
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Drumstick (Sahjan) : A treasure of nutrition.

Drumstick is scientifically called Moringa oleifera and the family Moringaceae is also known as Moringa, Munga, Sahjan, etc by different names in different parts of the country. Drumstick is a gift of nature given to man because every part of this tree like roots, leaves, fruits, and even flowers is rich in so many nutrients. Rather we can say this tree is a doctor's pharmacy and that is why people call a drumstick a superfood. 

Nutrition scientists believe that a drumstick is beneficial in more than 300 minor and major diseases. It contains many nutrients like protein, calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. Drumstick also contains multivitamins and many antioxidants. Eating a drumstick keeps away lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension. This strengthens bones and also improves skin health. 

In Ayurveda, every part of this tree is used for the treatment of some disease or the other. Drumsticks contain powerful antioxidants that eliminate free radicals from the body. As we know if free radicals increase in the body, oxidative stress can increase, which is the cause of diseases like heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. It contains an antioxidant called quercetin, which keeps blood sugar levels and blood pressure under control. Eating drumsticks rich in antioxidants reduces the risk of cancer. 

There are many infinite benefits of health among then some of the important benefits are summarised below- 

1. Bone health improvers:  Drumstick is a great source of the three essential minerals calcium, iron, and phosphorus. If a drumstick is included in the diet of children, it helps in their growth and development. Apart from this, the density of bones increases i.e. bones become thick and strong. This reduces the risk of osteoporosis in old age. 

2. Immune system enhancer: Drumstick is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. If it is included in food then immunity becomes stronger. Infections like the common cold and cough do not occur quickly. It also helps in fighting asthma, cough, or any kind of respiratory infection. 

3. Gut health improvers: Drumstick contains essential vitamins like thiamine (vitamin B 1), riboflavin (vitamin B 2), niacin, and vitamin B 12, which help in stimulating the secretion of digestive juices. This helps in breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and converting them into digestible form. Being rich in fiber it is good for gut microflora. Eating this keeps the stomach clean. 

4. Improves blood circulation: Bioactive compounds niaziminin and isothiocyanate are found in drumsticks. This keeps the arteries healthy and reduces the risk of hypertension. Being rich in antioxidants, blood circulation remains good.

5. Beneficial for kidneys: Antioxidants present in abundance in drumsticks help in clearing toxins from the kidneys. If a drumstick is regularly included in the diet, it helps in the treatment of kidney and bladder stones. Consumption of drumsticks also improves the overall health of the kidneys. 

6. Reducing Cancer risk: Including drumsticks regularly in the diet provides rich antioxidants. Rich amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and niazimicin prevent cancer cells from growing. These antioxidants protect cells from oxidative damage by reducing free radicals. 

7. Drumsticks good for liver health: The liver is the most important organ of our body. It performs about 500 small and big functions in our body. The most important among these is to remove toxins from the body. Drumstick proves to be very helpful in this function of the liver. Drumstick helps in the production of glutathione. 

Apart from this, it also protects the liver from possible damage caused by various medicines. It acts as a safety shield for the liver. You can make curry from drumstick beans, make powder of its leaves and roots, and consume it.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Root vegetables increase immunity and keep diseases away.

Root vegetables are treasures of nutrition, increase immunity, and keep diseases away. This is a custom all over the world that the most valuable things are kept in the safest place. We have learned all this from the nature itself. 

Our nature is keeping the important things in its lap We can see mountains, rivers, sea, everything in front, while all the metals and minerals are safe within the soil and mountains. Similarly, trees, plants, fruits, and vegetables exist on earth. Whereas root vegetables remain hidden inside the soil. 

Nature has given these vegetables the safest place. The reason behind doing this is the nutritional value, health benefits, and medicinal properties of these special vegetables. Ginger, beetroot, onion, and turnip are some such vegetables that grow underground. If we include these root vegetables in our routine diet, we may get many health benefits because the root vegetables have been a part of our diet for ages, but we hardly know their benefits. 

In this article, we will summarise some of the important root vegetable and their utilizations. 

1. Onion: Onion is the most commonly consumed root vegetable. It is mostly used as the main ingredient in cooking vegetables. Onions contain abundant amounts of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, antioxidants are compounds that can protect our cells from oxidative damage. 

