
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Ayurveda and management of Nervous disease (Vata - Vyadhi)

 "Persons whose Vayu is in Balance live 100 years without illness". As per Ayurveda, the Nervous system is controlled by all types of Vayu in our body and this is why the Nervous system disease in Ayurveda is called "Vata -Vyadhi." Vatas are of 5 types- 

1. Prana - It is located in the head, chest, throat, tongue, mouth, and nose and controls digestion, breathing, sneezing, spitting, and heart function. 

2. Udana - It is located at the navel, chest, and throat and controls speech, effort, energy, complexion, aspiration, and memory.

3. Samana - It is located at sweat, doshas, fluid, and small intestine and controls digestion. 

4. Vyana - It is found in the entire body and controls circulation, muscles, joint movement, blinking, and secretions. 

5. Apana- It is located at the colon, genital, urinary bladder, navel, thighs, and anus. Vayu is the vital nerve force that pervades the entire body. It is considered identical to Divine eternal energy and is therefore self-generating. 

[A balanced diet built a beautiful life ]
Vayu is the root of all nervous disorders.  Causes include cold, roughness, lightness, little or no food, excessive sex, talking or staying late; or excessive release of toxins and blood. It also includes leaping, jumping, traveling or excessive exercise, wasting of tissues, and excessive emaciations from anxiety, grief, fear, or illness. Further causes are uncomfortable beds and chairs, anger, naps, fear, surprise, natural urges, toxins, injury, fasting, injuring vital organs, accidents, etc. As tissues deplit Vayu fills the channels with air or becomes mixed with the other doshas that have filled the channel. When Vayu is becoming only the cause of vitiations, then the result is more severe. When it mixes with Pitta or Kapha, it is not as strong. 

Development of Vayu: Vayu accumulates in its home site, the colon, causing colic, gas, gurgling, feces obstruction, urinary stones, herniated scrotum, hemorrhoids, sharp pain in the back and waist, and other difficult diseases related to lower body parts. 

Symptoms: Excess Vayu causes contraction, stiff joints, hands, back or head; tearing of bones or joints, hair standing on end, delirium, limping, crippling, humpback, organ dryness, and insomnia. It also causes organ numbness, the crookedness of the head, nose, eyes, neck, and clavicular area; miscarriage, destruction of sperm or ovum, pulsation, tearing, or piercing pain, distress, convulsion, confusion, and exhaustion.

What happens when Vayu becomes Aggravated? The Vayu affects the whole body or parts of the body. In the abdomen, it shows symptoms include tremors, twitching, pulsating, cutting pain, joint pain, obstruction to the passage of urine and feces; abdominal tumor, heart disease, hemorrhoids, and rib pain. If it is in Rectum, it disturbs urine, stool, and gas retention, colic urinary stones or gravel, abdominal distention, pain, and emaciation in the legs, calves, thighs, pelvis, sacrum, feet, and back but if it is excess in the stomach and small intestine then it develops pain in the heart, navel, ribs, and abdomen, thirst, belching, cough, dry throat and mouth, difficult breathing, vomiting, vertigo, and epilepsy. If excess vayu accumulates in the colon, it develops intestinal gurgling, colic, meteorism, difficulty passing urine and stools, bowl hardness, piercing pain in the navel and surrounding, and sharp and severe pain in the waist and back. Indigestion is also due to excess Vayu in Colon only. 

Due to excess Vayu in sense organs, it loses proper functioning. In skin, becomes dry, rough, and cracked, numbness, red skin, discoloration, etc. The Vayu also affects blood quality, muscles, fat, marrow, bones, semen and ovum, tendons, ligaments, veins, and joints. 

Nowadays miscarriage premature ejaculation or retention of semen, and fetus including abnormal fetuses, etc also due to excess vayu in the specific organs, and that is interconnected with the habits, life, and foodstyle, especially junk foods that develop unwanted Vayu in the body. 

