
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Global warming vs whitewash: Whether we may control increasing temperature of Earth?

Scientists are working on various ways to find out the solution to cool the rapidly warming Earth. But the big question is, can global warming really be stopped, or is it just an illusion? 

The temperature rises significantly during the summer in many cities of India like Chennai, Jaisalmer, Udaipur, Jodhpur, and other countries like New York, etc., the temperature observed more than 5 degrees Celcius compared to the surrounding areas. This is because dark roofs, roads, and sidewalks become hotter than areas where there are trees and plants. 

[Purely white painted home]

We already have a solution for this problem. That is to paint houses and roofs white. As easy as it sounds, it is also cheap. Its effect is also visible. A white roof is about 30 - 35% cooler than a black roof. It has long been a part of the architecture in African, Arab, and Southern European countries to reduce heat. By doing this, the local temperature can be reduced by an average of 1 to 5 degrees Celsius. 

Obviously, this is an average number. Its effect can be seen more in the summer days. Under the Cool Roofs initiative in New York City, more than 1 million square meters of rooftops in the city have been painted white since 2009. 

Painting white not only makes the house and surrounding areas cooler but also saves energy. People living in these houses have to reduce the use of air conditioners. Scientists estimate that if all roofs and sidewalks around the world were painted white, it could reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to an extent.

Save Earth, Save Environment...  


Friday, September 17, 2021

Either Go to Morning Walk OR Avoid Eating Certain foods.......

It is very important to make lifestyle changes to stay healthy either a young man, a grown-up, or an old man. Although people are becoming aware of their health in the present time, during the corona period, people are avoiding going out or are afraid that they may get corona from the air. In this way, it affects daily healthy routine life and felt lazy without warming up our body or without going morning walk. As we know that morning brisk walking up to 3 - 5 km. or cycling is the best exercise for all age groups. 

There are many benefits of walking in the morning, it also burns extra deposited calories from the body and we feel fresh and energetic throughout the day but if we are not able to walk in the morning in any circumstances, then we have to control our diet and avoid to feed the body beyond the limit and thus, control our food items. So let's know what kind of things we have to control when we are not able to go morning walk on rainy days or Covid pandemic or any other circumstances and these are -

1. Paratha- Yes, paratha looks very good but if you are not able to do a morning walk or any kind of workout then eat roti instead of paratha. There are about 200 calories in 1 paratha. The same roti has very fewer calories than this. 

[Homemade Aaloo Parathe]

2. Chole-Bhature- The weather is slowly changing now. That's why sometimes we feel like eating something hot. Who doesn't like Chole Bhature hot? But Bhature is made of maida and that too in edible oil. So try not to eat such food items if you are not able to burn your energy.

[Chhole-Bhature Most liked dish] 

3. Ice cream- It is summer season, people feel happy to eating ice cream. But if we are not making efforts to burn energy by doing exercise or morning walks due to laziness, then the calories are getting stored in the body.  It was noticed that a cup of icecream consist of  600 calories or above.


2. Chips or other namkeen- Namkeen is made by completely submerging it in edible oil and deep-fried. Although the edible oil does not appear on it but the chips absorbed the oil. In a study, it was proved that 200 g chips consist of  600 calories that is too much because we are not only going to stop food whole day after eating chips but we will be taking breakfast, lunch, etc that will go in our body 
[Potato Chips]

5. Milkshake- Milkshake or cold drinks are preferred instead of hot milk in the summer season. By drinking it, the coolness also remains in the body; we do not even feel weakness. But a glass of milkshake contains 750 calories or more than that. To burn which you will have to jump rope for about 70 minutes or brisk walk about 5 km. or cycling for more than 45 minutes. So now you must have known that if you are not able to do a morning walk, then what you should not eat and how many calories are there in it. 


Stay healthy, stay safe...


