
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Best Home Remedies for Psoriasis and Lichen planus - skin diseases or twakroga.....

In Ayurveda, skin diseases are explained under the common terminology ‘Kushtha’ which implies exposed diseases. In Ayurveda, there are in total 18 types of Kushtha as per the various dosha dominancy.

Among 18, Eka kushtha and Sidhma Kushta are very similar to psoriasis and it happens with the dominancy of Vata and Kapha. Psoriasis is a skin disorder characterized by erythematous, swollen skin lesions covered with silvery-white scales. The involvement of Vata results in dry silvery or blackish plaques of psoriasis. Whereas itching in those affected areas is due to Kapha. The Eka kushtha can be correlated with psoriasis due to its maximum resemblance. But Sidhma Kushta also develops in a body due to Vata Kapha dominancy.

In classical text, the Ayurvedic Physicians emphasizes Shodhana therapy (Detoxification) as the line of Ayurvedic treatment for Kushtha roga. Acharya Charaka has highlighted the role of Panchakarma treatments for psoriasis by stating that the disease treated by Shodhana will never recur whereas the treatment with Shamana therapy may recur in due course of time. Vamana therapy mainly removes the vitiated Kapha Dosha from Amashaya followed by Virechana and Vasthi which corrects the metabolism and palliation of Vata respectively to manage Ekakushtha however, modern medical science treats psoriasis with PUVA and corticosteroids. But the therapy gives serious side effects like liver & kidney failure, bone marrow depletion, etc. Hence there is no satisfactory result.

How we can easily differentiate whether patients are affected with Psoriasis or Lichen planus? 

Psoriasis impacts people of all ages, although most get it for the first time between the ages of 15 and 30. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, and outbreaks can appear just about anywhere on the body and result in skin cells turning over too quickly. This turnover can cause scales and patches to build upon the skin’s surface. Outbreaks may vary in intensity and can come and go over time.

But do you know that Psoriasis is easily curable in its primary stage; it becomes incurable or difficult to cure as and when it reaches the advanced stage. The individual who resorts to proper Ayurveda treatments for psoriasis before it is manifested or in its early stage gets very good results after the Ayurvedic treatments. Shodhana therapy is mentioned in all classics to get the best results in the Psoriasis Ayurveda treatment. Followed with Rasayana (Rejuvenative) Ayurveda treatments, Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation better management at stopping the relapses are obtained.

Lichen planus  Lichen planus is a condition that can cause swelling and irritation in the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes. On the skin, lichen planus usually appears as purplish, itchy, flat bumps that develop over several weeks. In the mouth, vagina, and other areas covered by a mucous membrane, lichen planus forms lacy white patches, sometimes with painful sores.

Most people can manage typical, mild cases of lichen planus at home, without medical care. If the condition causes pain or significant itching, you may need prescription drugs. Lichen planus isn't contagious. The signs and symptoms of lichen planus vary depending on the areas affected. Typical signs and symptoms include - purplish, flat bumps, most often on the inner forearm, wrist, or ankle, and sometimes the genitals, Itching, Blisters that break to form scabs or crusts, Lacy white patches in the mouth or on the lips or tongue, painful sores in the mouth or vagina, Hair loss, Change in scalp colour, Nail damage or loss. These are the common symptoms. many more symptoms of this disorder are still the subject of research.

It is also observed that most people even children started suffering from this disease because of poor metabolism of the body including continuous respiratory tract infection, poor digestion, constipation, poor lifestyle and food habit, overthinking, mental stress, and depressions. There are no specific and causal factors that come into existence to diagnose this disease.

Treatment is a must for these diseases but on the correct medical path. If the medicines are given to the patient on a trial basis, it may worst the situation. After a long observation, I bring some home but highly effective home remedies that can be work if all the precaution measures should be followed as discussed in my earlier blog about the skin disorders (Psoriasis & Lichen planus).

A. Intake medicinal treatment :

1. Take 10.-15 mature leaves of Azadirachta indica (Margosa tree/ Neem tree) and eat and morning in between 6-7 am with an empty stomach daily except Sunday (we should give a break of one day even any days can be selected as per choice) 

Neem Leaves

2.  Take one medium-sized raw fruit of Momordica charantia (Bitter Gourd / Karela ) grind it well with mixer juicer along with one tumbler of water, filter well, and drink empty stomach on the gap day (Sunday) as stated in No.1 in the morning in between 6-7 am.

3. Triphala churna (1.5-2.0 g ) churna should be taken in one tumbler of water at bedtime twice a week. (Sunday and Wednesday day)

B. External application:  

1. Take 100 g of fresh and well cleaned Neem leaves to grind well by adding little; water, make it a fine paste. now add 100 g fresh butter obtained directly from curd (market butter may be taken but should be within expiry period and without salt added). The butter and neem leaf paste are mixed well in the bowl and apply twice daily in the affected areas.

2. Take 1.0 kg fresh and mature neem leaves grind well by adding 200 ml of drinking water make it paste and then squeeze the extract into a vessel. Add one-liter pure coconut oil in it and boil on sim flame for 1-2 hrs with regular stirring till the green leaves get converted into brown colour and settled in the bottom of the vessels. Now allow it to cool. Filter this medicated oil (approx yield 700 ml) and collect in a cleaned bottle. Add 10 g of karpooram (Camphor) and shake well. Now your medicated oil is ready to apply in affected areas. Apply gently (please do not rub or massage it). The application of oil on affected areas may be done thrice a day. The next day the skin should be clean with gentle soap and then dry skin by using a cleaning cotton cloth (please don't rub). After making it fully dry, the application of oil continues.  

Medicated oil 

Note: It is to be noted that the above medication is suggested based on my own experiences and given to many more patients. I have obtained good results and thus I come forward to help society people through this blog. One thing is very important, the above medications followed with the exercises and especially Pranayam (deep breathing) gives wonderful results

[Skin - Before treatment ]

[Skin - After treatment]

Disclaimer: I have suggested medicines based on my own experiences only. It does not mean that I am compelling the person to do as I suggested. It would be better, consult your Physician (Ayurveda). before starting the aforesaid medicines (Home Remedies).   

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Psoriasis and Lichen planus is a metabolic disorder and not a disease - Curable with proper management of metabolic system...

It has been seen that many countries have patients with various skin diseases in the majority. Among all types of skin diseases, Psoriasis, vitiligo, Lichen planus, and dry eczema, the most troublesome and not easily manageable. Many dermatologists and other skin specialists considering it as a "Disease" Here, I would like to draw the attention of our readers that the disorders and diseases have major differences to each other. "Disease is a particularly distinctive process in the body with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms whereas Disorder is an Irregularity, disturbance, or interruption of normal functions in the whole body".

