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Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Insanity (Unmada) - causes, symptoms, therapies and recdovery - Best Ayurvedic treatment
इस नयी बीमारी का नाम बताया "स्क्रब टायफ़स"
रहस्यमयी बुखार 'स्क्रब टायफ़स'
विगत एक माह से उत्तरप्रदेश एक रहस्यमयी बुखार के संकट से जूझ रहा है. ये बुखार इतना वायरल है कि शायद ही उत्तरप्रदेश का कोई ऐसा घर हो जिसमें एक रोगी पीड़ित न निकले. लोग जूझ रहे हैं. ठीक भी हो रहे हैं. कुछ रोग की अज्ञानता में कोलैप्स भी कर जा रहे हैं. प्रदेश एक अघोषित पेन्डेमिक से गुज़र रहा है.
इस बुखार का रहस्य ये है कि सारे लक्षण डेंगू, चिकनगुनिया व मलेरिया से मिलते जुलते हैं पर जब टेस्ट कराइये तो सब निगेटिव आता है. क्योंकि बीमारी के लक्षण भले ही मिलते हों पर बीमारी अलग है.
विडंबना ये है कि बहुत से डॉक्टर भी वायरल मान कर उसका ट्रीटमेंट दे रहे हैं या डेंगू का ट्रीटमेंट दे रहे हैं. उनको भी रोग के विषय में नहीं मालूम.
(ये मैं इस आधार पर कह रही हूँ कि मेरे बेटे और मेरे पति, दोनों के बुखार को डेंगू समझ कर ट्रीटमेंट दिया गया. और दोनों ही सुप्रसिद्ध डॉक्टर्स के द्वारा दिया गया.)
जब 12 नवंबर को मुझे मुझमें लक्षण दिखे तो मुझे मेरे फैमिली डॉक्टर को दिखाया गया. उन्होंने मुझे इस नयी बीमारी का नाम बताया "स्क्रब टायफ़स"
फिर मैंने इस बीमारी के विषय में रिसर्च की और मुझे लगा कि इसको सबसे शेयर करना चाहिये क्योंकि मेरे कुछ बहुत ही अजीज़ लोगों की मृत्यु का समाचार मिल चुका है मुझे.
स्क्रब टायफ़स के संक्रमण का कारण:-
▪️थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिक माइट्स या chigger नामक कीड़े की लार में orientia tsutsugamushi नामक बैक्टीरिया होता है, जो स्क्रब टायफ़स का कारण है. इसी के काटने से ये फैलता है. इन कीड़ों को सामान्य भाषा में कुटकी या पिस्सू कहते हैं. इनकी साइज़ 0.2 mm होती है.
▪️संक्रमण का incubation period 6 से 20 दिन का होता है. अर्थात कीड़े के काटने के 6 से 20 दिन के अंदर लक्षण दिखना शुरू होते हैं.
स्क्रब टायफ़स के लक्षण:-
(इसके लक्षण डेंगू, चिकनगुनिया और मलेरिया सभी के मिले जुले लक्षण हैं)
▪️ठण्ड दे कर तेज़ बुखार आना
▪️बुखार का फिक्स हो जाना, सामान्य पैरासिटामोल से भी उसका न उतरना
▪️शरीर के सभी जोड़ों में असहनीय दर्द व अकड़न होना
▪️मांसपेशियों में असहनीय पीड़ा व अकड़न
▪️तेज़ सिर दर्द होना
▪️शरीर पर लाल रैशेज़ होना
▪️रक्त में प्लेटलेट्स का तेज़ी से गिरना
▪️मनोदशा में बदलाव, भ्रम की स्थिति (कई बार कोमा भी)
Timely पहचान व उपचार न मिलने पर
▪️मल्टी ऑर्गन फेलियर
▪️कंजेस्टिव हार्ट फेलियर
▪️सरकुलेटरी कोलैप्स
सही इलाज न मिलने पर 30 से 35% की मृत्युदर तथा 53% केस में मल्टी ऑर्गन डिसफंक्शनल सिंड्रोम की पूरी सम्भावना
कैसे पता लगाएं:-
Scrub antibody - Igm Elisa नामक ब्लड टेस्ट से इस रोग का पता लगता है. (सब डेंगू NS1 टेस्ट करवाते हैं और वो निगेटिव आता है.)
