
Showing posts with label clinical studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clinical studies. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Some tips to increase the confidence of children by applying methods of good parenting…

Our children are facing mental as well as physical stress due to pandemics; they are staying at home for a long time. Many of the schools and colleges are now open for study but unable to give the good and effective environment of the study and our children are still in fear. 

Many Pharmaceutical companies claim to prepare vaccines for children and some companies started trials too. But, the arrival of vaccines in utility for children especially for this pandemic Covid still needs some more trials and practical as well as clinical studies. The online class is unable to fulfill the schooling desire of the children where they study, play, and perform many curricular activities. In this situation, it is very important to give them proper attention as good parents. 

Let us know what the methods of good parenting care. Parents must pay attention to these small things as per many experts’ opinions- 
1. Spend as much time as possible.

2.  Don't give negative feedback.

3. Be sure to appreciate. Being a parent is a big responsibility. There are a few things that parents should take special care of while raising their growing child. Many times parents say such things to their child, due to which his confidence becomes weak. We must avoid saying these things in front of the child. 

4. Don't count mistakes- Often parents start counting their children's mistakes in front of friends and relatives. This lowers the confidence of the children and these things sit in their minds. They start to think of themselves as weak. 

5. Don't make fun of kids in front of everyone- Never make the mistake of making fun of the child in front of everyone for not doing any work properly. This can break the spirit of the child and the next time the child may shy away from doing that work. Increase the confidence of the child in small and big efforts; this will motivate him to do good work.

6. No one is perfect- To increase the creativity of the child, teaching him new things, such as painting, planting, etc. This will keep your child engaged in different activities and will be creative. This will let you know what the child is interested in. 

7. Don't compare yourself to other kids-Every every child is different in itself. Every child has his own unique qualities. Do not compare your child with other children. By doing this the child's self-confidence will be low and the child may become irritable. The child may also fight with other children.

8. Instead of scolding or beating, explain with love- Instead of scolding or thrashing the child for making a mistake, explain it with love. Children understand the matter quickly with love instead of anger. Children are afraid of their parents by beating. Many children start feeling insecure about their parents. 

What is the psychiatrist's opinion about that- Many Psychotherapists say that parents themselves should behave in such a way that children consider them as their role models? If the parents themselves will be busy on the phone all day and ask the children to stay away from the phone, then the children will never listen to them. Secondly, you should never scold children in front of anyone, it lowers their confidence. Parents give quality time to children and teach them good habits with love.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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