
Showing posts with label itchy throat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label itchy throat. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2021

New variant spreads 70 times faster in the body than Delta, first attack on respiratory tract- a new research on Omicron….

A surprising research has come about the new variant of Corona, Omicron. Scientists from the University of Hong Kong have revealed that the Omicron variant spreads 70 times faster inside the body than the original form of the corona (SARS-CoV-2) and the delta variant. It reaches the lungs through the bronchi of humans. However, the risk of causing more lung damage from this is less than the previous variants. 

Researchers from the University of Hong Kong performed a study on Omicron patients. Research has found that Omicron attacks the human respiratory tract. This is the way to reach the lungs. Within just 24 hours, Omicron had rapidly multiplied here. It was 70 times faster than the original form of Corona and the Delta variant. 

Research has also shown that the Omicron variant does not cause much damage to the lungs. Its effect on the respiratory system is 10 times less than the other variants. This reduces the risk of getting serious diseases. According to Professor Michael Chan Chi-wai, even though Omicron is not very deadly, the speed of spreading its infection can disturb people. The danger of causing death due to this is not over yet. Michael says it could dodge existing vaccines. 

What are the symptoms of Omicron: Some of the symptoms of the Omicron variant identified in South Africa are similar to the original form of the corona. Patients complain of dry cough, itchy throat, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and fever. Also, the first symptom of Omicron is the absence of a smell and test. 

How to protect ourselves against Omicron: Experts around the world are emphasizing vaccination to fight corona. Even though Omicron is a new variant, the methods to protect against it are old. This includes wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, avoiding crowded places, maintaining good ventilation, and washing hands frequently.

Stay healthy, staye safe…


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