
Showing posts with label headache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label headache. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Air Conditioners and Health; Precautions and safety.

Everyone likes to stay in the coolness of AC, from cars, and offices to home rooms. But do you know that staying in AC for many hours can cause difficulty in breathing, joint pain, or skin problems?

In such a situation, one needs to be very careful while using the AC. Because AC reduces moisture from the indoor air. Staying in AC for a long time can cause problems like dehydration, dry skin, and difficulty in breathing. In such a situation, one should avoid staying in AC for too long. Long time stay in AC causes difficulties in breathing, dry skin, asthma, dryness in eyes, weakness, bone diseases, dehydration, laziness, headache, etc.

[ AC and health benefits]
Some precautions may be very useful if followed correctly -

1. Don't sit in front of the AC for a long time.

2. Avoid sleeping in the direction where AC cool air directly hits your face and head.

3. try to wear soft and loose nightwear.

4. Try to cover your head with cotton clothes to avoid over-covering at the head surface.

5. Very important to maintain AC temperature by 24-25 degrees Celcius for comfort. overcooling may create dry skin and shrink the outer surface of the body skin leading to itching and many other problems.

6. Set your AC's thermostat to a normal temperature (24-25 degrees Celcius) and avoid lowering it too low. This will not only reduce physical problems to a great extent but will also save electricity.

7. Taking a break from AC can also save you from its harm. Spending too much time in AC can cause fatigue, headaches, and other problems. To give your body comfort from the cold air, sit in the natural air for some time.

8. The room should not be too hot or cold for the child, as this can be dangerous. When the AC is on in the room, maintain a stable temperature of 24 to 26 degrees Celsius. Because this will provide comfort to the child.

9. According to the report of Row of Energy Efficiency, temperatures below 24 degrees Celsius can harm the body. Therefore, the temperature of 24 degrees AC is right for the body. This can also result in savings of 15 to 20 percent in electricity bills.

So, using AC is not bad if we take all the required precautions.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Friday, January 14, 2022

Beware of adulterated tea......

Camellia sinensis, a shrubs belongs to family Theaceae. Tea production, cultivation of the tea plant, usually done in large commercial operations. This is an evergreen plant is valued for its young leaves and leaf buds, from which the tea beverage is produced.

Tea becomes the need of all family members in all over world. Bed tea is a term that is used to start the day for majority of people and tea lovers. Tea is started with political ground, a meeting or even a family function   is not completed. Chai- Samosa or Namkeen and tea is the part of the family discussion. Many important decisions are being made during the time of tea.

Tea is not a beverage only to drink but also people use it to make their mood fresh, even it is being used for treatment of headache, preparing mood for dealing critical file issues etc...

Many poet had given its stylish name such as lajvanti or nirlajja tea; charitravan tea or Charitraheen tea. Let me clear about its name given by Indian poets. The Charitravan tea is served in a special earthen pot or vessel, made from soil and called' Kullahad' that is being used once whereas the charitraheen tea is served in stainless steel vessel or in Chinese cup and that cup is utilised several time to serving tea for many people and thus it is called ' charitraheen tea'. So, its very funny. Yes. Its true in fun also tea is a part of modern life as well as ancient life. No one can deny. Many people told that if they not take tea in a specific time, they feel severe headache and it seems that they loss something. Now, we may see the importance of tea in our routine life.

But how you feel, if you have suddenly heard that the tea is severely adulterated. Yes. Adulteration is now become a part of the business that no way bother to the people health. Nowadays, frequently adulterated tea available in the market in beautiful and attractive packings and also gives good aroma just opening the cover. But do you know all beautifully packed tea is not healthy and being adulterated by adding artificial colur and dye.

This artificial color causing many severe health issues like lever failure, kidney failure, cancer etc... Might you have heard that an individual seems very healthy and has no bad habits like drinking alcohol, Ciggarette smoking and tobacco, bidi etc but got affected with any life threatening disease and lose his life on immature time.
This is due to adulterations in food, beverages and other eatable items. We have to much alert from the life cheaters.

