
Showing posts with label cystitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cystitis. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2021

New medicine to fight infection, a latest findings.....

A medicine made from cinnamon and berry is tried to relieve urinary tract infection and pain; a human trial started in Paris. Medicine made from cinnamon and berry can remove pain and infection. Scientists are testing the drug. This trial is being done for a disease called cystitis.

As we know the women are the most affected by this disease. Scientists believe the new drug will prevent E-coli and other bacteria responsible for the infection from spreading the infection. Now the question is how is this medicine work and what is cystitis which most women suffer from? let us describe first that the medicine is prepared by mixing cinnamon, berry, and healthy bacteria. If understood in simple language, a structure named P-fimbri is found on the body of bacteria. With the help of this, the bacteria strengthen their hold on the wall of the urinary tract of the person. As a result, it gradually increases the infection.

The new drug targets this p-fimbri structure and prevents the bacteria from spreading their infection. The trans-cinnamaldehyde present in cinnamon and the chemical elements present in the berry make it difficult for bacteria to survive in the urinary tract. In this way, the infection is stopped from progressing. At the same time, the beneficial bacteria present in the medicine work to protect the immune cells of the bladder wall. 

What is cystitis? The new drug that will treat it is inflammation and irritation in the bladder are called cystitis. In most cases, it is caused by a bacterial infection. When this infection reaches the kidney from the bladder, the condition becomes more serious. It is usually treated with antibiotics. According to research reports, 50 to 60 percent of women suffer from infection like cystitis at some point in their life.

There is also a reason why most of its cases are reported in women. In fact, the urethra is shorter in women than in men. Therefore, it becomes easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. Patients look tired when infected. Apart from bacteria, medicines given in diarrhea and nausea can also be the cause. 

Antibiotics are given to the patient during the treatment, but these drugs, which are slowly neutralizing the bacteria, are making treatment difficult. Trial of new drug going on in Paris. This drug has proved effective in early clinical trials. After this, the human trial of the new drug is going on the women aged 18 to 65 years at the Alfred Fournier Institute in Paris. These are women who have suffered from cystitis at least twice in the last 6 months. 

The women involved in the trial are being given one tablet twice a day. Groups of women taking and not taking the drug will be compared in the trial for about 6 months. After that, the results will be released.  

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