
Showing posts with label aerobic workouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aerobic workouts. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2023

If you have crossed 40 Years; keep changing the workout -The more you challenge your body, the better your performance

"If you have crossed 40, keep changing the workout: if you like walking then choose the hilly route; The more you challenge your body, the better your performance."

According to Kate Baird, a New York exercise physiologist, if you have crossed 40 years of life, and are dreaming of trekking the highest peaks of the world then you need to refine your goals. Baird advises that now is the best time to start meeting your goals.

[Muscles Recovery Excercise]

In fact, starting at age 30, a normal and healthy man loses about 3 to 8% of muscle mass every decade. Even more so after the age of 60. Bone mineral density also begins to decline in midlife. Apart from this, the ability of the heart and lungs to take oxygen and convert it into energy also decreases.

Find out strength-weakness from fitness test: The best way to stay active in the future is to assess your fitness today. Therapist Grayson Wickham says strength, stability, mobility, and cardiorespiratory fitness can be tested from four key areas. They decrease with age. Hire an exercise physiotherapist or certified personal trainer for a professional fitness assessment. Everyone can work with you to create a personalized training program.

Make a mixed workout plan: Aiming for 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic workouts and two sessions of strength training (15-20 minutes per session) per week has been shown to improve longevity as well as quality of life as we age.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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