- 4-7-8 Technique
- 5 strange symptoms
- 7+7 quarantine formulae
- A. fusiformis
- A. maxima
- AI babies
- AI tool for personalised cancer diagnosis
- Abelmoschus esculentus
- Abhyanga
- Acidity & heart attack
- Acupuncture
- Aedes aegypti
- Aegarvalli
- Age Reversal
- Allicin
- Almond
- Aloe vera juice
- Alpinia officinarum
- Alternative sterilizations
- Alzheimer's patients
- American Heart Association
- Amla
- Amrita
- Ancient panchakarma
- Anemia
- Animal rain
- Anna lepa
- Annona squamosa
- Anti-aging
- Anti-aging Pharmaceuticals and Supplements.
- Antioxidant-Rich Foods
- Anulom
- Anulom-Vilom
- Apana Vayu
- Ardhavbhedak
- Aromatherapy
- Arthrospira platensis
- Artificial intelligence
- Asthenozoospermia
- AstraZeneca
- Athletic Performance
- Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis
- Avgahan Parisheka
- Ayurveda
- Ayush medicines
- B cells
- B. A. M. S degree
- B.1.1.529
- BBV154
- Bay leaves
- Be aware
- Beetroot’s Halwa
- Belur Math
- Benefits of plant-based diet
- Bengal gram
- Beta vulgaris
- Bhagwan bhogs
- Bharat Biotech
- Bhindi
- Biohacking
- Birth Control Pills
- Black cumin seeds (kalonji)
- Blood Pressure Medications
- Bloody diarrhea
- Bluish discoloration
- Body Scan Meditation
- Brahmarandhra
- Breastfed babies
- Bundelkhand Expressway
- Burger
- COP 26
- Caffeine
- Cancer
- Cancer treatment
- Cardiomyopathies
- Caterpillar fungus
- Chair Dips
- Chamomile tea
- Charitraheen tea
- Chest pain
- Chhota Kulanjan
- Chikungunya
- Chills
- Chips or other namkeen
- Chole-Bhature
- Cicer arietinum
- Cinnamomum tamala
- Climbing stairs
- Conference of the party 26 (COP 26)
- Constantly thinking
- Cordyceps sinensis
- Coriander tea
- Coronary heart disease
- Coronavirus pandemic updates
- CoronavirusXE
- Coronaviruse
- Covid
- Covid -19 pandemic
- Covid protocol
- Covid protocols
- Covid vaccine
- Covid – 19
- Covid-19
- Covishield
- Cow-cuddling
- Cow-munication
- Cow-shed
- Creamy Soup
- Cultural events
- Cultural events Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- Culture of Chennai Koothu
- Cupping therapy
- Curry leaves
- Custard apple
- Cyril Ramaphosa
- Dadi Ji ka Dawakhana
- Dance Forms of Tamil Nadu
- David Mabuza
- Decrease in immunity
- Decreased fertility
- Delmicron
- Delta
- Delta Variant
- Delta infection
- Deltacron
- Desk Exercises
- Desmodium gangeticum
- Detox water
- Diabetes management
- Diabetics
- Diet and health
- Diet and health focused recipes
- Dopamine beta-hydroxylase
- Drumstick
- Dyslipidemia
- E
- Earth
- Earthen Utensil
- Eating disorders
- Electronic Health Records (EHR)
- Endometriosis
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Ergonomic Setup
- Eye twitching
- Fitness
- Fitness.
- Five new symptoms of coronavirus
- Flaxseed
- Florona
- Food Regulation 2011
- Food and Recipe
- Food and Recipe Blogs
- Fried Foods
- Functional fitness
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Gender Inequality.