जिस प्रकार डेंगू का कोई स्पेसिफिक ट्रीटमेंट नहीं है वैसे ही स्क्रब टायफ़स का भी अपना कोई इलाज नहीं है.
▪️अगर समय पर पहचान हो जाए तो doxycycline नामक एंटीबायोटिक दे कर डॉक्टर स्थिति को नियंत्रित कर लेते हैं.
▪️पेशेंट को नॉर्मल पैरासिटामोल टैबलेट उसके शरीर की आवश्यकता के अनुसार दी जाती है.
▪️ बुखार तेज़ होने पर शरीर को स्पंज करने की सलाह दी जाती है.
▪️शरीर में तरलता का स्तर मेन्टेन रखने के लिए पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी, ORS, फलों के रस, नारियल पानी, सूप, दाल आदि के सेवन की सलाह दी जाती है.
▪️लाल रैशेज़ होने पर कैलामाइन युक्त लोशन लगाएं.
▪️रेग्युलर प्लेटलेट्स की जाँच अवश्यक है क्योंकि खतरा तब ही होता है जब रक्त में प्लेटलेट्स 50k से नीचे पहुँच जाती हैं.
▪️आवश्यकता होने पर तुरंत मरीज़ को हॉस्पिटल में एडमिट करना उचित है.
▪️स्क्रब टायफ़स से बचाव की कोई भी वैक्सीन अब तक उपलब्ध नहीं है.
▪️संक्रमित कीड़ों से बचने के लिए फुल ट्रॉउज़र, शर्ट, मोज़े व जूते पहन कर ही बाहर निकलें.
▪️शरीर के खुले अंगों पर ओडोमॉस का प्रयोग करें.
▪️घर के आस पास, नाली, कूड़े के ढेर, झाड़ियों, घास फूस आदि की भली प्रकार सफाई करवाएं. कीटनाशकों का छिड़काव करवाएं.
▪️अपने एरिया की म्युनिसिपालिटी को सूचित कर फॉग मशीन का संचरण करवाएं.
▪️स्क्रब टायफ़स एक रोगी से दूसरे रोगी में नहीं फैलता. सिर्फ और सिर्फ चिगर नामक कीड़े के काटने पर ही व्यक्ति इससे संक्रमित हो सकता है.
✒️दिव्या मिश्रा राय
(कृपया इस जानकारी को आगे बढ़ाने में मेरा सहयोग करें. क्या मालूम किसके काम आ जाए और किसी की जान बच जाए)
This article is included because of the desire of Author as she requested to forward in public to make helath awareness. Need not to be panic.Many advance life care technologies already in medical field but request you all not to take self medication. Consult your doctor first and follow their opinion. Every thing will be alright.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
A unique technique to identify and authenticate genuine material used in preparation of AYUSH medicines -Part 1
2. |
3. |
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
NCERT conducts mental health survey on children and observed that 81% of children suferred with anxiety due to fear of their study, exam and result
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Burning sensation when urinating and UTI, more common in woman during rainy season
- Stay hydrated.
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Drink plenty of water.
- Cranberry juice can help, but don't overdo it.
- Empty your bladder after sexual intercourse.
- Do not use douches! They can be irritating to the flora in your urethra thus causing an imbalance.
- Make sure to wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from spreading.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Excess Iron in brain can develop many diseases – A new study.
Iron overload, usually caused by the genetic condition hereditary hemochromatosis, can cause a wide number of health issues, but this study sheds light on its impact on the brain.
