
Showing posts with label Surya Namaskar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surya Namaskar. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

Life depends on the Sun; says Ayurveda...

Health or a healthy life depends on Bhaskar, i.e., the Sun. Long life depends on the worship of Ashwini Kumars. Many mantras and hymns of the Sun God are mentioned in Vedas and Puranas for a healthy life. Reciting those mantras and hymns keeps life healthy. The Sun is the soul (life) of all the immovable and mobile things in this world. 

In the immovable world, trees, leaves, creepers, and plants of various types of grains are inspired by the Sun and bear flowers, fruits, etc. in time. If they do not get sunlight, they do not flourish and their ability to bear flowers and fruits is lost. They become unripe and dwarf and perish prematurely. Grain or any plant sown under a banyan tree or any big shady tree does not flourish; because they do not directly connect with sunlight. The movable world- animals, birds, reptiles, deer, humans, and other living beings need sunlight for their growth. Time has no limit. Time means day, night, tithi, fortnight, month. 

The sun is the reason for the change in our position and movement. Similar changes are also seen by the sun. There is a year. In north India, and in south India, the season's variations are caused by the sun's influence. This period is of the Ahujanya period. In this, two Ayanas pass - Uttarayan and Dakshinayan. Uttarayan is called Saumyayana and Dakshinayan is called Paamyaayan. Their effect on the human body is difficult to understand. Childhood, adolescence, puberty, youth, adulthood, old age, and death are also under this period. A child is mute at birth. He becomes talkative with the glory of time. A child is crippled from birth, but with the glory of time, he can become a mountaineer. All this is the glory of time or the sun.

The Sun is considered the eye of God. These are considered to be the storehouse of complete vast knowledge, they are considered to be the form of Vedas. They are considered to be the abode of Brahma, they provide immortal essence to the living beings and also become the cause of death of the living beings by turning into time. In this way, they are considered to be the soul form of living beings.

Based on supernatural imagination, he is considered to be a God incarnate. He is worshipped by observing the Suryashashthi fast, Sunday, Bhanusaptami, and many other fasts. His fasts are famous for achieving Nairujya. In the Vedas, especially in Atharvaveda, many hymns and mantras for Surya worship are mentioned. Nairujya is achieved by them. By reciting many Puranic hymns, many diseases are cured and a person becomes healthy. The deity of the eyes is Lord Suryadev.

In today's competitive era, boys and girls are getting married late If one stays awake till night and sleeps till late in the morning, then his eyesight is also affected. Getting up before sleep and after finishing your toilet etc., seeing the rising Sun, saluting it, offering Arghya, or simply saluting with folded hands and doing 3 Parikrama (circumambulations) improves eyesight and cures many types of chronic eye diseases. A person was suffering from redness of the eyes for seven years. He used many eye ointments and oils, but still, he did not get relief from the disease. By the above-mentioned method, he consumed sunlight and saluted the Sun, and this cured him.

Ardhavbhedak (half-head pain) is a stubborn disease, if such a person wakes up in the morning and makes semolina pudding with pure ghee before sunrise, ties it in a bundle of new cloth, and warms the head with it and eats it after it cools down, then it proves beneficial. But the entire process should be completed by sunrise.

Suryanarayana (the Sun) is such a deity who becomes happy by bowing down or folding hands and removing diseases. The method of Surya Namaskar also propounds the same principle. It cures many diseases.

Leucoderma (White Leprosy) - In its treatment, along with taking medicines, it is considered necessary to expose the affected body part to sunlight. The process of skin coloring is accelerated by sunlight. This is the opinion of ancient scriptures. Even today's doctors believe in the usefulness of this principle. On this basis, a solarium has been established in Jamnagar, which is helping in curing skin diseases through sunlight and hundreds of people are getting benefits from it. In skin diseases (leprosy), taking medicines, and Reciting 'Hriday Stotram' in the morning sunlight is also very beneficial. It should also be kept in mind that there should not be excessive exposure to sunlight, otherwise it can be harmful.

Surya Pushpa or china rose (Hibiscus rosa chinensis) flower is a miraculous medicine for diseases  It is cold in nature. For the treatment of high blood pressure, taking 3 to 5 flowers, offering them to Suryadev, and drinking a sherbet with lemon juice and sugar shows great benefits. Its consumption is beneficial in many types of menstrual disorders of young girls, white discharge (leucorrhea). In case of excessive menstruation in adult women, consumption of this flower reduces the menstrual flow and gradually stops.

