
Showing posts with label bevarages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bevarages. Show all posts

Friday, January 14, 2022

Beware of adulterated tea......

Camellia sinensis, a shrubs belongs to family Theaceae. Tea production, cultivation of the tea plant, usually done in large commercial operations. This is an evergreen plant is valued for its young leaves and leaf buds, from which the tea beverage is produced.

Tea becomes the need of all family members in all over world. Bed tea is a term that is used to start the day for majority of people and tea lovers. Tea is started with political ground, a meeting or even a family function   is not completed. Chai- Samosa or Namkeen and tea is the part of the family discussion. Many important decisions are being made during the time of tea.

Tea is not a beverage only to drink but also people use it to make their mood fresh, even it is being used for treatment of headache, preparing mood for dealing critical file issues etc...

Many poet had given its stylish name such as lajvanti or nirlajja tea; charitravan tea or Charitraheen tea. Let me clear about its name given by Indian poets. The Charitravan tea is served in a special earthen pot or vessel, made from soil and called' Kullahad' that is being used once whereas the charitraheen tea is served in stainless steel vessel or in Chinese cup and that cup is utilised several time to serving tea for many people and thus it is called ' charitraheen tea'. So, its very funny. Yes. Its true in fun also tea is a part of modern life as well as ancient life. No one can deny. Many people told that if they not take tea in a specific time, they feel severe headache and it seems that they loss something. Now, we may see the importance of tea in our routine life.

But how you feel, if you have suddenly heard that the tea is severely adulterated. Yes. Adulteration is now become a part of the business that no way bother to the people health. Nowadays, frequently adulterated tea available in the market in beautiful and attractive packings and also gives good aroma just opening the cover. But do you know all beautifully packed tea is not healthy and being adulterated by adding artificial colur and dye.

This artificial color causing many severe health issues like lever failure, kidney failure, cancer etc... Might you have heard that an individual seems very healthy and has no bad habits like drinking alcohol, Ciggarette smoking and tobacco, bidi etc but got affected with any life threatening disease and lose his life on immature time.
This is due to adulterations in food, beverages and other eatable items. We have to much alert from the life cheaters.

There is some tips for easy identification of original and adulterated tea.....

1. Take a small amount of tea powder or granules, put on tissue papers just sprinkle litte water on it. Observe after two minutes, and then remove the tea powder from tissue paper and see the results. If tissue paper had got very dark yellow or brown stains means tea is adulterated. If stain is just very light or pale yellow means the tea is original.

2. Take a transparent tumbler and fill with water. Add few grains of tea in it and observe. As soon as the grains start releasing color even in normal water means it is adulterated by adding some color to make attractive and thick colored tea. Such tea should be avoided as it harms to the internal organs of our body. Original tea grains will not start realising color immediately in touch of water but take 20 to 30 seconds and that also light color in compare to adulterated one. It gives color on only a certain boiling temperature.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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