Research has been conducted by the researchers based on the studied data gathered by the UK Biobank to see if hereditary hemochromatosis and the subsequent iron overload had an impact on the brain. In the study, it was observed that some people with two copies of the HFE gene mutation, meaning they would have hereditary hemochromatosis, had iron buildup in the brain. While studying the iron deposition seen in the brain's motor circuits. The researchers concluded that the iron buildup in the brain was linked to a higher risk of developing movement disorders.
According to a new study, the iron buildup in the brain may have a higher risk of developing movement disorders like Parkinson's disease But interestingly, the increased risk for movement disorders was only present in males. However, this isn't too surprising, as the iron buildup in males will almost always be more severe due to the lack of mensuration.
These findings hold implications for the further extent of how hereditary hemochromatosis and iron overload can impact the body and how they can lead to movement disorders. But even more importantly, the importance of the findings for medical purposes is especially notable because they can be applied immediately - after all, the safe and approved treatments for iron overload already exist.
Usually overloading iron in the brain is caused by the genetic condition hereditary hemochromatosis, and develops a wide number of health issues. The findings of this study were published in the peer-reviewed academic journal JAMA Neurology. Before explaining hereditary haemochromatosis, it's important to understand the role of iron in the human body.
Iron is an essential mineral that the body needs to function, and it is especially prevalent in the human blood. This, in turn, is why the level of iron in the body must be balanced and controlled. The exact amount of iron needed in the body can vary, but it usually tends to be just 4-5 grams of iron, with 2.5 being used to bring oxygen into the blood and the rest being used in cells throughout the body, especially the liver, spleen and bone marrow - the former of which is where the primary iron reserve storage.
Much research has already been conducted on what happens when iron levels in the body are too low, which is known as iron deficiency, something that is generally more common among those who menstruate due to the loss of blood.
Further, there is also a significant amount of research that has been done on how to compensate for this, which can be done in the form of iron supplements or making sure one's diet contains a necessary amount of iron. Indeed, food is the main source of iron. But less well-known, especially among the general public, is that it is also possible for the body to have too much iron, which is known as iron overload or hemochromatosis. This can happen in a few days, such as repeated blood transfusions, too much dietary iron, or too many iron supplements. But hereditary hemochromatosis is the most well-known means for this to happen. This condition is genetic and is linked to a specific gene, the HFE gene, and is most common among those of Celtic descent. Both parents would need to have the gene for it to manifest as the condition, similar to other genetic conditions like Tay-Sachs disease.
Hereditary hemochromatosis essentially causes the body to absorb far too much iron from food, increasing the amount of iron in the body. Unlike iron deficiencies, which can be solved by simply having more iron, iron overloads are harder to solve because humans don't actually have a way to release the excess iron outside of menstruation and pregnancy. In fact, the ability of menstruation and pregnancy to release excess iron from the body is why symptoms appear in people who menstruate much later than in others, really only appearing after menopause.
However, according to the study, symptoms tend to appear late across the board, with males on average only showing symptoms after the age of 40 and females after the age of 60. When undergoing iron overload, the iron will accumulate in the body, often in the liver, skin, heart, thyroid, pituitary gland, and more. This, in turn, is linked to numerous other symptoms and diseases. These include, but are not limited to:
· Joint
and abdominal pain
· Liver
· Liver
· Arthritis
· Diabetes
· Severe
fatigue and weakness
· The
skin turning bronze or gray color
· Abdominal
· Lack
of sex drive
· Liver
· Heart
· Erectile
dysfunction and sexual impotence
· Memory fog
Considering how many of these conditions can be life-threatening, treating hereditary hemochromatosis is very important.
Treatment- Blood donation under consultancy with your doctor is the best treatment as any iron overload can simply be prevented by getting phlebotomy (essentially bloodletting, just safely getting rid of blood in comparable amounts to a blood donation) on a regular periodic basis - sometimes just a couple of times a year. Apart from that medications also exist, and diets used to limit iron intake can help as well.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Long COVID Symptoms makes many changes like hair loss, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, etc in the body – a study report
A study reveals that the long Covid Symptoms
make many changes in the body. It includes hair loss and reduced libido. Other
symptoms included chest pain, fever, bowel incontinence, erectile dysfunction,
and limb swelling. About 2 million
people in the UK have persistent symptoms after COVID infection, termed
long COVID. They commonly reported long COVID symptoms, such as
fatigue and shortness of breath, which have a significant effect on people's
daily activities, quality of life, and capacity to work. But long COVID symptoms are much broader than
this. In a new study published in the journal, Nature Medicine 62
symptoms have been identified as associated with long COVID.