From the above definition, we may say that Psoriasis causes due to high disturbances in our poor gastrointestinal activities rather we can say the person who has a poor digestive system may be high in risk to develop metabolic disorder because of the accumulation of unwanted substances in the body that after a period get converted as slow poison and that ultimately start targeting to the vital organs of the body by slowing its function and ultimately the whole body system would be disturbed. Skin is the outermost layer of the human body and the vital organs that not functioning properly may not be able to fulfill energy and oxygen demand to the cellular level of the body system as a result cells will be dying before their duration at the same time body started to generate new cell to maintain healthy the particular areas of the body. In this manner, the death of the premature cell or tissues and formation of new cells repeatedly in the fast way resulting the skin to make withering of silvery plague and also due to sensitiveness, the itching will start. As much as body cell reaction is there the itching will be worst and even sometimes not manageable. 

Blood oozing has been observed due to vigorous itching that also helps in spreading the skin disorders. The condition becomes more worst when patients trying to itch their skin with fingers and nails. Itching with nails may have many chances to invite bacterial invasion at the affected areas and that may lead to another problem for the patient. A person who has such skin complaints should have a regular cut of nails, the neat and clean blunt comb may be used to manage to itch and that should keep separately from other person reaches.

From the above, it is very clear that we have to maintain a good digestive system, constipation should not prolong. If a person has no free motion, they are advised to consult with any Physician or Gastroenterologist to resolve the issue. Please do not take constipation or regular acid formation in the body in an easy way. It is an indication that your body should not support you properly in healthy manners in the future.

Constipation and poor digestion may not allow the food to digest but it is spoiling inside the stomach and intestine as a result of the formation of toxic substances and bad cholesterol. The toxic substances may deteriorate the normal function of the liver, pancreas, lungs, kidney and the bad cholesterol may deposit in the various arteries resulting in narrowing of the arteries that after sometime conversion as heart attacks, even brain hemorrhage is also observed due to poor digestion. 

What should be done to avoid such skin complaints and if already exist, how to manage them?

Yes ! this is the major question about everybody likes to know.  Might, you have heard that the Allopathic System of medicines can manage such skin disorder well by treating with steroid added medicines and some chemotherapic treatment, etc. but no guarantee to cure them, Is it?  

Yes! treating an ailment without considering the root cause will surely make a questionable treatment to the patient resulting in wasting of time and money and more deposition of the toxic substances in the body that may invite various other problems. Pantoprazole-like medicines may give some relaxation in avoiding acidic formation and gastric troubles but is it a solution of treatment? I hope your answer will be NO. 

So, What should do? Yes! we have to find the root cause to treat the ailment from its origin as in many of the cases it has been seen that psoriasis and lichen planus is not by birth and the parental history also very clear means there is no role of Genetics to transfer the gene from one generation to the other. No doubt, the hereditary is involved in case of skin disease but is just 10-15 %. The majority of cases found developing skin disease due to their habit, lifestyle, food style, mental stress, Psychological stress, hormonal disturbances, mainly thyroid hormones. 

As per Ayurvedic principles, causal factors of any disease are directly related to the disturbances in three doshas (Vata, Kapha & Pittas). If these three energies are maintained well in the body, many more ailments will not exist in our life, so, the best way to manage this disease is not to ignore continuous constipation, gas troubles, breathing disorders, etc. If the same persists more than a fortnight, we have to rush to a good physician or gastroenterologist and request them to make arrangements to perform some tests on the total blood profile, thyroid hormones, and along with them to starts medicines for body detoxifications. Nowadays, even children have thyroid hormone issues, so, it will not be ignored. We should avoid taking multivitamins and food supplements in the form of tablets or capsules etc. until unless it is not prescribed.  Natural supplements like green vegetable mixed salads, fiber-rich foods, etc may help to manage the disease. 

A restricted combination of food (please consult Nutritionologist), excess spicy food, masala, oily, and fried food items, ice cream, cool drinks, packed food items, bakery, and hotel food should be avoided during treatment. Intake of non-veg, egg, pickles, sour curd, red chilly, and citrus food may be reduced. It is observed that regular exercise especially deep breathing (Pranayam) along with the detoxification treatment (detoxification treatment should be taken under the supervision of the relevant Physician only)           gives wonderful results. Because inhaling more fresh air through the nostril (morning time) boosting the body on cellular levels that may help to stop dying cells in premature conditions and stopping the fast formation of new cells in affected areas resulting in curtailing of itching and sensitiveness. If itching controls, the good sign is started to curing this ailment.

In my coming blog, we will discuss some oil and ointment that can be prepared at home very easily and apply to affected areas externally. This external application has shown effective results along with the restrictions of diet and detoxification.  

Note: The above article is the practical observation of the Author, who has more than 24 years of experience in the field of medical research, treatment, and testing of medicines (ISM Drugs) and presently working as Head of the Division at Quality Assurance Wings, India. 

Stay Healthy & Stay Safe.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Is Psoriasis like skin disease a Curse OR self-carelessness- An experimental review..

It has ever been heard that Psoriasis, leprosy, leucoderma, eczema, lichen planus, etc. like severe skin diseases are noncurable diseases. Among the above now leprosy is hundred percent under control but other disease is now left untreated or somehow managed but not cured. The majority of people told that the aforesaid diseases have a genetic impact and sometimes it will suppress in one generation and other time it may dominantly come but being in research and drug testing field since past 24 years, I have some different opinion that might seem very odd but it is true as I have seen many patients personally those are suffering from such terrible complaints and seeking help to make them relax anyhow. Even it has been seen that the patient feeling embarrassment and discomfort among others in public societies. The patients are ready to expend a lot of money and sometimes they may fall in the wrong direction and lost their hard-earned money to cure these ailments. Good Dermatologists and other Physicians taking very much effort to make satisfied their patients at the same time some of them may cheat to the patient knowing the fact that the steroid medication may relax for time being but not cure this. They know well that the treating patient without finding the root cause of diseases, it is very difficult to manage this diseases.  

It has been told by many researchers that Psoriasis-like disease is an autoimmune condition that exhibits itself on the skin. But actually, it is a condition that affects the whole system of the body. Management of such diseases is not very easy  Modern science quickly takes the resort of steroids and this could worsen the condition as the disease which is on the skin gets into the deeper tissues because it is being suppressed.  

Though the Psoriasis, Lichen planus and leucoderma, or Vitiligo are non - communicable, non-infectious skin diseases but if it is left untreated, it may cause severe problems to the vital organs like heart, liver, kidney, etc. of the patients. 

It is true that environmental and immunological factors also, play a key role in spreading such diseases but in fact, it is not a hundred percent sufficient reason. In my experience, I have personally observed that the affected person has no parental history, and neither it was by birth but in adolescence age or after becoming adult, these diseases started with very pinhead spot like areas and gradually converted into patches or spots. This is the actual time of real treatment if the treatment gets started properly that may be fully treated but the problem in our society is the people habitually waiting for attending the peak and there the condition becomes worst and after that, the treatment will help to manage the disease but not cure.

As we know that the aforesaid diseases are not diseases but are disorders that are directly related to our metabolic system.

In Ayurveda, it is well said the maintenance of Tridosha (Vata. Kapha, and Pitta) is sufficient to get Satayu (100-year life). But who is bother of the maintaining these tridosha and it triggers because of uneven and unhealthy food habits, consumption of foodstuffs in the wrong combination (eg. dairy products with fish or chicken), too much intake of yogurt, black gram, seafood, sour or salted foodstuff, etc. can trigger the psoriasis-like life-threatening disorder.  Other catalysts that cause psoriasis include stress, alcohol, and tobacco consumption.