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Bay leaf (tej patta) gives us health and maintain beauty…

The dry leaves Cinnamomum tamala; Family Lauraceae is an Indian bay leaf, also known as tejpat, tejapatta, Malabar leaf, Indian cassia, or malabathrum native to India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and China.  Its leaves have a clove-like aroma with a hint of peppery taste; they are used for culinary and medicinal purposes. It is thought to have been one of the major sources of the medicinal plant leaves known in classic and medieval times. 

Cinnamomum tamala dry leaves (tejpatta)

Bay leaves consist of  Copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and iron in plenty.   It contains many types of antioxidants which also help in protecting against cancer, blood clotting, and many serious diseases related to the heart. The use of bay leaves is not limited to eating only food as mentioned above. Many people may be surprised to know that using bay leaves can also benefit skin and hair. Let's know, how we can use bay leaves to enhance our beauty and become healthy.

1. Bay leaves are very beneficial in spots or acne on the face. A paste of bay leaves or washing the face with boiled water after adding bay leaves helps to keep the face clean and spotless. The water of bay leaves also helps in healing the skin affected by the rays of the sun and helps in maintaining the skin tone.

2. The use of bay leaves is very effective to keep the hair soft, and shiny. There are two methods to apply bay leaves for healthy hairs. (i) We can put it in the oil for some days and then apply that oil to the roots of the hair. (ii) We can wash the hair with its water.

3. Applying a paste of bay leaves on the hair can get rid of the problem of dandruff. This paste can also be applied by mixing it with curd so that the scalp remains moist and nourished.

4. Dried bay leaves powder can be used as a toothpaste once a week. It is very effective in maintaining the whiteness and luster of the teeth.

5. The decoction of the dried bay leaves gives very much relief in persisting back pain.  Bay leaf oil massage on the waist is very useful too.

6.  The decoction made by dry bay leaves also helps in removing the physical pain caused by the cold waves. For this, prepare a mixture by grinding 10 grams bay leaves, 10 grams carom seeds, and 5 grams fennel together. Now put this mixture in 1 liter of water and boil it well. When 100-150 ml remains after boiling water, switch off the gas stove and allow it comes to normal temperature. Filter the decoction and drink.

7. If there is a sprain somewhere, then a decoction of bay leaves is helpful in relieving swelling and pain. The paste of the grinding bay leaves when applying to the painful area, provides good relief.8. If there is swelling in the veins or there is a strain in the veins, even then the decoction of bay leaves provides relief. 

Stay healthy, stay safe.....


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Food and the manners of eating for healthy life…..

In the changing lifestyle, problems related to the intestines and stomach become very common, but it cannot be ignored. When the immune system is strong, people can easily overcome any disease, but due to weak immunity, anybody can be vulnerable to microbial and viral infection. If we follow the health and Ayurvedic plan, we may improve the immune system that can easily fight infectious diseases as well as other life-threatening diseases, and also we may get peace of mind. At the same time, the body will also be healthy. In following the Ayurvedic diet methods, we may feel very lazy while eating in the beginning, but after bringing it into the routine, we will feel better. So let's describe the Ayurvedic diet plan which is very good for the development of our whole body.

[Homemade healthy food for Balanced diet]

1. Eat in peace - According to Ayurveda, while having food, the environment should be completely calm.  Do not talk to anyone while having food. Maintain silence while eating. it gives us so much pleasure too.

2. Keep digital devices away - Nowadays no one feels the need of anyone while having food. Because they have a mobile or laptop with them. But by doing this, the rays of mobile or laptop reach inside our body and harm us. The biggest thing with its use is that we eat more food as well as keep eating for a long time.

3. Avoid packaged food - Nowadays people prefer to eat outside and avoiding homemade food. But the frequent eating food outside destroying our health, and promoting the business of doctors by arranging our frequent visit to them.  So, eat homemade food regularly and drink more and more water. This will give relief to the disturbances in the stomach.

