
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Many Habits That Make You Fat; How to Break Them - some Important Tips

Be aware, the following regular habits make you ugly and fatty, so must not to do. 

1. Eating while watching TV: If you are eating while watching TV, then you forget the quantity how much and quality of food to eating? You do not pay attention to this, due to which you often eat more and gain weight. Apart from that watching more than two hours of TV in a day increases the chances of obesity by 20 percent, and Continuously watching serials on TV can also cause problems related to heart and blood pressure.

What to do? Obesity can be reduced by doing exercises like jogging, stretching, breathing etc.

[Obesity and Junk Foods]

2. Starvation for a long time: While leaving the house in a hurry, many times we go out hungry. Even after staying at home, many times we remain hungry for a long time. In such a situation, due to the long gap, there is a deficiency of nutrients in the body.

Disadvantages of Prolonged Starvation: The chances of reducing the amount of blood sugar in the body increases.Due to not getting glucose to the brain at the right time, the nature becomes irritable. Eating a lot of food after being empty stomach for a long time can also cause complaints of acidity, laziness etc.

What to do? Eat on time and take a certain diet.

3. Eating fast: Eating fast foods and junk foods becomes fashion and prestigious issues nowadays in so called higher societies. There is also a possibility of obesity by eating these foods without chewing properly or eating too quickly. By doing this, the message does not reach the stomach about the types of food that are eaten as a result digestions get affected badly. Apart from this, the information about whether the stomach is full or not also reaches the brain late and you end up eating more than you need.

Disadvantages of fast food: Digestive power decreases. There may also be complaints of abdominal pain.

What to do? Eat in limited quantity according to hunger. Do not do any other work while eating food. If you feel hungry again after a while, you can eat fruits or healthy snacks but not repeat same foods.

4. Skipping breakfast: A gap of 8 to 12 hours between dinner and breakfast weakens the brain and muscles. In such a situation, not having breakfast in the morning or drinking only a cup of tea or coffee increases obesity.

Disadvantages of not having breakfast: Digestive power becomes weak. Calories increase instead of decreasing. By doing this you can also become anemic. Energy also decreases in the body.

What to do? Do take healthy breakfast. Keep more quantity of healthy things in breakfast as compared to other meals of the day.

5. Not getting enough sleep: Sleeping late at night and getting up early in the morning is also a reason for obesity.

Disadvantages of not getting enough sleep: Food eaten at night is not digested. May be a victim of insomnia. The energy level of the body decreases. Depression can also occur due to distraction of the mind.

What to do? Try to do all your work at the right time, so that you can sleep and wake up on time. Take 7-8 hours of sleep daily.

6.Eating fast food: This is also one of the main reasons for increasing obesity. Due to the high amount of calories in fast foods, obesity increases by consuming them.

Disadvantages of fast food: Heart related diseases can occur.There is a fear of getting diabetes.

What to do? Eat fast food only once a week and do not consume extra cheese. Eat roasted or baked fast food instead of fried fast food.

7. Sleeping soon after eating food: Eating late at night, eating in excess and sleeping soon after eating is also a reason for obesity. By doing this, food does not get digested and increases fat in the body.

Disadvantages of sleeping immediately after eating food: Due to not digesting the food properly, there can be a problem of gas. Belly starts coming out.

What to do? A little walk after eating helps in digestion of food. Light exercise after eating is also beneficial.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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