Copper is called sun metal. Water should be stored and drunk in utensils made of copper. Many types of liver disorders and blood disorders are cured by this. If a copper vessel is not available, then a clay vessel is useful.

One should never drink milk in a copper vessel, it is poisonous. Copper ash falls in Kravyadarasa. This fire is beneficial in diseases like duodenum, diarrhea, and abdominal diseases. Its use is beneficial in cases of confusion and dizziness. In this, Yoga Sutshekharu made with the addition of copper ash shows the best benefits.

Drinking water by putting Spikenard in a copper vessel is beneficial for blood pressure. This experiment should be done for a long period. Spikenard and water should be kept mixed at intervals.
Stay healthy, stay safe...

Saturday, October 9, 2021

No sound sleep at night…some possible reasons and its remedies…

Sleep is capable of automatically curing many diseases. Lack of sleep not only causes dark circles around the eyes but also the brain to feel tired due to inadequate sleep and weight also increases. Sleeplessness at night, and keep on changing sides has become a common problem now. There are many people who take sleeping pills, but it is not a permanent solution. Actually, we have to understand why we do not sleep and what it's the permanent solution? 

[Sleepnessness causing many health issues]

Here are some reasons along with remedies, might it will up to some extent to solve the problems. 


1. Unnecessary worry or stress: Everyone has to be worried or stressed, but some people become anxious due to excessive fear.

2. Constantly thinking something or the other: Like many people have habits of talking excessively. In the same way, there are many people who constantly keep thinking something or the other in their minds. His thinking continues even into the night.

3. No tiredness of the body: When the body of a worker or toiler gets tired, he automatically falls asleep in the night. Many people have a comfortable life. His body never gets tired. Nowadays due to Covid pandemic, majority of people works from home even student attending class from home, no outing, no hard work, and body feel comfortable, no tired properly that also causes sleeplessness.

4. Irregular lifestyle: Modern man has neither fixed time to eat nor sleep. Waking up late at night and sleeping till late in the morning. The person's natural sleep and wakefulness are over. On the other hand, many people have a habit of sleeping 3 to 4 hours a day. In this way, the night's sleep quota is fulfilled. Food has also changed, due to which there has been a difference in sleep.

5. Physical pain: Some people have pain in any part of the body. For example, if there is joint pain, cervical pain, or any kind of disease, even then there is no sleep.


1. Change in food: Make food at the right time and make good food a part of your lifestyle

2. Walk: It is said that after taking the meal of the day, take rest for some time but after having dinner it is necessary to walk for some time.

3. Surya Namaskar: To exhaust the body, either you exercise for an hour before sleeping, walk, or do Surya Namaskar for only 15 minutes. There are 12 steps of Surya Namaskar. You repeat these steps at least 12 times.

4. Pranayama: Do Pranayama for 5 to 10 minutes every night before sleeping.

5. Yoga Nidra: For this, lie down in the Shavasana and relax your body and mind. Relax the whole body from head to toe. To inhale and exhale completely. Now imagine that your arms, legs, stomach, neck, eyes have all become relaxed. Tell yourself that I am going to practice Yoga Nidra. Now take your mind to different parts of the body and instruct them to be relaxed and relaxed. Take your mind to the toe of the right foot. All the fingers of the foot, at least the sole of the foot, heel, shin, knee, thigh, buttocks, waist, shoulder are becoming looser. Similarly, relax the left leg. Breathe in and out easily. Now while lying down, take five full breaths and exhale. In this, the stomach and chest will work. The stomach will move up and down. Do this exercise daily. Due to this, the mind will sleep tired and no one will think of any kind.

Some important Instructions:

1. Do not sleep with your feet in the south direction.
2. Do not eat tamasic food (Non – veg. & alcoholic drink), eat only light food at night.
3. Quit sleeping in the day or afternoon.
4. Do not take any kind of intoxicant or medicine.
5. Before sleeping, keep your worries and thoughts far from yourself because sleep is more important than taking food, water, and breathing.
6. Quit waking up late at night and getting up late in the morning. Sleep deprivation leads to sleep sickness.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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