- Ghee laddoos
- Giloy
- Glasgow
- Global Nutrition Report
- Gluten
- Glycyrrhiza glabra
- Go Mata
- Golkankara
- Gonadotropin (HCG)
- Guava
- Guduchi
- Guided Meditation
- Gurukul system
- Gym
- HDL and LDL cholesterol
- HDPE containers
- HFE gene mutation
- Hair Loss
- Hapilus fabricus
- Health & Fitness
- Health & Fitness Blog
- Health and fitness
- Health fitness
- Healthy drink
- Healthy habits
- Healthy relationships
- Heart failure
- Hemiplegia
- Hemorrhage
- Herbal tea
- Histaminase
- Holistic treatment for diabetic
- How AI is used in cancer diagnostics?
- How much sleep do you need for a healthy brain?
- How much sleep is necessary
- IVF treatment
- Ice cream
- Identification of original arrowroot powder
- Immune resilience
- Immunity
- Immunity booster
- Impaired Sexual Health
- Impotence
- Indigestions
- Influenza A (IAV)
- Insanity
- Insomnia
- Irregular heartbeats
- Irregular lifestyle
- Irregular periods
- Journal of Medical Entomology
- K
- Kachhe Kele ki Sabji
- Kaksa
- Kali Jeeri. Kalijiri
- Kankarol
- Kapal Bhati
- Kapha
- Karela
- Kaya Seka
- Keraliya Ayurvedic Abhyanga
- Khekasi
- Klinefelter Syndrome
- Kneading
- Kurvak
- Lassa fever
- Lavender
- Lean Proteins
- Life's Simple 7
- Lifestyle
- Lifestyle Healthy food
- Liquorice
- Long Covid
- Lord Shri Ram Van Gaman Marg
- Loving-Kindness Meditation
- Low Sex Drive
- MC3R
- Macroscopical Identicifacation
- Maharishi Charak
- Makar Sankranti
- Male factor infertility
- Mammogram
- Mangiferin
- Maram abhyanga
- Marma abhyanga
- Marma point therapy
- Melatonin
- Mental health management
- Mentha spicata
- Mentha viridis
- Microbiome Balance
- Milkshake
- Mindfulness
- Mindfulness meditation
- Modern Life
- Moderna
- Momordica charantia
- Momordica dioica
- Monsoon Hair Care
- Moringa oleifera
- Mosquitoes buzzing
- Most popular news
- Moxibustion
- Murraya koenigii
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- NCERT Mental Health Survey
- Nani Ji ka Dawakhana
- Nasal spray vaccine
- Natural Kidney stone remedy
- Natural Remedies
- Navratri
- Niyam
- Non - Hormonal contraceptive pills
- Non veg -foods
- Non-invasive and natural treatments
- Non-vegetarian
- Nutrition in Enhancing Athletic Performance
- Oats
- Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
- Ocimum sanctum
- Okara drink
- Oligospermia
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Omicron
- Omicron variant
- Omicron's infection
- Omicron-infected patient
- Oncology
- Osteoporosis
- Ovulation disorders
- Pale or yellowish skin
- Panchakarma
- Panchavati Rasoi
- Paratha
- Parathas
- Parents
- Pediatrics
- Perimenopause
- Pfizer
- Pfizer-BioNTech
- Pfizer-BioNTech.
- Phalahara
- Pharmacopoeial monograms
- Physical pain
- Pizza
- Plant-Based Diets and Challenges
- Plasmodium falciparum
- Pmega 3
- Poly cystic Ovary Syndrome
- Popular blogs 2022
- Power Outages
- Pranayam
- Pranayama
- Pre-eclampsia
- Proscar
- Prunus amygdalus
- Pseudarthria viscida
- Psoriasis
- Psychotherapists
- Pulmonary hypertension..
- Pungent
- Quality and purity. recycled HDPE containers
- R-value
- RT-PCR testing
- Radish
- Raised ribs
- Ramakrishna Mission
- Raphanus sativus
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSC)
- Restlessness.
- Revenge bedtime procrastination”
- Rheumatic heart disease
- Rhododendron arboretum
- Rickets
- Root Vegetables
- Rubbing
- S/AS01
- SARS-CoV-2
- SARS-CoV2.