Much of
the initial work undertaken to understand long COVID has been among people who
were hospitalized, but most people infected with COVID have been managed
in primary care, therefore, it is known relatively little about long COVID in
people with typically milder initial infections. In the study, it has
been analyzed electronic primary care records from more than 450,000 people in
England with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID, and 1.9 million people with no
prior history of COVID, from January 2020 to April 2021. Both groups were
matched very closely in terms of their demographic, social, and clinical
characteristics, then, scientists assessed the relative differences in the
reporting of 115 symptoms to GPs. For those who had COVID, they measured this
at least 12 weeks after they were infected.
They found
that people who had been diagnosed with COVID were significantly more likely to
report 62 symptoms, only 20 of which are included in the World Health
Organization's clinical case definition for long
COVID. Some of these symptoms were expected, like loss of sense of
smell, shortness of breath, and fatigue. But some of the symptoms
that they found to be strongly associated with COVID beyond 12 weeks were
surprising and less well known, such as hair loss and reduced libido. Other
symptoms included chest pain, fever, bowel incontinence, erectile dysfunction,
and limb swelling.
These differences in
symptoms reported between the infected and uninfected groups remained even
after we accounted for age, sex, ethnic group, socioeconomic status, body mass
index, smoking status, the presence of more than 80 health conditions, and past
reporting of the same symptom.
They also found
that younger age, female sex, belonging to certain ethnic minority groups,
lower socioeconomic status, smoking, obesity, and a wide range of health
conditions were all associated with a higher risk of reporting persistent
symptoms more than 12 weeks after COVID infection.
Stay healthy, stay safe...
Are you Underweight? Know some healthy ways to gain body weight.
Monday, July 25, 2022
Eating disorders in children and preventive meausres
Eating disorders are more common in young children and can be seen in any age group. Eating disorders mean problems with the way a child eats. It can be stressful for the parents to deal with the child having an eating disorder as it can impact them mentally and physically children with eating disorders tend to experience adverse effects on nearly every organ in the body thus, timely treatment is key to helping children with eating disorders.
[Image showing Eating disorders] |
1. Anorexia Nervosa - This is an eating disorder wherein the weight of the child is below average for their age and height. Children with anorexia have a fear of getting fat or gaining weight. They tend to have a distorted body image, calling themselves “fat” even when very thin. Those with this issue tend to have mental health problems like mood disorders, depression, or anxiety disorders. Symptoms- Bluish discoloration of the fingers due to a lack of oxygen, hair fall, fatigue, insomnia, fainting, and the absence of menstruation in teenage girls.
2. Bulimia Nervosa - Here, a child engages in episodes of bingeing during which he or she eats too much food and then purges, or tries to get rid of the extra calories. This means self-induced vomiting or excessive exercise, such as running on a treadmill for hours. Those suffering from it have anxiety and self-injurious behaviors. Symptoms- Stained teeth, calluses on the backs of the hands or knuckles from self-induced vomiting, frequent weight fluctuations, and an irregular menstrual cycle.
3. Restrictive food intake disorder - If a child has this disorder then he/she is unable to or refuses to eat certain foods based on texture, color, taste, temperature, or even the aroma. Symptoms- The child may have weight loss problems, inadequate growth, and nutritional deficiencies. Here, a child may consume only a very narrow range of foods and refuse even those foods if they appear new or different.
4. Binge eating disorder - Having a binge eating disorder means the children will eat large amounts of food but do not attempt to get rid of calories once the food is consumed. Such children can be obese or overweight.