Daily consumption of raw onion is reported to bring the blood sugar level of type 2 diabetic people under control. According to the National Institute of Health, onion has powerful anti-cancer properties. The antioxidants present in it reduce the risk of cancer. 

How to eat-

a. It can be added to all vegetables. 

b. it can be eaten with salad, soup, eggs, and rice. 

c. It can also be eaten raw. 

2. Sweet potato: Sweet potatoes are one of the most delicious vegetables. It is very nutritious too. Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin A. They also contain many antioxidants including beta-carotene, chlorogenic acid, and anthocyanin. 

Sweet potatoes can strengthen our immunity due to their abundance of Vitamin A. Due to this, eyesight also remains intact and skin health remains good. 

How to eat-

a. Sweet potatoes can be boiled or roasted. b.You can eat it by making a sandwich.

c. You can eat it by mixing it in a salad or frying it and eating it without adding anything. 

3. Ginger: Ginger belongs to the turmeric family. Ginger is rich in antioxidants. It also contains a special compound called gingerol, which has many health benefits.

Ginger provides relief from all types of pain and swelling.  And can also provide relief from osteoarthritis.

How to eat-  

a. Ginger can be added to tea, soup, and smoothie. 

b. It can also be added to vegetables for a special taste. 

c. Ginger helps reduce cholesterol and also works as a blood thinner in Vascular diseases d. Ginger is very helpful in reducing cough and bronchitis. The fresh ginger juice of 5-8 ml with an equal amount of honey may reduce body weight when taken with lukewarm water. 

4. Beetroot: Beetroot is the most nutritious root vegetable. Beetroot contains an abundant amount of nitrate. These are beneficial plant compounds, which relax the blood vessels.  According to the National Institute of Health, eating beetroot controls blood pressure and improves heart health. 

Eating beetroot improves physical activity. This also improves blood flow in the brain, which is good for mental health. Beetroot extract has anti-cancer properties. If someone already has cancer, the speed of its growth can be reduced.

How to eat- 

a. It can be taken as beetroot juice or pickle. 

b. It can also be eaten boiled or roasted. 

5. Garlic: Garlic is a root vegetable of the family of vegetables like onion. Garlic contains abundant amounts of manganese, vitamin B-6, and vitamin C. It contains many more nutrients. 

Many medicinal properties of garlic have been described in Ayurveda.  According to Ayurveda, eating garlic keeps blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides under control. This also improves heart health.  Eating garlic strengthens our immune system. This also provides relief from the common cold and cough. 

How to eat- We can eat garlic by mixing it in soup, sauce, or any dish. 

6. Radish: If we have radish in the form of salad on our food plate, the taste of the food increases. It also contains many nutrients. Radish is low in carbohydrates and calories while containing ample amount of fiber and vitamin C. 

Radish has antifungal properties. By eating this we will be protected from all types of fungal infections. According to a study, eating radish leaves cures stomach ulcers quickly. 

How to eat- 

a. It can be added to make food or breakfast tasty.

b. It can also be added to slices, sandwiches, or salads. 

7. Carrot: Carrots are one of the most commonly consumed root vegetables. Maximum nutrients are also found in it. Carrots contain Vitamin A and Vitamin K. It also contains the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene. 

Eating carrots reduces oxidative stress and also improves cholesterol levels. According to a study published in the National Institute of Medicine, beta-carotene present in carrots reduces the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and stomach cancer. Eating carrots cures many age-related disorders. Eyesight remains good even in old age. 

How to eat- Eating raw carrots is most beneficial. 

a. It can also be cooked and eaten. 

b. it can make vegetables and pudding.

Stay healthy stay safe...

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Diabetic patients and sweet curd – life threatening

Diabetes is a disease that is completely related to diet. In common words, it is a lifestyle disease. Once someone gets this disease, he or she has to take special care of his or her diet. If diabetic patients eat curd mixed with sugar or curd rice, then be careful because the sugar level will increase. A diabetic patient should not eat curd mixed with sugar. Today I shall bring your attention to whether a diabetic patient should eat curd mixed with sugar?