- Sabja seeds or Basil seeds
- Sai
- Saiyam
- Sanaparni
- Sanjeevani Booti
- Sanjeevani mula
- Sattwic
- Seasame oil
- Seated Leg Raises
- Sesame
- Sesame seeds
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Shalaparni
- Shatayu
- Shortness of breath
- Shushrut Samhita
- Siamese ginger
- Siddha
- Siddha Purush
- Significance of the World Population Day
- Silent killer (HBP)
- Silicosis
- Sirodhara
- Sitaphal
- Sleep deprivation
- Sleep disturbances
- Sleep your way to better heart health
- Sleeplessness
- Small Galangal
- Sperm Count and Motility
- Spiny gourd
- Spirulina
- Spousal Support
- Squeezing
- Sun protection
- Sunlight exposure
- Surya Namaskar
- Swami Vivekananda
- Swami Vivekanda's Samadhi
- T cells
- T-cells
- TB
- TBCD gene
- Taposthali of Lord Rama
- Tapping
- Taste Enhancers
- Tea
- Teratozoospermia
- Thai ginger
- The Most Popular Blog
- The Most Popular Blog healthy and hygienic food
- The Most Popular Blog 2022
- The Most Popular Blog2022
- The best way to treat childhood obesity
- Therapeutic body massage
- Therukoothu
- Tinospora cordifolia
- Tips to Avoid Childhood Obesity
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- Traditional Indian medicine
- Traditional system of medicine
- Travel
- Travel blog
- Trending Expressway in India
- Tulsi
- UTIs
- Ultra-processed food
- Unani
- Unnecessary worry or stress
- Uric acid
- Urinary Tract infections
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Urticarial patches
- Valerian root
- Variant of Concern
- Varicocele
- Vata
- Vata -vyadhi
- Vayu
- Vector-based vaccines
- Vegetarian
- Veroa mite
- Vilom
- Virodhahara
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin – D
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Warts
- Weakness
- Weight Loss
- Western medicine
- What is AI detection?
- What is the theme for World Population Day 2022?
- What is the world population in 2022?
- White wine
- Why it is too important to have Mammogram ? Most popular blog
- Winter season’s sweets
- Work from home
- Work-Life Balance
- World Health Organization
- World Population day
- Wyann
- Y chromosome
- Yamuna Expressway
- Yoga & Naturopathy
- Yoga Nidra
- Yoga and Naturopathy
- Yogis
- Zika
- a Acupuncture is a versatile healing technique
- abdomen
- abdominal pain
- abnormal mutations
- abnormalities in sleep
- adaptogenic
- addiction
- adulterated arrowroot starch
- adulterated tea
- adulteration
- aerobic workouts
- aggravated
- aggravated Pitta
- air
- air conditioners
- air passages
- akshepaka
- allergic
- alternat day eating. Intermittent fasting
- aluminum utensils
- and Homeopathy
- and calcium.
- and eyes
- and irritation
- and stress
- angiotensin-1-7
- angiotensin-2
- anorexia
- anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties
- anti-bacterial
- anti-diabetics
- anti-viral properties
- antidotes
- antigenic shift
- antihistamines
- antioxidants
- anxiety
- apana.
- apical ballooning syndrome
- appetite
- arthritis
- artificial
- artificial womb
- ascorbic acid
- ashwagandha roots
- ast-paced world.
- asthma
- asthmatic
- astringent
- asymptomatic
- atherosclerosis
- aum
- authentic crude drugs
- autoimmune diseases
- awakeners of kundalini
- b Dehydration
- back pain
- backache
- bad dreams
- bajra
- balanced diet
- basil
- bathua
- beauty
- beer
- beeroot benefits
- beet root
- bevarages
- bitter gourd
- black coffee
- black cumin (Kala jeera)
- black pepper
- black tea
- blemishes
- bloating
- blood clot formation
- blood pressure
- blood sugar and heart disease
- blood sugar management.
