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Monday, January 2, 2023
Cow's Ghee Vs buffalo's Ghee - Which Ghee is to be eaten for good health ?
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Why heart attack cases are increasing in men only?
Why heart attack cases are increasing in men only? This question now becomes very serious and have to pay more attention to avoid such a situation. It has been seen that heart attack cases are increasing at young ages. Earlier heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases of the heart and arteries were seen only in old age people, but now it is frequently seen in the age of 40-45, even in more young youth of 25-30 years of age.
[Sign of Heart Attack] |
According to experts, if there is any kind of problem related to the heart, then running, exercising in the gym, and dancing can be fatal. According to the Indian Heart Association, over the years, the risk of heart attack has been seen in 50% of people below the age of 50 years and 25% in those below the age of 40 years.
The question is Only men are getting heart attacks? Actually, the basic nature of man and woman can be the reason for this. Women communicate, cry, laugh and rejoice. If women feel like dancing in happiness, then they express it. Men are the opposite. They hesitate to say something and do not let the thoughts of their mind come out. Men neither jump and cry in great happiness nor cry in sorrow. Sometimes someone cries even by mistake, and he is told that 'is he crying like a woman'.In such a situation, when the mind itself is not happy, can the upper strength of the body keep it healthy? A strong body and a weak mind actually become the cause of untimely death. Before opening the joints of hands and feet, open the heart. Before counting thousands of steps, take only four steps toward someone close to you. Communicate and don't think about who will take initiative for dialogue. If you communicate, then the feelings will remain and the feelings will give you the strength to remain positive. If you have feelings, then you will be able to express happiness, sorrow, surprise, all these in a better way and this expression only will keep you, your heart healthy. Save your mind from suffocation and let your heart breathe freely. Also, according to the report of the National Crime Records Bureau, the cases of heart attack in women are very less. It can be clearly understood that men are facing more problems related to the heart.
Why are heart diseases happening at a young age in men? Its wires are directly related to lifestyle.
1. Smoking and alcohol addiction: It causes symptoms of cardiovascular disease in youth. After this fat accumulates in the body and then he gets coronary heart disease. Blood pressure increases due to excessive consumption of alcohol, due to which the heart starts pumping due to its direct effect on the blood vessels. This increases the risk of having a heart attack.
2. Bad and unhygienic diet: Nowadays the pressure has increased so much in every field that the youth do not take care of their diet and routine before work. Due to this, many types of problems related to the heart surround. Excessive consumption of junk food is also taking a toll on the health of the youth. This increases the number of calories in the body, which has a direct effect on the heart.
3. More stress: Mental stress is also a reason. Workload directly affects the blood vessels. Due to this, people of young and middle age are becoming victims of diseases like blood pressure. People suffering from lack of sleep have a higher risk of a heart attack. People take more stressed and do not get enough sleep. Sleeping late at night and getting less than eight hours of sleep makes the heart sick.
4. Diabetes is also the reason: Doctors believe that diabetes can also be a major cause of heart disease in youth. India has the highest number of diabetic patients as compared to other countries. According to statistics, there were 7.7 crore diabetic patients in India in 2019. More than half of them are not even aware of their illness. The number of diabetic patients is expected to increase to more than 130 million by 2045.
Why are recent heart attacks seen only during gym and dance? The risk of heart attack is high for those people who have had diabetes or blood pressure problems for a long time. Actually, doing more work increases the risk of bursting of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries of the heart, due to which heart attack can occur. Heavy and strenuous workouts also put pressure on the chest, which can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack manifold. Therefore, do heavy exercise only under the supervision and advice of a specialist. Similarly, it is very important to take some precautions while dancing because during this time the heartbeat increases and due to this the pressure remains on the heart. If you are obese or suffering from hypertension, then suddenly doing high-intensity dance increases the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest.
Do not ignore if these symptoms reveal in your body: If there is a pain in the chest, back, throat and jaw, both shoulders, contact the doctor immediately. If there is confusion, sweating, shortness of breath, more difficulty in walking two steps, feeling nervous, more digestive problems, gas, extreme tiredness, dizziness, restlessness, problem in breathing, or rapid breathing, then these can be symptoms of a heart attack.
Stay healthy, stay safe...
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Winter Season and Guava benefits ...
