
Friday, October 29, 2021

Custard Apple: The king fruit for winter seasons. Know the advantages and disadvantages before eating...

Custard apple (Annona squamosa) tree is a small shrub of genus Annona and the family Annonaceae. The fruit is popularly known as custard or sugar apple. In Hindi, it is called Sharifa’ or ‘Sitaphal’ in Sanskrit. Sharifa or Sitaphal is also called the king of fruits in winter.  This fruit is full of health benefits and is very sweet to eat. It is delicious in taste also. 

[Naturally ripen Custard apple]

Although it contains essential vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for our body according to the season, it is necessary to be careful before its eating. Sitaphal has started in the markets, but before eating it, definitely, we should know the advantages and disadvantages. 

Advantages of eating custard apple-

1. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. 

2. Helps reduce the risk of serious diseases like cancer. 

3. Vitamin A, magnesium, fiber are present. 

4. If you are suffering from a common stomach problem, then definitely consume custard apple but in small quantities. 

5. It is good to eat custard apples during pregnancy. 

Disadvantages of eating custard apple-

1. If you have any kind of allergy or skin allergy, do not eat custard apples. This can make your face itchy more. 

2. If you are suffering from the problem of digestion, then do not consume custard apple, because it is high in fiber. Due to this, you may have problems like stomach pain, gas formation, etc. 

3. It is rich in iron. Excessive consumption can cause nausea or vomiting. 

4. If your blood pressure drops very quickly, then consume it in a limited quantity. Otherwise, eat only with the advice of the Doctor. This can have an adverse effect on health, causing dizziness or lack of water. 

5. Sitaphal is rich in calories. If you want to lose weight in the festive season, then consume it at least, because it is high in sugar. Although it is natural sugar still does harm.

6. Do not consume custard apple seed. The ingredients present in it can cause allergic reactions in your skin and eyes.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

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