- body
- body mass index
- body performances
- body sprays
- bowel incontinence
- breast cancer
- breast cancer vaccine
- breast milk
- breastfeeding
- breathing difficulties
- brinjal
- brinjal as health supplements
- brinjal as vegetables
- broken heart syndrome
- buffalo's Ghee
- burning sensation when urinating
- burst of inflammation
- camellia sinensis
- caraway seeds
- carbohydrate
- carbon dioxide
- cardiologists.
- cardiovascular disease
- cardiovascular diseases
- carelessness
- carotene
- carrot juice
- chakras
- challenge
- champagne
- changing lifestyle
- charak samhita
- charitravan tea
- chemotherapy
- chicken
- chickpea
- children's mistakes
- cholera
- cholesterol
- cinnamon
- clinical studies
- cold
- colon cancer
- common salt
- communication
- community
- competitive platform
- complexion
- congenital heart disease
- consciousness
- constipations
- contact tracing
- contagious
- convenience foods
- conventional medical treatments
- convulsion
- convulsions
- copper
- corona
- coronavirus
- coronavirus disease
- coronaviruses
- cow's ghee
- critical vitamin deficiency
- cumin
- cumin (Jeera)
- cumin seeds
- curd rice
- cycling
- cystitis
- cytomegalic
- dark chocolate
- dditives
- deafness
- decoction
- deep breathing
- deity mantras
- dementia
- dengue
- dental health
- deodorants
- depression
- detox water drink
- detoxification
- detoxifier
- diabetes
- diabetes mellitus
- diabetes type 2
- diabetic patient
- diarrhea
- diarrhoea
- diatribe
- diet for sugar patient
- digestion
- digestive
- diseases
- diseases like obesity
- disodium inosinate (E 631)
- dizzines
- dizziness
- domestic work
- dominant variant
- doshas
- dry cough
- dry skin
- dryness
- dysentery
- e-cigarettes
- e-nose
- ecoisolyricrisnol
- ecosystem
- ectopic pregnancy
- education system
- elbows
- elderly
- electronic nose
- emonade
- emotional well-being
- endorphins
- engram cells
- engulfs
- environmental behavior
- epidemic
- epileptic seizures
- episodes of bingeing
- estrogen
- exact amount of iron needed in the body
- excessive fear
- exercise
- exhausted
- expectorant
- eye disease
- eye problem
- eye test
- eyes of GOD
- eyesight
- facial hair growth.
- facial palsy
- facial paralysis
- fainting
- falcarinol
- farmhouse
- fast foods
- fasting
- fat
- fatigue
- fennel seeds
- fenugreek
- fertility
- fever
- fibromyalgia
- fingers of hands
- fire
- fish
- five elements theory
- flaky patches
- flatulence
- flexitarian
- folic acid
- food labeling
- food to prevent cancer
- fortified milk
- fright
- functional foods
- fungal infection in scalp
- gaining weight
- game-changer
- gardening
- garlic
- garlic a cancer protector
- gas trouble
- gene editing
- genome sequencing
- genome sequencing is B.1.1.529
- global pandemic
- good friend
- good sleep
- gooseberries
- gooseberry
- greenhouse gas emissions
- gut health
- half head pain
- headache
- headache and mild fever
- health
- health and modern lifestyle.
- health and rainy seasons
- health benifits of brinjal
- health issues
- healthy and monsoon vegetables
- healthy bees
- healthy diet
- healthy lifestyle
- hearbal tea. green tea
- hearing loss
- heart attack
- heart burns
- heart disease
- heart palpitation
- heart problems
- heels
- help in respiratory disease
- hepatitis
- herbal medicine
- hereditary hemochromatosis
- high blood pressure
- high blood sugar
- high fever
- histamine
- home isolation
- home workout
- home workouts
- honesty
- honey
- hormonal imbalances
- hormone imbalance
- hormones
- hospitalized
- hot water bath
- hugging of the cows
- human augmentation
- human embryos
- human enhancement
- human eye
- human papillomavirus
- humor
- hydration
- hydro water tablet
- hydrogel purifiers
- hyperpigmentation
- hypertension
- imbalanced
- immune resistance
- immune system
- immune-boosting foods
- immunity boosters
- immunity boosting drink
- immunoglobulin IgA
- impaired cognitive function
- improper diet
- inadequate sleep
- increase blood circulation
- indoor fitness
- infection
- infertility
- inflammation
- influenza
- inhalation
- innocent children
- intermittent fasting
- intimacy and sexual desire
- intrauterine pregnancy
- iron
- iron deposition
- isai (music)
- ischemia
- isothiocyanate
- itching
- itchy throat
- iyal (literature)
- jaundice.
