
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Girls must not ignore Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome - PCOS; may convert in to tumer later on...

In today's era, it has become common for young girls to suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). One out of every five young women in the country is affected by PCOS.

Girls living in cities are more at risk of PCOS compared to villages. The reasons behind this include restaurant and cafe food, soft drinks and packaged food, incomplete sleep, stress, and inadequate exercise.

As we know PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormone imbalance that occurs in women. Androgenesis, i.e. production of male hormones, starts increasing in the ovaries of some girls. Due to this, ovulation occurs regularly. If PCOS is not treated timely, it can have many side effects. In such a situation, it is important not to ignore symptoms of PCOS when they appear in the body. The disease is easy to cure in the beginning.

Do not ignore the symptoms of PCOS - It includes -

  • pimples on the face
  • Facial and body hair growth
  • depression
  • heart disease
  • infertility
  • diabetes and
  • hypertension.
According to the doctors, the risk of PCOS increases due to wrong eating habits, sitting habits, laziness, and ignoring the symptoms indicating the disease. Mainly it includes processed foods, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, etc.

NEW GENERATION IS MORE AFFECTED WITH PCOS: Actually, when a girl was in childhood, she used to play outdoor games. Today mobiles and gadgets have changed the environment. Due to this physical activity is not possible. Girls spend most of their time sitting in front of the computer. Do not take out time for physical activities. Along with this, staying busy on social media till late at night causes a lack of sleep, dehydration, weight gain, hyperproteinemia, thyroid problems, and mood swings. Changing lifestyle is completely responsible for this.


1. Women face difficulty in conceiving. According to the report of the National Institute of Health, 70 to 80 percent of women suffering from it are affected by infertility.

2. Women face emotional turmoil due to hormonal imbalances.

3. Body weight starts increasing rapidly. Increasing weight increases the risk of many diseases.

4. Periods do not occur on time. During periods, some people face the problem of less bleeding and some more.

5. PCOS affects the endometrial lining of the uterus. In such a case of PCOS, the risk of endometrial cancer increases.

6. The problem of PCOS is related to hormones. Therefore, it is very important to manage your lifestyle so that the secretion of hormones can happen properly.

Five yoga asanas can control PCOS:

1. Setubandhasana- While doing this yoga, the body becomes the shape of a bridge. This asana can be done during periods and menopause. Digestion also remains fine with this yoga.

2. Matsyasana- The stomach should be empty while doing this asana. By doing this asana regularly, the muscles of the front of the neck and lower abdomen become active.

3. Sarvangasana- In this asana, the weight of the entire body is given to the shoulders. While doing this, one has to lie down and raise the lower part of the body. Due to this, the entire burden falls on the shoulders.

4. Bhardwaj Asana- By doing this asana, there is a stretch on the stomach, which reduces belly fat and improves digestion.

5. Chakki Chalanasana- In this yoga, one has to sit with both legs spread. Then the hands are kept in front and run like a mill. This strengthens the pelvic and abdominal muscles.

Stay healthy stay safe...

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