In my overall experiences, I have seen the person who has continuous constipation and poor digestion, non-punctual and regular in their routine work, un-time, unlimited food that also for their tongue taste not for health, not cleaning skin well, not cutting nails regularly and very careless to maintain their physical neat-ness of the body are in the risk to develop such skin complaints sooner or later. Poor digestion leads to develop more toxicity in the body and sooner it stops or slows the functional activities of the vital organs. As the body is detoxifying, then toxic material where should go? Is it not an important point to know? Yes! it will first attack over our immune system and when it gets disturbs and the deposition of toxic substances enhances in the body it may start to disturb at cellular levels then, it may burst out either in the form of skin complaints or intestinal ulcer, internal wounds or piles due to continuous constipation. Sometimes, it may turn into malignancy in various parts of the body.

I have seen many patients crying even they were admitted to the hospital but given medicines are not able to control the itching caused due to Psoriasis. Lichen planus, dry eczema, etc. Do We Know, the itching is the main cause to spread such disease faster because maximum patients observed to itching with their finger and nails and making new wounds in the affected skin area even many times oozing blood also seen from the wounds. The new wounds developed in the sensitive part of the skin will not cure fast and it becomes more sensitive. If the itching is managed, 50 % problem will be solved; the speed of the spreading spot will be slowed.     

Although the root cause of the disease is yet to be identified.  As per Ayurvedic principles, Vata, pitta, and Kapha are the three fundamental energies that uphold the balance of our body equilibrium. Strong genetic predisposition, sun deprivation, and intense streptococcal infection on the upper respiratory tract can also badly aggravate skin diseases. As per Ayurveda, these conditions are strong enough to create several visible pathological changes that take place are mainly due to the accumulation of dooshi-vishas or low potency poisons.

Psoriasis like skin complaints can be effectively treated through Panchakarma therapies, which include Ayurvedic treatment methods for the complete detoxification of the body, and successful elimination of harmful toxins from the body fluids.  

A few health tips to avoid spreading such diseases :

  1. Maintain safer distance from the possible variables that cause or aggravate skin diseases
  2. Practice yoga regularly. Yoga can lessen the intensity of this condition.
  3. Avoid pricking, peeling, or scratching your skin.
  4. Make sure to pat your skin dry after washing, and avoid rubbing vigorously with a towel or any rough cloth.
  5. Avoid artificial cleansers and use gram flour (besan flour) instead.
  6. Use cotton clothes.
  7. Avoid cold water bath or immediate cleaning upright after heavy work-out, long walks, or travel.
  8. Avoid foodstuffs that can cause indigestion.
  9. Avoid excessive salty and acidic foodstuffs, radish, urad dal, sesame, jaggery (gur), curds, fish, and other sour foodstuffs that can trigger psoriasis-like diseases.
Dear friends, I have discussed in this article the reasons for many skin complaints that in Ayurveda either called "Twakroga" or "Kushtha". In my coming blog, I will bring ideas on how to manage this disease at home without spending more money

Thank you...

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Video representation : An easiest method for Identification of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans - seeds).

Nutmeg is the seed or ground spice of several species of the genus Myristica. Myristica fragrans (fragrant nutmeg or true nutmeg) is a dark-leaved evergreen tree cultivated for two spices derived from its fruit: nutmeg, from its seed, and mace (aril), from the seed covering. As we know that the Myristica fragrans seeds are being used in many Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and folk Medicines System for preparation of Medicines. This material is a bit costly comparing to other drugs at the same time there are many chances of admixing new good and microbial affected nuts when procured in bulk by medicines manufacturers. It is often seen that the nut appears very good externally and thus it is very difficult to identify the nutmeg seed for its good or bad quality. the nutmeg seed when cut into two equal half will show bright red, reddish-brown, and whitish mosaic appearance with a pleasant odor. This is an only good material for the preparation of the medicines. The seeds that possess whitish appearances or the mosaic color not appear due to microbial invasion internally is not treated as a good quality material and not good for medicinal purposes. The following video is self-explanatory to identify the material before ensuring its quality delivery. Please watch -  


Thursday, November 26, 2020

'हैंड ऑफ़ गॉड' से 'सदी के गोल' तक जीनियस डिएगो माराडोना...

 फ़ुटबॉल के सबसे करिश्माई खिलाड़ियों में से एक, अर्जेंटीना के माराडोना के पास प्रतिभा, शोखी, नज़र और रफ़्तार का ऐसा भंडार था, जिससे वो अपने प्रशंसकों को मंत्रमुग्ध कर देते थे। माराडोना का जन्म आज से 60 साल पहले (30.10. 1960 ) अर्जेंटीना की राजधानी ब्यूनस आयर्स के झुग्गी-झोपड़ियों वाले एक कस्बे में हुआ था। 

अपनी ग़रीबी से लड़ते हुए वो युवावस्था आने तक फ़ुटबॉल के सुपरस्टार बन चुके थे। कुछ लोग तो उन्हें ब्राज़ील के महान फ़ुटबॉलर पेले से भी शानदार खिलाड़ी मानते हैं। माराडोना ने 491 मैचों में कुल 259 गोल दागे थे। इतना ही नहीं, एक सर्वेक्षण में उन्होंने पेले को पीछे छोड़ '20वीं सदी के सबसे महान फ़ुटबॉलर' होने का गौरव अपने नाम कर लिया था। हालाँकि इसके बाद फ़ीफ़ा ने वोटिंग के नियम बदल दिए थे और दोनों खिलाड़ियों को सम्मानित किया गया था।

Diego Maradona (30.10.1960 - 25.11.2020)

माराडोना विलक्षण प्रतिभा के धनी हैं, यह उनके बचपन से ही नज़र आने लगा था। उन्होंने महज़ 16 साल की उम्र में अंतरराष्ट्रीय फ़ुटबॉल जगत में क़दम रख दिया था। कद से छोटे और शरीर से मोटे, सिर्फ़ पाँच फ़ीट पाँच इंच लंबाई वाले माराडोना कोई सामान्य खिलाड़ी नहीं थे। माराडोना के पास चतुराई, तेज़ी, चौकन्नी नज़र, फ़ुटबॉल को काबू में रखने की क्षमता और ड्रिब्लिंग जैसे गुण थे, जिन्होंने उनके ज़्यादा वज़न से कभी-कभार होने वाली दिक्कतों को ढँक लिया था।

'हैंड ऑफ़ गॉड' और 'गोल ऑफ़ द सेंचुरी'
माराडोना ने अर्जेंटीना के लिए 91 मैच खेले, जिनमें उन्होंने कुल 34 गोल दागे। लेकिन ये उनके उतार-चढ़ाव भरे अंतरराष्ट्रीय करियर का एक हिस्सा भर ही है। उन्होंने अपने देश को साल 1986 में मेक्सिको में आयोजित वर्ल्ड कप में जीत दिलाई और चार बार टूर्नामेंट के फ़ाइनल तक पहुँचाया। 1986 के वर्ल्ड कप के क्वार्टर फ़ाइनल में माराडोना ने कुछ ऐसा किया, जिसकी चर्चा हमेशा होती रहेगी।