There is some tips for easy identification of original and adulterated tea.....

1. Take a small amount of tea powder or granules, put on tissue papers just sprinkle litte water on it. Observe after two minutes, and then remove the tea powder from tissue paper and see the results. If tissue paper had got very dark yellow or brown stains means tea is adulterated. If stain is just very light or pale yellow means the tea is original.

2. Take a transparent tumbler and fill with water. Add few grains of tea in it and observe. As soon as the grains start releasing color even in normal water means it is adulterated by adding some color to make attractive and thick colored tea. Such tea should be avoided as it harms to the internal organs of our body. Original tea grains will not start realising color immediately in touch of water but take 20 to 30 seconds and that also light color in compare to adulterated one. It gives color on only a certain boiling temperature.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Friday, December 17, 2021

New variant spreads 70 times faster in the body than Delta, first attack on respiratory tract- a new research on Omicron….

A surprising research has come about the new variant of Corona, Omicron. Scientists from the University of Hong Kong have revealed that the Omicron variant spreads 70 times faster inside the body than the original form of the corona (SARS-CoV-2) and the delta variant. It reaches the lungs through the bronchi of humans. However, the risk of causing more lung damage from this is less than the previous variants. 

Researchers from the University of Hong Kong performed a study on Omicron patients. Research has found that Omicron attacks the human respiratory tract. This is the way to reach the lungs. Within just 24 hours, Omicron had rapidly multiplied here. It was 70 times faster than the original form of Corona and the Delta variant. 

Research has also shown that the Omicron variant does not cause much damage to the lungs. Its effect on the respiratory system is 10 times less than the other variants. This reduces the risk of getting serious diseases. According to Professor Michael Chan Chi-wai, even though Omicron is not very deadly, the speed of spreading its infection can disturb people. The danger of causing death due to this is not over yet. Michael says it could dodge existing vaccines. 

What are the symptoms of Omicron: Some of the symptoms of the Omicron variant identified in South Africa are similar to the original form of the corona. Patients complain of dry cough, itchy throat, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and fever. Also, the first symptom of Omicron is the absence of a smell and test. 

How to protect ourselves against Omicron: Experts around the world are emphasizing vaccination to fight corona. Even though Omicron is a new variant, the methods to protect against it are old. This includes wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, avoiding crowded places, maintaining good ventilation, and washing hands frequently.

Stay healthy, staye safe…


Saturday, November 27, 2021

These yoga tips makes to stay healthy in winter….

During the winter season, there is a need to take special care of health. Because health-related problems are common in the cold season. Such as headache, back pain, cold, heart problems can also occur. On the other hand, if you do yoga regularly, then you can stay away from all these health problems; let's know the important tips- 

1. To operate the body, toes, heels, knees, thighs, abdomen, fingers of hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, and eyes, it will be beneficial to do 5 to 10 operations of each part in the morning and evening.

2. These compound actions are also beneficial in psychosomatic, neurosomatic, asthmatic. Along with this, Shashank Asana, Yogamudra, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Stretch Makarasana (Crocodile) -2 are beneficial.

3. Some physical and mental diseases are also caused by stress and anxiety. Compound actions are best to remove them. Doing Pranayama and meditation is extremely beneficial in mental problems.

4. Yogic actions are beneficial even for healthy people. Healthy people should be healthy, so do these asanas with the advice of a yoga expert - Tadasana, Trikonasana, stand up and do the movements of bending the waist forward and backward and left and right 5 times. 

5. Lying upright Ardhahalasana, Cycling, Pawanmuktasana, Upright Naukasana. Sitting should do Paschimottasana, Shashank Asana, and Yoga Mudra. Bhujangasana, Sarpasana, Shalabhasan, Dhanurasana, Naukasana, Rolling Naukasana should be done by lying upside down.

