
Showing posts with label cumin (Jeera). Show all posts
Showing posts with label cumin (Jeera). Show all posts

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Identification of varieties of Cumins (Jeera) to get actual therapeutic values without adulteration...

Cumin seeds play an important role in spices categories as well as medicinal demands. There are many varieties of Cumins however, I will discuss with few main varieties that are still get confused due to lack of their identifications and utilized in the single name "Cumin - Jeera" but it is scientifically proved that all cumin varieties have different medicinal properties and due to lack of identification the consumers are being cheated by the traders due to single so-called name JEERA (Cumin). Mostly all the cumins can't be used for similar purposes and how do we get real Cumin that actually requires us. This is the question frequently trending in the consumer's mind.

In this article, I will try to solve your queries in a very simple manner so that you may yourself be able to identify the Cumins that you actually require. So, I am going to tell about the differences among the common cumin or white cumin (Jeera), black cumin (Kala jeera), Black cumin seeds (kalonji), shah jeera, or Persian cumin (Carum carvi), and Kali Jeeri. Yes !! I could understand that readers going to get confused with similar words but have little patience, I have a solution for you. 

Really, Once I entered the spice market, I also got confused with the similar pronouncing Cumins and I become very much curious to know when I observed that the shopkeeper themselves got very much confusion then, there is a need arise to get rid of from the entire confusion and then, I have collected sample from the different shops and taken to our lab for identifications. The result is as follows- 

Cumin (Jeera – Cuminum cyminum; Family- Apiaceae) is called common cumin and is used in every household as normal spices as you might know that cumin is not only used for tempering food but is full of many medicinal properties. Fruits are used as a condiment in curry powders and for flavoring dishes. They are considered carminative, stomachic, and astringent, useful in dyspepsia and diarrhea. Yield an essential oil used for flavoring liqueurs and cordials, also in perfumery. Besides the volatile oil, fruits contain also a fixed oil with a strong aromatic flavor.

(Jeera – Cuminum cyminum; Family- Apiaceae)

Black cumin (Bunium persicum OR Carum persicum or Kala Jeera or Caraway comes from the family Apiaceae)    which is slightly different and bitter in taste from the common cumin used in most households. It is also called Siah- jeera in Hindi. It is very helpful in reducing body weight, stomachache, toothache, removing immune disorders, antiseptic, relaxing headache, etc. Fruits are used in the spice in the same way which is imported under the common trade name Kala-jeera or Siah-jeera. The same trade name is also applied to seeds of Nigella sativa (Kalonji)  but the Cuminum cyminum, Carum carvi, Bunium persicum, and Nigella sativa, these are all scientifically different from each other and the therapeutic values also varying except one or two is observed commonly.

[Black cumin (Bunium persicum- Kala jeera]

Black cumin seeds are scientifically known as Nigella sativa. The plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae and is in no way related to family Umbelliferae or Apiaceae, the true family for Cumin. The seeds of Nigella sativa have a great demand in medicinal industries. Seeds are used as a carminative, stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogue, and mild cases of puerperal fever also used as a flavoring agent and externally applied in skin complaints. Seeds yield an essential oil and can positively be used in cough and bronchial asthma. They also yield edible fatty oil. Antibacterial properties of the seed extract can be used as a stabilizing agent for edible fats.  

[Black cumin- seeds of Nigella sativa]     

Shah jeera or Persian cumin or Carum carvi belongs to the family Umbelliferae (Apiaceae). Is also known as Wilayati jeera in various states of India. Dried fruits are widely used as spice and flavoring bread. meat sausage, vegetables. It has many medicinal properties like stomachic, carminative, flatulent colic, etc.

Fruits of Shah jeera - Carum carvi

Kali Jeeri (also spelled as Kalijiri & Kaali Jeeri) is the seed of the plant Centratherum anthelminticum (Asteraceae; Compositae). It is commonly called Somraj in Hindi. It has great anthelmintic properties.  It is popular in combination with Ajwain and Methi for reducing weight and improving digestive health. It is used for the treatment of skin diseases in which helps to reduce itching and skin irritation. It is believed to be the blood purifier (correctly detoxifier) because it removes the toxins from the blood and increases their elimination. Kali Jeeri is an excellent Ayurvedic medicine for roundworm, tapeworm, and threadworm, which can also be present in the gut. It also increases appetite, but its bitter taste may provoke nausea in some bitter taste-sensitive people.

[Seeds of Kali Jeeri]

Kali Jeeri also promotes hair growth. It helps to control the blood glucose level. It is also beneficial for people with postprandial hyperglycemia (rise in blood glucose level following a meal).   

I hope, this article helps the research scholars, Physicians, and other people who wish to know the real use of buying real cumin with real therapeutic purposes. if any doubt, please contact me at

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