मेक्सिको में क्वार्टर फ़ाइनल का यह मैच अर्जेंटीना और इंग्लैंड के बीच था। दोनों देशों के बीच यह मैच पहले से ही ज़्यादा तनावपूर्ण था क्योंकि इंग्लैंड और अर्जेंटीना के बीच सिर्फ़ चार साल पहले फ़ॉकलैंड्स युद्ध हुआ था।
22 जून 1986 को साँसें थमा देने वाले इस रोमांचक मैच के 51 मिनट बीत गए थे और दोनों टीमों में से कोई एक भी गोल नहीं कर पाया था। इसी समय माराडोना विपक्षी टीम के गोलकीपर पीटर शिल्टन की तरफ़ उछले और उन्होंने अपने हाथ से फ़ुटबॉल को नेट में डाल दिया। हाथ का इस्तेमाल होने की वजह से यह गोल विवादों में आ गया।

फ़ुटबॉल के नियमों के अनुसार हाथ का इस्तेमाल होने के कारण यह गोल फ़ाउल था और इसके लिए माराडोना को 'येलो कार्ड' दिखाया जाना चाहिए था। लेकिन उस समय वीडियो असिस्टेंस टेक्नॉलजी नहीं थी और रेफ़री इस गोल को ठीक से देख नहीं पाए। इसलिए इसे गोल माना गया और इसी के साथ अर्जेंटीना 1-0 से मैच में आगे हो गया। मैच के बाद माराडोना ने कहा था कि उन्होंने यह गोल 'थोड़ा सा अपने सिर और थोड़ा सा भगवान के हाथ से' किया था। इसके बाद से फ़ुटबॉल के इतिहास में यह घटना हमेशा के लिए 'हैंड ऑफ़ गॉड' के नाम से दर्ज हो गई।

इसी मैच में इस विवादित गोल के ठीक चार मिनट बाद माराडोना ने कुछ ऐसा किया जिसे 'गोल ऑफ़ द सेंचुरी' यानी 'सदी का गोल' कहा गया। वो फ़ुटबॉल को इंग्लैड की टीम के पाँच खिलाड़ियों और आख़िरकार गोलकीपर शिल्टन से बचाते हुए ले गए और गोल पोस्ट के भीतर दे डाला।

इस गोल के बारे में बीबीसी के कमेंटेटर बैरी डेविस ने कहा था, "आपको मानना ही होगा कि ये शानदार था। इस गोल के बारे में कोई संदेह नहीं है। यह पूरी तरह से फ़ुटबॉल जीनियस है।"

जिस वन में बिताया था श्रीराम ने वनवास, जानिए कैसा था वह ?

 चित्रकूट से निकलकर श्रीराम घने वन में पहुंच गए। असल में यहीं था उनका वनवास। इस वन को उस काल में दंडकारण्य कहा जाता था। इस वन में उन्होंने अपने जीवन के लगभग 12 वर्ष से अधिक का समय बिताया था। मध्यप्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़, महाराष्ट्र, ओड़िसा और आंध्रप्रदेश के कुछ क्षेत्रों को मिलाकर दंडकाराण्य था। दंडकारण्य में छत्तीसगढ़, ओडिशा एवं आंध्रप्रदेश राज्यों के अधिकतर हिस्से शामिल हैं। दरअसल, उड़ीसा की महानदी के इस पार से गोदावरी तक दंडकारण्य का क्षेत्र फैला हुआ था। इसी दंडकारण्य का ही हिस्सा है आंध्रप्रदेश का एक शहर भद्राचलम। गोदावरी नदी के तट पर बसा यह शहर सीता-रामचंद्र मंदिर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यह मंदिर भद्रगिरि पर्वत पर है। कहा जाता है कि श्रीराम ने अपने वनवास के दौरान कुछ दिन इस भद्रगिरि पर्वत पर ही बिताए थे। स्थानीय मान्यता के मुताबिक दंडकारण्य के आकाश में ही रावण और जटायु का युद्ध हुआ था और जटायु के कुछ अंग दंडकारण्य में आ गिरे थे। ऐसा माना जाता है कि दुनियाभर में सिर्फ यहीं पर जटायु का एकमात्र मंदिर है।

यह क्षेत्र भारत के सबसे घने जंगलों का क्षेत्र था परंतु अब सुंदरवन के क्षेत्र ही घने बचे हैं। रामायण के अनुसार उस काल में यह वन विंध्याचल से कृष्णा नदी के कांठे तक विस्तृत था। इसकी पश्चिमी सीमा पर विदर्भ और पूर्वी सीमा पर कलिंग की स्थिति थी। यह पूर्वी मध्य भारत का क्षेत्र है जो लगभग 92,300 वर्ग किलोमीटर क्षेत्रफल में फैला हुआ था जिसमें पश्चिम में अबूझमाड़ पहाड़ियां तथा पूर्व में इसकी सीमा पर पूर्वी घाट शामिल हैं। इसका विस्तार उत्तर से दक्षिण तक लगभग 320 किलोमीटर तथा पूर्व से पश्चिम तक लगभग 480 किलोमीटर का माना जाता है।