The winter season brings many things to eat and drink as healthy foods. This season is considered very good for sightseeing as well as for food. Foodies eagerly wait for the cold season. Many such fruits and vegetables are available in winter, the consumption of which gives great benefits to our health. Guava is one of these seasonal fruits, and by consuming it we get countless benefits. Some of the benefits of eating Guava are as follows:
1. The risk of diabetes is less: The risk of diabetes and managing it well becomes a common task for everyone. In such a situation, consuming guava will be very beneficial. By eating guava, the blood sugar level is shown under control in many patients, which also reduces the risk of diabetes.
[Guava Fruit in whole and cutting views] |
2. Strong Immunity: As soon as the winter season comes, our immunity becomes very weak. In such a situation, if you include guava in your diet, it will prove to be very helpful in strengthening your immune system. Apart from this, vitamin C present in guava is also very effective in boosting metabolism.
3. Controlling Blood Pressure: Blood pressure even in young youth becomes common due to their lifestyle and the foodstyle. Apart from that, the young generations are facing high competition in their career settlement. In such a situation, eating guava may help to get rid of the problem of increasing blood pressure.
4. Prevention of piles and constipation: People are often seen to have problems with constipation, which can later turn into piles. In such a situation, eating guava rich in fiber gives a lot of relief from the problem of constipation, which can also prevent piles later.
5. Improve digestive system: Eating guava helps in getting rid of many digestive problems. Actually, there are many problems found associated with the digestive system like heartburn, vomiting, nausea, etc. In such a situation, guava will prove to be very helpful in getting relief from it.
Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice.
Monday, December 19, 2022
In comparison to men why do women live under so much stress ?
Compared to men, women are more worried, they get angry or tearful quickly, know why it is so? Dr. Sanjay Garg, Senior Psychologist at Fortis Hospital, Kolkata explains some of the main reasons why women are often upset and short-tempered -
1. The first important reason is that family people have more expectations from women; however, even an active woman has a limit to performing work. In routine life, monotonous work like kitchen, caring for children, husbands, and In-laws, etc also affects women's health and mood.
2. Can't even get enough sleep - Women need more sleep than men, but they often don't get enough. They have to wake up at a regular time in the morning to attend to household chores, whereas men generally make up for it by sleeping till late in the morning. On top of that if the wife is working then there is no chance to sleep even in the afternoon. It is an authentic scientific fact that a person can suffer from anxiety, stress, or depression due to lack of sleep. And in such a situation, if the husband tightens some kind of taunt or someone disturbs him, then it is natural for the wife (woman) to lose her temper.
3. Psychological causes of stress - Research conducted by Lantern, a web programming company, found that women are 11 percent more stressed and 16 percent more anxious than men. Family psychologist Amy Shoffner said in a report that the reason for the high-stress level in women is their attitude towards things or problems. Women do not move away from the person or thing that is causing them stress. They go into the depth of problems and get entangled in them again and again, which increases their stress level. Whereas men believe in 'fight or flight'. Another reason why stress is high in women is that they are perfectionists and also remember things for a long time. She does not forget anything easily and remains engrossed in her thoughts day and night. They are neither able to forgive themselves nor the person giving tension quickly. For example, if the child is late in taking the child to school, then the man will become normal after repenting for five minutes, but the woman remains in tension for at least 24 hours considering herself fault.
4. Women don't get attention - The (woman) wife wants the husband to take care of her and ask her to take care of herself. But this does not happen. Husbands are often busy with their own work or do not notice any problems of the wife, then she starts living under stress. If the husband does not pay attention to her stress, then she starts expressing her feelings openly and expresses anger. Whereas, the husband does not respond to her anger by keeping silent because his mind is hot at the moment. From a psychological point of view, this condition is called 'polarization'. Under this, the husband sticks to his thinking and the wife stick to her thinking.
5. Biological reasons also responsible- York Medical College Professor Dr. Paul J. Roche explains that hormone fluctuations are much greater in women than in men. Due to this, there is a problem of depression in them. Women are more involved in personal relationships, That's why they get frustrated and worried when there is even a slight disturbance in them. She takes care of everyone, so she also expects the same behavior, which is rarely possible.
6. More effects of sad syndrome- According to scientists, women get affected by SAD syndrome i.e. Seasonal Affective Disorder at least four times more than men. In fact, some people feel a change in mood when the weather changes. At such times, they feel depressed and energylessness and want to sleep for the maximum time, which is not possible for women. Sometimes the symptoms of this disease become very serious.
