
Monday, January 17, 2022

The Burans plant (Rhododendron arboreum) can help us fight the corona virus…..

Corona cases are increasing rapidly in India. In such a situation, wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, and getting a vaccine is being considered the only way to avoid infection, but very soon a medicine of corona may come, which will be no less than a lifesaving herb for corona patients. 

Yes. I am talking about the wonderful research from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi and the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) that has found a cure for corona in a plant found in the Himalayan hills. 

According to scientists, the burans plant (Rhododendron arboretum) can help us fight the coronavirus. A substance called phytochemicals present in the petals of its flowers prevents the corona from multiplying. This chemical has some such anti-viral properties, due to which the virus cannot survive in front of them. Let us tell you that the plant of Burans is mostly found in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Kashmir. Local people have already been using the juice of its petals to keep their health good. 

About the plant: The botanical name of the burans plant is Rhododendron arboretum and Rhododendron (English); Burans (Hindi); Kurvak (Sanskrit). This plant belongs to the family  Ericaceae. Burans plant is found at an altitude of 1500 - 3600 meters above sea level. It is the state tree of Uttarakhand and it is highly recognized in the local community there. Red flowers bloom on it in the months of March-April. 

The flowers of Burans are also commonly known as Brass, Buras, or Barah flowers. Apart from India, it is also found in Pakistan, China, Nepal, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. People considered its presence in Sri Lanka with Hanuman Ji taking the mountain of Sanjeevani Booti from the Himalayas in the Ramayana. 

How does this plant prevent the spread of corona infection in the body? The expert from the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology says that the phytochemicals of Buransh act in two ways in the body. First, they bind to an enzyme found in the corona, which helps the virus to duplicate itself. Apart from this, they also bind with the ACE-2 enzyme found in our body. The virus enters our body only through the ACE-2 enzyme. 

According to scientists, due to this joining process of phytochemical, the coronavirus is not able to infect the cells of our body and the risk of infection is averted. Another Expert from Mandi IIT says that he believes that the treatment of corona will be possible with the burans plant. His team is looking for a cure for corona in other medicinal plants found in the Himalayas.

Burans’s petals and other health benefits: The syrup made from the flowers of Buransh is considered extremely beneficial for heart patients. These petals are used to relieve cold, muscle pain, headache, and fever. Local people use it to make squash and jam. Also, its chutney is still preferred in rural areas.

Stay healthy, stay safe...


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