क्षेत्र का कुछ भाग रेतीला समतलीय है और जिसकी ढलान उत्तर से दक्षिण-पश्चिम की तरफ है जिसमें वनों से लदे पठार और पहाड़ियां हैं, जो पूर्व दिशा से अचानक उभरती हैं तथा पश्चिम की ओर धीरे-धीरे इनकी ऊंचाई कम होती चली जाती है। यहां कई मैदानी क्षेत्र भी हैं। इस क्षेत्र की मुख्य नदी महानदी और गोदावरी है। महानदी की सहायक नदियां तेल जोंक, उदंति, हट्टी, एवं सांदुल हैं जबकि गोदावरी की सहायक नदियों में इंद्रावती और साबरी प्रमुख है। द्वारा होती है। बहुत से हिस्सा नर्मदा घाटी से भी मिलते हैं। इस वन में कई बड़ी और छोटी पहाड़ियां थीं और सैंकड़ों नदियां उसकाल में बहती थी। रामायण के अनुसार इस जंगल में बहुतायत में राक्षस, असुर और खतरनाक जंगली पशु निवास करते थे। विध्यं पर्वत पर पा आने जाने के लिए या चित्रकूट की ओर जाने के लिए कई लोगों और ऋषि मुनियों को यह खतरनाक जंगल पार करना होता था। इस दौरान उनका सामना जंगली पशुओं के साथ ही खतरनाक राक्षसों से भी होता था।
इस वन में उन्होंने देश के सभी संतों के आश्रमों को बर्बर लोगों के आतंक से बचाया। अत्रि को राक्षसों से मुक्ति दिलाने के बाद प्रभु श्रीराम दंडकारण्य क्षेत्र में चले गए, जहां आदिवासियों की बहुलता थी। यहां के आदिवासियों को बाणासुर के अत्याचार से मुक्त कराने के बाद प्रभु श्रीराम 10 वर्षों तक आदिवासियों के बीच ही रहे।
वन में रहकर उन्होंने वनवासी और आदिवासियों को धनुष एवं बाण बनाना सिखाया, तन पर कपड़े पहनना सिखाया, गुफाओं का उपयोग रहने के लिए कैसे करें, ये बताया और धर्म के मार्ग पर चलकर अपने रीति-रिवाज कैसे संपन्न करें, यह भी बताया। उन्होंने आदिवासियों के बीच परिवार की धारणा का भी विकास किया और एक-दूसरे का सम्मान करना भी सिखाया। उन्हीं के कारण हमारे देश में आदिवासियों के कबीले नहीं, समुदाय होते हैं। उन्हीं के कारण ही देशभर के आदिवासियों के रीति-रिवाजों में समानता पाई जाती है। भगवान श्रीराम ने ही सर्वप्रथम भारत की सभी जातियों और संप्रदायों को एक सूत्र में बांधने का कार्य अपने वनवास के दौरान किया था। एक भारत का निर्माण कर उन्होंने सभी भारतीयों के साथ मिलकर अखंड भारत की स्थापना की थी। भारतीय राज्य तमिलनाडु, महाराष्ट्र, आंध्रप्रदेश, मध्यप्रदेश, केरल, कर्नाटक सहित नेपाल, लाओस, कंपूचिया, मलेशिया, कंबोडिया, इंडोनेशिया, बांग्लादेश, भूटान, श्रीलंका, बाली, जावा, सुमात्रा और थाईलैंड आदि देशों की लोक-संस्कृति व ग्रंथों में आज भी राम इसीलिए जिंदा हैं।
संदर्भ ग्रंथ :
1. वाल्मीकि रामायण
2. वैदिक युग एवं रामायण काल की ऐतिहासिकता (सरोज बाला, अशोक भटनागर, कुलभूषण मिश्र)
3. पौराणिक कोश : (राणा प्रसाद शर्मा प्रकाशक: ज्ञानमण्डल लिमिटेड, वाराणसी)
4.अन्य ग्रंथों से संकलित .

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Is Covid - 19 not manageable task in India

I wonder to hear news of spreading Covid -19 once again in many metropolitan cities including New Delhi, the capital of our country. There are many questions triggered in mind why it happens once the Covide -19 disease went under control and again picked a high rate among the metropolitan cities like Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, etc. Whether it was not necessary to follow precautionary measures knowing that there is no vaccine ready to treat this disease permanently. Many Pharmaceutical companies and Research laboratories have assured to invent and launch the vaccine for public welfare soon but making a vaccine with a hundred percent accuracy is not a small task, it requires many more clinical trials and feedback too. India is a vast country with dense populations, but the Govt. of India manage this Covid -19 very well and in time also. Only the things, it requires the full cooperation of the public to the State as well as Central Govt. to cope with this hard situation without indulging ourselves to the political issues. The State Govt. and Central Govt of India has already taken many valid and fruitful steps to counter the disease and the development of the vaccine is also speeded up by many responsible Pharmaceutical companies. Whatever, maximum efforts required to save the life of humankind, is being taken by all state and Central Govt. 

Now, the question is whether it is not our duty to cooperate with them by just following the provided guidelines like wearing a proper facemask, sanitizing our hands and making distances and avoid gathering, etc. Is it necessary that we follow the Govt. guidelines only when they impose a penalty on us for wearing a facemask and making distances etc.? Absolutely NO. Because taking such precaution, we are going to save our life only, also we are going to oblige our near and dear not to Govt. but it is often seen that public not following proper guideline to escape from Corona deadly viruses. It is difficult but not impossible to escape from this viral disease only thing is we should not provide a host to grow the virus and it is very easy by making small efforts and the same should be added in our routine life. What is this? Nothing new and special. The CORONA is unable to travel itself, only we are providing host carelessly and welcoming it to enter our life. 

We should not act as hopeless people. There is always hope to get life to normalize by just taking small but regular precautions. Trust that the people of our country will take proper precautions to break the chain of spreading of Covid -19 disease. Strong immune also require to fight against infection, so, please use healthy vegetarian diets, drink Kabasura kudineer kasayam, Nilavembu kudineer kasayam, hot water, gargle with salt or betadine, use turmeric milk with safron at night time, etc may help us a lot to break the chain of further spreading of this disease. 

Take care, Stay healthy, and stay safe.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A great confusion between Kanchori (Tragia involucrata) and Peru-n-Kanchori Laportea interrupta plant that results adulteration

A hundred percent role of plant materials in the form of single as well as compound drugs observed in Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani medicines. There is no specification available for all these plants, being utilized in the preparation of the aforesaid drugs. The majority of plant still kept unidentified scientifically and are being used per their vernacular namings. The folk name and local name of the plant in many regions have great confusion to identify the plant material as crude drug form. Some of the plant shows nearly very similar morphological appearances and that also very difficult to identify on its dried form. 

Tragia involucrata plant 

Tragia involucrata - flowering twig 

The Kanchori or Sirukanchori (Tamil) is scientifically known as Tragia involucrata and belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae whereas, the Peru-n Kanchori (Tamil) is known as Laportea interrupta and belongs to the family Urticaceae. both the plant are being utilized in many preparations of Siddha and Ayurveda Medicines. The main part used for drug is dried, cleaned, and mature roots but in many cases, the whole plant of the drugs are also used. The drug is showing more difficulties in identification especially when it brought from the market in cut pieces of variable sizes or tightly bundled with mechanical packing. The major problem is the leaves detached from the drug plant when dried and based on root and stem, the above-referred drug is not given value of satisfactory identifications. 

Laportea interrupta plant

Laportea interrupta - flowering twig
But still theses plant gives very good clues to identify them using their flowering twigs which were found remaining attached with dried stem. The arrangement of flowers and the size and shape can help a lot to identify the plant on procuring and at utilization point to get authentic medicine production. It would not be to use the plants unidentified as adulterated form because both of the plant species neither have genetic nor phenotypic resemblance both belong to different families too. The actual therapeutic values may also differ.

In this way, the material may get identified before taking it for the preparation of single drugs or as compound formulations. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Adulteration observed in Saraja Exudate - A white resin of medicinal value

As we know that resins are amorphous products of a complex nature. These are amorphous mixtures of essential oils, oxygenated products of terpene, and carboxylic acids found as exudations from the trunk of various trees. They are transparent or translucent solids, semi-solids, or liquid substances containing a large number of carbon atoms. Most of the resins are heavier than water. They are insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, volatile oils, fixed oils, chloral hydrate, and non-polar organic solvents like benzene or ether. They are hard, electrically non-conductive, and combustible masses.  They are usually formed in schizogenous or schizolysigenous cavities or ducts as end products of metabolism.

