
Showing posts with label Omicron variant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Omicron variant. Show all posts

Monday, January 17, 2022

Follwing these tips may reduce therisk of long Covid and make recovery fast if infected…

Corona cases are increasing rapidly around the world due to the Omicron variant. In 24 hours, more than 1.5 lakh corona cases have been registered in 6 countries of the world. At the same time, more than 25 lakh new corona infections have been found all over the world. In such a situation, all of us should be aware of the ways to recover quickly from Corona. Also, it is important to follow the following tips to reduce the risk of long covid in the future-

1.     Keep the body hydrated: If you want to recover quickly from corona, then it is necessary to drink enough water. Australian scientist Robert Boye says that staying hydrated helps the body recover from the corona. Due to this, the functioning of the body is done properly.

2. It is necessary to take bed rest: To recover from any disease, it is necessary to take good rest. After corona, doctors recommend that the body should be given maximum rest. So do not ignore this advice at all. By ignoring this tip, there may be a possibility of long covid in future.

3. Eat a diet rich in nutrition: During illness, our body lacks many important nutrients. Therefore, it is important to include more and more nutritious things in your diet. At this time, do not consume fried, spicy food, junk food, soft drinks, or alcohol at all.

4. Do regular exercise: To keep the body healthy, you can do light exercise daily. If you want, yoga can also be done. Doing Pranayama like Anulom Vilom, Kapal Bhati and Sai (Sigh) will greatly benefit your respiratory system. Also, even if you're a fan of intense workouts, you should start with simple exercises after recovery.

5. Don't Forget Mental Health: The corona pandemic has caused a lot of damage to our mental health. When someone struggles with this disease, not only does his body become weak, but that person also becomes mentally weak. Anxiety and stress can make our illness worse. Therefore it is important to take care of mental health. Meditation or new hobbies can be developed during recovery. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Saturday, December 11, 2021

A great success for Indian scientists, made Omicron identification kit within two hours…

As we know that the Omicron has created fear for the coming days due to its multiple spreadabilities and it has been told that this variant has 7 times more spreadability than the delta variant of Covid -19. All over the world scientists are continuously searching for the antidotes of this deadly variant in the meantime Indian scientists have achieved great success in identifying the Omicron variant of Corona that is spreading rapidly across the world. 

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has prepared a COVID test kit in Dibrugarh, Assam. The new Omicron variant can be detected in just two hours with this kit. In view of the increasing cases of Omicron in many states of the country, this kit will prove to be very important. 

Research is continuing to cope with the omicron variant in the coming days at the same time experts warn that the UK may face an Omicron wave in January next year. Experts have issued a new warning about Omicron in the UK. It is said that Britain could face a major Omicron wave from January next year if public gatherings are not banned. According to the model from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LHSTM), the number of corona patients hospitalized due to Omicron infection may also increase. 

In India, experts told that we should not be relaxed to watching the effect of omicron but we should be alert and all the possible attempts to be made to cope with omicron variant of Covid-19 and considering this the speed of vaccination have been made fast and till now 133 crores people have been vaccinated even today itself 81 lakh vaccine doses were applied. 

Along with the vaccination, the Center gave instructions to states with high positivity rates; and said to implement strict rules including night curfew. Union Health Secretary Mr. Rajesh Bhushan has issued notice to those states and union territories where the corona positivity rate has been reported higher in the last two weeks. 

It is written in this notice that a night curfew should be imposed in the areas identified in the case of Corona. Also, there should be a ban on the gathering of more people and fewer people should be allowed to come for the ceremony like weddings and funerals.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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