
Friday, September 10, 2021

Who should not eat almonds ....

Almond is scientifically called Prunus amygdalus; belongs to the family Rosaceae. We know the benefits to eat almonds every day as it lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and is packed with vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, which helps oxygen and nutrients flow more freely through the blood. We know hearts represent love, so show your ticker some lovin' with almonds. Almonds are a bone-building food. 

[Seeds of Prunus amygdalus- Almonds]

Digestion is also balanced by eating soaked almonds. They are rich in anti-oxidants, which control aging. Almonds increase the amount of tocopherol in the blood, which controls blood pressure. When soaked and then peeled eaten, it increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol. It is rich in folic acid, which aids in the development of the baby's brain and neurological system during pregnancy. Like the above, there are many more benefits of eating almonds that are scientifically proved.

But do you know who should not eat almonds?  You will be very much surprised by knowing the aforesaid eating health benefits of almond. This is true but eating almonds sometimes reversely affects our body it means what we can say is that the almonds should not be eaten by every person, is it? Yes, there are some people for whom consuming almonds can harm their health. 

Lets us know about such people who should avoid eating almonds - 

  • Patients with high blood pressure should avoid the consumption of almonds because these people have to take regular blood pressure medicines. Consuming almonds along with these medicines can cause harm to health.
  • People who have kidney stones or gall bladder problems, then they should also not eat almonds.
  • If someone has digestive problems, then they should also avoid eating almonds, because they contain a lot of fiber which can increase your problem further. 
  • If a person is taking antibiotic medicine, during that time he should also stop eating almonds. Almonds contain a high amount of magnesium, the intake of which can affect the effect of medicines in the body. 
  • People who are troubled by obesity, they should also not consume almonds, because it contains a lot of calories and fat, which works to gain weight.
  • If someone has a complaint of acidity, then they should not eat almonds too.
I hope that the above article would be highly beneficial especially to those who are very much health conscious and should follow the health mandate when to eat almonds.

Stay healthy, stay safe... 

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