
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Obesity threatens reproductive health in women; it can cause problems with periods and pregnancy too…

Obesity can cause many serious diseases. This not only increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes but also increases the chances of getting gynecological diseases. 

In recent research conducted in Britain, scientists have said that obesity can also cause problems related to reproductive health for women.    
• In this research, scientists tried to find a relationship between obesity and disorders related to reproductive health.

• They included 2,57,193 women in this research.

• All of them were European and their age ranged from 40 to 69 years.

• Their health data was checked with the help of the UK Biobank.

• Scientists created a model through which the effect of women's body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio on women's reproductive health was understood.

• Research found a connection between obesity and several reproductive health disorders.

• These include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), menstrual bleeding, uterine fibroids, and pre-eclampsia.

• PCOS is a hormonal disorder in which women have problems related to menstruation. These include irregular bleeding, late periods, increased facial hair, etc.

• In the case of uterine fibroids, a lump begins to form in the woman's uterus. Although it is not related to cancer.

• Pre-eclampsia is a condition in which complications occur in pregnancy due to high blood pressure.

• Instead of junk food and soft drinks, include healthy things in your diet. Seasonal fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats promote better health and control of weight. Along with this, do not let the lack of water in the body.

• Exercise is very important to lose weight. According to experts, 150 minutes of high-intensity exercise should be done every week. Along with this, keep doing other physical activities as well.

• Get enough sleep. When you don't get enough sleep, you are more likely to eat unhealthy food. Your body also works well when sleep is complete. 

• Stay away from stress. There is a huge connection between obesity and stress. The stress hormone called cortisol increases the fat in your belly. You can do yoga and meditation to manage stress.


Monday, February 21, 2022

Lassa fever and danger…..

There was some relief from the third wave of Corona that the viral fever named Lassa fever knocked. At present, three cases have been reported in the UK.  The three men had traveled to West African countries some time back.  According to experts, Lassa fever is a disease spread by rats. It is especially found in rats of West Africa. This is a fever caused by a virus. There is a place called Lasa in the country of Nigeria, where the first case of this disease came in 1969. Hence this fever was named Lassa fever and the virus was named Lassa virus.  

Soon, the disease had spread to countries like Benin, Ghana, Togo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. However, now the disease has reached the endemic stage in these countries. This means the people here have learned to live with Lassa fever and this fever has become normal now. According to an estimate, there are 1 to 3 lakh cases of Lassa fever in West Africa every year, of which 5 thousand die. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the mortality rate due to Lassa fever is just 1%, that is, very low. It can prove to be fatal for women in the last months of pregnancy. In 80% of its cases, people do not have any symptoms, due to which the virus is not detectable. 

Some people have to be admitted to the hospital because if not treated at the right time, this disease can become serious. If severe, this fever can attack organs such as the kidney and liver, which is fatal. The risk of death from Lassa fever in hospitalized patients may be up to 15%. At present, not a single case has been reported in India, but international travel has increased this concern. 

This disease is spread by rats when humans eat food contaminated with feces or urine. Apart from this, this disease can also come in humans when the infected rat comes in contact with household items. You can also get a fever if you come into contact with fluids that come out of an infected person's eyes, nose, or mouth. However, this thing has been seen in very few cases. There is no evidence that this disease is spread through hugging, shaking hands, or sitting together. 

Symptoms appear in the body 2 to 3 weeks after being exposed to Lassa fever. However, 8 out of every 10 people do not have any symptoms. 

Mild symptoms:  fever, fatigue, headache, weakness.

Severe symptoms: Vomiting, facial swelling, bleeding, chest, back, and abdominal pain and tremors. 

According to the US health agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most serious complication of Lassa fever is deafness. About a third of infected people have at least one or more deafness. In many cases, people become permanently deaf.

If Lassa fever is diagnosed on time, it can be cured with the current treatment. An antiviral drug called ribavirin is used against this disease. According to the CDC, avoid contact with rats to avoid Lassa fever. Do not allow rats to enter your house.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and immature death…

In common words, we can say ‘SNORING’ and this should not be avoidable. It requires urgent and proper medical attention as it is indicating many other life-threatening diseases connected with cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases. First, it will start as a disorder and then gradually will convert as a disease if ignored. 

