
Showing posts with label sore throat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sore throat. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Recent study on Covid - 19 patient : Sore throat, dry cough may persist for long time even after recovery...

The campaign for booster doses to prevent from covid - 19 has been speeding up as the omicron virus has become the dominant variant in circulation. It has been seen the infection is very much involved with the upper respiratory tract infection, sore throat, and irritation. 

The patient is observed to see very normal except for the aforesaid symptoms but after a couple of days of infection, mild fever up to 101 Foernheit has been seen with severe calf muscle pain and body pain. The fever is seen subsidizing within 4 days by using paracetamol tablets under a doctor's prescription along with some other supplementary medicines for boosting the immune. It has also been seen that an affected person with Omicron virus is prone to invite some other seasonal as well as post covid infection.

Dry cough and throat irritation has been seen to persist in the patient suffering from Omicron virus. The upper respiratory tract is very much affected. It has been practically observed to the patient once the fever is subsidized they gradually start coughing with or without sputum. People who are about 40 years of age have been found with severe wheezing complaints along with severe sinusitis. 

As we know that after Covid-19, the immune system of the patient becomes very weak and there are many chances of other diseases in which cold-like symptoms are very common due to the growth of the bacteria in the respiratory tract and around the throat region. 

The persisting cough and growing bacteria may cause disturbance in the regular and routine life, although, this is not taken as important significance among the doctors and left out without considering to give treatment; however, if the cough and wheezing symptoms persist and throat infection or irritation is still there, it would be better to approach a physician, who may give some antibiotics along with immune boosting tablets to stop the growth of the harmful bacteria in the respiratory tract and lungs. 

The long-term cough should not be left untreated, it might convert into some other respiratory diseases, so, be aware, and take care of your health. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...      

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