
Showing posts with label stay healthy without medicines.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stay healthy without medicines.. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Medicines do not have the formula for a healthy life...

Man's effort to remain healthy is not new but has been going on since ancient times and this effort will probably continue in the future as well. It is astounding to see that we turn away from the responsibility of keeping our own body healthy and become completely dependent on others by not doing anything for it ourselves and transfer our commitment to those who assure to make the person healthy by taking the help of medicines and surgery for the diagnosis of the disease.

Allopathy, Unani, Natural, Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy, Magnetic, Thought Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Acupressure Pyramid Power Therapy, etc. are currently used to keep the human body healthy. All these methods claim to make the human body healthy in their own ways. In today's era when medical science has reached its peak, the continuous increase in the number of diseases and the deteriorating health of the people indicate that why don't we develop such a system, by which we can get rid of all diseases and protect ourselves and gain health benefits. 

It is a point to ponder over how to remain healthy without using medicines and how to enjoy life to the fullest by keeping our bodies healthy. In today's scientific age, it is also necessary that we adopt such a path, by which we can keep our body completely healthy without going to a doctor, without consuming any medicine, and without resorting to surgery, only by prevention.

Why do we fall ill- the causes of most diseases?

The reason is a polluted environment and disregard for the laws of nature and not physical deficiencies. Knowingly or unknowingly we are always exposed to a polluted environment, which adversely affects our health we always consume sunlight, food, water, and air contaminated with bacteria and germs in some form or the other. In fact, our body becomes a 'food bank' for some bacteria, and they thrive on it.

Generally, we see only the side effects of diseases but do not pay full attention to the measures to avoid the side effects. Both disease and health depend on the balance of the body. In a state of balance, their effect on the body is beneficial and in a state of imbalance, it is harmful.

Sunlight - Since ancient times, Indians have considered sunlight as a health-enhancing and disease-killing power. daily use of sunlight, a man can live for a hundred years without being free from all the diseases caused by phlegm, bile, and wind. In that also the morning rays of the sun are very useful. If 40 minutes of exercise is done, it refreshes the cells of the body parts, so that the body machine can work smoothly. Recently, many scientists have conducted experiments and revealed that if we do not use any organ, we lose it. (Use it and lose it)

Water- About two-thirds of the human body is made up of water. To maintain the water level, it is beneficial to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Especially the elderly should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily even if they do not feel thirsty; because in old age one feels less thirsty, but the need for water remains. Many research state that unusual diseases that have not been cured yet can be cured by water therapy. This is a very simple, convenient, and cost-free treatment. In this, one has to drink 3 glasses of water as soon as one wakes up in the morning, due to which diseases like constipation are cured in a few days and other diseases in some time.

Normal breathing process - Normally our lungs take in 8,76,000 gallons of air through breathing. The breathing process takes place 15 times in a minute. Thus, this process takes place 21,600 times in a day. The speed of breathing is related to the health of a person. Rapid breathing indicates a stressed and unhealthy body. Therefore, it is necessary to breathe in full quantity. 1/5th of the oxygen that is inhaled is used by the brain. By exercising and doing pranayam, the need for air is automatically fulfilled. According to the research of 'Yoga Sudha' Bangalore, if we adopt the process of breathing 27 times through the left nostril four times a day for a month, then this process provides peace. By doing the same process from the right side, weight is reduced.

Exercise- Exercise is a wonderful and strength-enhancing medicine. If done scientifically daily.

Meditation- Meditation is a process by which a person can purify his body, mind, and soul. If meditation is done regularly for 15 minutes twice a day, then many types of mental diseases can be got rid of and life becomes peaceful and joyful. For meditation, a person must spend some time with himself, sitting on a blanket in a convenient place, keeping his spine straight, and meditating. Through this, the body parts get coordinated so much that with positive thoughts, a person can automatically overcome any disease. A feeling is also obtained from this, due to which a person accepts the circumstances. You become what you think - this experience is only in meditation; because the inner power can be used only through meditation. Our heart is as big as a closed fist, but this organ of ours remains active all the time. Through the process of meditation, you get rest, due to which it can serve you for a long time.

Discipline of food - It has been said that the health of a human being is based on his food. In this context, vitamin C is of great importance. If we try to know the main points of proper food, there are mainly three main points - (1) Eat only when you are hungry, (2) Eat only what suits your body and (3) Eat less. 

Laughter- Laughter is the best medicine. Nowadays clubs are being formed in India and all over the world where people laugh together. Laughter is also called internal jogging, which exercises the whole body. If you have developed such a personality that you can't laugh, then laugh in a 'mechanical' way, but laugh for sure.

Our body is a wonderful, miraculous, and self-operated machine. It is our own duty to take care of it. We can neither hand it over to any doctor or vaidya nor leave it to the mercy of any medicine. The main thing in this is that to keep it healthy, we should avoid diseases. Prevention is necessary. Through this, we can enjoy our life to the fullest. An unhealthy person cannot help anyone. He is dependent on others. Respecting the various signals of the body, we should rest, meditate, fast, laugh, etc. in time. We are always burdened with mental load, which harms our health. 

In this context, it will be beneficial if we remember that this world existed before us and will exist after us too, so let it remain in the same form now, conflicts arise from actions contrary to nature, and from here diseases start. Life is priceless and its main form is health. The body is yours and to put it simply, if the body is not there then you are also not there.
Stay healthy, stay safe...

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