
Showing posts with label merit matching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label merit matching. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Importance of astrology; The relationship of planets in our lives...

Whatever disease or epidemic occurs on Earth is all related to the stars. this has been now scientifically proven. When there is a solar eclipse, the birds become silent like hermits and saints several hours before, monkeys leave their trees and come down to the ground and peace prevails.

Pythagoras found that a particular sound is produced by the motion of the stars, which gets imprinted on the primary sensitive and simplest mind of the person born. When a person is in harmony with his stars, he is healthy; when he loses his harmony with that basic music, he becomes unhealthy. A person should choose colors, mantras, sadhna, food, and worship of gods according to his horoscope so that the harmony of the planets remains intact. The whole universe is an organic unity, the whole brand is one body, and everything is connected, so when a distant star changes its position, it also changes the rhythm of our heart, and the flow of blood also changes. It is very necessary to have a correct analysis of astrology and planets.

Infinite rays of all the planets and stars strike the earth, there is hardly anything that is unaffected by it. The sea is affected by the moon. The ratio of water and salt in the sea is the same ratio that is present in our body too, if the sea water gets affected by the moon then it will not have any effect on humans, It is impossible. This is why the favorable position of planets is checked while buying a vehicle, entering a house, marriage, etc., so that at the beginning of auspicious works your mind remains happy and peaceful, and you can establish harmony with the subject situation.

As the full moon approaches, the mental balance of many people around the world gets disturbed and this effect is less on the day of Amavasya. If we study the horoscope of a military commander, warrior, or general, then we will find that mostly the influence of Mars will be dominant in their horoscope, whereas the influence of Jupiter is seen to be strong in religious and pacifist people.

Astrology is a very scientific thought. By studying the planets and stars in the horoscope, we can know the hidden situation of the future and achieve peace and prosperity in the right direction. Otherwise, in the opposite dimensions, we will only experience stress, anxiety, and unrest, and this is the situation seen with most people today.

Leaving aside the current misconceptions and arguments of people about astrology, we have to move towards its real secrets so that we can make our lives well-organized and peaceful, this is the need of the hour.

Astrological importance in life:

Whenever a period of crisis comes in human life, his natural instinct leads him towards astrologer, Pandit, Guru, Isht; in such a difficult situation, only the good deeds and self-confidence of the person are his true well-wishers. In the adverse position of the planets, material resources cannot be of any help to us. Therefore, we should earn merits in time.

The day when our mind is disturbed and restlessIn such a situation, perhaps the special reason for this would have been curiosity about the cause. Under the study of astrology, the description of color, food, deity, and mantras for a particular person is given according to the planets. The tendency of Kapha, Pitta, Vata, and the opposite food, the choice of color contrary to the planets definitely makes us restless and disturbed.

Generally, if we study, we will find that the mind gets disturbed by the smells of certain food items and certain colors. In astrology, we can reduce the negative effects of planets by following rules according to the planets. Just as we take the help of Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, and Naturopathy for the treatment of any disease, similarly in astrology, Tantra i.e. Sadhna, Puja, Anushthan, related Isht Mantra, chanting of the mantras of planets, wearing gems, Rudraksha for the favorable effect of the planet, it depends on the individual which method he prefers. All three conditions help provide equal energy and strength.

The most important and special thing is that it is necessary to keep the astrological rules shown to the native very confidential; because the mind gets disturbed by the arguments given by other people. At the same time, it is also very important to have complete faith and trust in it.

The position of the planets in the birth chart of a person is also studied by his nature; Because the conditions of his life are determined according to the planets. For example, a person who gets angry a lot should not wear red colored clothes and should apply pure sandalwood tilak every day. On the contrary, red maroon colored clothes are auspicious for very calm and simple people. Worship of Shri Ramchandraji is auspicious for a person with a disturbed mind and unlimited mind and worship of Lord Krishnaji is for a very easygoing person.

Astrology cannot change your situation but it makes you understand the real situation according to the circumstances. The person himself brings about a change or transformation in the situation through his sadhana and One can do this only by collecting merits. 

