
Showing posts with label उन्माद. Show all posts
Showing posts with label उन्माद. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Insanity (Unmada) - causes, symptoms, therapies and recdovery - Best Ayurvedic treatment

"उन्माद का दूसरा नाम है दीवानापन या पागलपन I इसे ही मेडिकल भाषा में इनसैनिटी (Insanity) कहा जाता है I लगभग सभी मनुष्यों में उन्माद तो होता ही है किन्तु जब यह हद से गुज़र जाये तो उसे पागलपन की संज्ञा दे दी जाती है I उदाहरण जैसे जवानी का उन्माद, उन्मादी कवि इत्यादिI " 

The definition of insanity is having a serious mental illness or being extremely foolish. An example of insanity is a personality disorder. An example of insanity is jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. Severe mental illness or derangement. 

Maharishi Charak defines insanity as " the perversion of the mind. intellect, consciousness, knowledge, memory, desire, manners, behavior, and conduct."

Five types of Insanity exist: Vayu, Pitta, Kapha, Tridosa, and externally caused insanity. It is the main disease of Vayu doshas. The main cause of insanity, as we will see, results from personal misdeeds. When any of the three doshas cause insanity, symptoms quickly develop in persons with certain conditions. These characteristics include timidness, an agitated or lethargic mind, or an imbalance of physical doshas. Other conditions include following an unwholesome diet or lifestyle when other health concerns are present, or if the mind is constantly afflicted by emotions (e.g. fear, anger, greed, etc.) 

Symptoms- General symptoms include, impatience, fickleness, unsteady vision, a sensation of a vacuum in the heart, and loss of peace, memory, and intellect. 

Therapies- There are many therapies to treat insanity have been prescribed depending upon the condition of the disease and behavior of the patients however, some of the general therapies are done by Herbs,  musk and frankincense, chanting mantras (Aum Namah Shivaya), wearing talismans and jewelry, performing auspicious rites, religious sacrifices, taking vows, oblations, fulfilling religious duties, atonement, fasting, receiving blessings, obeisance, and pilgrimages. Following wholesome foods and lifestyle is also necessary. Ghee may be eaten as often as desired. One should sleep in a draft-free room. One popular recipe in Ayurveda is as follows- 

Brahmi Ghee (4 days worth): Brahmi - 50 g; Shankh pushpi - 50 g., Aswagandha - 50 g., Jatamanshi - 50 g, Ghee - 100 g. Now make a paste from the herbs and roll it into a ball, biol the ghee and add the paste and cook for 1/2 hour, and then filter. 

Doses:  1 tsp 2 times daily (May be used for any mental disorders) 

Sign of recovery: When one's clarity and sense of normalcy reappear, it is a sign that the symptoms are removed. 

I Hope, this article surely will help to cure many of the persons who suffer from insanity. Thank you.    

''Have wonderful health always''

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