
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Post Covid VS Cardiovascular diseases and status of our Country in fighting with Covid , a deadly pandemic...

Nowadays, it is often seen that the people who have taken the Covid vaccine are becoming careless for wearing masks and frequently sanitizing their hands but do we know? The latest research shows that persons who have already got affected with Covid and recovered. After recovery, they got fully vaccinated also, even though they are susceptible to get severe cardiovascular diseases. 

As per the latest research study, 134 Covid patients from a Government hospital in New Delhi were being scanned and among them, 40 person's hearts have got affected by the Covid. 

As we know that the human heart is divided into four chambers. In the study, it's shown that about 30 % of patient's left chambers of the heart;  10% of patient's right chamber was found affected after recovery of Covid diseases. 

Doctors told that these patients should have attentive care of their hearts because there is a chance of conversion into severe heart diseases. 

It's observed that after Covid the affected persons had abnormal heartbeats either it was very slow or very fast, also they are facing chest pain. 

It is advised that any patient who had got Covid and feeling sick for a long time such as fatigue, stomach pain, cough, hair falls, short sleep, continuous headache, such person is suggested to consult their doctors immediately. 

In the study it's seen that 10% of patients are found asymptomatic, 45 % mild symptomatic and 35% have symptoms but 10% are severely affected and not able to perform normal life functions. 

Whether the Covid affected a person severely or not it doesn't matter but the reality is it can affect badly. The Government of India is taking utmost effort to vaccinate its citizens as fast as possible. 

Yesterday, on 27.08.2021, our doctors, paramedical staff, and health co-workers had broken the record by vaccinating 1.0 crore people in a single day and till this day 61.0 crores from the entire population of India has got vaccinated. 

We must appreciate the efforts of the Indian Government, doctors, paramedical staff, and coordination of Indian citizens for Controlling the rapid transmission of the disease and as a result, our country is still safe from the 3rd wave of the Covid. 

From the different sources of the news, it is brought to the knowledge that America is now suffering from the fourth wave of the Coivd in which Florida city got very much affected. We should extend our support to the Government of India and follow all the protocols for this pandemic and make our country safe. This may be consider as our moral duty on priority. 

Stay healthy, stay safe... 

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