Symptoms- They tend to have trouble coping with anger, sadness, worry, and stress. They will always feel guilty for eating a lot and not exercising. Causes: According to Dr. Vrushali Bichkar, genetics, stress and pre-existing psychiatric disorders can make a child prone to having an eating disorder.
Treatment: “Psychotherapy, nutrition education, medical monitoring, and medications in some cases can help children with eating disorders,” suggested Dr. Vrushali Bichkar.
Preventive measure - Dr. Vrushali Bichkar advised, “As parents, you need to speak to your child about unhealthy eating habits, encourage the child to eat healthy foods, maintain an optimum weight, exercise daily, sleep well and stay stress-free. Try to help your child to build a healthy body image, do not body shame the child. Do not diet around the child as he/she will feel that it is alright to skip healthy foods or even starve. So, make sure that your child gets all the essential nutrients from the diet.”
Make your children healthy and stay safe...
Pregnancy and skin care
Expecting a child and prepping to welcome a baby into this world is the most delightful feeling. However, pregnancy brings along tons of inconveniences. Pregnancy changes your entire lifestyle, including the skin-care products that you use. While the pregnancy glow is not news to many, not every woman experiences that due to hormonal changes some pregnant women struggle with blemishes and acne during pregnancy, leading to taking extra care of their skin. This is because the ingredients of the products get absorbed into your body and might harm the unborn child.
Dry skin is normal during pregnancy as the unborn child consumes water from whatever you eat or drink. Hence, it is crucial to stay hydrated as well as keep your skin moisturized all the time. Products containing shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, peptides, and hyaluronic acid can be helpful in such a scenario. Once your skin is moisturized properly, its elasticity increases, which automatically helps with the stretch marks.
Some of the common but important issues are listed below and to combat that skin problems during pregnancy are also given-:
Anti-aging or wrinkles- For common issues like anti-aging and wrinkles, you can rely on antioxidants and Vitamin C works like magic in such scenarios. Apart from safely enhancing your skin’s vitality, it protects it from any further damage and maintains collagen. Apart from Vitamin C, some of the pregnancy-safe antioxidants are Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Green tea, and Vitamin B3.
Sun protection- The importance of sunscreen can’t be stressed enough. However, it is crucial to use mineral-based sunscreen with SPF 50 and above. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are two components included in mineral-based sunscreen.
Acne and hyperpigmentation- It is safe to avoid glycolic acid from your routine when you are pregnant, women struggling with acne and hyperpigmentation can use it in small quantities, which isn’t harmful. However, it is advisable to once consult an expert before using it.
Stay healthy, stay safe...
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Healthy cardiovascular lifestyle may reduce risk of stroke- Recent Medical Outcome
As we know Genes and lifestyle factors together play a role in stroke risk. According to new research published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association. "People at high risk for stroke, adopting a healthy cardiovascular lifestyle may significantly lower the risk of stroke in their lifetime" According to Senior study author Myriam Fornage, Ph.D., FAHA, professor of molecular medicine and human genetics at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, The University of Texas, Health Science Center, Houston, a well-managed, modifiable risk factors, especially the treatment of hypertension, can noticeably lower an individual's risk of stroke,"
"He confirmed that they may be able to mitigate the lifetime risk of stroke by modifying other risk factors and that regardless of genetics—whether you have a high polygenic risk score or low polygenic risk score—maintaining good cardiovascular health decreases the lifetime risk of stroke. So, modifiable risk factors are crucial in preventing stroke." For the study, researchers reviewed data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, a community-based study of more than 11,500 white and Black adults over the age of 45, who had no history of stroke at enrollment. Study participants were followed for 28 years; 45% were men, and 55% were women.
Researchers estimated the lifetime risk of a first stroke according to levels of genetic risk based on a stroke polygenic risk score. Polygenic risk scores were derived from over 3 million genetic variants, or single-nucleotide polymorphisms, across the whole genome. Participants were categorized as having either low, intermediate, or high genetic risk based on an analysis of how many stroke-related single-nucleotide polymorphisms they had.