We should understand that the disorder is quite different from diseases. The disorder occurs due to non – punctuality, and carelessness in regular and routine life. At the early stage it will show the very least effects but when it prolongs may convert into many life-threatening diseases. 

[Snoring may disturb your life]

Disorders can be corrected with self and proper attention whereas, diseases need proper medical attention and there is a chance that sometimes it may not be cured too. For instance, some of the people have been seen to suffering from long nose running and the common cold but keep on ignoring and never approach to a doctor to have exact antibiotic or anti-allergic medicines as per doctors consultancy. When the nose is running and cold was felt more than a month, the area from the mucous is coming to get more sensitive, the sinus becomes very weak and it gives birth of sinusitis like disease and that treatment is a large procedure as per my knowledge. 

The disease needs medical attention but disorder need self-control in our lifestyle, food habit and regularity, and punctuality.  Might you have met such person who is snoring very loudly and disturbing the sleeping of their neighbor but the person who snoring might not be aware of the happening, if you inform, sometimes he or she will not accept also but it is our duty to convince them properly and request them to consult doctors as soon as possible because it is a medically called as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), very dangerous and it curtails the brain activity as snoring never gives calm sleeping to the patients and the patients’ brain still be active more than a normal sleeping person as a result sleeping sickness and related disease is the first appearance of such persons. 

What is obstructive sleep apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a disease in which breathing often stops for a few moments during sleep and then starts again. It is the most common respiratory disease associated with sleep. OSA occurs when the muscles that support the soft tissues in your throat, such as your tongue and soft palate, begin to relax. This narrows or closes your airway, and momentarily stops your breathing.Whereas, the flow of air from the mouth and nose to the lungs should be smooth at all times, even while sleeping. The period in which breathing stops completely is called apnea or apneic episode. At the same time, the normal flow of air in OSA is stopped several times throughout the night. 

OSA is most commonly seen in older men, but it can affect anyone, including children due to irregular and stylish life. If OSA is left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems, such as -
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- heart disease
- Stroke
- diabetes
- Abnormal heartbeat
- Pulmonary hypertension.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) symptoms: Most people with OSA complain of daytime sleepiness. OSA causes a lack of oxygen to the brain and other parts of the body, hence poor sleep quality. It causes lethargy during the day and lacks clarity in the morning. People who sleep with someone with OSA may complain of
- Loud snoring
- Gasp
- Shortness of breath (choking)
- Nose breathing
- Shortness of breath while sleeping 

People who struggle with OSA often experience symptoms such as 
- Headache in the morning
-Having in a bad mood. 

Better this snoring should not be ignored and be treated in time. 

Regular exercise – To avoid snoring before sleeping, the ‘AUM’ yoga must be done for at least ten minutes followed by Anulom and Vilom each 5 minutes every day. This will be repeated morning with an empty stomach also. This is very effective and gives good results even in other throat-related problems too. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Stomach bloat during menstrual cycle may be controlled with home remedies….

Women have to face many problems during periods. The problem of bloating is also very common at this time. While some women have this during menstruation, some women start having this problem a few days before the period. If you also feel uncomfortable due to period bloating, then, we have some solutions with home remedies that may give you relief from it. 

 [Stomach bloat during the menstrual cycle] 

Experts believe that period bloating is caused by hormonal changes during menstruation. Before bleeding begins the amount of hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body changes. A week before the period, the level of progesterone hormone decreases. This causes the lining of the uterus to expand so that bleeding can occur. Due to these changes, the work of the intestines slows down, and due to which water and salt start accumulating here. This is called water retention in English. This is the main reason for flatulence. Apart from this, contractility in the intestines is also a reason for bloating. 

Some home remedies to avoid period bloating: Although the problem of flatulence also ends at the end of menstruation, in case of more problems, these tips can give you immediate relief.

Avoid these drinks - Avoid drinking tea, coffee, soda, and carbonated drinks. These can create gas in the stomach, due to which the stomach can become bloated.

 Lemonade - Lemon water can relieve you from the problem of flatulence during periods. It is high in citric acid, which helps in controlling stomach problems. Drink lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water.

• Exercising - During menstruation is difficult, but you can do light exercise or yoga. Bloating is also reduced by walking.

• Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera juice also reduces bloating. Its juice can be drunk 2 to 3 times a day.

 Cumin and black salt- Taking black salt and roasted cumin powder with lukewarm water provides relief in bloating.