According to health experts, a diabetic patient should eat jaggery mixed with curd instead of sugar. This is because the combination of curd and sugar is not good for the body. Due to this, there may be problems with stomach burning and acidity. If you like curd very much then eat curd mixed with water, this will digest it properly and also keep the stomach cool. 

[self testing of  blood sugar]

Diabetic patients should take special care of these things. Eating excessive sugar is not good for anyone, but if a person has diabetes, then he or she should take special care of many things especially to avoid the consumption of white sugar, excessive white rice, sweet curd or curd rice, and other foods that elevate blood sugar levels.  

If it is very necessary to eat curd, then sugar or diabetic patients should take special care of the quantity of curd. Sugar patients should take special care of their diet. This is because the amount of protein in curd is very high. If you eat jaggery mixed with it, the bacteria are good for digestion. There are 3-4 grams of carbohydrates in 100 grams of curd. But diabetic patients have to take special care of things. 

Disclaimer: The above article is based on the experience of the writer while taking a patient's history. Sometimes, the diet may be good for some patients based on their body chemistry, so, Before implementing any change in routine diet it would be better to consult the concerned expert. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Elevated Uric acid (Hyperuricemia) in the body and the home remedy

Knowingly or unknowingly we consume some foods and drinks that increase uric acid, a harmful chemical in our blood, and ultimately disturb our regular and routine life even if under tolerable limits but destroy our whole body once reaches beyond the limits as prescribed in various medical journals and bulletins. 

There are many types of processed foods, and semi-processed food available in the market is also one of the reasons to trigger uric acid. 

In ancient days it was said that uric acid may harm people when they reach the age of 50. But now no age limit to get affected with uric acid and related diseases. 

It has been seen that majority of the people, due to their busy schedules, have no time to pay attention even to their own health. When uric acid increases, the first system starts appearing through the legs. And that need immediate and proper attention and we should not ignore them as minor. 

Uric Acid Symptoms: When uric acid increases in the body, many types of symptoms appear in the body. Symptoms of increased uric acid are clearly visible, especially in the legs. If uric acid has increased in the body, it is very important to control it in time because it can damage the liver.  An increase in uric acid in the body means that a chemical is being produced in your body. This purine substance starts breaking down in the body due to which uric acid starts increasing in the body. It also depends on how much of it is there in your body. 

Many factors are involved in increasing uric acid but mainly it is affected because of a bad lifestyle. Due to an increase in uric acid, the risk of kidney stones as well as chronic diseases increases significantly. It has been proved in many researches that high blood pressure, heart attack, heart failure, and metabolic syndrome can also be caused due to this. Many reports proved “Increase in uric acid increases the risk of diabetes and stroke”. This is a fatal medical condition. 

What should be the level of uric acid in the body? According to the Arthritis Foundation, the uric acid level in the body of men is more than 7 mg per deciliter, and in women, it is more than 6 mg/dl. 

Symptoms are seen in feet: 

1. Stinging and pain in the toe. 
2. Swelling and pain in the thumb. 
3. Ankle and heel pain. 
4. Severe pain in the soles of feet in the morning. 
5. Pain in knees. 
6. When uric acid starts increasing in the body, it causes pain and stiffness in the joints. 
7. Redness of the skin, blood in the toilet, frequent urination, lower back pain, pain in the genital area, and constant tiredness are also its initial symptoms. 

Home remedy to maintain Uric acid in the body: It is very simple but needs regularity. 
1. Citrus fruits are the best option to control the uric acid in the body. Citrus fruit juice like sweet lime, orange juice without ice cubes, and sugar approx 200 ml twice a week after food is helpful to control uric acid  
2. Daily one average-sized of ripe lemon juice may be squeezed in a tumbler of water and consumed. The lemon may be squeezed in pulses or vegetables, salad, etc if not willing to drink in water. 
3. Detox water or fruit-infused water is also the best remedy to reduce the uric acid in the body provided that the detox water should not be made with such fruits that elevate Uric acid.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Things that relieve worst menstrual pain.

Every house is equipped with a kitchen and that kitchen functions as a Traditional system of medicines if used wisely. Yes! As we know our Indian system of medicines like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Yoga, and Naturopathy require maximum key ingredients in the form of our kitchen materials e.g. dry ginger, dry coriander seeds (dhaniya), black pepper, cardamom, etc to prepare compound form of medicines to treat many diseases. In the olden times, the kitchen was treated as 'Nani Ji ka Dawakhana' OR 'Dadi Ji ka Dawakhana'. 

