Bharani/Babhanaiti) - Root    
      12. Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh) – Whole plant     
      13. Cisampelos pareira  (Patha/Laghu patha)  - Root                        
      14. Cyperus rotundus (Motha)  - Rhizome              
      15. Terminalia chebula  (Harra/ Harad) – Dry Fruits without seeds        

Method of preparations - 

The ingredients should be fully dried and cleaned. The cleaned drugs should be taken in equal proportions (eg. 15 ingredients x 6.66 g = 100g approx.). All the ingredients are mixed well and ground coarsely. Now again mix well and keep it in a neat and well-cleaned container. this is called  ‘Kabasura Kudineer’. Now 20 g of  ‘Kabasura Kudineer’ mixture should be boiled with 1.5 liters of water and reduced to 200 ml. This should be given to patients in doses. For Adult., 15- 20 ml decoction twice a day after food; for children up to 10 years, 7-10 ml decoction twice a day after food. This decoction should not be given to children below 5 years without consulting the Siddha Physician. This decoction may be taken in lukewarm mode only; however, once prepared can be stored for 24 hours after that fresh preparation is only recommended.

I have simplified the preparations to the person who wishes to use the medicine as the prepared medicine might not be available in other parts of our country due to high demand.

 Stay healthy, stay safe

Thank you🌹😊

Friday, April 10, 2020

Ayurveda , the trust of securing life

Ayurveda is the complete science of life on Earth. It teaches us how to survive beautifully in the World along with other creatures without harming them. In ancient days, many saints, Sadhus, Munis, making their Aashrmas in jungle near the good resources of water like ponds, pools, rivers, etc. They making gurukulam to teach their students for all Vedas including the Ayurveda. Have you ever seen, chikitsak always made available in the taint with Aushadhi and lepa, arkas and kasayas to cure the warriors injured in the war. The Jadi- Buti (drug) was working well. Not only treating deep injury but also, they were able to control many epidemics, pandemic and many other diseases.

Nowadays, we have no time to review the contributions of many great mahatmas. Everyone runs behind the competition just like a battle to cope with their demand for the food, shelters and many more. We totally forget the natural rules and started to overrule the same in order to complete our unwanted desires and that's why, we are suffering from many natural calamities.

This is the time to learn from our loss and return back to cooperate the nature and give the right to all to survive along with us.

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