7. Things to be considered- From the psychological point of view, if it is certain that women are always under more stress, then there is a need to deal with this situation. Women should try themselves and men should also help. The biggest help that can be given to women is that men should not judge them by the yardstick of their attitude and attitude. Don't tell them 'be like me, don't take tension'.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
How much minimum sleep is necessary for a healthy personality...
In research, it was observed that sleeping less than 5 hours every night is dangerous. if the age is more than 50 years then there will be serious diseases, and the risk of death is up to 25%. If the age is over 50 years, getting 5 hours or less of sleep every night can be dangerous.
According to experts, anyone may be at risk of at least two serious diseases. This claim has been made in new research published in the Journal of PLOS Medicine. In this research, about 8,000 UK government employees had been included. They had not had any chronic i.e. long-lasting disease till the age of 50 years.
Scientists asked them to give information about their sleep and health for the next 25 years every 4 to 5 years. People whose sleep was tracked at age 50 had a 30% increased risk of chronic diseases if they slept 5 hours or less.
[Good sleep to stay healthy] |
These were compared to people who slept 7 hours a night. At the same time, this risk increased to 32% in 60 years and 40% in 70 years. The risk of death from not getting enough sleep was also found to be 25%. Risk of these diseases due to less sleep.
According to research, people who sleep less than 5 hours at night are at risk of diabetes, many types of cancer, heart disease, heart stroke, heart failure, lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, depression, forgetfulness, and Parkinson's. There is a risk of diseases, arthritis, and many mental disorders.
The growing problem in rich countries: Dr. Severin Sebia, the lead author of the research and research associate at the UCL Institute of Epidemiology, says "The trend of having many serious diseases simultaneously is seen to be increasing in high-income countries. More than half of the elderly here have at least two chronic diseases. This is a big challenge for health services, hospitals, and the entire health system".
How much sleep is necessary? According to Dr. Sebia, as people age, their sleep cycles also change. If you want to avoid chronic and serious diseases, it is necessary to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. More or less sleep than this is harmful to your health. To sleep well, the room should be dark, quiet, and at the right temperature. Do not eat anything heavy before sleeping and keep all electronic devices away from you.
Have a good sleep to stay healthy.
Friday, November 18, 2022
Computer chips and Ganoderma lucidum Mushrooms - New research
कई इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डिवाइस में लगने वाली कंप्यूटर चिप्स और बैटरीज में ऐसा प्लास्टिक इस्तेमाल होता है, जिसे रिसाइकिल नहीं किया जा सकता। मगर अब वैज्ञानिकों ने इस प्लास्टिक को बायोडिग्रेडेबल मटेरियल से बदलने का तरीका ढूंढ लिया है।
साइंस एडवांसेज जर्नल में प्रकाशित एक नई रिसर्च में ऑस्ट्रिया की जोहैनस केप्लर यूनिवर्सिटी के वैज्ञानिकों ने मशरूम की स्किन से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक सबस्ट्रेट बनाया है। सर्किट की बेस लेयर को सबस्ट्रेट कहते हैं। यह इलेक्ट्रिसिटी ट्रांसफर करने वाले मेटल्स को ठंडा और इंसुलेट करता है।
गैनोडर्मा लूसीडम मशरूम एक प्रकार की फंगस है, जो यूरोप और पूर्वी एशिया के सड़ते हुए पेड़ों पर उगती है। स्टडी में शामिल रिसर्चर्स डोरिस डैनिंगर और रोलैंड प्रकनर ने पाया कि ये मशरूम अपने सुरक्षित विकास के लिए जड़ जैसे नेटवर्क माइसेलियम से बनी त्वचा बना लेता है।
[Image : Ganoderma lucidum Mushrooms stock] |
वैज्ञानिकों ने प्लास्टिक की जगह इसी त्वचा को सुखाकर इस्तेमाल करना चाहा।रिसर्च में मशरूम की त्वचा को निकालकर सुखाया गया। रिसर्चर्स ने देखा कि यह लचीली और अच्छी इंसुलेटर है। यह इलेक्ट्रिकल सर्किट में भी अच्छे से काम करती है और आसानी से 200 डिग्री सेल्सियस तापमान सह लेती है। वैज्ञानिकों ने बताया कि कंप्यूटर चिप्स को बनाने में उन पेड़ों के मशरूम काम आएंगे, जो पूरी तरह बेकार चले जाते हैं। फिलहाल इससे बने सर्किट ऐसे इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डिवाइस में लगाए जा सकेंगे, जो ज्यादा समय नहीं चलते। इनमें वियरेबल सेंसर और रेडियो टैग शामिल हैं। मशरूम स्किन के कारण इन्हें रिसाइकिल भी किया जा सकेगा।
Warts and Ayurveda - simple to manage and treat.