Resin is a hydrocarbon secretion of many coniferous, dipterocarpous and so many plants of various genera. Resins are valued for their chemical constituents and use, such as varnishes and adhesives, as an important source of raw materials for organic synthesis, or for incense and perfume. Fossilized resins are the source of amber. Resins are also material in nail polish.  There is no consensus on why plants secrete resins. However, resins consist primarily of secondary metabolites or compounds that apparently play no role in the primary physiology of a plant. While some scientists view resins only as waste products, their protective benefits to the plant are widely documented. Many resinous products are not formed by the plant itself unless and until purposeful and methodical injuries in the shape of incisions are made on them and the secretions or plant exudates are tapped carefully, such as Balsam of Tolu.

Likewise, Saraja exudates is a naturally occurring resin from the plant Viteria india, family Dipterocarpaceae. This resin is called as Kahruba (Hindi), Vellai kungilium (Tamil), and Sarja (Sanskrit). This is a very good source of traditional medicine. This may be due to high demand or cost, nowadays, it had been found adulterated in the market either with some other resins or artificially made resin of similar appearances. It is found very much difficult to identify the material with short terms while procuring the same in bulk from the market.

However, based on my experiences, I would like to provide some techniques by which a buyer can easily identify the material before its purchase. The original Saraja or Kahruba or vellai kungilium looks rough, irregular, solid, brittle masses, breaking into angular pieces, light yellow to pale yellow in color with a fragrant odor and characteristic taste. It shows sticky nature if hold in hand for some time. It is very much fragile and gives very fine white powdery appearances while crushing with stone pieces or with pestle and mortar. Whereas, the adulterated material showed very hard, neither brittle nor fragile, and cannot be crushed as a fine powder. The pieces of such artificial or adulterated resins are irregular but comparatively smaller than the original resins, golden yellow to pale reddish-brown color and no fragrance and no taste, also not showing sticky nature on holding in hand for some time.

The above method of Macroscopic identification would help many medical practitioners, nurses, medical students of the Traditional system of Medicine to get authentic material from the market and to prepare medicines of good potency and best therapeutic results.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Post COVID -19 Care and treatment - a review...

As we know that the COVID -19 had destroyed the normal life of Human beings in all over the world. Millions of people get affected by this pandemic virus. Many collective and individual efforts are being made to prepare an antidote for the virus as a potent vaccine but no fruitful result still comes. People who get infected critically and taken to the hospital are being treated with common flue treatment including paracetamol. The intensive care unit only helps to fight with the disease by uninterrupted breathing via ventilators. No other potential measures help to improve the health of patient except the self-quarantine and available immunity power in the body of the patient as experienced in many cases and that is why the people who become a senior citizen by crossing age sixty as per Indian parameters is highly restricted to meet with normal age people and avoid to go outside frequently especially those people who already had some critical renal, cordial or other life-threatening diseases.

This clearly indicates that the given medicines not curing the patients but patients are being cured due to their power of immunity along with the ventilator support provided in the hospital. There is a question, frequently being asked by the public that how people getting cure without vaccines? The topmost answer is the power of immunity among themselves. Weaker the immunity, the larger the risk of recovery. Now, again, it is the most raised question that why people not getting speedy recovery and feel strengthless, breathing difficulties, pain in the joint and muscles, etc.. This is very clear that even a common viral fever can disturb the metabolic activities of the human body and make it troublesome to walk, food without taste, the body without rest, untoned muscle, etc.. Then, it may be considered that Corona is a stronger virus than the common one. Apart from that, there is a readymade thought in the mind of the person who already gets discharged from the hospital after getting his or her report negative and they feel that he or she becomes alright and therefore, they tried to come back to normalcy in a quick motion and thus, they feel more exertion in the body, tiredness, laziness, breathing difficulties, etc. because they are not giving sufficient time to body for toning itself. Some people come back to the hospital soon with the same complaint of health from that they recovered. 

In fact, after recovering from COVID -19, the body needs more rest and a stress-free mind with proper relaxation of mood more than three terms means 42 days of proper rest because a normal quarantine suggested 14 days to 21 days and as per the earlier health conditions, the rest period may be calculated with proper, hygenic and healthy diet along with bitters as a food habit like Karela (juice from raw fruit of Momordica charantia)  approximately 20 ml twice a day or Kwathas like Nilavembu kudineer, Kapah - Jwara Kudineer, etc to kill the virus in cellular level if any present in the body. If a person hurries to work without giving post-COVID -19 care to the body, there are many chances to repeat the disease because of the weakness of the immune system.

I hope, this article helps the people and they will take care of the body even after recovered from COVID - 19 in order to avoid further infections. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

COVID -19: The result of changed life style - An Important message of Nature.

COVID -19, a worldwide pandemic disease making puzzle to entire human lives. the formula of the Wuhan market, China surely attracts over the caption that " They will eat anything" How disgusting it was? How human beings can eat everything? The animal lives in Earth, water, sky, or on the trees, all would be eaten by them. Is it fair? I have heard that when any creature comes to know that after some time it would be killed the endocrine glands starts secreting hormones that puzzle their mood. If an animal is already in stress and fear and meanwhile it has been killed the moment. The meat of such killing animals will give a bad impact and worst health on the eaters. God made many things for human beings but with certain restrictions. Every creature has an equal right to live on Earth, water sky, or other places they made for dwellings. Just Imagine that an animal looks to others which belongs to the same or other species is being killed, roasted, or fried in front of those animals kept in cadges. How would they feel? At this moment, I remembered a few lines -  

धर्मराज यह भूमि किसी की, नहीं क्रीत है दासी,

हैं जन्मना समान परस्पर, इसके सभी निवासी।

सबको मुक्त प्रकाश चाहिए, सबको मुक्त समीरण,

बाधारहित विकास, मुक्त आशंकाओं से जीवन।  

But where it was considered. Everywhere human-made encroachment and no dwelling places were left for the survival of the animals. If we just go back toward the historical period, we will get that the human and animal had made a brotherhood relationship. Even a goat can drink water where a lion is drinking. Every animal has the right to their survival. Gurukul Ashram was fulfilled with mask dear, duck, cow even baby lion but all were survived together. Please see the following lines - 

आकीर्णम् ऋषिपत्निनाम् अटजद्वार ओधिमि:

अपत्य अरिवनिवार भागधेय:अर्चिते मृगै:

The above lines are just an example. It is true that the Shakuntala's Son Bharat was playing with lions and counting their teeth without fear. It does not mean that only nonvegetarian habits provoking COVID - 19 like pandemic but it is certain that whenever humans made interruption in the balanced Nature, Nature always punished the Human being for their worst activities. 

According to  Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), it was believed that the human population exhibits exponential growth, which is when the increase is proportional to the amount already present. With exponential growth, the rate of increase becomes more rapid in proportion to the increasing total size. He was the first man who had told the limit of the Earth and also suggested that the Earth gives the work relaxation as performed by the consumers either good or bad. Some other poet also said - 

सरल तरल जिन तुहिन कणों से, हंसती-हर्षित होती है,

अति आत्मीया प्रकृति हमारे, साथ उन्हीं से रोती है!