4. Eat the food by chewing and not swallow – While eating, if the food is chewed properly, then the further process of digestion will also be comfortable. As the digestion process starts from the mouth itself and after this, the food reaches the stomach. Therefore, it is always advisable to chew the food thoroughly.

5. Quantity of food also determines health- Sometimes it is seen that even after taking more quantity of meals, we will always in doubt whether food taken up to complete appetite or not.  This has happened because during eating we are talking to others, watching TV or doing other work together. According to Ayurveda, other activities should be kept aside while taking food. So that we may eat a limited amount of food that is actually required for body activities not for storing. If we eat more, the chances of obesity are also more that gives many more problems to our normal life.

All the information given above seems very simple, but by following it in a proper and scientific way just for 21 days, it becomes a part of your daily life. In terms of health, normal food is most helpful in getting a diagnosis of the problem of the stomach and intestine.

Stay healthy, stay safe.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Some natural ways to increase hemoglobin in our body and be healthy forever....

Due to the lack of blood in the body, it becomes vulnerable to disease. Due to which a person becomes a victim of anemia. Due to lack of blood, the body, eyes, nails, palms become completely white. and the face appears with yellow touch up. The body feels fatigued and over tiredness and exhausted.   

[Hemoglobin in Human Body]

Not only this, due to the lack of blood in the body, women face more problems in their periods. But there is some normal and natural way that promotes the formation of RBCs in the body and increases hemoglobin.  As we know, the deficiency of hemoglobin is directly related to the lack of iron in the body. At the same time, the oxygen level starts decreasing. I will tell some important natural vegetables and fruits that will help you to boost up the energy as well as increase hemoglobin in the body - 

1.  Beetroot -  One round slice of beet should be eaten daily in the diet. Eating beetroot increases blood in the body. The elements present in it also increase the amount of hemoglobin by detoxifying the body. By consuming it, the loss of blood is reduced to a great extent. 

2. Pomegranate - In case of anemia, pomegranate along with seeds should be eaten daily instead of drinking its juice. Doctors also recommend consuming pomegranate seeds. Eating pomegranate cures indigestion problems also. 

3. Jaggery water - By drinking jaggery water daily, the blood increases rapidly. Put 1 teaspoon of jaggery in a tumbler at night and keep it filled with water. Waking up in the morning, filter that water in another tumbler and then drink it.  If you wish, you may add lemon and a little black salt to taste. With this, you will find the water delicious and you will feel absolutely fresh after drinking it.

4. Manuka - If there is a problem like anemia,  then manuka vine should be consumed. This makes RBCs grow faster. For this, soak Manukka in a bowl in the morning and keep it in water. After this, consume it in the evening.

5. Tomato – The number of antioxidants present in it helps in increasing hemoglobin. Tomato salad, juice, or soup can be used in any way. Also, it is rich in Vitamin C, which boosts immunity.

6. Coconut water - Reduction of hemoglobin is directly affected hair growth.  In this case, coconut water should be consumed. Due to this, the level of hemoglobin remains fine and hair fall also reduces. 

7. Amla - By consuming gooseberry, vitamin C is supplied to the body. Vitamin C deficiency leads to low hemoglobin levels. Therefore, gooseberry should be consumed in different ways. You can consume amla in the best form of murabba. By consuming it regularly, hemoglobin will remain equal.

8. Sesame - Sesame seeds are rich in nutrients. To consume it, first of all, soak sesame seeds for two hours. Filter the water and make a paste out of it. Mix it with honey and consume it a minimum of one time daily for up to 15 days.  

9. Figs - Figs are a very good source of increasing blood. Boiling figs in milk and drinking it increases hemoglobin rapidly.

Stay healthy, stay safe...