- jawar
- jogging
- jumping jacks
- junk food
- junk foods
- kadha
- kaliyug ki sanjeevani
- kapal - bhati.
- keeda-jadi
- keto-friendly meals
- kichdi
- kidney stone
- kidneys
- king of fruits in winter
- knees
- kullahad tea
- lack of workout
- lahsun
- lariciresinol
- lassan
- left arm pain
- lemon
- lessens perspiration.
- life-threatening diseases
- liver disorder
- lock jaw disease
- longevity
- low blood pressure
- low glycemic iondex food
- low immunity
- low sugar
- lowering blood pressure
- lubrication of joints
- lukewarm milk
- lung disease
- lungs
- lungs disease
- mRNA
- mRNA technology
- macular degeneration
- maize
- malaria
- malaria vaccine
- male contraceptive pills
- male inability
- male infertility
- manganese
- mango chutney
- mansoon
- market food
- marmas
- massage
- medicare
- medication
- medicines
- meditation
- meetha soda
- melanocortin-3 receptor
- menstrual pain
- menstruation
- mental disorder & food
- mental health
- mental illness
- mental stress
- menthol
- metabolic disorders
- metabolic syndrome
- metabolis booster
- microplastics
- milk products
- mind relaxing food
- mindful eating
- miscarriage
- mixed workout plan
- modern Lifestyle
- modern health advice
- moisturize skin
- molar pregnancy
- monkeypox
- monosodium glutamate
- monotonous work
- monsoon
- monsoon vegetable
- mood boosting food
- mood swings
- mosaic loss of Y (mLOY)
- mosquito nets
- mother milk
- mother's brain
- mountain climbing
- mucosal immune system
- mulethi
- multiple spreadabilities
- mumps
- muscle ache
- muscle pain
- mustard
- mustard oil
- mutants
- mutations
- mutton
- mutual respect
- myocardial infarction
- myocarditis
- nadagam (drama)
- natuarl Remedies
- natural death
- natural steroid
- neck
- nervous system
- nervousness
- neurosomatic
- niacin
- niaziminin
- non-veg
- nose bleeds
- nurturing well being
- nutrients
- obesity
- objection
- obseity
- ojas
- omega 3 fatty acids
- or Persian cumin (Carum carvi)
- oral vaccine
- oranges
- original arrowroot powder
- oronavirus
- oss of sleep
- out side food
- overcooked
- overweight
- p-fimbri
- painkiller
- pandemic
- pandemics
- paracetamol
- parasite
- parikrama
- passionate friendship
- perfumes
- personality disorder
- perspiration
- phthalates
- physical activity
- physical fitness
- piles
- pinoresinol
- pitta
- plant based diets
- plant-based meals
- platelets
- pneumonia
- polarization
- polycystic ovary syndrome
- polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- polyphenol
- polyphenols
- pongal
- poondu
- poor nutrition
- poor routine
- post-Covid health
- post-pregnancy bleeding
- postprandial hyperglycemia
- potassium
- pregnancy
- premature deaths
- premature fetus
- premenopause
- preservatives
- primordial sound
- principles of ayurveda
- probiotics
- problem in breathing
- processed foods
- professional athletes
- progesterone
- prolonged online classes
- proper fitness
- prostaglandin
- protein
- protein-coding
- protocols
- psychological health
- psychosomatic
- ragi
- rainy season Vs health
- rainy seasons
- rancid
- rapid heartbeat
- ready made food
- ready made foods
- real friend
- realistic goals
- red meat
- red rashes
- red wine
- reducing depression
- reducing stress
- rehearsal (Riyaz)
- rejuvenation
- relaxation
- reservation
- respiratory tract
- restlessness
- retina
- revers aging & biotechnology
- reverse aging
- reversing telomerase therapy
- ribavirin
- riboflavin
- rock salt
- romantic partner
- ry cough
- sad syndrome
- samana
- schizophrenia
- scrub typhus
- seasonal diseases
- selective embryo
- self - care
- self improvement
- self-consciousness
- semi processed food
- semi-processed foods
- semi-vegetarian
- sense
- sexual impotency
- sexual maturity
- sexually transmitted infection
- shah jeera
- shivering
- shoulders
- shunthi.
