
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2023

IVF treatment and pregnancy with selective embryo by Artificial intelligence

Very good news for the couple who do not have a baby and wish to get treatment with IVF. Now Artificial intelligence software can identify the most promising or best embryos during IVF treatment. This will increase the chances of success of IVF treatment by 30%. In simple words, soon the chances of pregnancy will increase with the help of AI. Babies born using artificial intelligence software in IVF treatment will be called 'AI babies'.

[Selection of Human Embryo with AI]

The software identifies the most promising embryos during the IVF process by detecting embryo characteristics related to genetic abnormalities. IVF ie In Vitro Fertilization is an artificial method of pregnancy. In this system, the eggs of women and the sperm of men are kept together in the lab and fertilized. After this, the embryo is transferred to the woman's womb.

Embryo selection is the most important part of IVF. Mr. Gilboa, co-founder, and CEO of AIVF, a software-making reproductive technology company, said – Embryo (embryo) selection is the most difficult and important during the IVF process. The AI ​​software has been trained to detect embryo characteristics that are related to genetic abnormalities and implantation.

These are usually not easily detected by any technique. He said- During the training, the AI ​​software was shown several hours of footage related to the development of the fetus. This helped the AI ​​software to identify the most promising embryos.

The chances of success of IVF treatment with AI software are very high: Mr. Gilboa said that till now doctors have been selecting embryos, but many times the selection goes wrong and IVF treatment fails. Usually, women have to undergo IVF treatment for 3 to 5 times. This is because there are 10 to 12 embryos in the lab that have the potential to produce a baby. They all look the same. Out of these, doctors have to select an embryo. He said that before selecting any embryo, complete research is done, but ultimately this research is being done by humans only. It is not necessary that the assessment of the possibility of pregnancy is correct. That's why the help of Artificial Intelligence software is being taken. With this, women will have to undergo IVF treatment only once and they will get a positive result.

AI software will not replace doctors: Artificial intelligence software will reduce the time taken by the IVF process; because machines work faster than humans, but it does not mean that this software will replace doctors. The software will only detect promising embryos, and the doctors will decide to select them for IVF treatment.

Machine womb is also ready for the birth of a child: In December 2022, a company named 'Actolife' prepared the world's first artificial uterus ie artificial womb. The child growing up in this will spend 9 months under the supervision of Artificial Intelligence. This technology of the company is the 'Artificial Uterus Facility'.The child born with this technique will be safe from every infection.

This technology consists of growth pods, which are AI-connected uteruses. First, a man's sperm and a woman's egg are mixed in the lab. After this, it is placed in the growth pod, where this machine starts working like a womb. Like a woman's uterus, 'amniotic fluid' is inserted in this artificial womb, in which the child lives for 9 months.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Pandemic stress among women is also causing problems in pregnancy....

Nowadays some news alerting pregnant women: Epidemic stress among women is also causing problems in pregnancy. This is confirmed by the test performed on the umbilical cord as claimed by the scientists from England. The research done in England on pregnant women is alarming. Scientists doing research on pregnant women say that pregnant women are at risk of worsening their condition even if they do not have Covid. The stress of the pandemic can cause problems in their pregnancy. This has come to the fore in the research done on 115 pregnant women in the pandemic. 

Umbilical cord test is done in 2020:  Researchers examined the placenta of pregnant women in 2020. The report revealed that women who had covid during pregnancy showed three times the problems in their umbilical cord. At the same time, twice the cases of problems in the umbilical cord of women who were not infected were reported. 

What does it mean to have a problem with the placenta? The baby growing in the womb is connected to the mother through an umbilical cord. Through this umbilical cord, oxygen and nutrients from the mother reach every part of the baby. All this is possible through blood circulation. Any discrepancy in this has a direct impact on the health of the child. Similar problems have been revealed in this research in pregnant women. 

What problems did pregnant women have to face? In the first wave of the pandemic, pregnant women from Canada, France, and the UK were included in the research. Their umbilical cord and umbilical cord samples were taken. One-third of these women were infected. At the same time, up to 50 percent of women had not been affected with Covid.   During the research, it was revealed that the level of fibrin protein was increased in them. This protein helps in clotting blood in the body. These clots hinder the growth of the child and increase the amount of calcium in the body. 

Researchers say that the epidemic caused stress in such women, which caused inflammation in the body and many changes in the organs. This increased the problems in pregnancy. More research needs to be done on the extent to which this stress can have a bad effect on the mother and the child. Researcher Alexander Hazel of Manchester University in England, who conducted the research, says that the problem seen in the umbilical cord of women has been seen only during the epidemic. The long-term impact of this stress needs to be understood. 

What if Covid happened during pregnancy? Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco say that corona infection during pregnancy increases the risk of the baby being born prematurely. Premature delivery of the baby can happen before 32 weeks in infected women. During pregnancy, the risk of getting infected with Covid in women is up to 60 percent higher. Researchers looked at birth certificates of children born in California between July 2020 and January 2021. During this 2,40,157 children were born. Of these, the mothers of 9 thousand children had corona during pregnancy. The research revealed that 8.7 percent of normal pregnant women and 11.8 percent of pregnant women suffering from Covid had premature deliveries. If BP and obesity increase then the risk is more. Researchers say that pregnant women are more prone to infection with Covid. In such a situation, the risk of premature delivery in infected women who struggle with high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity increases by a further 160%.

Stay healthy, stay safe...


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Use of Paracetamol tablets in pregnancy may be harmful - A Researcher Report....

Scientists have suggested avoiding the use of Paracetamol tablets in pregnancy, it can have a bad effect on the development of the child; It may affect the thinking ability and IQ may in developing fetus.

[Paracetamol tablets]

Many doctors now suggesting to avoid taking paracetamol tablets during pregnancy without medical advice. It can have a bad effect on the unborn baby in a recent study. Earlier research has also revealed that there has been a connection between autism, hyperactivity disorder, slow language learning in girls, and low IQ level in children of such mothers. 

A team of international scientists reviewed studies related to paracetamol and pregnancy. It came to the fore that pregnant women should take painkiller paracetamol only on the advice of the doctor; otherwise, the unborn child can be affected in many ways. 

Research published in the journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology says paracetamol has been found to be linked to diseases related to the brain, reproductive and urinary. To understand this, the team of researchers analyzed the research related to paracetamol and pregnancy that took place between 1995 and 2020. 

Researcher Dr. David Christensen of the University of Copenhagen, who did the research, examined the effect of paracetamol during pregnancy in two ways. First, on pregnant animals and second on pregnant women. It was observed that the cases like premature young age, decreased sperm count, decreased fertility have been seen in the children of such mothers who have taken Paracetamol in pregnancy. At the same time, when its effect was seen on animals, it was revealed that the number of eggs in female animals decreased and the ability to reproduce was also reduced. 

The report published in the journal says, the increasing use of paracetamol around the world is disturbing. It is affecting the children's thinking and learning ability and their behavior. Not only this but a connection has also been found between such painkillers and testicular cancer. 

However, the British health agency NHS does not agree with this. The NHS says that paracetamol is also a safe drug for pregnancy. For women who are about to become a mother, this painkiller is the first choice. Around 50 percent of pregnant women in the UK use paracetamol during pregnancy. At the same time, in America, this figure is more than 60 percent.

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