
Thursday, November 30, 2023

As you eat food, so is your mind....

There is an old saying in our country – As is the food we eat, so is our mind. American research shows that tasty food is as effective as medicine in stress management, anxiety, and depression. Generally, there has been a trend of giving special 'pathya' i.e. food for patients to the person suffering from any kind of disease. Many strange food items have been suggested on social media for people suffering from mental health problems. These food items are often tasteless or have a strange taste, making them difficult to eat. But new research says that mental health problems can also be defeated with the help of tasty food. How food affects our mental health, has also been found in research conducted by the University of Virginia. According to this, there are many types of good bacteria and microorganisms in our stomach. Such microorganisms are found in large quantities in fermented food and curd. If these microorganisms are present in the stomach, it directly affects our feelings. A kind of happiness is felt in the mind.

[Healthy Vegetarian food]
40% of people suffer from a mental disorder, and only 1 in 10 get medical help. Mental health problems are seen as taboo in society. But if statistics are to be believed, about 40% of the people of India are suffering from some form of common mental disorder. That is, if you select 5 people at random from any corner of the country or from any family, then 2 of them will be found to be victims of common mental disorders. A large population of the country is suffering from mental health problems. Despite this, only 10% of these people get medical help. As a result, most cases never reach the doctor and become serious.

Experts consider this to be one of the reasons behind the increasing suicide rate and domestic violence. In such a situation, it can be avoided by bringing positive changes in food habits and lifestyle. Good food habits and a better lifestyle will cure mental disorders. According to a dietician, there is a direct relationship between food and mind. Even before food reaches the stomach, it sends signals to the mind through the tongue. If we eat our favorite food or the food with which good memories are associated, we feel happy. By doing this, dopamine is immediately released in the body and people feel relaxed. If the food is tasty as well as healthy, then the signal of happiness is sent to the brain through both the tongue and the stomach. In such a situation, happiness and strength to fight mental health problems also increase.

Do you believe that medicine for depression can be found in restaurants, and keep the balance between taste and health?

The answer will be YES. Because the bottom line is that the body, mind, and tongue are interconnected. The happiness of one decides the happiness of others. If you keep your tongue happy, your mind will also be happy. However, it is important to keep in mind that in order to please the tongue, it is not right to upset the stomach. The dietitian has suggested many foods which are both tasty and healthy. These food items are the best option to treat the person suffering from mental disorders.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A Guide to Maintaining Overall Health in the Rainy Season

The rainy season, with its refreshing showers and cool breezes, brings a welcome change in the weather. Now, it is started in South India, especially in Tamil Nadu. The rainy season gives us pleasure at the same time, along with the rain, this season also ushers in an increased risk of infections and health challenges. Taking proactive steps to maintain overall health becomes paramount during these damp months. In this essay, we will explore a holistic approach to well-being during the rainy season.

[Rain in Tamil Nadu, India]

One of the cornerstones of health maintenance is good hygiene practices. Frequent hand washing with soap and water is a simple yet effective measure to prevent the spread of infections. The rainy season provides an environment conducive to the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, making it crucial to uphold high standards of personal cleanliness.

Staying adequately hydrated is another key factor in safeguarding health. The increased humidity can lead to perspiration, and it is essential to replenish fluids regularly. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body, maintaining optimal organ function. Additionally, a well-balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, provides essential nutrients that fortify the immune system.

Balancing nutrition is especially important during the rainy season. Including foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, not only enhances the body's ability to ward off infections but also adds a refreshing burst of flavour to meals. A diet fortified with immune-boosting elements, including garlic, ginger, and turmeric, provides an extra layer of defence against common ailments associated with the season.

Proper clothing choices contribute significantly to health maintenance during the rainy season. Wearing raincoats, waterproof footwear, and using umbrellas helps to stay dry and prevent illnesses like flu and colds. Damp clothes can become breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi, making it essential to change into dry attire as soon as possible.

Incorporating regular physical activity into daily routines is a year-round health prescription, and the rainy season is no exception. Exercise helps boost the immune system and contributes to overall mental well-being. While outdoor activities might be hindered by heavy rain, indoor exercises can be a viable alternative to stay active.

Adequate sleep is often underestimated but plays a vital role in maintaining health. Quality sleep supports the body's immune function, helping it resist infections. Creating a conducive sleep environment and adhering to a regular sleep schedule can contribute to overall well-being.

The rainy season also brings with it concerns related to vector-borne diseases. Protection against mosquitoes, responsible for diseases such as dengue and malaria, is crucial. Using mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and ensuring a mosquito-free living environment are preventive measures that should not be overlooked.

Additionally, paying attention to personal care is essential during the rainy season. The increased humidity can lead to skin and hair issues. Regular cleansing, moisturising, and using appropriate hair care products become important aspects of self-care.

So, we may conclude that maintaining overall health during the rainy season involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses hygiene, nutrition, clothing choices, physical activity, and adequate sleep.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Saturday, November 4, 2023

What an educated woman prefers in India after marriage work or stay home?

As the nature of my service includes many visit of different places as well as to attend many field work. While my field visit, a frequently asked question was "What an educated woman prefers in India after marriage work or stay home?" In my opinion, the preference of whether to work or stay at home after marriage is highly individual and can vary greatly among educated women in India, just as it does in other parts of the world.  

To work or stay at home, It depends on personal choices, family dynamics, cultural background, and various circumstances. Here are some factors that influence the decision of educated women in India. It may involve-

Personal Aspirations: Some educated women in India may have strong career aspirations and choose to continue working after marriage. They may find fulfillment and satisfaction in their careers and value their financial independence.

Financial Considerations: Economic factors play a significant role. Many couples need dual incomes to maintain their desired lifestyle or support their families financially, especially in urban areas with a high cost of living.


[Indian working woman]

Family Support: The level of support from one's spouse and extended family can influence the decision. Some families may encourage women to continue working, while others may prioritize traditional gender roles, where women primarily manage the household.

Cultural and Societal Norms: Cultural and societal expectations can vary across India. In some regions and communities, there is a strong emphasis on women being homemakers, while in others, women are encouraged to pursue careers.

Work-Life Balance: Some women may opt for part-time work or flexible arrangements to balance their professional and family responsibilities. Work-life balance is crucial for many working women.

Childcare: Decisions about work may be influenced by the availability and affordability of childcare options. Some women may choose to stay at home when raising young children and return to work later.

Educational and Career Goals: Women with specific educational or career goals may decide to continue working to achieve those goals. They may view their careers as a long-term commitment.

Personal Values: Individual values and beliefs play a significant role. Some women may strongly believe in the importance of contributing to society through their careers, while others may prioritize their roles as caregivers and homemakers.

Spousal Support: The attitude and support of one's spouse are critical. Some husbands actively support their wives' careers and share household responsibilities, which can influence women's decisions.

From the above point it is clear that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. What matters most is that the decision is made based on mutual understanding, respect, and the best interests of both partners in the marriage. Many educated women in India find ways to balance their work and family responsibilities, and the decision to work or stay at home can change over time as circumstances evolve. Ultimately, the choice should be made to ensure the well-being and happiness of both spouses.

So, be happy always and respect your choices.


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