
Friday, September 3, 2021

Cinnamon and ginger tea - warms body without cholesterol...

Have you ever heard from our grandmother to take ghee, butter cheese in the winter season and chill monsoon season to warm our body and make it naturally heat but do you know the lifestyle of people is nowadays entirely changed? Persons are working but their working style is totally changed. Minimum eight hours working is performed on sitting chair and thus mentally the performance is good but what we did the welfare for other parts of our body. Some people, no doubt going to the gym, doing some exercises regularly but is it sufficient for getting energy for full days? Some people will surely say Yes but many more say No. Why such an answer?  Because it is confirmed that burning fat in our body requires hard physical work minimum of six hours a day and thus the deposition of cholesterol will no more in the body and the same be utilized by the body as fuel.

But. it is often seen, the new-gen people sitting on a chair and performing work till late at night. Some of them working more than 12 hours a day. Students, who are preparing for Civil Services, JEE, NEET, etc also doing hard sitting work and this work may give good career and exercises to your brain but other parts of the body is not so active as actually require in routine life. Many more people stay at home due to the COVID pandemic and have no physical activities. 

What can be done then?

Yes! I have a good solution for you but it will work more effectively if you do exercises as usually, you are doing in your regular life. This remedy will give you good results if you don't do exercise but surely it will take more time to show its results. 

[Fresh ginger ]

Let us tell you about what is it?  Don't surprise every house kitchen is found filled with the main two ingredients that are the fresh Ginger (Adrak) and Cinamon bark (Dalchini).   

[Cinamon - Dalchini]


You have to take a minimum of two cups of tea including these ingredients that's all.

Now I would like to tell you methods of how to prepare and take a healthy and cholesterol-reducing tea.

Ingredients - Ginger, cinnamon, honey, or jaggery, or sugar

Method - First of all, take 2 cups of water, add a 01-inch piece of crushed ginger and one piece of one-inch crushed cinnamon, and boil it for 6 to 8 minutes.  Filter it in a cup, add one spoon of honey and drink it hot. OPTION if you wish to add milk then one cup of water and one cup of milk you have to take for boiling. and then add sugar or jaggery as per taste but NO HONEY in milk added tea. 

 Benefits of cinnamon and ginger tea

Cinnamon and ginger tea act as a detoxifier. Along with improving digestion, ginger helps in relieving hypertension. The anti-bacterial element present in it stimulates the saliva and helps in removing the acid present in the stomach.  

[Cinamon-Ginger tea]

Ginger contains bioactive compounds, which provide quick relief in cold and cough. On the other hand, cinnamon contains the antioxidant. Due to which it helps in reducing inflammation everywhere in the body. Cancer patients, high blood pressure, heart disease, and people suffering from PCOS can drink ginger and cinnamon tea. 

Note: If you have diabetes, then do not add any kind of natural or other sugar to it. 


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