From the above, it is clear that the total body is very severely affected due to excess Vayu and that is due to irregular lifestyle and food habits. 

If we maintain regularity and take food in time and that also should be a balanced diet, we may avoid excess formation of Vayu in our body and live long. No doubt! vayu requires our body to make organs functional but excess Vayu is very harmful.

So, Stay healthy, stay safe...      

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Healthy Drink Vs Soft Drink and health

In modern days, people are too busy to care about their health. they are all using shortcuts to achieve the target of work as well as the requirements of health. Many food and drinks are available in the market, especially for those kinds of people who use them as part of a machinery life to earn some sort of money. Many food industries catch the nerve of customers and manufacture various readymade foods.

As we know any food even if prepared at home can't be kept for more than 12-24 hours, and if refrigerated, then it, maybe consumable for a stipulated time only. But food industries enhance food shelf life by using various preservatives that are surely not good for health.

No doubt, it is a machinery era and all are running behind their profession to make themselves good in livelihood as well as in society but please tell me is it, not our duty to take care of our health. Think for a moment even your bike and car need general servicing so why not our body. It also requires healthy food, healthy drinks, 6-8 hours of sound sleep, and so on...

So, it would be better to take care of our health. Here are some tips to maintain your life well by consuming and avoiding certain things in your routine life -

1. Healthy drinks: Several drinks are generally considered to be good for health when consumed in moderation. It's important to stay hydrated, and water is often the best choice for this purpose. Here are some drinks that are generally considered to be healthy:

a. Water: Essential for overall health, water is calorie-free and helps with hydration, digestion, and the elimination of waste from the body.

[Healthy Drinks] 

b. Herbal Teas: Herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger tea, are often caffeine-free and can have various health benefits. They may help with relaxation, digestion, and immune support.

c. Green Tea: Known for its antioxidant properties, green tea is a popular beverage that may have potential health benefits, including improved heart health and metabolism.

d. Vegetable Juice: Freshly squeezed vegetable juices can be a nutritious way to increase your intake of vitamins and minerals. Be mindful of the sugar content if you include fruit juices.

e. Smoothies: Homemade smoothies with a combination of fruits, vegetables, and yogurt or milk can be a nutritious and satisfying beverage.

f. Coconut Water: Naturally low in calories and rich in electrolytes, coconut water is a good option for hydration.

g. Milk: Whether cow's milk or plant-based alternatives like almond or soy milk, these can be good sources of calcium and vitamin D.

h. Limited Amounts of Coffee or Tea: Moderate consumption of coffee and tea (without excessive added sugars or high-fat creamers) has been associated with certain health benefits, such as improved cognitive function and antioxidant intake.

2. Unhealthy Drinks (Soft drinks) Many soft drinks and sodas are generally not considered healthy beverages. Here are some reasons why:

a. High Sugar Content: Soft drinks are often high in added sugars. Consuming excessive amounts of added sugars has been linked to various health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and dental problems.

b. Empty Calories: Soft drinks provide little to no nutritional value. They are often referred to as providing "empty calories" because they contribute to calorie intake without supplying essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

c. Acidity: The acidity of carbonated beverages can potentially contribute to dental erosion and may be problematic for individuals with certain digestive issues.

d. Caffeine Content: Many soft drinks contain caffeine, which in moderation is generally safe for most adults. However, excessive caffeine consumption can lead to issues like insomnia, increased heart rate, and anxiety.

e. Artificial Additives: Soft drinks may contain artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, which some people may want to limit in their diet due to potential health concerns.

f. Bone Health: Some studies suggest a link between high soda consumption and lower bone mineral density, possibly due to the displacement of more nutritious beverages like milk. While an occasional soft drink is unlikely to cause harm, regular and excessive consumption can contribute to an unhealthy diet. It's recommended to choose beverages that provide hydration without the drawbacks associated with sugary and acidic drinks.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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