Monday, September 13, 2021

Bitter Gourd (Karela) and health…

Momordica charantia OR Karela belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae is a  herbaceous, tendril-bearing vine that grows up to 5 m., available in the Indian market throughout the year because of its advanced cultivation technologies, however, the bitter gourds of winter and monsoon seasons have good taste as well as medicinally very useful for the health.  The fruit has a distinct warty exterior and an oblong shape. It is hollow in cross-section, with a relatively thin layer of flesh surrounding a central seed cavity filled with large, flat seeds and pith. The fruit is most often eaten green, or as it is beginning to turn yellow. At this stage, the fruit's flesh is crunchy and watery in texture, similar to cucumberchayote, or green bell pepper, but bitter. The skin is tender and edible. 

[Raw and mature fruits of Momordica charantia]

Seeds and pith appear white in unripe fruits; they are not intensely bitter and can be removed before cooking. Bitter gourd is used as a green-skinned vegetable with white to translucent flesh and a taste that fits its name.   There are many health benefits to eat bitter gourds  but I would like to emphasize some important medicinal uses of the bitter gourds and is as under-

1. It is good to take bitter gourd juice in case of gas formation and indigestion in the stomach, due to which this disease goes away for a long time.

2. Drinking bitter gourd juice strengthens the liver and all liver problems end. Consuming it daily gives results in a week. It is also beneficial in jaundice.

3. Phosphorus is found in sufficient quantity in bitter gourd. It removes phlegm, constipation, and digestive problems. Due to its consumption, the digestion of food is done properly, and hunger is also openly felt.

4. Bitter gourd is very beneficial when there is a complaint of asthma. In asthma, eating bitter gourd vegetables without spices gives benefits.

5. Boiling the leaves or fruits of bitter gourd in water and consuming it, increases immunity, and any kind of infection is cured.

6. In case of vomiting, diarrhea, or cholera, drinking bitter gourd juice mixed with black salt provides immediate relief. Even if there is a problem with ascites, drinking two spoons of bitter gourd juice mixed with water is beneficial.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Spirulina - a trending food, dietary suppliment and health benifits ......

Spirulina is a plant found in water, it is also called a vegetable plant. It looks like algae in appearance. It is mainly grown around lakes, brackish water, and springs. The three species are Arthrospira platensis, A. fusiformis, and A. maximaActually, Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria that can be consumed by humans and animals. It is now being cultivated worldwide; Arthrospira sp. is used as a dietary supplement or whole food.  

It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries. This plant is said to be the best source of vitamins and other essential minerals. According to a recent study, spirulina has about 60 percent protein content and about  20 types of essential minerals. It also contains Vitamin A, Phyto Nutrients, Antioxidants, etc. It is rich in calcium and iron mainly. 

[Spirulina plant]

In Latin America, it is eaten mainly in food. Not only this but it is also used in Ayurvedic medicine. Spirulina is called a superfood. There are many health benefits that have been discovered, however, I would like to emphasize only some of them that are very important to human health, and this is-

1.  Act as skin protector - Many people have a lack of vitamins or minerals in the body, the effect is visible on the face. Spirulina is rich in nutrition. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B-12, phosphorus, vitamin E, K, and calcium. That helps to prevent skin from diseases. 

2. Make the liver strong - By consuming it, the liver gets essential nutrients. Many problems increase when the liver is weak. Spirulina contains the right amount of fiber 3 and protein. Which keeps the liver safe and helps in reducing the effects of liver disease or hepatitis disease in the past and also prevents the risk of cirrhosis.

3. May prevent Cancer -  The anti-oxidants present in it act as a mediator. And helps in destroying the harmful particles present in the body and thus it may act as the best treatment for cancer disease in the future.

4. Make a heart-healthy  - By consuming it, the risk of heart diseases is reduced because it makes blood pressure remains under control. It helps to a great extent in reducing the level of blood cholesterol. Also improves the flow of blood. Due to which they are saved from getting caught by heart disease.

5.  Helps in reducing depression - It is rich in folic acid and vitamin B-12 and thus the body gets the necessary nutrition. By consuming it, the blood cells of the brain open, and the proper blood circulation occurs in the brain and thus cures depression.

Stay healthy, stay safe... 