• Ajwain water- Mix a teaspoon of carom seeds, a pinch of asafetida, and salt in a glass. Now boil this water, filter it and consume it.

Coconut water- Coconut water keeps the problem of gas away. In addition, it contains many vitamins and minerals. 

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Monday, February 14, 2022

Heavy bleeding, more pain and mood swings especially in winter – not a normal condition but need attention….

A healthy diet and balanced vitamins in the body play a major role in regulating hormones resulting in regular periods in women. If periods are hard to pass during the winter season, this is not a problem for any individuals but the majority of women face these problems during the menstrual cycle. 

From unbearable pain to mood swings, one has to deal with everything these days. Women notice these changes, but very few people know the reason for this. Actually, the biggest reason behind these problems is the lack of vitamin D.

You have noticed about the day length in the winter season, the days become shorter and the nights longer, so we are less exposed to sunlight and as you know that the Sun is the biggest source of Vitamin D. 

Experts say that during periods, a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin is produced in the body, due to which women feel a lot of pain. Vitamin D helps reduce the production of this substance, which gives relief to women in pain. 

[Heavy bleeding gives more discomfort on menses]

According to gynecologists, women have more mood swings in winters. Due to spending more time indoors, there is no physical activity in this season. It directly affects female mood. 

Ways to ease menstrual problems: 

1.  To reduce the pain in periods, it is necessary to meet the deficiency of vitamin D. According to lady doctors, if a woman is given 3,00,000 units of Vitamin D, 5 days before menstruation, she will not feel much pain.

2. To meet the deficiency of vitamin D, one should sit in the sun for a long time. Apart from this, this deficiency can be overcome by consuming orange juice, milk, and cereals.

3. Light exercise should be done in menstruation. Instead of sitting inside the house, keep your body active. Due to this such hormones are released in the body, which fresh the mood. It also helps in reducing bleeding and pain.

4. Using a heating pad or hot water bottle provides immediate relief in case of pain. 

5.  Light food should be eaten during periods. It includes all types of nutrients in the diet. 

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. Before adopting treatment/prevention measures, please seek medical advice.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Necessary precautions taken by corona infected mother while feeding to her baby and benefits of breastfeeding.....

Can the virus be transferred to newborns by feeding?   People are very confused about whether a corona positive mother can infect her child through breastfeeding.  To overcome this, recently American scientists have done the research. In this, they told that no evidence has been found so far of virus transfer from an infected woman to her child through breastfeeding. This research has been published in the journal Pediatric Research. 

Coronavirus found negligibly in breast milk: According to scientists, the genetic material of coronavirus has been found in very small quantities in breast milk. but the virus from this material can multiply and infect the breastfed baby, for that no clinical evidence has been found. 

[Mother feeding to her baby]

There is no danger to children from the breast milk of infected mothers: University of California researchers examined the breast milk of 110 female volunteers in this research. These mothers donated their samples for university research. Of these, 65 women were corona infected at the time of donation. At the same time, there were 9 women who had symptoms of the virus, but their report was negative. Apart from this, there were 36 women who did not get their test done despite having symptoms. Scientists found genetic material of the original form of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in 7 out of 110 samples, ie 6% of breastfeeding women. These women were either corona infected or had symptoms of the virus. In the second phase of research, researchers took samples of breast milk again from these 7 women. The genetic material of corona was not found in these samples taken between 1 and 97 days. This simply means that the virus did not multiply in breast milk. 

Lead scientist of the research Paul Krogstad says, "Breast milk is a great source of nutrition for infants. In the research, we found no evidence that the coronavirus is multiplied in the breast milk of mothers infected with Covid-19." Also, there has been no evidence of it infecting babies, which suggests that they are not at risk from breastfeeding.

How to breastfeed if you are corona positive? The World Health Organization (WHO) says that such women can breastfeed children, but by taking some precautions. For example, disinfect the things around you, clean hands with soap-water or sanitizer before adopting the child, and wear a mask. 