Justification of merit matching in the present perspective:

Necessity is the mother of invention, nothing is born without a reason, and there is definitely a definite reason behind any situation. What were the circumstances and conditions due to which the field of astrology has spread so widely today? Why was astrology not given such priority in the past - this question comes to mind again and again, but if we are ignorant of this deep subject then we have to accept that we are searching for the superficial layer. We have not known the basic truth in depth, and have not understood it. There is a huge difference between the situation of the past and the present. In the past, there was no television, Facebook, tutors, or WhatsApp as compared to today. In the past, people did not have huge materialistic thinking like today, they had the thinking of the past and knowledge based on experience. They had spontaneity, simplicity, patience, and understanding of the real religion. At that time, the whole life was according to the rules. Rules were paramount, at that time there was respect, honor, modesty, and shame, and where there are rules, religion, modesty, and shame; the propriety of qualities does not have priority, there are rules.

It provides order to life. Why did yoga become so popular only a few years ago? Today universities of yoga have opened, and teaching of yoga has been made compulsory in schools, why? Earlier it did not get so much promotion, the main reason for this was that at that time people were hardworking, the environment was clean, at that time there were not so many diseases that yoga needed to appear in its huge form, today diseases have attacked from all sides, so, naturally, yoga had to come in its original form.

Seven generations of chromosomes are present in our DNAScience has not yet reached that level, otherwise, the name of our great-grandfather's great-grandfather can also be created from our DNA, exactly the same. In the past, people remembered the names of their seven generations, their entire history, because their consciousness was not completely in the future but in the form of past experiences. Ask today's youth of Pauri what is the name of their great-grandfather?

In the past, people used to remember Rishi, Gotra, Bhairav, Kuldevi, lifestyle, food habits, everything for marriage. Their experience was the scientific religious pillar of today's matching of qualities. They knew that if a daughter was given to a house, she would not be happy. They knew that the rituals of their family were different from theirs (Shadashtak Dosh, Vairyoni Dosh). They knew from experience that in which family there are problems related to children after marriage (Navpancham Dosh). They had the experience of the past in which family there is a possibility of paralysis, skin diseases, etc. after four caste-based Pauri. They did not organize marriages with that family at the scheduled time. They knew what problems arose due to different food habits, worship, worship, and meditation. They did not even marry with such a mismatched family. Their experience was of the last seven generations, ours is of four months, one year. At that time, family meant the whole village, today family meant us two and our two, today we ignored that basic principle and saw the good job, money, and house. The result of staying away from other secrets is visible in the form of incidents like divorce, disputes, fights, etc.

Earlier, the basis of horoscope matching was the science of behavior and experience under religion. Today, that knowledge has disappeared, that is why astrology had to come forward in its vast form. Now, there are thousands of other secrets present in the scriptures like Darshan, Yagya, Cure, Power of Will, and Power of Mantra, which God Himself presented systematically with time. Will do.

Do we have any rules of experience like before? How much do we know? Does the other side have any basis? The basis we look at. If houses, jobs, and money were the basic basis of life, there would not have been unrest, divorce, or fights in those houses. Today we have forgotten the basic basis, that is why astrology had to come into the picture.

Mangal Dosha was not considered a priority in the past, even today Mangal Dosha is not considered a priority in rural areas, due to Mangal Dosha hormones become uncontrolled, due to which a person can get into a love affair in a fit of emotion and has character defects, along with this such a person is likely to have two marriages. In the past the rules and regulations were strict, and along with this the people used to follow the religious rules completely, no matter how strong Mars was, its existence was not visible in front of the fear of rules and public respect, religion. Today it has become necessary to get rid of Mangal Dosha.

For those who are against this astrology, all that needs to be said to them is that if they want to be modern, then probably no one is unaware of how seriously marriage is given in the Western world.

Although the reputation of Astrology has been hurt due to some selfish people and those who have become their victims are justified in getting angry, one thing is completely acceptable an astrologer can be wrong, but never Astrology. 

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