- singer's voice
- skin diseases
- skin protector
- skin-care products
- sky
- sleep quality
- smoothies
- snoring
- so-called name JEERA
- soft drink
- sore throat
- sotrovimab
- sour fruits
- sour throat
- spasm
- spinach
- spiritual well-being...
- spoiling health
- sprain
- spreadability
- stale
- starvation
- stimulant
- stomachache
- stones
- strength
- strengthen heart
- stress
- stress cardiomyopathy
- stroke
- strokes
- strong immunity
- subtle level
- sudden sweating
- summer boon cucumber
- super foods
- superfood
- surya
- sweat
- sweet curd
- sweet lime
- symptoms
- symptoms of malaria
- takotsubo cardiomyopathy
- tamasic food.
- tantrik
- tapioca starch
- tea tree oil
- telemedicine
- tempeh
- therapeutics
- thermogenesis
- these drugs may reduce your sex desire
- thiamin
- thighs
- thinking ability
- throbbing
- thrombocytopenia
- tinnitus
- tips n tricks for managing mental health
- tiredness
- toes
- tomatoes
- tonic
- tornado
- total cholesterol
- tourism
- trachea
- trans-cimaldehyde
- trauma
- treasures of nutrition
- tremors
- trendy examination
- triphla churna
- triple-negative breast cancer
- true friend
- trust
- tryptophan
- type 1 Diabetes
- types of pranavayu
- typhoid
- umbilical cord
- unbalanced lifestyle
- unbearable pain
- unconscious
- underweight
- uniformity
- unique research
- unique tablets
- unknown fever
- unmada
- upana
- upper respiratory tract infection
- upus pregnancy
- urge to smoke
- vaccine at -130 degrees.
- vaccines
- vaidya system
- variant of Covid-19
- vegan diet
- vegetable for rainy seasons
- vegetable juice
- viral infection
- virtual fitness
- vitamin D deficiency
- vitamin K
- vitamin-A
- vitamins A
- vote politics
- vulnerable
- vyana
- washing clothes.
- water
- weak immunity
- wearable devices
- weight gain
- whitewash
- winter season
- winter weight
- woman education
- wrinkles
- wrists
- yellow fever
- young generation erectile dysfunction
- उन्माद
- दीवानापन
- पागलपन
- ‘Sharifa
- “Ayurvedic Healing mantras”
Provide The Best Knowledge On Traditional Medicines And Awareness To Healthy Life With Natural Cure
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Life depends on the Sun; says Ayurveda...
H ealth or a healthy life depends on Bhaskar, i.e., the Sun. Long life depends on the worship of Ashwini Kumars. Many mantras and hymns of t...
चित्रकूट से निकलकर श्रीराम घने वन में पहुंच गए। असल में यहीं था उनका वनवास। इस वन को उस काल में दंडकारण्य कहा जाता था। इस वन में उन्होंने...
Cardiophobia is a mental disorder, it creates the occasional fear of having a heart attack that is quite normal, but if this fear haunts any...
Ayurveda is a main part of well known Indian Traditional System of Medicines and popularly known as AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Na...
A hundred percent role of plant materials in the form of single as well as compound drugs observed in Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani medicines....