
Showing posts with label Sattwic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sattwic. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2021

The Ayurvedic determination of eating habits with appropriate quality and quantity….

As per Ayurveda, methods of choosing and eating foods,, quality and quantity are directly related to our health, so we should be aware before eating…..

“Eat to 1/3 capacity of the stomach, Drink 1/3 and leave1/3 for God” 

Preparation: Eating warm (cooked) foods enlivens the enzymes for easily and quickly digesting food, promoting Apana Vayu, and removing Kapha. However, when food is overcooked, its life force becomes depleted. Further, cooking with too much heavy oil can weaken the digestive fire. Food is best eaten when cooked or steamed rather than uncooked. Fruits are only advised to eat raw and fresh. Food processed in Microwave or grilled food damage the life force. Restaurant food is generally over – or under-spiced, and not as good as home-cooked meals. Cooking over a wood fire is best. Cooking over the gas stove is better than cooking over an electric stove. 

Quality- Sattwic: organic, fresh, homegrown, fresh-picked, and raw dairy food are advised. It is not advisable to eat foods that are rotten, or overcooked, burnt, unripe, or overripe, stale, or junk food. The harmful foods include artificial, rancid, and prepared with additives, preservatives, or artificial colors. 

Quantity – A proper quantity of food is easily digested, promotes longevity without afflicting the doshas, and helps Apana Vayu. Food when eaten should fill one–third of the stomach size or capacity. Liquid when taken after a meal, also should fill one–third the stomach size. The time to drink liquid at mealtime varies with the individual. A heavy or obese people should drink before meals. Underweight or thin people should drink liquid after meals, and people of normal weight should drink with their meals. The remaining one-third space of the stomach helps digestion. The stomach should not be kept empty, so eating at a regular interval of four hours is advisable but excess eating and improper food must be avoided. Better to eat when hungry and after digestions of the first eaten meal otherwise the digestive product of the previous meal mixed with new food, instantly aggravating all doshas. If a person takes food before the digestion of a previous meal, the food will not digest properly and then the undigested food is pushed along the GI tract by normal peristalsis, imbalancing, and aggravating the doshas. 

Combination of food- Combining vegetables with fruits or milk can cause digestive problems. One needs to be very careful while eating or choosing food. The different combinations may be harmful. It's not advisable to combine sour taste with milk (except amala)., eat cold items after ghee, eat an equal amount of ghee and honey, or eat fish products along with dairy products. Thease are all Virodhahara. It creates toxins for the body. Mainly, it aggravates skin diseases. 

Spices- Delicious taste improves digestion, strength, sense, complexion, and a healthy weight. The use of spices stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes. Over-salted or undersalted or sour seasoning is to be avoided. Foods that are too tasty increases rajas (aggravating the blood). Foods that are too bland causes tamas (suppressing Agni).

The frame of Mind- A relaxed, calm mind promotes easy assimilation of food. This makes the mind more sattvic. A nervous, anxious, angry, noisy, and rushed mind makes the food harder to digest. A smoky environment is also harmful when eating. Silence is good, there is no need to be too serious. A prayer of gratitude to the Creators and suppliers before a meal or offering the food to benefit humanity and the creation of beings is advised. Chew food properly to digest and absorb nutrients. 

Drinking- (except lassi buttermilk, yogurt, and medicated herbal wine to stimulate digestion ) is not recommended during the meal, but is all right afterward. Drinking alcohol after meals causes hyperacidity unless it is medicated herbal wines for Vayu and Kapha. Astringent or herbal tea is all right after a meal, but coffee promotes indigestion, hyperacidity, or ulcers. 

Desserts- (especially cold) are heavy and sweet, and suppress the digestive fire, causing fermentation and indigestion. They are better before the meal as sweet as the first taste to be digested. Having raw foods and salads at the end of the meal is better for digestion.

Stay healthy, stay safe...   

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