In the modern days, people wish to have prepared and packed material and no one wishes to work hard to get a fresh remedy. 


Here I am making an effort to bring your attention to some kitchen items that can manage pain and even make good feelings immediately in menstruation (severe painful menses). These things kept in the kitchen will relieve even the worst period of pain, definitely try them. 

These are considered "super-foods" that may be kept in the kitchen because they help in reducing period pain. These are- 

1. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains magnesium and antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and mood swings associated with periods. 

2. Pineapple: Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming pineapple or drinking pineapple juice helps in reducing swelling and reducing the discomfort of periods.

3. Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium, which can help reduce muscle strain and period cramps. Eating bananas or adding them to smoothies can help in reducing period pain.

4. Leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are rich in magnesium, which can help reduce muscle pain and cramps.

5. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Drinking turmeric milk during periods can help in reducing pain.

6. Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing period cramps, it can be consumed in the form of ginger tea.

7. Jaggery: Consuming jaggery is considered very beneficial during periods. If 50 or 100 grams of jaggery is boiled in hot water and consumed, it improves blood flow, relieves the problem of stomach ache, and also removes the problem of irregular periods.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Slim Figure Vs Starvation diet and their side effects

A slim and trim figure is considered a sign of good health and such a figure also attracts people. However, to get a perfect figure and maintain it the diet has to be controlled, along with daily workouts,  which is not possible for many people, especially exercising. In such conditions, dieting seems to be the best option for many people. If you are dreaming of skipping exercise and becoming slim only through dieting, then no doubt you will become thin, but at the same time, you can also become a victim of many problems.  

Some people find the option of dieting easy to lose weight quickly and reduce the fat accumulated on the waist and stomach, but this option can cause great harm to your health. It is right to reduce the amount of food but it is absolutely not right to remain hungry for hours. 

The harm caused to health by dieting: 

1. A starvation diet: It involves staying hungry for hours, which is increasingly being adopted by people who want to lose weight these days. Due to a starvation diet, the amount of calories in the body starts decreasing, due to which the body starts using fats as primary energy. Due to this metabolism slows down. If your metabolic rate is low, no matter how hard you try, your weight does not reduce. Secondly, because of this one keeps feeling tired and weak all the time. 

2. Effect on mental health: According to experts, starvation and dieting can increase the risk of eating disorders. This means that some people feel more hungry, while some people lose their appetite completely. Dieting for a long time can lead to the problem of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge eating disorder, due to which the mood remains irritable, anger increases and the stress level also increases.

3. Nutritional deficiency: Not eating food causes a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, calcium, and protein in the body, which are necessary to run many functions of the body. Along with health, the effect of lack of these nutrients can also be seen on skin and hair. 

The right way to lose weight: 

1. For healthy weight loss, there is a need to balance the meals instead of skipping them. 

2. Eliminate unhealthy fats from the diet and replace them with lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains. 

3. Drink an adequate amount of water. 

4. Get enough sleep. 

5. Take out 15-20 minutes daily for exercise.

Stay healthy stay safe...

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Air Conditioners and Health; Precautions and safety.

Everyone likes to stay in the coolness of AC, from cars, and offices to home rooms. But do you know that staying in AC for many hours can cause difficulty in breathing, joint pain, or skin problems?

In such a situation, one needs to be very careful while using the AC. Because AC reduces moisture from the indoor air. Staying in AC for a long time can cause problems like dehydration, dry skin, and difficulty in breathing. In such a situation, one should avoid staying in AC for too long. Long time stay in AC causes difficulties in breathing, dry skin, asthma, dryness in eyes, weakness, bone diseases, dehydration, laziness, headache, etc.

[ AC and health benefits]
Some precautions may be very useful if followed correctly -

1. Don't sit in front of the AC for a long time.

2. Avoid sleeping in the direction where AC cool air directly hits your face and head.

3. try to wear soft and loose nightwear.

