
Monday, April 25, 2022

Is forgetting everything also important phenamenon?

Today, I have forgotten my important office almirah key at home. I have left my car key at home. My mobile is missing because it was not there were actually I have kept it. I have put my headphone somewhere else. Yesterday, that important files, I kept here only to proceed further the next day but, I don’t know where I kept them. These are the common issues, faced by the majority of people every day. 

Several studies prove that forgetting is the process of learning, by this, the brain reaches important information, and removes useless memories. Often we forget to keep the key or any paper or pay the bill for mobile etc. Scientists say that do not consider forgetting in youth as a disease or problem, it is also a process of learning. It helps the brain to access important information. 

According to the study led by Trinity College in Dublin and the University of Toronto, this does not mean that the things that a person forgets will not be remembered again. Just the mind cannot reach them. 

Researchers claim that the brain decides which things we have to remember and which we can forget. Some memories are permanently stored in bundles of neurons; they remain in the subconscious mind. That's why a person never forgets these things. The brain decides which thing or memory is more important for us and accordingly it keeps working to store and remove memories. 

We create countless memories throughout our lives, but only a few of them can be remembered. The common belief is that memories fade with time. But experts believe that the reason for this is the process of storing the brain. Neuroscientists Tomas Ryan at Trinity College and Paul Frankland of the University of Toronto told that the case of Alzheimer's patients is different. Forgetting can prove beneficial for ordinary people. This can help make the behavior more flexible and make better decisions. 

The results of the study make it possible to restore memories lost due to illness. In the case of a disease like Alzheimer's, the process of forgetting is hijacked. Many experts say that the presence and return of memories depend on Engram Sales.  “Memories are stored in the form of bundles of neurons. These are called engram cells. 

The persistence or arrival of memories is due to the reactivation of these pieces. A person starts forgetting when the engram sales are not activated. It can be understood that memories are stored in a safe, but you do not remember the code to unlock them. The return of memories is also due to this reason.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Okara drink- a proven best natural remedy to manage blood sugar, cholesterol and obesity…..

Okara or Bhindi is scientifically known as Abelmoschus esculentus, the family Malvaceae. It is called ladies' fingers in English. This is a well-known plant and its raw fruits are being used as tasty vegetables all over the world. The plant is easily growing in about all the parts of India also. The tender pods are preferred to prepare vegetables. They are eaten boiled or in the form of sliced and fried pieces. In many kitchens, it is utilized for thickening soups and gravies because of their high mucilage content. Many people sliced the raw fruits and sun-dried them to keep for off-season use. Tender fruit slices are used in preparing Okra pickles. The tender and soft leaves are boiled and used like spinach. Many countries use to eat flowers in the soup. The mature and ripe seeds are roasted and used as substitute coffee. They are also used in curries and chutneys because of their high protein value (18-26%). The seed flour of Okra is reported to use in addition to maize flour. 

[Okara (Bhindi) - A fruiting branch]

Bhindi or Okara is a fair source of calcium, iron, and vitamins. It is scientifically proven that the raw and tender pods of okara has 84% of edible protein; moisture 89.6; protein 1.9 %, fat 0.2%; fibre 1.2%, carbohydrate 6.4%; minerals 0.7% ; calcium, 66.0;  phosphorus 56.0 and iron 1.5 mg/100 of edible portion. In Okra, the trace elements present are: magnesium, 43.0 %; potassium 103%; sodium 6.9%copper 0.19%sulphur, 30.0 %and chlorine, 41.0/100 g of edible matter, etc. apart from the stated elements, Bhidi contains carotene, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin C and oxalic acids, etc. 

In industry, mucilaginous extract of the green stem of Bhindi is commonly employed in India for clarifying sugarcane juice in Gur or jaggery manufacture. 

As we know bhindi has many useful treasures in its green and tender pods for our health. Apart from the above uses stated above, Bhindi or Okra is also very good in diabetic management and lowering blood cholesterol, also in body weight management.  Now, elevated blood sugar is common even among the young generations due to mismanagement of the lifestyle, food style, etc. Stress and sitting work on the system also boosting to enhance blood sugar. 

So, don’t worry, I have a highly experienced and healthy drink for you. You may say it “Okara drink” for lowering blood sugar, and cholesterol, and reducing body weight. It is working perfectly without side effects. The preparation of Okara drink is very simple, easy, and takes short time rather you can say it will take time equally to prepare a tea on a gas stove. 

Let's tell what you do if have uncontrolled blood sugar, elevated cholesterol, and heavy body weight. Involve this drink in your lifestyle and get benefited. This will work definitely but have to take it with the correct methods.