In the modern system of medicine, warts are defined as small, fleshy, or hard bumps on the skin or mucous membranes caused by human papillomavirus. Warts are caused by various strains of human papillomaviruses.
[Wart in the index finger of a hand] |
Symptoms: The main symptom is a fleshy, painless growth on the skin. Common areas affected include the hands, feet, and genitals.
Treatment: It may include topical medication and removal through medical procedures.
However, in terms of Ayurveda, a wart is formed when Vayu and Kapha combine on the skin. When Vayu predominates, pain and roughness develop. With Pitta's dominance, they look blackish-red. If Kapha is in predominance, they look greasy, knotty, or the same color as the skin. Kapha creates soft skin and Pitta causes hard skin. They combine when following incompatible therapies for instance ingesting milk and salt together, and cause warts.
Therapies - Externally lemon juice or tea tree oil is applied to warts daily for several weeks till it cures.
Have a healthy life.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Insanity (Unmada) - causes, symptoms, therapies and recdovery - Best Ayurvedic treatment
इस नयी बीमारी का नाम बताया "स्क्रब टायफ़स"
रहस्यमयी बुखार 'स्क्रब टायफ़स'
विगत एक माह से उत्तरप्रदेश एक रहस्यमयी बुखार के संकट से जूझ रहा है. ये बुखार इतना वायरल है कि शायद ही उत्तरप्रदेश का कोई ऐसा घर हो जिसमें एक रोगी पीड़ित न निकले. लोग जूझ रहे हैं. ठीक भी हो रहे हैं. कुछ रोग की अज्ञानता में कोलैप्स भी कर जा रहे हैं. प्रदेश एक अघोषित पेन्डेमिक से गुज़र रहा है.
इस बुखार का रहस्य ये है कि सारे लक्षण डेंगू, चिकनगुनिया व मलेरिया से मिलते जुलते हैं पर जब टेस्ट कराइये तो सब निगेटिव आता है. क्योंकि बीमारी के लक्षण भले ही मिलते हों पर बीमारी अलग है.
विडंबना ये है कि बहुत से डॉक्टर भी वायरल मान कर उसका ट्रीटमेंट दे रहे हैं या डेंगू का ट्रीटमेंट दे रहे हैं. उनको भी रोग के विषय में नहीं मालूम.
(ये मैं इस आधार पर कह रही हूँ कि मेरे बेटे और मेरे पति, दोनों के बुखार को डेंगू समझ कर ट्रीटमेंट दिया गया. और दोनों ही सुप्रसिद्ध डॉक्टर्स के द्वारा दिया गया.)
जब 12 नवंबर को मुझे मुझमें लक्षण दिखे तो मुझे मेरे फैमिली डॉक्टर को दिखाया गया. उन्होंने मुझे इस नयी बीमारी का नाम बताया "स्क्रब टायफ़स"
फिर मैंने इस बीमारी के विषय में रिसर्च की और मुझे लगा कि इसको सबसे शेयर करना चाहिये क्योंकि मेरे कुछ बहुत ही अजीज़ लोगों की मृत्यु का समाचार मिल चुका है मुझे.
स्क्रब टायफ़स के संक्रमण का कारण:-
▪️थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिक माइट्स या chigger नामक कीड़े की लार में orientia tsutsugamushi नामक बैक्टीरिया होता है, जो स्क्रब टायफ़स का कारण है. इसी के काटने से ये फैलता है. इन कीड़ों को सामान्य भाषा में कुटकी या पिस्सू कहते हैं. इनकी साइज़ 0.2 mm होती है.
▪️संक्रमण का incubation period 6 से 20 दिन का होता है. अर्थात कीड़े के काटने के 6 से 20 दिन के अंदर लक्षण दिखना शुरू होते हैं.