6. Pranayama is beneficial for everyone. Yogendra Pranayama, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Bhramika Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama are more beneficial in this. You can meditate according to your power. Take a long deep breath and release it. The pronunciation of Om is also considered important.

7. Dormant energies can be awakened through meditation, pranayama, shavasana, yoga nidra. By this the power to work can increase, the mind is concentrated, the intellect becomes sharp. These actions increase the immunity power to fight against physical and mental diseases.

8. In cold days, high blood pressure, heart disease patients suffer more at night. Doctor's advice and yoga expert's advice is also beneficial for them. Everyone should walk in the morning and evening. One should laugh openly once a day. Digestive food should be taken 2 hours before sleeping.

SStay healthy, stay safe...



Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Precautions and some important safety measures on taking long time online classes…

This is observed from a survey that approximately 55% of the children taking online classes are suffering from various health-related problems. Due to the prolonged online classes in the pandemic, students of classes 4 to 12 are troubled by stress, eye problems, and insomnia. This has come to the fore in a survey conducted by specific chains of Schools in Lucknow. 

[Long term online classes may harm the health of students]

There were 4454 people included in the survey. In these, 3300 students from different schools, 1 thousand parents, and 154 teachers were asked about the advantages and disadvantages of online classes.

Some major things about the survey-

1. In the survey, 54 to 58 percent of the students said that they are suffering from problems related to eyes, backache, headache, fatigue, and obesity.

2. About 50 percent said they are worried about stress. At the same time, more than 22 % say that the problem of insomnia is not giving up.

3. About 65 % say that they are facing technical and network problems while taking online classes from mobile.

4. According to 45-47 percent of students, they find it difficult to interact with teachers and classmates. Not everyone can see at the same time.

5. Not only this, but students also say that they lack confidence and are not getting motivation.

There were many advantages in the midst of disadvantages- 

The survey says that due to online classes, both students and teachers have become comfortable using technology. 60 percent of the students say that now they are able to take extra time along with studies. He is using this time for gardening, art, and craft. Apart from this, his bonding with family members is also getting good.

What are the precautions that can be taken for online classes - 

Wash eyes with water 4-5 times a day- Dr. Vinita Ramnani, Eye Specialist and Glaucoma Expert at Bansal Hospital, says, children use mobile phones more. This has a direct effect on their eyes. 

These days children are spending more time with mobile due to online classes. So it is important to keep some things in mind-

· If there is a problem like an eye strain, itching, tiredness, redness, watering, blurred vision, then get alert. These are the symptoms of digital eye strain. These symptoms appear when the gadget is used excessively.

· Due to the continuous falling of blue light from digital gadgets on the eyes, the first cause dryness and then there is stress on the muscles. In such a situation, ask children to blink while using their gadgets.

· Due to the small screen of the mobile, there is more stress on the eyes. The blue light emitted from it leaves a bad effect because it is closest to the eyes. In order to avoid dry eyes, apart from classes, ask children to keep a distance between the gadget and the eyes. Apart from this, ask to wash the eyes with plain water 4 to 5 times a day.

· Most of the children play video games on mobiles or other gadgets by turning off the lights at night due to the fear of parents. This is the most dangerous situation because due to the darkness in the room, the blue light of the gadget directly affects the eyes. Parents keep these things in mind.

Keep these things in mind to avoid backache, headache, and fatigue- 

1. Experts say that body posture should not be allowed to deteriorate during online classes. Due to this fatigue and back pain starts. To avoid this, choose such a chair so that the back remains in a straight line. 

2. Do not tilt your head or back over the gadgets. Gadgets should neither be too high above the eyes nor too low.

3. To avoid headaches and fatigue, you can walk into the room or balcony when class breaks. With this, eye fatigue will be removed and headaches will be avoided. 

4. Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water a day, you will find yourself energized. Parents should include yoga in their children's routine for better body posture.

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