Begal Gram or chickpea or chhota kala chana is useful in Controling sugar: Daily diabetic diet..

The chickpea or Bengal gram or Chhota Kala chana is scientifically called Cicer arietinum is an annual legume plant of the family Fabaceae. Nutrient-rich Bengal gram is often used in the morning breakfast. it is highly rich in iron and fiber and also, this gram keeps digestion right, as well as makes the body healthy. Black gram or Kala chana contains antioxidants, which are very useful to make our hearts healthy. It is very beneficial for sugar patients as it controls sugar levels in the blood. 

[Seeds of Cicer arietinum ]
Black Bengal gram or Kala chana water is also very effective in controlling blood sugar. Chana water controls the blood sugar level, as well as provides many benefits to the body. Black Bengal gram is very useful for sugar patients because it is highly rich in carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, iron, and vitamins. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants. Chana reduces the amount of extra glucose present in the body. Sugar is controlled by consuming its water.

Sugar patients should wash and soak two handfuls of a gram into two tumblers of drinking water daily for overnight. Drink this gram of water on an empty stomach the next morning. By drinking it daily, the blood sugar level will be under control. The chana that was now separated from water may be eaten as raw by garnishing with coriander leaves, chopped onion, one chopped tomato with one pinch of salt, and black pepper. 

This gives extra energy to the body without elevating sugar levels in the blood. It is important for sugar patients to take care of their health during the Corona period. These days a lot of emphases is being made on increasing immunity. Sugar patients can consume gram water to increase immunity. Vitamins and phosphorus are also present in abundance in Bengal grams, which is very useful for health. 

Very often seen that people soaked gram for overnight and morning they will discard the water and add fresh water while boiling of a gram. It is totally wrong. What should do then? Yes, it would be better to wash well the gram before soaking it into drinking water and while boiling the same water should be used if you think the quantity of water is not sufficient, may add a little more water and then boil. After boiling the remaining water should be consumed. It is highly recommended not to discard the water used in the boiling of grams.  
Disclaimer: Those people who have allergies to protein may consult their doctors before starting this health remedy.

Stay healthy, stay safe...  

Friday, September 10, 2021

Curd and Health Benefits….

Curd is an important part of the Indian plate. Having curd on the plate means that your plate is delicious as well as full of nutrition. Yogurt is also considered a superfood, so it is advisable to have a bowl of curd for lunch. Due to its amazing health benefits, people all over the world eat it with great fervor. It contains good bacteria that improve digestion, as well as high-quality protein. If the curd is eaten daily, then stomach problems like indigestion, constipation, gas, etc. get relieved. If you also love curd, and food seems incomplete without it, then also know about the benefits of eating curd.

[Homemade curd in Earthen pot]

There are uncountable health benefits told in Ayurveda and other kinds of literature, however, some important properties of curd that boost our health are given as under- 

1. Effective in Weight Loss- It contains a good amount of calcium. Calcium does not allow the body to swell and thus, helps in reducing weight gain.

2. Immunity booster- Even if you eat a spoonful of curd daily, your immunity increases. The good bacteria present in curd improve digestion as well as the immune system.

3. Help in reducing stress – It is a matter of scientific study that how and why the curd directly helps in reducing stress but it is practically proved that the persons who are taking pure curd 100-150 g (homemade) have very few complaints of stress. For this reason, experts recommend including curd in daily diet.

4. Beneficial for Teeth and bone-  Curd is very beneficial for dental health. It is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones. Osteoporosis and arthritis patients can get relief by eating curd. 

5. Energy Booster- If you often feel tired, then definitely include curd in your diet. It keeps the body hydrated and also gives energy.

Restrictions: Curd should not be eaten during any fever and cold. 

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Who should not eat almonds ....

Almond is scientifically called Prunus amygdalus; belongs to the family Rosaceae. We know the benefits to eat almonds every day as it lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and is packed with vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, which helps oxygen and nutrients flow more freely through the blood. We know hearts represent love, so show your ticker some lovin' with almonds. Almonds are a bone-building food. 