Benefits of breastfeeding: According to experts, most mothers understand that breastfeeding is only necessary for the baby, but it is not. Mothers also get many benefits from it. For example, after delivery, the increased weight starts being controlled. It also reduces the risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Apart from these, the risk of osteoporosis and post-pregnancy bleeding is also reduced in the future.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Monday, February 7, 2022

Use of red wine as medicinal dose can protect against corona…

There is good news for the person who has a hobby to drink red wine because in a study it is observed that a person has 17% less risk of Corona infection by drinking red wine, but the risk is 28% more if you drink beer. To fight the corona epidemic, in these two years, scientists from all over the world have given much advice related to food and drink. 

[Health and Red Wine VS Beer]

Recent research published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition states that people who consume 5 glasses or more of red wine a week have a 17% lower risk of contracting the virus. 

How does red wine protect against corona? According to the British website Mirror, this research has been prepared by analyzing the data of British citizens at Shenzhen Kangning Hospital in China. In this, scientists studied the drinking habits and corona history of the people of Britain. Researchers say that red wine contains a compound called polyphenol, which is helpful in keeping the flu and other respiratory diseases away. This is the reason why consuming this drink also reduces the risk of getting a corona infection. 

White wine and champagne are also effective against the virus Scientists say that even drinks like white wine and champagne can protect us from coronavirus infection. According to research, people who drink 1 to 4 glasses of white wine or champagne a week, reduce the risk of Kovid infection by 8%. 

Drinking beer and cider in corona is risky According to researchers, beer and cider drinkers are about 28% more likely to get corona. If you consume 5 glasses or more of these drinks a week, start taking precautions now. It has also been said in the research that people who drink double alcohol according to the above guidelines; are more at risk of getting caught by the virus than everyone else. That's why scientists do not recommend consuming too much alcohol. 

Apart from that Vaccine is necessary if you want to avoid corona. The vaccine is the most effective way to prevent the increasing infection of coronavirus. At present, people 15 years of age and above are being vaccinated against the virus in India. Along with this, the booster dose campaign for health workers, frontline workers, and people above 60 years of age who are suffering from serious diseases has started from the ist week of January 2022.

Stay healthy stay safe...

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Different types of Mantras and its applications in treating patients with traditional methods….

Have you ever heard “Maine toh apna kaam kar diya hai, baki Bhagwan Jane” or Jo ho saka Maine kiya, ab aage Ram ji  ki marzi” or “Ab bhagwan hi malik hai wohi kuchh kar sakta hai” etc. These proverbs are often being used when a doctor tried well to make a patient respond for fast recovery after a major operation or serious illness and if not successful or has some doubt, the doctor also taking help with GOD (Bhagwan) by asking the patient to chant some mantras and on the bed to speed recovery. 

This indicates the eternal power of the mantras and their benefits toward recovery from the illness. These methods have been followed in many countries since ancient times. The chanting of mantras to make please to the Isht Devta (self-soul recognized GOD) is not harmful but gives power and moral and mental support to a patient to make the fastest recovery from the serious illness. 

As per the principle of Ayurveda, these mantras are referred to as   “Ayurvedic Healing mantras”. Healing sounds balance mind and body as well as the spirit. Practitioners (Vaidyas) find that imparting Ayurvedic Mantras helps heal their clients. Mantras also help balance, prana, tejas and ojas. They help harmonize nerve tissue and clear subtle impurities from nerves and nadis (subtle channels). These mantras also aid one’s concentration and creative thinking. Both practitioner and client use the mantras during the session. They empower all actions on the subtle level, infusing the cosmic life force into the healing process. Generally, Vayu doshas mentally repeat mantras while Pitta and Kapha may also chant them. Kaphas do particularly well with chanting; it is suggested that they do so on daily basis. Main mantras and their chanting benefits:

1. AUM: It represents the Divine word, serving to energize and empower all things and processes. It is very important and as you know any mantra begins with AUM. It is considered very best for males; however, females can also chant them. Chanting this mantra clears the mind, opens nadis, and increases Ojas. It awakens one’s prana and positivity- needed for healing to occur. 

2. RAM: Chanting this mantra brings Divine protection (light & grace), giving strength, calm rest, peace, good for mental disorders, and high Vayu (e.g. insomnia, bad dreams, nervousness, anxiety, excessive fear, and fright). This mantra strengthens Ojas and builds the immune system. 

3. Hoom: It wards off negative influences, which are manifested as disease, negative emotion, or black magic. Hoom awakens Agni and promotes digestive fire. It burns up ama and clear channels, and it increases Tejas and mental perception, and it is sacred to Shiva as the sound of Divine wrath.