4. Try to cover your head with cotton clothes to avoid over-covering at the head surface.

5. Very important to maintain AC temperature by 24-25 degrees Celcius for comfort. overcooling may create dry skin and shrink the outer surface of the body skin leading to itching and many other problems.

6. Set your AC's thermostat to a normal temperature (24-25 degrees Celcius) and avoid lowering it too low. This will not only reduce physical problems to a great extent but will also save electricity.

7. Taking a break from AC can also save you from its harm. Spending too much time in AC can cause fatigue, headaches, and other problems. To give your body comfort from the cold air, sit in the natural air for some time.

8. The room should not be too hot or cold for the child, as this can be dangerous. When the AC is on in the room, maintain a stable temperature of 24 to 26 degrees Celsius. Because this will provide comfort to the child.

9. According to the report of Row of Energy Efficiency, temperatures below 24 degrees Celsius can harm the body. Therefore, the temperature of 24 degrees AC is right for the body. This can also result in savings of 15 to 20 percent in electricity bills.

So, using AC is not bad if we take all the required precautions.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Girls must not ignore Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome - PCOS; may convert in to tumer later on...

In today's era, it has become common for young girls to suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). One out of every five young women in the country is affected by PCOS.

Girls living in cities are more at risk of PCOS compared to villages. The reasons behind this include restaurant and cafe food, soft drinks and packaged food, incomplete sleep, stress, and inadequate exercise.

As we know PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormone imbalance that occurs in women. Androgenesis, i.e. production of male hormones, starts increasing in the ovaries of some girls. Due to this, ovulation occurs regularly. If PCOS is not treated timely, it can have many side effects. In such a situation, it is important not to ignore symptoms of PCOS when they appear in the body. The disease is easy to cure in the beginning.

Do not ignore the symptoms of PCOS - It includes -

  • pimples on the face
  • Facial and body hair growth
  • depression
  • heart disease
  • infertility
  • diabetes and
  • hypertension.
According to the doctors, the risk of PCOS increases due to wrong eating habits, sitting habits, laziness, and ignoring the symptoms indicating the disease. Mainly it includes processed foods, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, etc.

NEW GENERATION IS MORE AFFECTED WITH PCOS: Actually, when a girl was in childhood, she used to play outdoor games. Today mobiles and gadgets have changed the environment. Due to this physical activity is not possible. Girls spend most of their time sitting in front of the computer. Do not take out time for physical activities. Along with this, staying busy on social media till late at night causes a lack of sleep, dehydration, weight gain, hyperproteinemia, thyroid problems, and mood swings. Changing lifestyle is completely responsible for this.


1. Women face difficulty in conceiving. According to the report of the National Institute of Health, 70 to 80 percent of women suffering from it are affected by infertility.

2. Women face emotional turmoil due to hormonal imbalances.

3. Body weight starts increasing rapidly. Increasing weight increases the risk of many diseases.

4. Periods do not occur on time. During periods, some people face the problem of less bleeding and some more.

5. PCOS affects the endometrial lining of the uterus. In such a case of PCOS, the risk of endometrial cancer increases.

6. The problem of PCOS is related to hormones. Therefore, it is very important to manage your lifestyle so that the secretion of hormones can happen properly.

Five yoga asanas can control PCOS:

1. Setubandhasana- While doing this yoga, the body becomes the shape of a bridge. This asana can be done during periods and menopause. Digestion also remains fine with this yoga.

2. Matsyasana- The stomach should be empty while doing this asana. By doing this asana regularly, the muscles of the front of the neck and lower abdomen become active.

3. Sarvangasana- In this asana, the weight of the entire body is given to the shoulders. While doing this, one has to lie down and raise the lower part of the body. Due to this, the entire burden falls on the shoulders.

4. Bhardwaj Asana- By doing this asana, there is a stretch on the stomach, which reduces belly fat and improves digestion.

5. Chakki Chalanasana- In this yoga, one has to sit with both legs spread. Then the hands are kept in front and run like a mill. This strengthens the pelvic and abdominal muscles.

Stay healthy stay safe...

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Food Vs Beauty and health

In my village, my grandmother always tells us " Jaisa khaoge ann, waisa hoga mann" which means as you eat food, it will nourish your body like that. Nowadays everybody wishes to have beauty look but no one wishes to cook. 

