
Saturday, February 17, 2024

Covulsions - Akshepaka (spasm) a severe disease caused due to excess Vayu in human body; part- 1

Convulsion is a severe disorder of the body caused by excess Vayu in our body. In the modern system of medicines, the Vayu of the body has more ignorance and is left without considering its severity ultimately resulting the whole or partly body paralysis. Ayurveda says the Vayu should not be ignored if it is frequently found in excess in the body. As we know all the vital functions of the body are controlled by Vata (Vayu), Pitta, and Kapha. Among the three, if anyone is disturbed that affects our routine healthy life. Convulsions include drying of hands, feet, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, and hips. Symptoms include frequent jerky movement of the body. this disease can't be healed if it lasts longer than one year. In this article, we will discuss some major disorders directly related to the excess of the Vayu in the body- 

[Body Convulsions]
1. In half the body: When excess Vayu is in one half of the body, it dries up the blood, hands, legs, and knees. The limbs and tissue are also contracted. Affect -This results in the face, nose, eyebrows, forehead, eyes, and jaws becoming crooked. The tongue is raised, the voice is hoarse and weak and speech is hindered. Causes- loose teeth, impaired hearing, pains in the foot, eyes, legs, temple, ear, and cheek. The se symptoms occur in either half of the body or the face (facial paralysis).

2. Throughout the body: Excess vayu first affects the lower body, then, the upper extremities, and the head or the whole body is affected; deranging all the tissues. A person experiences numbness or paralysis, limb convulsions, contractions, pricking, splitting, throbbing, cutting pain, stiffness, tremors, and swelling.

3. In the Neck Carotid Arteries/ Nerves Stiff Neck (Manyastambha): Vayu can become excessed alone or with Kapha from day naps, irregular posture, or looking in an upward direction for a long time.

4. In the back - Opisthotonos (Vahirayama): When excess Vayudries up the external vessels of the back and carotid arteries, it causes back stiffness that results in the bending outward and downward. The head leans backward. The chest is backward. carotid arteries are stiff, and the neck is bent downward. There is a grinding of teeth, discoloration of the teeth and mouth, yawning, salivation, loss of speech excess sweating, physical debility, and restlessness. It may be life-threatening.

5. Convulsions and unconsciousness (Apatantraka): When aggravated Vayu obstructs the downward movement, it starts moving upwards, causing pain in the heart, head, and temples, making the body bend like a bow. One experiences convulsions and loss of consciousness. Other symptoms include difficulty breathing, wide-eyed (without blinking), eyes completely closed, and cooling sounds, sometimes abortion may occur in pregnant women, heavy bleeding, and trauma. Long-term conditions can't be healed. 

Note: 1. Please see the complete article in the next blog coming soon with precautions and treatments for convulsions. 

2. Please keep on staying on this blog site and reading this important blog from Health, Fitness, and Modern Life under    


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