
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Imbalanced Doshas attracts diseases - Ayurveda says.....

 "Happiness and unhappiness that results in health and disease respectively" - Charak Samhita. 

There is a beautiful word quoted in many Ayurvedic textbooks i.e. "Mithya Aahar - Vihar" means intake of improper diet and the leading of improper lifestyle causes all diseases. apart from that many other factors such as the senses, actions, and seasonal factors are also involved to cause several diseases. Unsuitable use of Sense like sound (loud voice-hearing), continuous activity with mobile phones, sudden exposures to cold or heat may cause mental and other sensory organs-related ailments. Action related to the body speech, mind, emotion, etc also involved in attracting many diseases. Among other factors, the seasonal factors play an important role to create many problems for our body as the aggravation of Doshas is directly related to the seasonal variations. 

Vayu (Vata) accumulates during the dry and dehydrating heat of the summer. It becomes aggravated in mid-May to Mid July. Pitta accumulates during the rainy seasons due to the acidic conditions of the atmosphere and weakened digestion. it is aggravated during autumn (Mid September to mid-November) Kapha accumulates during  Shishira (mid-January to mid-March) due to cold and damps caused by the winds, clouds, and rain. It gets more aggravated during the spring (Vasant: mid-March to mid-May) when the warm weather liquefies

Factors involved in increasing doshas - 

1. Vayu Increasing causes - Bitter, salty, and astringent tastes, dry, light, cold food, fasting, waiting longer than 3 to 04 hours between meals, suppression of premature initiations of natural urges, staying awake late at night, prolonged high pitched speaking, excess emesis and purgation, sudden grief, fear, worry and anxiety, excessive exercises or sexual intercourse; the end of the digestive process.      

2. Pitta Increasing causes - Pungent, sour, and salty tastes, foods causing heat and burning sensations eating without appetite, etc. 

3. Kapha Increasing causes - Sweet, sour and salty taste, oily, heavy, or indigestible foods, overeating, cold foods, lack of exercise, excess sleeping, naps, inadequate emesis, and purgation, eating before hungry, etc.

Factors Increasing all Doshas: Improper diet, excess food habit, uncooked, contaminated or incompatible foods, spoiled foods, and drinks; dried vegetables, raw root vegetables, negative thought, living in mountain slopes, improper administration of therapies, being too inactive also increase all Doshas and invite many life-threatening diseases.

Food Intake and Doshas Illness: Improper quantity of foods results in impairing strength, complexion, weight, distention, longevity, virility, and Ojas. it affects the body, mind intellect, and sense, causing harm to the Dhatus (tissues) especially Vayu. Food is taken in excess aggravates all three Doshas. Obstruction is produced in the stomach and move through the upper and lower tracts producing disease according to one's doshas -

Vayu- Colic pain, constipations malaise, dry mouth, fainting, giddiness, irregular digestive power, rigidity, hardening, and contracting of vessels

Pitta: Fever, diarrhea, internal burning sensation, thirst, intoxication, giddiness, and delirium.

Kapha- Vomiting anorexia, indigestion, cold fever, laziness, and heaviness.

So, overall might my readers would understand how to protect from the aggravation of the aforesaid three doshas in the different seasons as well as correct our food and lifestyle to maintain and manage all the three doshas so that we may live a healthy and safe life.

Stay healthy and stay safe. 

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