[Seeds of Prunus amygdalus- Almonds]

Digestion is also balanced by eating soaked almonds. They are rich in anti-oxidants, which control aging. Almonds increase the amount of tocopherol in the blood, which controls blood pressure. When soaked and then peeled eaten, it increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol. It is rich in folic acid, which aids in the development of the baby's brain and neurological system during pregnancy. Like the above, there are many more benefits of eating almonds that are scientifically proved.

But do you know who should not eat almonds?  You will be very much surprised by knowing the aforesaid eating health benefits of almond. This is true but eating almonds sometimes reversely affects our body it means what we can say is that the almonds should not be eaten by every person, is it? Yes, there are some people for whom consuming almonds can harm their health. 

Lets us know about such people who should avoid eating almonds - 

  • Patients with high blood pressure should avoid the consumption of almonds because these people have to take regular blood pressure medicines. Consuming almonds along with these medicines can cause harm to health.
  • People who have kidney stones or gall bladder problems, then they should also not eat almonds.
  • If someone has digestive problems, then they should also avoid eating almonds, because they contain a lot of fiber which can increase your problem further. 
  • If a person is taking antibiotic medicine, during that time he should also stop eating almonds. Almonds contain a high amount of magnesium, the intake of which can affect the effect of medicines in the body. 
  • People who are troubled by obesity, they should also not consume almonds, because it contains a lot of calories and fat, which works to gain weight.
  • If someone has a complaint of acidity, then they should not eat almonds too.
I hope that the above article would be highly beneficial especially to those who are very much health conscious and should follow the health mandate when to eat almonds.

Stay healthy, stay safe... 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Garden Mint (Pudina) enhances immunity - must include in daily diet....

Mentha viridis or Mentha spicata or spearmint belongs to the family Lamiaceae is a small perennial herbaceous plant. It is 30–100 cm tall, with variably hairless to hairy stems and foliage, and a wide-spreading fleshy underground rhizome from which it grows. 

[Mentha spicata - hearbs]

The importance of garden mint is mentioned in Ayurveda. Any health-related problems can be cured through home remedies with mint. Mint can be used for flavor and medicinal properties at any time. Peppermint is very beneficial in dry cough as its menthol compound soothes the throat. Along with this, it helps in reducing both throat irritation or pain. 

Garden mint has antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial properties, which are able to overcome many health problems. Mint also contains many nutrients. Such as menthol, iron, fat, protein, carbohydrate, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin-A, riboflavin, and copper, etc. are nutrients. 

Nowadays the world is facing a Covid – 19 pandemic and thus considering the medicinal properties of the garden mint it is advised that people should also include garden mint in their diet, as it is also helpful in strengthening your immunity. People should consume mint regularly to protect themselves from the corona. Apart from that, there are many health benefits of the mint is known, some of the important uses are as follows- 