अनजानी भूलों पर भी वह, अदय दंड तो देती है,

पर बूढ़ों को भी बच्चों-सा, सदय भाव से सेती है।

Still, time is remaining to correct ourselves and avoid the exploitation of the Earth. We have to consider Earth as our Natural Mother and we have to respect creators without trying to modified panchabhutas rules. Pancha Bhoota or Pancha Maha-Bhoota means five great elements, also five physical elements is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation i.e.All matter is composed of five basic elements — panchamahabhutas — which inhere the properties of the earth (Prithvi), water (Jala), fire (Tejas), wind (Vayu) and space (Akasha). 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sweet fennel (Anise) adulterated with umbelliferous fruits of close resemblance.

The Anise fruits or Anisoon is commonly used in the many traditional system of medicine (Ayurveda, Yoga and naturopathy, Unani and Siddha) as single drugs or along with other ingredients to form compound formulations. The drug anise or anisoon consists of the dried mature fruits of Pimpinella anisum; family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) In the market, this drug found adulterated with Cuminum cyminum (jeera) black variety  or with Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain) black variety in bulk in the market. A Pharmacognosist can easily able to diagnose the adulteration but the adulterated material can not be segregated due to their small sizes and close resemblance on the morphological point of view. 

The adulteration in Pimpinella anisum with other umbelliferous fruits of close resemblances cannot be caught without minute observations. The adulterated material though belongs to the same family of the plant but no doubt, every type of fruit  of the same family also has their own therapeutic value. 

It requires more skilled and experiences persons to find out authentic material without adulteration. However, here I would like to provide some tips for easy identification that can surely helps up to an extent to escape from adulterated material and to procure good and authentic material to manufacture medicines of high quality.

Pharmacognostically, the Pimpenella anisum fruits should be pear - shaped, yellowish green , somewhat compressed, cremocarp with persistent pediciles. Each fruits measuring 3-4 mm long and 1.5 -3.0 mm broad with 4 to 5 ridges arranged longitudinally, The fruits should have sweet aromatic taste and gives an aromatic odor when crushed. Wherease, the the black jeera Cuminum cyminum or black ajwain Trachyspermum ammi fruits comparatively small with short pedicel (stalk) or apedicillate (without stalk) the ajwain rounded to oval and black jeera Cuminum cyminum measuring 2.5 - 3.5 mm long and 1.0-2.5 mm broad with characteristic bitter odor. 

For better results, an small quanity from bulk  (5-10 grams fruits) may be taken then spread on white paper uniformly and then separated with the help of forceps and handlens. After segregation of fruits, it may be tasted separately, the anise fruit gives sweet aromatic and characterisitc taste at the same time the black jeera and ajwain has bitter and characteristic taste.

Hope, this may help to get rid of adulteration while procuring Aniseed or anise or anisson fruits in bulk for medicinal purposes.   

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fake Zarishka or Indian barberry (Berberis aristata - dried fruit) crossing limit of adulteration ...

As we know that the preparation of medicines as per the formulae quoted in various Pharmacopoeias (viz. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia, The Siddha Pharmacopoeia, and The Unani Pharmacopoeia) and also the invention of various new proprietary medicines is increasing day by day to treat the patient by the AYUSH traditional medicines. The research is taking place in one way to upgrade the quality of medicines and in another way, the up-gradation in adulteration and substitution also becomes a top-ranked business. 

Nowadays, the common adulteration can be seen in many raw drugs but the majority of adulteration being made in the drugs which are obtained from root, fruits, and seeds. Now, adulteration and substitution seem to be old fashion and practice is being made to launch the artificial and duplicate or fake products in the market to run the business and earn the money.

The dried fruits of Zarishka in the open and online market is the best example. The Zarishka is actually the dried fruit of Berberis aristata belongs to the family Berberidaceae. Morphologically, the original dried Zarishika fruits look blue-black color, 10 to 12 mm long, and 5 to 8 mm thick; ovoid, the outer surface shows wrinkles when dried. Each fruit consists of 3 seeds about 6 mm long and 2 to 3 mm thick, ovoid, and somewhat flattened with odor-characteristic and taste - slightly bitter. (Please see Image -1)

[Image-1 Orginal dried fruit of Zarishka ]

I was very much surprised when I saw fake Zarishka in the market being sold with the same price of original Zarishka (the dried fruits of Berberis aristata) Morphologically, the so-called Zarishka has similar resemblances with black and a small variety of currants (Kismis). The characteristic feature of the drug was supporting California Currants. This is also called Zante Currants, Corinth raisins, Corinthian raisins, or simply currants. It is actually the dried berries of the small sweet, seedless grape Cultivar black Corinth. The name comes from the Anglo-French Phrase "raisins de Corinthe" and the Ionian Island of the Zakynthos (Zante). Please see Image -2. 

 [Image - 2 Fake dried fruit of Zarishka]

Using sub-standard quality or fake raw drugs as ingredients would not cure the disease due to lack of required therapeutic action of the drugs but destroy the fame of the Traditional System of Medicines.  The Zarishika is mainly used in India in many preparations of the medicines especially in the Unani System of the medicines, the Vaidya or Haqim and Doctors, Pharmacist, etc. should be very careful in the selection of ingredient and to avoid such fake drugs as we know that the priority in the selection of original and authentic drugs gives effective medicines that only cure the patients and solve our purpose.    

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Interest to be developed to the upcoming generation to study a subject that can give livelihood...

Whether gaining knowledge of a particular subject or get awarded degrees from a specific university or college is directly correlating our daily and routine life or not? This question is nowadays becoming alarming as well as life challenging queries to all our young generation of the countries. It was often seen that many courses are offered or brought in the syllabus for the study has no connection to life for survival. It is now highly demanded to form an academic coarse that can give self hand employment to the new generation by making them self-made and self stand. It is now very much need to offer the coarse from the beginning of school and colleges as a compulsory subject that can give work to the young hands. 

I was very much surprised once I visited a city and had a chance to take a review of more than a hundred youngsters belong to school and college. While asking what would be their future motto, surprisingly, I got answered more than ninety percent to the student that wants to be a doctor, engineer, architect, I.A.S., P.C.S and so on.. About two to three percent student reply to take ahead of their father,s business; about five percent student have shown no aim that what they will do in the future after completion of their graduations, and only two to three percent students shown lazy interest about agriculture, pisciculture, apiculture, and animal husbandry. 

It was really shocking news that our young generation losing their interest in farming, agriculture, etc, however, it is a very well known fact that we can even survive without any artificial modalities but it is not possible to live without food, shelter, and clothes. Many projects and schemes have been launched by the Government from time to time but its effective implementation in practice is still questionable. Merely launching a scheme and doing paperwork would not solve the issues. But, we have to do something like Gurukulam or School of the olden days, where it was made a compulsory study to the subject that can create the economy as well as food for our countries. I have practically observed when I was studying in class 3rd in 1987, along with other subjects, there was compulsory coarse have to opt either Krishi (Agriculture) or Katayee - Bunayee (Hamara Kapada) In agriculture, the theory classes, as well as practical classes, was conducted and passing mark in the practical was depending upon the preparation of field, planting of the seedlings or seeds, irrigation, manuring, weeding, and harvesting of the assigned crop. In katayee -  bunayee, Charkha, Takuwa, takali, raw kapas, preparing of thread, and weaving minimum handkerchief was compulsory. 