The researchers investigated the potential impact of the American Heart Association's Life's Simple 7. Life's Simple 7 scores are a composite measure of seven modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors: smoking status, physical activity, healthy diet, body mass index, total cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose levels. Cardiovascular health is categorized as optimal, average, or inadequate based on each participant's total score of ideal cardiovascular health components according to Life's Simple 7. For this analysis, Life's Simple 7 scores were combined with the polygenic risk score to estimate lifetime stroke risk.
This study used the American Heart Association's Life's Simple 7 metrics, which were established in 2010. On June 29, 2022, the organization expanded and relaunched the recommendations to Life's Essential 8, adding sleep as an additional component of heart health."
This is the first step in using genetic information to identify people who may be at higher risk for stroke, and also in motivating people to make lifestyle changes for cardiovascular disease prevention," Fornage said. "This type of study shows us the possibilities for the future. Polygenic risk scores are not used clinically at this point; however, this may be the first step towards achieving personalized risk information to be used in lifestyle and health change. Having optimal cardiovascular health is crucial in stroke prevention."
The authors note that one major limitation of the study is that a polygenic risk score is a tool that needs improvement before it can be used broadly. The tool was developed and validated only among people who are white, which means it cannot be used to predict stroke risk accurately in people from diverse racial or ethnic backgrounds.
The outcome of the study:
1. At age 45, study participants with the lowest polygenic risk scores had the lowest lifetime risk of stroke, 9.6%. The lifetime risk of stroke was 13.8% for participants with an intermediate polygenic risk score and 23.2% for participants with a high polygenic risk score.
2. Those with both high genetic risk for stroke and low cardiovascular health had the highest lifetime risk of stroke score of 24.8%.
3. Across all polygenic risk score categories (low, intermediate, and high), people with optimal cardiovascular health had the most significant reduction in lifetime risk of stroke. Participants who had a high polygenic risk and optimal cardiovascular health were observed to mitigate their lifetime risk of stroke by up to 43%, compared to those with inadequate cardiovascular health. This translated into about six additional years without a stroke.
Recent study on Covid - 19 patient : Sore throat, dry cough may persist for long time even after recovery...
The campaign for booster doses to prevent from covid - 19 has been speeding up as the omicron virus has become the dominant variant in circulation. It has been seen the infection is very much involved with the upper respiratory tract infection, sore throat, and irritation.
The patient is observed to see very normal except for the aforesaid symptoms but after a couple of days of infection, mild fever up to 101 Foernheit has been seen with severe calf muscle pain and body pain. The fever is seen subsidizing within 4 days by using paracetamol tablets under a doctor's prescription along with some other supplementary medicines for boosting the immune. It has also been seen that an affected person with Omicron virus is prone to invite some other seasonal as well as post covid infection.
Dry cough and throat irritation has been seen to persist in the patient suffering from Omicron virus. The upper respiratory tract is very much affected. It has been practically observed to the patient once the fever is subsidized they gradually start coughing with or without sputum. People who are about 40 years of age have been found with severe wheezing complaints along with severe sinusitis.
As we know that after Covid-19, the immune system of the patient becomes very weak and there are many chances of other diseases in which cold-like symptoms are very common due to the growth of the bacteria in the respiratory tract and around the throat region.
The persisting cough and growing bacteria may cause disturbance in the regular and routine life, although, this is not taken as important significance among the doctors and left out without considering to give treatment; however, if the cough and wheezing symptoms persist and throat infection or irritation is still there, it would be better to approach a physician, who may give some antibiotics along with immune boosting tablets to stop the growth of the harmful bacteria in the respiratory tract and lungs.
The long-term cough should not be left untreated, it might convert into some other respiratory diseases, so, be aware, and take care of your health.
Stay healthy, stay safe...
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Loss of 'Y' Chromosome in Men and Risk of Heart Failure
Saturday, July 16, 2022
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