  • Crushing fresh mint leaves and smelling the unconscious person ends fainting. It kills intestinal worms. In case of indigestion, drinking mint juice mixed with water is beneficial. 
  • In stomachache and anorexia, adding 3 grams of mint juice, cumin, asafoetida, black pepper, some salt, and drinking it after heating is beneficial. 
  • By giving mint juice at the time of delivery, delivery becomes easier. 
  • By applying mint extract on the bite site of a scorpion or barre, draws out the venom and also calms the pain. Boil 6 10 grams mint and 20 grams jaggery in 200 grams water and take it. 
  • It cures recurring urticaria. 
  • The use of mint is very beneficial to reduce stomach heat. Apart from this, it is also beneficial in getting rid of other stomach-related problems soon. It doesn't have any side effects either.
  • Burning on the soles of the feet, the ground mint leaves may be kept in the fridge and apply it on the soles, it gives immediate relief.
  • This will also reduce the heat of the feet. Mixing dry or wet mint with buttermilk, curd, raw mango water, will end the burning sensation in the stomach and gives coolness. It is also protected from hot winds and heatwaves.
  • If anyone often complains of tonsils and is also troubled by the swelling caused in them, then mixing plain water in mint juice and gargling with this water will be beneficial.
  • Daily consumption of mint chutney in summer gives many health benefits. Grind the chutney by mixing mint, black pepper, asafoetida, rock salt, dry grapes, cumin, dry dates. This chutney prevents many diseases of the stomach and is also delicious to eat. This chutney opens up the appetite even when there is no appetite or distaste for food.
  • Cough is cured by licking the juice of 12 mint and ginger mixed with some honey. On the other hand, if anyone is troubled by frequent hiccups, then mix sugar in mint and chew slowly. In no time they will get rid of hiccups.
  • Many types of skin diseases can be eliminated by applying the paste of mint leaves. It is also good for healing wounds. Apart from this, applying its paste on the face will eliminate the heat of the skin and you will feel fresh. 
  • Regular consumption of mint is able to protect you from jaundice. At the same time, the use of mint is also very beneficial for urinary diseases.  

Stay healthy, stay safe...  

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Momordica dioica (Spiny Gourd); family - Cucurbitaceae)- A healthy monsoon vegetable with plenty of nutritional value.

Momordica dioica is a perennial, dioecious, cucurbitaceous climbing creeper (commonly known as kakrol, spiny gourd, or teasle gourd). It is native to Asia with extensive distribution in India and Bangladesh. Momordica dioica as the average nutritional value per 100 g edible fruit was found to contain approx. 84.1% moisture, 7.7 g carbohydrate, 3.1 g protein, 3.1 g fat, 3.0 g fiber, and 1.1 g minerals. It also contained small quantities of essential vitamins like ascorbic acid, carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. It also contains protein in the leaves and the dry weight of aerial plant parts remained higher in males as compared to female defruited, and monoecious plants. Various parts of Momordica dioica are used as traditional herbal remedies for diabetes mellitusIt is considered the most powerful vegetable in the world. 

[Momordica dioica - mature fruits]

It is also used as a medicine in Ayurveda. This vegetable is not only tasty but also full of nutrition. It has so much power that makes the body healthy with just a few days of consumption. The spiny gourd is also known as “Kaksa or Golkandra”.  Spiny gourd usually fruiting in the monsoon month. In view of its many health benefits, cultivation has been started in many countries. In India, it is mainly cultivated in mountainous regions. 

Medicinal properties: 

1. It is a great source of antioxidants, which are beneficial for human health and helps prevent many diseases.

2. Help in reducing Obesity: Kaksa is rich in protein and iron, while the calorie content is low. As per the study, 100 grams of Kaksa, consists of only 15- 17 calories.

3. Prevent life-threatening diseases: Carotenoids such as lutein are present in spiny guards, which prove to be helpful in the prevention of many types of eye diseases, heart diseases, and even cancer.

4. Correct digestive system: Naturally, digestion becomes poor in the rainy season even for a very healthy person and then it plays an important role in improving the digestive system. The special thing about spiny guards is that apart from vegetables, its pickle can also be made. If you do not want to eat its vegetable, then pickles can also be eaten. 

5. Anti-allergic: This vegetable is usually found during monsoon, it proves to be helpful in keeping away seasonal cough, cold and other allergies due to its anti-allergen and analgesic properties.

6. Helpful in diabetes: It also lowers the blood sugar level in diabetic patients. 7. It helps to keep the skin healthy, as it contains various flavonoids like beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which act as a protective shield for the skin. 

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any allergic complaints with cucurbitaceous fruits.

Stay healthy, stay safe...




Mental Health and Wellness through Naturopathy: A Holistic Approach to Healing

In today’s fast-paced world, mental health has become a prominent concern. With the growing prevalence of anxiety, depression, and stress-re...