The majority of women feel proud if their husbands arrange for a person to cook their food or take them outside for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The majority of times, arguments happen among the couple if both working. They will even not compromise to prepare a cup of tea for her soulmate. They will state "Me too work outside and got tired." As a result, the conversion reached on peak of fighting and some bought food from a food supplier company and others got angry and started dieting particularly for that night by skipping food.         

[Say NO to Junk food]

Do you know? skipping food is more dangerous for health. it will collapse your body's metabolism. Please don't compare skipping food with fasting because fasting has some rules to do with a calm mood as you prepare yourself to make fasting and accordingly you plan it for light food, juice, etc in a very calm mood however, when you are skipping the food due to angerness it gives very bad effect to the body and is very harmful too. 

Now you think what would be better? Eating outside the junk food, semi-processed or processed food, flavored food with enhancing taste by using Monosodium glutamate -  MSG?  OR just put some effort into sharing your kitchen with your soulmate to prepare some easy and healthy dish to eat and in this manner, you have to spend time with each other. 

Dear young generations, I am sharing my own experiences and request you to change your habit of going out and fast food that is by name is fast but slow your life by all means because one thing you have to consider in your mind even a hotel maybe 5 stars or many more will never through the remaining food that was not served the last dinner time, it will remain to be kept in freezers and the next day with the help of  MSG, the food taste enhancer, it will be served to someone plate. 

Have you ever thought about the effect of Monosodium Glutamate on health aspects? I know your answer will be NO. Because you have no time to think even a moment about your health because you have come from duty, you get tired, and you are hungry, have no time to cook, so immediately make an order to food delivery and eat Is It?  Think really you have no time even to cook your food that is highly important to your health? 

Yes! you have no time because if you spend all the time cooking, then no time will remain to watch mobile, real, Instagram, or Facebook. After all, many of your friends waiting for you and your lovely and stylish posts. Is it? So, you are joking about your health. 

Please note that you are driving a car that also needs to change its engine oil, and make general servicing. While changing the engine oil you are enquiring about the brand of the best engine oil for good milage and smooth engine functioning with best riding performance but even you think even a single time about your body engine when no replacement of engine oil i.e. blood is required to our body to run. If we serve junk food and processed food to our bodies, the smoothness of the function will be questionable. Am I correct? The imbalanced diet, I mean to say processed food even chips, meat, fish, etc has no such power that nourish our body but it works in the opposite direction to make you bulgy, fatty, obese, diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure and ultimately defigured you from your beauty. there are many chances of a life-threatening disease like liver failure, kidney failure, and other cardiovascular diseases including cancer. So, Please try to curtail junk food and start to have your own cooked kitchen food made at home. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...  

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Ultra processed food and health

No one wishes to eat normal food at home. Due to the hectic work schedule, all are busy with work and turning themselves towards junk food or ultra-processed foods. Most packaged food is ultra-processed. Leave aside the taste, people are now eating ultra-processed foods like chips, biscuits-nankeen, pizza-burgers, and cold drinks to fill their stomachs.

If you also prefer to eat like this at the peak of hunger, then your health may be in danger. Ultra-processed food not only increases obesity but also increases the risk of cancer, mental health problems, and heart diseases.

To understand ultra-processed food in simple language, it means food that is not usually prepared in the home kitchen. If curd is made from milk at home then there is no problem. Whereas in some big industries, the curd is made from milk and to make it tasty, color, flavor, sugar, or corn syrup is also added.

[Ultra Process Foods ]

Home-roasted corn is healthy, whereas many chemicals, sugar, and salt are used to make delicious popcorn with extra flavor available in the market. This entire process is called ultra-processing and the food is called processed food.

Excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods increases the risk of early death by about 21-25 percent. Its consumption also increases the risk of death related to heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes by 40-66 percent. At the same time, the risk of sleep problems and depression increases by 22-30 percent.