How to prepare Okara drink: (Recipe for one person from age 15 to adult group): 

To prepare an Okara drink for a person as stated above, please take 5 numbers of Raw and tender Bhindi or Okara pods (fruits), make them into two halves each, also cut them at both ends so that mucilage can come out easily (neither crush nor fine slice). Take 300 ml of drinking water in a clean utensil and add the okra pieces to it. Now add one pinch of edible salt, turmeric powder, and peppers, and add a little asafoetida (hing) powder. If you wish to enhance the taste then you may add two-three mint and coriander leaves. Allow to boil it in sim flame and stir it well at regular intervals for about 10 minutes. You may see the tender pieces of Okara will get soft or sometimes easily mashed with fingers. Now, close the utensil with the lid and allow for 5 minutes. Your drink is ready. Now filter it in a tumbler (Optional - add one to two drops of lemon juice) and drink it in hot condition as tea in the morning. This may be taken after food also as a healthy soup. But if you want to manage the diabetics, and cholesterol and reduce your body weight, then, it is advised to take it with an empty stomach in the morning. 

For, a better effect, you may take a few sips of normal hot water before this drink. Please do not eat anything for 45 minutes after this drink is taken. This may continue up to your body requirement. You yourself feel because it will give you full energy and make your body active, reduce the body weight, bad cholesterol, and lowers the blood sugar. 

Caution: This drink should not be taken by a person who already has low blood pressure and low blood sugar.

Disclaimer: This article is written based on practical experiences and awareness of health, however, it would be better to get an opinion from an AYUSH consultant before starting this). 

Stay healthy, stay safe...     

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Raw Mango and health benefits…..

Ripe mangoes have their own place in the summer seasons and it is known as the king of the fruits due to their superior taste and health benefits at the same time the raw mangoes (unripened mangoes) have more demand in the summer season. The combination of the summer season and raw mangoes is the best. 

Though mangoes are available in the market throughout the year but the mangoes naturally ripen in the summer seasons has their own values. The majority of the people wait for the summer season only because of mangoes. To introduce more and more about the mangoes is not necessary due to their popularity, so we should come to the point directly. 

Here, I would like to inform some important benefits of the raw mango that are quite helpful to cope with the summer. Apart from getting rid of the heat, the consumption of raw mango in the summer season is very beneficial for health. Mangoes have many properties like anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant which can help in cooling down your body. Some of the main benefits are stated below-

1. Protection from heat (Loo)- Raw mango reduces the effect of heatwave caused by high heat. Raw mangoes are consumed to supply water to the body. This is the best summer refreshment drink after a workout. Everyone is well known for “Kaccha Pana” or Pana readily available with small vendors as well as fruit juice shops, especially in the summer season. Drinking mango Pana is the best option to reduce heat in the summer. It also corrects digestion. Method of preparation of Pana, I have already stated in my blog entitled “Covid XE and immunity booster” 

[Raw mangoes]

2. Immunity builder properties- Mango, the king of fruits, is rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and K. All these nutrients work to keep infections away and reduce oxidative stress. Raw mango chutney by adding green chilies, mint leaves, and coriander leaves with a pinch of table or rock salt also give a cool effect to ur body in summer. An adequate amount of vitamin C is found in raw mango. Which can help you in making your immunity strong. By consuming it, you can avoid many problems in summer.

3. Mango keeps the heart healthy- Mango contains a unique antioxidant called mangiferin. Mangiferin helps to balance cholesterol, triglycerides, and fatty acid levels, which reduces the risk of heart diseases. Raw mango is rich in magnesium and potassium, which help in keeping the heart-healthy.

4. Reduces risk of cancer- Raw mangoes are rich in antioxidants like polyphenols, which reduce the risk of cancer. Raw mango reduces inflammation of the body.

5. Works as skin protector -  Raw mango takes special care of your health as well as your skin. Many problems like pimples, blemishes, and dryness can be overcome by the consumption of raw mango.

6. Maintaining hydration in the body- Lack of water in the body is common in the summer season, but by consuming raw mangoes, you can get rid of this problem. Consumption of raw mangoes keeps our body hydrated. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Monday, April 18, 2022

Covid XE and immunity booster…

The summer season is now full-on in many parts of our country.  In the summer season, dehydration of the body is the main causal factor to makes a body sick. Dehydration not only affects our internal body parts but also reduces the immunity that is very much required to fight against viral as well as any microbial diseases. The risk to health has increased amidst the scorching heat and rising Covid cases due to Coronavirus XE. Considering this, now the Government of India has approved booster doses for people of all ages. 

