
Showing posts with label dizziness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dizziness. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Why heart attack cases are increasing in men only?

Why heart attack cases are increasing in men only? This question now becomes very serious and have to pay more attention to avoid such a situation. It has been seen that heart attack cases are increasing at young ages. Earlier heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases of the heart and arteries were seen only in old age people, but now it is frequently seen in the age of 40-45, even in more young youth of 25-30 years of age.

[Sign of Heart Attack]
Where is the mistake happening? For the last few years, cases of heart attack are increasingly coming to the fore in young people. Many young celebrities have lost their lives due to heart attacks and cardiac arrests in recent months. These include TV actor Siddharth Shukla, Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar, etc. who were below 50 years of age. A few days ago, Bengali actress Aindrili Sharma died at the age of 24 due to cardiac arrest. At the same time, many such incidents also came to the fore in which young men lost their lives while dancing or exercising in the gym.

According to experts, if there is any kind of problem related to the heart, then running, exercising in the gym, and dancing can be fatal. According to the Indian Heart Association, over the years, the risk of heart attack has been seen in 50% of people below the age of 50 years and 25% in those below the age of 40 years.

The question is Only men are getting heart attacks? Actually, the basic nature of man and woman can be the reason for this. Women communicate, cry, laugh and rejoice. If women feel like dancing in happiness, then they express it. Men are the opposite. They hesitate to say something and do not let the thoughts of their mind come out. Men neither jump and cry in great happiness nor cry in sorrow. Sometimes someone cries even by mistake, and he is told that 'is he crying like a woman'.In such a situation, when the mind itself is not happy, can the upper strength of the body keep it healthy? A strong body and a weak mind actually become the cause of untimely death. Before opening the joints of hands and feet, open the heart. Before counting thousands of steps, take only four steps toward someone close to you. Communicate and don't think about who will take initiative for dialogue. If you communicate, then the feelings will remain and the feelings will give you the strength to remain positive. If you have feelings, then you will be able to express happiness, sorrow, surprise, all these in a better way and this expression only will keep you, your heart healthy. Save your mind from suffocation and let your heart breathe freely. Also, according to the report of the National Crime Records Bureau, the cases of heart attack in women are very less. It can be clearly understood that men are facing more problems related to the heart.

Why are heart diseases happening at a young age in men? Its wires are directly related to lifestyle.

1. Smoking and alcohol addiction: It causes symptoms of cardiovascular disease in youth. After this fat accumulates in the body and then he gets coronary heart disease. Blood pressure increases due to excessive consumption of alcohol, due to which the heart starts pumping due to its direct effect on the blood vessels. This increases the risk of having a heart attack.

2. Bad and unhygienic diet: Nowadays the pressure has increased so much in every field that the youth do not take care of their diet and routine before work. Due to this, many types of problems related to the heart surround. Excessive consumption of junk food is also taking a toll on the health of the youth. This increases the number of calories in the body, which has a direct effect on the heart.

3. More stress: Mental stress is also a reason. Workload directly affects the blood vessels. Due to this, people of young and middle age are becoming victims of diseases like blood pressure. People suffering from lack of sleep have a higher risk of a heart attack. People take more stressed and do not get enough sleep. Sleeping late at night and getting less than eight hours of sleep makes the heart sick.

4. Diabetes is also the reason: Doctors believe that diabetes can also be a major cause of heart disease in youth. India has the highest number of diabetic patients as compared to other countries. According to statistics, there were 7.7 crore diabetic patients in India in 2019. More than half of them are not even aware of their illness. The number of diabetic patients is expected to increase to more than 130 million by 2045.

Why are recent heart attacks seen only during gym and dance? The risk of heart attack is high for those people who have had diabetes or blood pressure problems for a long time. Actually, doing more work increases the risk of bursting of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries of the heart, due to which heart attack can occur. Heavy and strenuous workouts also put pressure on the chest, which can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack manifold. Therefore, do heavy exercise only under the supervision and advice of a specialist. Similarly, it is very important to take some precautions while dancing because during this time the heartbeat increases and due to this the pressure remains on the heart. If you are obese or suffering from hypertension, then suddenly doing high-intensity dance increases the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest.

