
Showing posts with label Breastfed babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breastfed babies. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Breastfeeding develops super ability to think and understand in both mother and child.....

In modern days the breastfeeding their babies has been taken as a social restriction to maintain beauty and figure to move in high societies. However, Nature provides the first food as mother milk to the babies but supporting breastfeeding especially in western countries is very minimal.  Indian women know the benefits of breastfeeding since the civilizations and this is why there is nothing to say about the parental care to their child for the Indian Mother. 

[Mother feeding to her baby]

But, nowadays, in India also, avoiding feeding to the child becomes fashion even in some societies and it has been taken as high profile matter. Women were found to avoid breastfeedings to maintain them to move in high societies for the long term. But do you know, breastfeeding develops super ability to think and understand in both mother and child. Breastfeeding is compulsory for developing a sharp mind in the child as claimed by American scientists. 

American scientists have told another benefit of breastfeeding in their research. Scientists say that mothers who breastfeed their babies have a lower risk of reducing their ability to think and understand. Scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, who conducted the research, say that not only the child, but the growing age mother also has a positive effect on the mother's brain. Researchers say that children of breastfed women may have better-thinking abilities than mothers who never breastfeed. 

Positive effect on the brain as well as the body- Researcher Molly Fox says, in many earlier studies, it was said that breast milk keeps the baby healthy for a long time, but our study also tells how it affects the mother's health if not feeding to baby. Research says that in women who breastfeed, even at the age of 50, their brain works better than women who do not breastfeed. Molly says the results of the research are alarming because the ability to think and understand decreases at the age of 50. The risk of Alzheimer's and dementia increases. 

The great benefits of mother's milk to the newborn-

Improves Immune System: Babies who drink breast milk within the first hour of birth have a 20% lower risk of early death. The child responds better to vaccination.

Decreases the risk of infection: Drinking breast milk reduces the risk of diarrhea in the baby. The risk of intestinal infection decreases by about 64%. Food allergies are less common in babies who are breastfed for 6 months and more.

• Improves respiratory system function: Breastfed babies have up to 72 percent lower risk of respiratory infections. The risk of pneumonia, seasonal cold is less.

• Children's IQ remains high: Cholesterol and other fats are low in breast milk. There is better development of nerve tissue. The IQ level of such children is 2 to 5 points higher. That's how their heart works better.

Main b
enefits of breastfeeding-Breastfeeding reduce the mother's risk of heart disease by up to 10%. Similarly, the risk of breast cancer is reduced by 28% and the risk of arthritis by 50%.

Mother's milk gives protection to the baby in 1 year is as follows-

1. At birth: Mother's first milk provides immunity and gut protection.
2. After 6 weeks: Antibodies are found.
3. After 3 months: Calorie increases a lot.
4. After 6 months: Omega acids in milk increase. Due to this, the child's brain develops rapidly.
5. After 12 months: Higher levels of calories and omega acids, which aid in muscle and brain development.

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