
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is very useful for weight loss…..

Losing weight is not an easy task for anyone. Whether we want to reduce two kilos or 10 kilos. What we do not do to maintain or achieve the right weight according to the height, but for many people, it does not take the name of going stubborn fat. If we too have been struggling with reducing weight for a long time, then, we may try using basil this time. 
[A twig- Basil: Ocimum sanctum plant]
Most of us have seen the holy plant of Tulsi in our countryard since childhood. This is because basil is a medicine used in traditional medicine. This plant is scientifically known as Ocimum sanctum; family-Lamiaceae. Tulsi is also considered very beneficial for health. From enhancing the taste of tea, basil is used for many health problems. Tulsi is also considered very good for the body, hence it is also considered the golden cure of Ayurveda. If it is drunk daily mixed with water, then it can have many benefits. Some of the important health benefits are as follows- 
1. Beneficial in weight loss- This easy drink helps you slim your waist while boosting your metabolism. Tulsi contains natural chemicals, which make digestion easier and also reduce obesity. 
2. Tulsi detoxifying the body- People do not know how many measures are taken to make the beginning of the morning special. Waking up in the morning, drinking Tulsi water flushes out all the toxins from your body. Tulsi leaves have medicinal properties, which naturally cleanse your stomach.
3. Helpful in relieving stress- Research has shown that regular consumption of tulsi water can serve as an antidote for stress-related disorders and improve brain function.
4. For respiratory problems- Tulsi has powerful expectorant and antitussive properties, which suppresses cough along with eliminating the root cause of phlegm, irritation. Tulsi water also has many anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties that keep colds and related infections at bay. 
How to make tulsi water? Put three or four basil leaves in a glass of water at night. Filter this water in the morning and drink it. People who are suffering from cold and flu, they can get a lot of benefits by drinking this water after boiling it. 
Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are based on our own experiences. It should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any persisting health issues. 
Stay healthy, stay safe...

Friday, September 10, 2021

Curd and Health Benefits….

Curd is an important part of the Indian plate. Having curd on the plate means that your plate is delicious as well as full of nutrition. Yogurt is also considered a superfood, so it is advisable to have a bowl of curd for lunch. Due to its amazing health benefits, people all over the world eat it with great fervor. It contains good bacteria that improve digestion, as well as high-quality protein. If the curd is eaten daily, then stomach problems like indigestion, constipation, gas, etc. get relieved. If you also love curd, and food seems incomplete without it, then also know about the benefits of eating curd.

[Homemade curd in Earthen pot]

There are uncountable health benefits told in Ayurveda and other kinds of literature, however, some important properties of curd that boost our health are given as under- 

1. Effective in Weight Loss- It contains a good amount of calcium. Calcium does not allow the body to swell and thus, helps in reducing weight gain.

2. Immunity booster- Even if you eat a spoonful of curd daily, your immunity increases. The good bacteria present in curd improve digestion as well as the immune system.

3. Help in reducing stress – It is a matter of scientific study that how and why the curd directly helps in reducing stress but it is practically proved that the persons who are taking pure curd 100-150 g (homemade) have very few complaints of stress. For this reason, experts recommend including curd in daily diet.

4. Beneficial for Teeth and bone-  Curd is very beneficial for dental health. It is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones. Osteoporosis and arthritis patients can get relief by eating curd. 

5. Energy Booster- If you often feel tired, then definitely include curd in your diet. It keeps the body hydrated and also gives energy.

Restrictions: Curd should not be eaten during any fever and cold. 

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

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