[Ready to cope with Summer ] 

Experts say that the omicron's new strain XE has the ability to infect people rapidly, however, its symptoms are observed mildly, but not much known till now.  At this time, it is very important to make changes in our lifestyle including a balanced diet sleeping time so the body gets proper rest that helps in strengthen our immunity and protects us from diseases, seasonal infections, or heatwaves. 

Our immune system is our body's defense mechanism and tries to kill any foreign antigens. Due to excessive heat, problems like fatigue, weakness, dehydration, and indigestion start, which can also cause weakening of our immunity. 

The following suggested foods and fruits can surely help to keep the body cool, protect against heat exhaustion, and can also boost immunity in the summer. 

1. Hydration: The role of water is most important to remove toxins from the body. At least 3 - 4 liters of water must be drunk every day so that all the organs can do their work properly. Along with this, the body will also stay away from infection and stay hydrated. 

2. Probiotics: Things like curd, buttermilk, lemonade, lassi, etc. work to keep the body's intestine healthy to strengthen the immune system.

3. Mango: Mango, the king of fruits, is rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and K. All these nutrients work to keep infections away and reduce oxidative stress. Raw mango chutney by adding green chilies, mint leaves, and coriander leaves with a pinch of table or rock salt also give a cool effect to ur body in summer. "Mango Pana" is also the best remedy to cope with summer and to make our body dehydrated. for this, one big size or two medium-sized raw mangoes should be boiled and then most outer rind should be removed. These boiled mangoes then macerate to make a liquid adding black salt, freshly ground coriander, and mint leaves, and maybe drunk instead of plain water especially at noon.

4. Sabja seeds or Basil seeds: According to research, by consuming sabja seeds, we get essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron, which are necessary to strengthen our immunity. These minerals are involved in bone health, muscle function, and red blood cell production. 

5. Watermelons and other melon fruits: Melons are one of the favorite fruits in summer. Fruits like watermelon, melon,  etc all come from the melon family and they work to give a lot of hydration to the body. It not only proves to be light for the stomach but also provides fiber for gut health. Melon, rich in fiber, vitamin C, and B-6, works to fight the virus. Apart from these foods, it is also important to take care of these things to avoid Covid and other infections 

6. Balanced diet: The proper nutrients not only work to strengthen your immunity but also affect the microbiome in your gut. 

7. Physical activity: Yoga, meditation and exercise can help reduce restlessness and stress. It releases the happiness hormone serotonin, which makes you feel better, increases your immune regulation, and also reduces the inflammatory response by flushing out pathogens.

Stay healthy, stay safe...


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Acidity is a disease - Please do not ignore it…..

It has often been seen that due to sitting at work and eating mostly processed food, the problem of gas and acidity persists in people nowadays. Many people do not let this problem sleep at night. This disease related to the stomach is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in common medical terminology.

[Acidity never allows to sleep calmly]

GERD makes a person upset. This happens when acid moves out of the stomach into the food pipe. Symptoms of GERD are usually sour belching and heartburn. Apart from these, symptoms like flatulence, restlessness, and feeling of vomiting and chest pain also point toward GERD.

While sleeping, the acid comes out of the stomach and reaches the throat, and causes severe trouble to the people. Most people have acid reflux while sleeping. This is because, in the lying position, the acid from the stomach easily comes out. Usually, this happens in the first 2-3 hours of sleep. In such a situation, by changing your sleeping pattern, you can get relief from GERD to a great extent. 

Here, some very important measures have been given to avoid acidity while sleeping. The following proper way should be used to sleep if suffering from gas-acidity-

1. Keep your Head High: You can elevate your head with an extra pillow. This will reduce the chances of acid leaking out of the stomach into the food pipe while you sleep. In this way, you can get temporary relief from GERD.

2. Sleep on your left side: To avoid acidity, sleep on your left side. This will keep the stomach at the bottom of your food pipe and prevent acid reflux. By sleeping on the right side, the acid reaches the throat.

3. Avoid sleeping on your back: Sleeping on your back increases acidity. In this position, the acid reaches from the stomach to the throat. Only then you will feel sour belching and burning or pain in the chest. If you are overweight, then this sleeping position can put more pressure on your stomach. 

Other health tips to avoid GERD: 

If you want to avoid acidity while sleeping, then never lie down immediately after eating.

Apart from this, avoid consuming too much fried, spicy food, alcohol, smoking, and caffeine.

Exercising daily and taking a walk after eating can reduce the problem of gas and acidity.

Stress can also cause acid reflux. If you want to remove it then do yoga meditation.

If the discomfort persists, contact the doctor as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. Before adopting preventive measures, please consult a relevant doctor.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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