
Showing posts with label Uric acid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uric acid. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Elevated Uric acid (Hyperuricemia) in the body and the home remedy

Knowingly or unknowingly we consume some foods and drinks that increase uric acid, a harmful chemical in our blood, and ultimately disturb our regular and routine life even if under tolerable limits but destroy our whole body once reaches beyond the limits as prescribed in various medical journals and bulletins. 

There are many types of processed foods, and semi-processed food available in the market is also one of the reasons to trigger uric acid. 

In ancient days it was said that uric acid may harm people when they reach the age of 50. But now no age limit to get affected with uric acid and related diseases. 

It has been seen that majority of the people, due to their busy schedules, have no time to pay attention even to their own health. When uric acid increases, the first system starts appearing through the legs. And that need immediate and proper attention and we should not ignore them as minor. 

Uric Acid Symptoms: When uric acid increases in the body, many types of symptoms appear in the body. Symptoms of increased uric acid are clearly visible, especially in the legs. If uric acid has increased in the body, it is very important to control it in time because it can damage the liver.  An increase in uric acid in the body means that a chemical is being produced in your body. This purine substance starts breaking down in the body due to which uric acid starts increasing in the body. It also depends on how much of it is there in your body. 

Many factors are involved in increasing uric acid but mainly it is affected because of a bad lifestyle. Due to an increase in uric acid, the risk of kidney stones as well as chronic diseases increases significantly. It has been proved in many researches that high blood pressure, heart attack, heart failure, and metabolic syndrome can also be caused due to this. Many reports proved “Increase in uric acid increases the risk of diabetes and stroke”. This is a fatal medical condition. 

What should be the level of uric acid in the body? According to the Arthritis Foundation, the uric acid level in the body of men is more than 7 mg per deciliter, and in women, it is more than 6 mg/dl. 

Symptoms are seen in feet: 

1. Stinging and pain in the toe. 
2. Swelling and pain in the thumb. 
3. Ankle and heel pain. 
4. Severe pain in the soles of feet in the morning. 
5. Pain in knees. 
6. When uric acid starts increasing in the body, it causes pain and stiffness in the joints. 
7. Redness of the skin, blood in the toilet, frequent urination, lower back pain, pain in the genital area, and constant tiredness are also its initial symptoms. 

Home remedy to maintain Uric acid in the body: It is very simple but needs regularity. 
1. Citrus fruits are the best option to control the uric acid in the body. Citrus fruit juice like sweet lime, orange juice without ice cubes, and sugar approx 200 ml twice a week after food is helpful to control uric acid  
2. Daily one average-sized of ripe lemon juice may be squeezed in a tumbler of water and consumed. The lemon may be squeezed in pulses or vegetables, salad, etc if not willing to drink in water. 
3. Detox water or fruit-infused water is also the best remedy to reduce the uric acid in the body provided that the detox water should not be made with such fruits that elevate Uric acid.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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