Do not ignore if these symptoms reveal in your body: If there is a pain in the chest, back, throat and jaw, both shoulders, contact the doctor immediately. If there is confusion, sweating, shortness of breath, more difficulty in walking two steps, feeling nervous, more digestive problems, gas, extreme tiredness, dizziness, restlessness, problem in breathing, or rapid breathing, then these can be symptoms of a heart attack.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Cardiophobia and its symptoms and treatments…

Cardiophobia is a mental disorder, it creates the occasional fear of having a heart attack that is quite normal, but if this fear haunts any person all the time, means he or she may have cardiophobia. Cardio means related to the heart and phobia means fear. Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It can become a hindrance in our daily life.  

[Cardiophobia patient with fear expression]

In cardiophobia, a person is afraid of having a heart attack. Because of this, his mind is not engaged in any other work. The person suffering from this phobia becomes more afraid when the heartbeat is irregular. When there is pain in the chest or left arm, the patient with cardiophobia thinks that he has heart disease. 

People can have cardiophobia for many reasons. For example, this phobia may begin after the death of a closely known person from a heart attack. Apart from this, the fear of having a heart attack due to an accident in childhood can instill in the mind. 

Symptoms of Cardiophobia: There are some common symptoms that have been observed in cardiophobic patients like anxiety, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, high blood pressure, fainting, sudden sweating, shivering, chest pain and left arm pain, etc. 

Cardiophobia treatment - If anyone experiences any of the above symptoms, the first thing to do is to get your heart tested, as many of these symptoms could be signs of a real heart attack. Even after getting all the tests done, if you are worried about heart disease, then tell the doctor about it. You should consult a good psychologist for the treatment of cardiophobia. There your therapy or counseling will be done. Along with this, you can get a heart checkup twice a year to find out the health of the heart. Phobia patients are advised to do breathing exercises and meditation at home. This will calm your mind and reduce anxiety.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Deafness, hearing voices and dizziness have been confirmed in corona patients....

The coronavirus can also make a person deaf after infecting them. New research has revealed that this virus can also infect the inner part of the ear. Ear problems were seen in 10 patients infected with Covid. This claim has been made by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. 

Research has claimed that the corona can infect such cells of the ear that work for human hearing and balance the body. Researchers Dr. Konstantina Stantovic and Dr. Lee Gherke say that there are many viruses, including cytomegalic, mumps, and hepatitis, whose infection causes cases of deafness in humans. Why these viruses cause deafness is not yet understood. 

To understand this, both the scientists were doing research on inner ear infections even before the corona epidemic. For this, he also prepared a model of it. 

In early 2020, researchers came across cases in which patients had hearing loss, tinnitus (sound in the ears), and dizziness after a corona infection. Dr. Konstantina Stantovic says it was not understood why cases of deafness and tinnitus are common in corona patients. 

After such cases came to light, they changed their plan and started research to understand the connection between corona and ear. Scientists say, to understand the connection between the corona and the ear, an ear model was made from human skin itself. These contained all the cells that are in the human ear. Many new things emerged from this. 

Researchers say that 10 patients of Covid suffering from ear problems were examined. Of these, 9 were battling tinnitus. 6 also complained of dizziness. 

Apart from this, the hearing ability of all 10 patients also decreased.

Stay healthy, stay safe...



Monday, November 1, 2021

How the heart attack happens, knowing symptoms on time can help in saving life…

Nowadays many people are losing their lives due to heart attacks even in their pre-mature life.  According to some doctors, there have also been deaths of people whose age was less than 40 or 45.   

Let us know how many types of heart attacks are there and what are their symptoms- 

1. Hypertension- Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common types of heart disease. Under normal conditions, the blood exerts a specific pressure on the walls of blood vessels, which is called blood pressure. In many situations, this pressure can be so high that it starts damaging the body parts. This can be due to an increase in the amount of blood circulating in the arteries or a decrease in the diameter of the arteries. Symptoms- This condition does not cause any specific symptoms. Many people may suffer without even knowing it. However, some patients face multiple symptoms. They include headache, dizziness, shortness of breath and nose bleeds. 