Obesity is one of the fastest-growing problems in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it an epidemic. This means a disease that is spreading very rapidly throughout the world. Consuming too much ultra-processed food can lead to obesity. This also increases the chances of diseases like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and lack of sleep. Better to stick with normal and less spicy, more vegetable, leafy foods, and avoid to consume much fast and junk foods, coled drinks, and beverages outside of the home prefer your kitchen-made foods. Spend some time on health.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Ectopic Pregnancy (Pregnancy in Fallopian tube) is dangerous if not taken care at early stage

There are many types of pregnancy which include multiple pregnancy, molar pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, lupus pregnancy, and intrauterine pregnancy. Intrauterine pregnancy is a safe pregnancy because the fetus develops in the uterus itself, but there is also a pregnancy in which the child does not develop in the uterus. This is called ectopic pregnancy.

[Image showing Ectopic pregnancy]

In India, 3.0-7.0% of women lose their lives due to ectopic pregnancy. Sometimes ectopic pregnancy can occur in the ovaries as well as the fallopian tubes. A woman must visit a doctor within 2 weeks of missing her period so that her life can be saved and her health gets better in time. If treatment is not done in time, the woman may even die.

1. Pregnancy occurring outside the uterus: Generally, pregnancy occurs in the uterus. There are ovaries on both sides of the uterus which connect it to the fallopian tube. Every month, after ovulation, i.e. after periods, an egg called ovum is released from the ovary, which gets fertilized in the fallopian tube and reaches the uterus. But sometimes this fertile egg gets stuck in the fallopian tube itself due to which the embryo starts developing in this tube. This is called ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy. The fallopian tubes are 4 to 5 inches long and 0.2 to 0.6 inches wide. When the fetus starts growing, the risk of rupture of the fallopian tube increases.

2. The tube bursts in the stomach itself: If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus gradually grows in this thin tube. Because of this, this tube can burst in the stomach any time after the 7th week of pregnancy. If it bursts, bleeding starts inside the stomach, which the patient is not even aware of. Due to internal bleeding, the patient starts going into shock. This reduces blood pressure and leads to fainting. This situation is fatal. If there is no miscarriage, the tube has to be removed: In ectopic pregnancy, the fertile egg is often destroyed immediately, followed by mild pain and bleeding. Such symptoms are considered miscarriage. But sometimes the situation becomes serious and in 99% of such cases, the fallopian tube has to be removed through surgery. After this, the woman becomes dependent on the second tube for pregnancy, which reduces the woman's chances of pregnancy. But nowadays 'Laparoscoping Milking Technique' is being adopted due to which there is no need to remove the fallopian tube.

3. Pregnancy test comes positive: Ectopic pregnancy is detected only through sonography. If a woman has this pregnancy, then her test comes positive from the pregnancy kit. Actually, as soon as a woman becomes pregnant, a hormone called Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is produced in the body. It is detected in both blood and urine. If a woman conceives in the fallopian tube outside the uterus, the pregnancy test card (PTC) will have a light line instead of a deep one. The woman also experiences blood spotting and stomach pain. After doing the pregnancy test yourself, you should definitely get a checkup done by a doctor.

4. Symptoms are not visible in the beginning: Ectopic pregnancy initially looks like a normal pregnancy. In this, the woman's periods stop. There is anemia, dizziness occurs, vomiting also occurs, and the breast becomes hard but at the same time, mild or severe pain and bleeding can also occur. If blood leaks from the fallopian tube. If so, there may be a pain in the shoulder, or the veins wherever blood accumulates may be affected.

5. Contraception can also cause problems: Some women get Copper T i.e. Intra Uterine Device i.e. IUD installed for contraception. Although the chances of getting pregnant from it are very low, if it is not applied properly in the private part then there is a fear of pregnancy. This pregnancy may be ectopic.

6. Ectopic pregnancy due to sexually transmitted infection: If a woman has unprotected sex and contracts a sexually transmitted infection such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, then this sexually transmitted infection affects the woman's fallopian tubes and the reproductive organs around them. Due to this also, women become victims of ectopic pregnancy. To avoid this pregnancy, one should avoid having multiple sexual partners and always use a condom.

7. The joy of becoming a mother can be taken away: Women who have problems with their fallopian tubes and have ever had tubal surgery may also have to face this type of pregnancy. Even if this pregnancy ends after surgery in the form of miscarriage, the woman may have to face the problem of infertility. But through IVF a woman can become a mother again. Many times ectopic pregnancy occurs due to IVF.

