
Showing posts with label medicines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medicines. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2021

Keep blood pressure under control to prevent memory loss in old age…

If you want to prevent memory loss in old age, then keep blood pressure under control. Recent research by international researchers says high blood pressure is also affecting your memory. At the age of 30 to 40, if your blood pressure remains elevated, and then control it as it increases the risk of dementia. 

The risk was seen in 61 percent of the people- To understand the effect between blood pressure and falling memory, ie dementia, research was done on 2.50 lakh people in Britain. Their age was between 35 and 44 years and they were battling with high blood pressure. The MRI report revealed that 61 percent of these people are at risk of memory loss in the future. This research has been done by a team of international researchers. 

Brain shrinking of people with high BP-Researchers found in their research that the brain shrinks due to high blood pressure. A connection was found between its size reduction and dementia. Research says that people over the age of 35 whose blood pressure has increased, their brain is shrinking more. If high blood pressure is not controlled then the condition can worsen. 

Silent killer (HBP) is increasing heart patients- In 2019, the British Heart Foundation estimated that 4 million people between the ages of 30 and 40 in the UK were suffering from high blood pressure. According to researchers, cases of heart attack and stroke are increasing due to high BP, which is called the 'silent killer'. Experts say blood pressure can be messed up due to stress, infection, medicines, and even lack of water. The matter of concern is that there are a large number of people who do not understand the increasing and decreasing blood pressure. This condition leads to serious diseases and death later on. That is why it is also called the silent killer.

150 million people worldwide are battling high blood pressure (HBP)- WHO says, currently 150 crore people worldwide are suffering from hypertension. In 2019, 1.79 crore people died due to heart diseases. High blood pressure is responsible for one-third of these deaths. This is also because hypertensive patients do not understand this disease. Its symptoms are not visible. As a result, there are incidents like heart attacks in the patients. 

Some important facts to control High Blood Pressure-

1. Smoking increases BP for 20 minutes- This is necessary because Nicotine makes the walls of the arteries hard by shrinking them. Apart from this, it also plays a role in blood clotting. It takes 20 minutes for the heartbeat to return to normal after a person smokes a cigarette. So it is better to leave it.

2. If We reduce the weight by 1 kg, then BP will also be reduced by 1 point - According to the Mayo Clinic, if an overweight person with obesity loses one kilogram, blood pressure decreases by 1 mm Hg (roughly 1 point). Not only this but blood pressure is also related to the waist. If the waist of a man is more than 40 inches and that of a woman is more than 35 inches, then its risk is high.

3. Do not eat more than 5 grams of salt in daily food- This is important because a young person should have less than 5 grams of salt in a day's diet. The equivalent of one teaspoon of salt contains about 2,300 mg of sodium. By reducing this amount of sodium in the food, 5 to 6 point BP can be reduced.

4. Less than 5 to 8 points BP with 30 minutes of exercise- According to research published in the National Institute of Health, if you walk for 30 minutes a day, then there is a reduction in blood pressure by 5 to 8 points. However, the walk should be done continuously; otherwise, the blood pressure may rise again. Apart from this, jogging, cycling, and dancing also reduce blood pressure.


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