2. Coronary heart disease (CHD)- Coronary heart disease is a condition that affects the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Due to many reasons, the lumen of blood vessels gets reduced, due to which the heart does not get oxygen and blood. One of the most common complications of this disease is myocardial infarction (MI), also known as a heart attack. This occurs when the artery becomes completely blocked and sufficient blood supplies the part of the heart. As a result, the cells do not have enough oxygen and they die within minutes. Symptoms- The main symptom of coronary heart disease is angina pectoris or chest pain. In most cases, it emerges after vigorous physical activity, occurs in the center of the chest, interferes with movement, and usually disappears after a few minutes of rest. Symptoms include chest pain, tiredness, difficulty in breathing, weakness all over the body, headache, dizziness.

3. Heart failure- Heart failure is one of the most serious types of heart disease. It is a diagnostic syndrome in which the heart cannot pump effectively leading to cardiac output or insufficient cardiac output. In other words, cardiac output is insufficient. Usually, when heart failure occurs, the ventricle muscles become very weak. So it doesn't shrink properly. Many changes in its structure or function can cause this. Actually, it is the last stage of some heart conditions. Symptoms include- difficulty in breathing, inability to breathe while lying down, pink sputum cough, swelling of the lower limbs, tiredness, ascites. include chest pain, tiredness, difficulty in breathing, weakness all over the body, headache, dizziness.

4. Congenital heart disease- One of the most common causes of heart problems in children is congenital heart disease. They are structural birth defects that occur early in pregnancy when the baby's heart is forming. Symptoms -  the symptoms of congenital heart disease usually appear in the early days after birth. Some of them are rapid breathing, purple lips, and difficulty in feeding, and growth problems. On the other hand, those who were born with congenital malformations and reach adulthood suffer from arrhythmia, shortness of breath, skin malaise, fatigue, and swelling in the lower limbs.  

5. Rheumatic heart disease- Various systemic diseases can affect the heart, for example, rheumatic fever.  It is a type of heart disease caused by a staphylococcus strain that attacks connective tissue, causing an autoimmune reaction. In this way it affects the muscles and valves of the heart, causing great damage in cases of rheumatic heart disease. These damages are so severe that they can cause severe heart failure and even death. The symptoms include- fever that does not exceed 101 °F, muscle and joint pain, general weakness, vomiting, gout.

6. Cardiomyopathies- Some heart diseases, such as congenital heart disease, require surgery. Cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that affects the heart muscle. They modify the size and distribution of the cells that make up it. In this way, the heart gets changed. The three most common types of cardiomyopathies are dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive. In the first, the ventricles are enlarged. In the second the ventricular wall thickens. Finally, restrictive cardiomyopathy occurs when the walls of the heart (ventricles) harden due to infiltration of connective tissue. The Symptoms- are shortness of breath after physical activity, swelling of the lower limbs, tiredness, heart palpitation, dizziness, and fainting.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Health Care: Remedies to avoid weakness during fasting…

People who keep fasting for the entire nine days of Navratri, they often start having problems like weakness and dizziness. Because even after fasting for nine consecutive days, they feel tired, weak. If you are also facing these problems during or after fasting, then you can get relief by adopting these measures -

1. The first and best way is to drink plenty of water so that the body remains hydrated and the oxygen level remains the same. In this way, you will not even feel a lack of energy and there is no question of getting dizzy.


2. Pranayama - By doing pranayama, you can increase the level of oxygen, which will not cause dizziness. For this, it is necessary to take a deep breath, so that there is a balance between the soul, body, and mind. This way you can stay refreshed all day.

3. Amla - Eat fresh amla or amla in the form of chutney as it is rich in vitamin C so that fatigue is reduced and immunity is strengthened. If you want, you can drink its juice. Along with this, the consumption of green coriander will also be excellent.

4. Dried Coriander - Drink water after eating a spoonful of dried coriander, or mix coriander powder in water and drink it. But you have to consume it in the morning. This will avoid the problem of dizziness.

5. Curd - Whenever you feel dizzy, consume curd. It will also reduce the heat and give energy so that you will not have the problem of dizziness.

6. Lemon - Consume lemon with fruit food (Phalahara), by making lemonade and in other ways. It is rich in Vitamin C and can easily relieve you from the problem of dizziness. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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