8. Take care of diet: Ectopic pregnancy mostly requires surgery, but nowadays many such medicines are available due to which this pregnancy does not survive. After ectopic pregnancy, women need to pay more attention to their eating habits. Women should eat things rich in fiber so that they do not suffer from constipation. You should also drink raw pasteurized milk which will help in fighting infections. Apart from this, fish and egg yolk should be included in the diet. After laparoscopy treatment, a woman should avoid eating rice, egg whites, spinach, ginger, coffee, soya milk, and pulses.

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Treatment of Covulsions (Akshepaka - spasm) a severe disease caused due to excess Vayu in human body; part- 2

6. Convulsion and consciousness (Apatanaka): This is just like convulsion and unconsciousness but severe. It has difficult healing and the majority of cases, are not curable.

[A person suffering from convulsion]

77. Vayu/Kapha body paralysis (Dandaka): When Vayu is excessed and both the dosha Vayu and Kapha start to overflow into to entire body’s channel filled with undigested food toxins (ama), it makes the body stiff (like a wood log) with paralysis. The major symptom of this is jaw bone paralysis impossible to treat fully. 

8. Tetanus (Dhanustambha): Innner bending the bow and outer bending bow, both are caused by elevated Vayu that affects nerves and tendons, located in the toes, heels, abdomen, heart area, chest, and throat and causes severe convulsion moments.

9. Tarauma (Hemorrhage (Vranayama): When the doshas become aggravated in wounds on vital organs by Vayu, they spread throughout the body and produce convulsions. The major symptom of this disease is yellowish—white complexion. This is a very serious condition. 

10. Tongue difficulties (Jihva Stambha): When Vayu is caught in the tendons, nerves, and veins near the vocal cord, it causes paralysis of the tongue with the consequent inability to swallow and speak 

11. Lockjaw (Hanusramsa): Loose jaw or lockjaw. Owing to excess tongue scrapping, eating dry foods, and trauma, Vayu becomes localized and excessed at the lower jaw. This displaces the lower jaw, making it stay open or closed, causing chewing and speaking difficulties. Healing is very difficult. Long-term conditions are incurable.

12. Facial paralysis(audit): Vayu becomes excessed and localized in the upper body from carrying heavy loads on the head, excess laughing, speaking, facial exertion (eg. mimicking), sneezing, physical strains, sleeping on an uneven or hard pillow, and chewing very hard foods. Symptoms include irregularities of half of the face (especially during laughing and with sight), and the head begins to shake. Premonitory symptoms include speech obstructions, loss of eye movement, tremors, shaking, hoarseness, deafness, blocked sneezing, loss of smell and memory delusions, exhaustion during sleep, one eye becoming closed, severe pain above the shoulders, half of the body or in the lower body. When this disorder exists for more than three years, it becomes incurable. 

13. Convulsions in blood and veins (Sirgraha): Vayu becomes excess in the blood and veins of the head, causing them to shrink, and become hard, painful, and black. This disorder is difficult to heal or may not be healed. 

14. Hemiplegia – half of the body veins and tendons (Pakshavadha OR Ekangaroga): When Vayu becomes excessed in half of the body, drying the veins and tendons by loosening the joints the result is loss of the function and tactile sensation. Apart from that the Vayu, pitta, and Kapha, doshas are responsible for causing many such incurable diseases if left untreated these are Arm paralysis, leg paralysis, stiffness in thighs, knee swelling, ankle pain, finger/toe contractions, foot sleeping, burning sole, stammering, cutting pain in rectum, bladder, lower abdomen distension, upper abdominal distention, prostrate tumors (painless or painful), and tremors. Now dear readers you will be able to know how the convulsion is dangerous and many times not curable too. So, if the production of Vayu is more in our body, we have to be very conscious to take treatment. 

Treatment: In Ayurveda, it is boldly recommended to take TRIPHLA CHURNA  with the consultation of a Physician who belongs to Ayurveda, Siddha, or Yoga and Naturopathy. The Physician may study your body condition and recommend the doses accordingly. The minimum treatment needed for one month and the adult dose is 1.5-2.0 g with lukewarm water at bedtime. Please do not start doses on your own, and highly recommended to consult a physician before taking medicines.

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