स्क्रब टायफ़स के लक्षण:-
(इसके लक्षण डेंगू, चिकनगुनिया और मलेरिया सभी के मिले जुले लक्षण हैं)
▪️ठण्ड दे कर तेज़ बुखार आना
▪️बुखार का फिक्स हो जाना, सामान्य पैरासिटामोल से भी उसका न उतरना
▪️शरीर के सभी जोड़ों में असहनीय दर्द व अकड़न होना
▪️मांसपेशियों में असहनीय पीड़ा व अकड़न
▪️तेज़ सिर दर्द होना
▪️शरीर पर लाल रैशेज़ होना
▪️रक्त में प्लेटलेट्स का तेज़ी से गिरना
▪️मनोदशा में बदलाव, भ्रम की स्थिति (कई बार कोमा भी)
Timely पहचान व उपचार न मिलने पर
▪️मल्टी ऑर्गन फेलियर
▪️कंजेस्टिव हार्ट फेलियर
▪️सरकुलेटरी कोलैप्स
सही इलाज न मिलने पर 30 से 35% की मृत्युदर तथा 53% केस में मल्टी ऑर्गन डिसफंक्शनल सिंड्रोम की पूरी सम्भावना
कैसे पता लगाएं:-
Scrub antibody - Igm Elisa नामक ब्लड टेस्ट से इस रोग का पता लगता है. (सब डेंगू NS1 टेस्ट करवाते हैं और वो निगेटिव आता है.)
जिस प्रकार डेंगू का कोई स्पेसिफिक ट्रीटमेंट नहीं है वैसे ही स्क्रब टायफ़स का भी अपना कोई इलाज नहीं है.
▪️अगर समय पर पहचान हो जाए तो doxycycline नामक एंटीबायोटिक दे कर डॉक्टर स्थिति को नियंत्रित कर लेते हैं.
▪️पेशेंट को नॉर्मल पैरासिटामोल टैबलेट उसके शरीर की आवश्यकता के अनुसार दी जाती है.
▪️ बुखार तेज़ होने पर शरीर को स्पंज करने की सलाह दी जाती है.
▪️शरीर में तरलता का स्तर मेन्टेन रखने के लिए पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी, ORS, फलों के रस, नारियल पानी, सूप, दाल आदि के सेवन की सलाह दी जाती है.
▪️लाल रैशेज़ होने पर कैलामाइन युक्त लोशन लगाएं.
▪️रेग्युलर प्लेटलेट्स की जाँच अवश्यक है क्योंकि खतरा तब ही होता है जब रक्त में प्लेटलेट्स 50k से नीचे पहुँच जाती हैं.
▪️आवश्यकता होने पर तुरंत मरीज़ को हॉस्पिटल में एडमिट करना उचित है.
▪️स्क्रब टायफ़स से बचाव की कोई भी वैक्सीन अब तक उपलब्ध नहीं है.
▪️संक्रमित कीड़ों से बचने के लिए फुल ट्रॉउज़र, शर्ट, मोज़े व जूते पहन कर ही बाहर निकलें.
▪️शरीर के खुले अंगों पर ओडोमॉस का प्रयोग करें.
▪️घर के आस पास, नाली, कूड़े के ढेर, झाड़ियों, घास फूस आदि की भली प्रकार सफाई करवाएं. कीटनाशकों का छिड़काव करवाएं.
▪️अपने एरिया की म्युनिसिपालिटी को सूचित कर फॉग मशीन का संचरण करवाएं.
▪️स्क्रब टायफ़स एक रोगी से दूसरे रोगी में नहीं फैलता. सिर्फ और सिर्फ चिगर नामक कीड़े के काटने पर ही व्यक्ति इससे संक्रमित हो सकता है.
✒️दिव्या मिश्रा राय
(कृपया इस जानकारी को आगे बढ़ाने में मेरा सहयोग करें. क्या मालूम किसके काम आ जाए और किसी की जान बच जाए)
This article is included because of the desire of Author as she requested to forward in public to make helath awareness. Need not to be panic.Many advance life care technologies already in medical field but request you all not to take self medication. Consult your doctor first and follow their opinion. Every thing will be alright.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
A unique technique to identify and authenticate genuine material used in preparation of AYUSH medicines -Part 1
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Wednesday, September 7, 2022
NCERT conducts mental health survey on children and observed that 81% of children suferred with anxiety due to fear of their study, exam and result
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Burning sensation when urinating and UTI, more common in woman during rainy season
- Stay hydrated.
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Drink plenty of water.