4. AYM: It improves mental concentration, thinking, rational power, and speech, awakens and increases intelligence and reduces mental and nervous disorders, restores speech, communications, control of senses and mind; is the sacred sound of Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom. 

5. SHRIM: It promotes general health, beauty, creativity, prosperity, strengthens rasa (plasma), Shukras (reproductive fluids), and overall health and harmony. 

6. HRIM: It cleanses and purifies the body, giving energy, joy, and ecstasy. Although, it initially causes atonement; it also aids detoxification. 

7. KRIM: It gives capacity for work and action, adds power and efficacy, good for chanting while making preparations. 

8. KLIM: It gives strength, sexual vitality, control of emotions, increases shukas and Ojas. 

9. SHAM: This is called the mantra of peace (Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti). It creates calmness, detachment, removes mental and nervous disorders, stress, anxiety, disturbed emotions, tremors, shaking, palpitations, and chronic degenerative nervous system disorders. 

10. SHUM: It increases vitality, energy, fertility, sexual vigor, mantras for increasing shukras.

11. SOM: It increases energy, vitality, joy, delight, creativity, Ojas; it strengthens the mind, heart nerves, and is good for rejuvenation and tonification therapies.

Stay healthy, stay safe...    

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Mantras and their benefits as per Ayurvedic principles…..

As we know that all of life is vibration; color, matter, energy particles, even love has a vibration or feeling. The Vedas state that the creation arises from the first sound of the universe, the primordial sound” AUM”. The definition of mantras varies because there are so many types of mantras such as Ayurvedic, astrological, deities, seed (bija) mantras, and the like. 

[Mantras and awakening of Kundalini shakti]

Many books of mantras exist as well. A special group of mantras is Guru Mantras. Different Gurs use different mantras e.g. Aum, Aum Namah Shivay, hang sah, and others use name symbols or deity mantras. It is believed any word that Guru speaks to a person is mantras or awakeners of kundalini. If the Guru says “eat an apple” that would be a mantra from the moment. Some Gurus use only playing the music to realize the Divine. Some meditate on the Divine as unmanifest, formless. 

The sound itself belongs to the element ether, the origin of all other elements. By calming or awaking the inner self through sound, a person can calm, harmonize, and balance all the elements that are in his or her life. According to Yoga Vani, Guru Mantras is that which saves us from the working of the mind. Thought or meditation vanishes with the stopping of mental activities. With the stopping of mental activities, yoga is attained, which is nothing but self concentration.” 

Life breath- or soul (Kundalini Shakti) is a mantra, the savior of the mind because the mind is the vibration of the life-breath. When the life-breath flows through the Sushumna (a mystical tube within the spine) to the crown of the head, the mind becomes fixed in the Brahmarandhra, within the crown chakras (Sahararara), and it disappears, becoming calm, peaceful or inactive, thus, the mantras are nothing but a breath of life. 

This life-breath when exhaled makes the sound ‘Hang’ and when inhaled, makes the sound ‘Sah’. This mantra occurs in all creatures 21, 600 times daily over the entire 24 hours period those of keen yogic awareness can actually hear this sound. This Gayatri or mantra is known as ‘ajapa’ and is the giver of the salvation of yogis. Gaytri originates at the Muladhara (base chakra) has a dot-like appearance and sustains the self. 

Nada or sound evolves from this imperceptible kundalini sprout. Yogis perceive this sound as a sprout from invisible seeds. As it moves to the navel, it can yogically be perceived as visible rumbling, as it from the clouds. It then moves up to the heart as an unstruck sound, and is finally heard in the throat so as to produce all sounds, alphabets, sentences, mantras, scriptures, etc. so, all mantras emanate from nada or sound originating from the first chakra. Generally, it is believed that one needs a Guru to enliven the word or mantra. Otherwise, everyone could refer to a book or go to a religious service and feel the awakening of life within. Some rare individuals, who have developed much spiritual sincerity and earnestness, can enliven mantras for themselves, but this is rare. 

In the importance of the mantra, it is said that Mantra is the attribute and diety is the goal. Just as the term “Sun” and its effulgence have a connection. Mantras and their deity have a relationship, so the mantra and its diety have a connection. Mantra and its deity meditation bring concentration through meditation, and the result is that the deity is revealed in the Soul. 

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