Nowadays, many courses of study have been offered by central and many state governments but no school interesting to provide direct life relating classes and moral education that make students self-made and self stand. The competitive course producing doctors engineers that is fine it is also required too but how many courses making to give schooling on the subject that can promote to grow food by means of to study life subject i.e. Biology (Botany & Zoology) which is the life science and without we can not survive. We have to think once again because nowadays offered subject creating competition for survival and also developing more unemployment. It is not possible in any country to make their citizen a hundred percent employee but they can give work to all hands by making certain changes in the school and college educations that is a future requirement.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark (Ceylon cinnamon) VS Cinnamomum cassia bark (Regular Cinnamon) in quality aspects

Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) is the cinnamon peculiarly originated in Ceylon not elsewhere and Cinnamomum cassia (Regular or Cassia Cinnamon) is mostly trading from Indonesia and China and many other countries. Both of the species belong to the family Lauraceae and both are commonly being used all over the world. Ceylon Cinnamon attracts a higher price in the market due to its taste and safer for health because of less percentage of chemical constituent 'Coumarin' than the Cassia Cinnamon where the percentage of chemical constituent 'Coumarin' is comparatively high. Both of the species have health benefits but it was reported that the high dose of coumarin may damage the liver and gives other health side effects. Therefore, many of the Medical practitioners recommend using Ceylon Cinnamon. 

1. [Ceylon Cinnamon - left    and Cassia Cinnamon - Right]

Organoleptically the Cassia Cinnamon is stronger than Ceylon Cinnamon but while manufacturing the medicines, the percentage of adding cassia cinnamon as an ingredient instead of Ceylon cinnamon may be reduced and standardized for the preparation of single drugs or compound formulations. 

1. Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): 

The drug is a dried inner bark (devoid of cork and cortex) of the coppiced shoots of the stem of C. zeylanicum. bark pieces about 0.5 mm thick, brittle, occurs as single or double, closely packed compound quills (see Image - 2). The outer surface is dull, yellowish-brown, marked with pale, wavy longitudinal lines with occasional small scars; inner surface darker in color, striated with longitudinally elongated reticulation; fracture splintery, odor - fragrant; taste - sweet, aromatic with the sensation of warmth.

2. Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

2. Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia):

The drug consists of the bark of C. cassia. The bark is either channeled pieces or as single quills, the size of the drug ranging from 6 to 40 cm long and 1 to 2 cm in width and 1 to 3 mm in thickness, fracture short, the bark is thicker, coarse, darker, and dull in compare to Ceylon cinnamon. The outer surface, rough, dark brown to brown, and the inner surface reddish-brown with fine striations (see Image -3). Odor, Aromatic; taste slightly sweet but highly pungent with bitter than that of C. zeylanicum, the Ceylon cinnamon.   

3. Cassia Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)

Cinnamomum cassia is also known as Malai Lavagna pattai or periyalavangapattai in South India that mostly confused with Cinnamomum macrocarpa, the other variety of Cinnamon. Without proper identification, some times malailavanga pattai is frequently found adulterated with C. macrocarpa. The purpose of this article will solve the issue of identification and material would be taken without adulteration or substitutions. The percentage of adding C. cassia in the formulations may be recalculated and standardized according to safety measures of health.

Karakata Sringi Vs Kadukkai poo - Unique identification.

1. Karakata Sringi : 

The drug Karakata Sringi consists of gall -like excrescences formed by insects on the leaves, petioles, branches of the plant of Pistacia integerrima, Or Pistacia Chinensia or Rhus succedanea belong to family Anacardiaceae.

The dried gall of Karakata Sringi looks hard, horn like, thin-walled, generally, cylindrical, tapering at both ends. It appears grayish-brown externally and reddish-brown internally. Each gall contains numerous dead insects in its hollow cavity. Odor- terebinthine, taste is strongly astringent and slightly bitter.

[1]     Karakata Sringi ;   and  [2]    Kadukkai poo]

2. Kadukkai poo: 

Kadukkai poo gall is the occurrence of gall on the spike of the Terminalia chebula family - Combretaceae. In the market, the drug found as the dried insect gall formed at the inflorescence of Terminalia chebula spike due to the inducement of the insects calls as Corycidothrips inquilina and Cecidomilladae resulting an abnormal growth formation by the oozing of latex from the tender spike of T. Chebula.
On drying, it appears flat, creamish - white to pale brown - colour externally and blackish-brown color internally due to many larval residues deposited in the cavity of the gall. It is triangular or pyramidal or lanceolate to ovate in shape with flat surfaces of both sides, Since, this is found on the spike of the T. chebula tress, therefore, it is locally known as "Kadukkai poo" in Tamil language. The overall color as whole drug is creamish - white and odor and taste are indistinct.

Without its proper identification, the drug is sold in the market in the form of adulteration or substitutions, however, both gall drugs have different therapeutic properties and health benefits. The adulterated or substituted drugs might be disturbed the actual therapeutic action of the particular drugs and thus, the identification is very important. The correct selection of drugs is important to prepare a potent medicine.

The above identification hopefully very helpful to the AYUSH practitioners and the student of the medical streams. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Role of CT Value in COVID - 19 tests

Nowadays, the testing of COVID - 19 has taken new turns in the medical field. Previously, it was said that the test should be performed for all the persons whether they are asymptomatic or symptomatic means the person whether has no cough, cold and fever, etc. or with all COVID -19 related symptoms, In both the case, the test was made mandatory. In the testing, the RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reactions) test is found effective, very easy, and accurate to easy diagnosis to the patient than other typical tests. In the RT-PCR, a patient has to give a swab from his inner mouth and nostrils. If, after RT-PCR, the result showed that the patient diagnosed as a COVID -19 positive, it does not mean to get panic but a positive patient should ask the laboratory as a human right that what was his CT - Value (Cycle Threshold value).

Now, the question is what you are going to do with CT Value? Yes ! the CT value now becomes self-explanatory whether a patient is harmful to others by means he or she is prone to spreading the disease or not. 

If, a patient is declared as COVID - 19 positive and has a CT value less than 24 then, alertness is required because he is very prone to communicate this disease due to more viral load but if the CT value is 24 or above and the patient is declared COVID-19 positive, then, there is no harm because the patient has a very less viral load and is safe for society as well as for community and thus, a small precaution like fever and cough, etc should be managed and nothing to worry. 

As we know that this COVID - 19 disease also becomes airborne and we can say that most of the populations having COVID-19 knowingly or unknowingly. Some times they become panic due to more viral load that requires incentive care otherwise not. The CT value is directly related to the body's immune system. The recovery rate is also seen high in the patient those are found positive in COVID-19 but have strong immunity and CT Value 24 or above, means the patient is not infectious and now it is practically known that CT value 24 is safe and non-risky.  

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy.

Life depends on the Sun; says Ayurveda...

H ealth or a healthy life depends on Bhaskar, i.e., the Sun. Long life depends on the worship of Ashwini Kumars. Many mantras and hymns of t...