- Cranberry juice can help, but don't overdo it.
- Empty your bladder after sexual intercourse.
- Do not use douches! They can be irritating to the flora in your urethra thus causing an imbalance.
- Make sure to wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from spreading.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Excess Iron in brain can develop many diseases – A new study.
Iron overload, usually caused by the genetic condition hereditary hemochromatosis, can cause a wide number of health issues, but this study sheds light on its impact on the brain.
Research has been conducted by the researchers based on the studied data gathered by the UK Biobank to see if hereditary hemochromatosis and the subsequent iron overload had an impact on the brain. In the study, it was observed that some people with two copies of the HFE gene mutation, meaning they would have hereditary hemochromatosis, had iron buildup in the brain. While studying the iron deposition seen in the brain's motor circuits. The researchers concluded that the iron buildup in the brain was linked to a higher risk of developing movement disorders.
According to a new study, the iron buildup in the brain may have a higher risk of developing movement disorders like Parkinson's disease But interestingly, the increased risk for movement disorders was only present in males. However, this isn't too surprising, as the iron buildup in males will almost always be more severe due to the lack of mensuration.
These findings hold implications for the further extent of how hereditary hemochromatosis and iron overload can impact the body and how they can lead to movement disorders. But even more importantly, the importance of the findings for medical purposes is especially notable because they can be applied immediately - after all, the safe and approved treatments for iron overload already exist.
Usually overloading iron in the brain is caused by the genetic condition hereditary hemochromatosis, and develops a wide number of health issues. The findings of this study were published in the peer-reviewed academic journal JAMA Neurology. Before explaining hereditary haemochromatosis, it's important to understand the role of iron in the human body.
Iron is an essential mineral that the body needs to function, and it is especially prevalent in the human blood. This, in turn, is why the level of iron in the body must be balanced and controlled. The exact amount of iron needed in the body can vary, but it usually tends to be just 4-5 grams of iron, with 2.5 being used to bring oxygen into the blood and the rest being used in cells throughout the body, especially the liver, spleen and bone marrow - the former of which is where the primary iron reserve storage.
Much research has already been conducted on what happens when iron levels in the body are too low, which is known as iron deficiency, something that is generally more common among those who menstruate due to the loss of blood.
Further, there is also a significant amount of research that has been done on how to compensate for this, which can be done in the form of iron supplements or making sure one's diet contains a necessary amount of iron. Indeed, food is the main source of iron. But less well-known, especially among the general public, is that it is also possible for the body to have too much iron, which is known as iron overload or hemochromatosis. This can happen in a few days, such as repeated blood transfusions, too much dietary iron, or too many iron supplements. But hereditary hemochromatosis is the most well-known means for this to happen. This condition is genetic and is linked to a specific gene, the HFE gene, and is most common among those of Celtic descent. Both parents would need to have the gene for it to manifest as the condition, similar to other genetic conditions like Tay-Sachs disease.
Hereditary hemochromatosis essentially causes the body to absorb far too much iron from food, increasing the amount of iron in the body. Unlike iron deficiencies, which can be solved by simply having more iron, iron overloads are harder to solve because humans don't actually have a way to release the excess iron outside of menstruation and pregnancy. In fact, the ability of menstruation and pregnancy to release excess iron from the body is why symptoms appear in people who menstruate much later than in others, really only appearing after menopause.
However, according to the study, symptoms tend to appear late across the board, with males on average only showing symptoms after the age of 40 and females after the age of 60. When undergoing iron overload, the iron will accumulate in the body, often in the liver, skin, heart, thyroid, pituitary gland, and more. This, in turn, is linked to numerous other symptoms and diseases. These include, but are not limited to:
· Joint
and abdominal pain
· Liver
· Liver
· Arthritis
· Diabetes
· Severe
fatigue and weakness
· The
skin turning bronze or gray color
· Abdominal
· Lack
of sex drive
· Liver
· Heart
· Erectile
dysfunction and sexual impotence
· Memory fog
Considering how many of these conditions can be life-threatening, treating hereditary hemochromatosis is very important.
Treatment- Blood donation under consultancy with your doctor is the best treatment as any iron overload can simply be prevented by getting phlebotomy (essentially bloodletting, just safely getting rid of blood in comparable amounts to a blood donation) on a regular periodic basis - sometimes just a couple of times a year. Apart from that medications also exist, and diets used to limit iron intake can help as well.
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