
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Best Home Remedies for Psoriasis and Lichen planus - skin diseases or twakroga.....

In Ayurveda, skin diseases are explained under the common terminology ‘Kushtha’ which implies exposed diseases. In Ayurveda, there are in total 18 types of Kushtha as per the various dosha dominancy.

Among 18, Eka kushtha and Sidhma Kushta are very similar to psoriasis and it happens with the dominancy of Vata and Kapha. Psoriasis is a skin disorder characterized by erythematous, swollen skin lesions covered with silvery-white scales. The involvement of Vata results in dry silvery or blackish plaques of psoriasis. Whereas itching in those affected areas is due to Kapha. The Eka kushtha can be correlated with psoriasis due to its maximum resemblance. But Sidhma Kushta also develops in a body due to Vata Kapha dominancy.

In classical text, the Ayurvedic Physicians emphasizes Shodhana therapy (Detoxification) as the line of Ayurvedic treatment for Kushtha roga. Acharya Charaka has highlighted the role of Panchakarma treatments for psoriasis by stating that the disease treated by Shodhana will never recur whereas the treatment with Shamana therapy may recur in due course of time. Vamana therapy mainly removes the vitiated Kapha Dosha from Amashaya followed by Virechana and Vasthi which corrects the metabolism and palliation of Vata respectively to manage Ekakushtha however, modern medical science treats psoriasis with PUVA and corticosteroids. But the therapy gives serious side effects like liver & kidney failure, bone marrow depletion, etc. Hence there is no satisfactory result.

How we can easily differentiate whether patients are affected with Psoriasis or Lichen planus? 

Psoriasis impacts people of all ages, although most get it for the first time between the ages of 15 and 30. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, and outbreaks can appear just about anywhere on the body and result in skin cells turning over too quickly. This turnover can cause scales and patches to build upon the skin’s surface. Outbreaks may vary in intensity and can come and go over time.

But do you know that Psoriasis is easily curable in its primary stage; it becomes incurable or difficult to cure as and when it reaches the advanced stage. The individual who resorts to proper Ayurveda treatments for psoriasis before it is manifested or in its early stage gets very good results after the Ayurvedic treatments. Shodhana therapy is mentioned in all classics to get the best results in the Psoriasis Ayurveda treatment. Followed with Rasayana (Rejuvenative) Ayurveda treatments, Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation better management at stopping the relapses are obtained.

Lichen planus  Lichen planus is a condition that can cause swelling and irritation in the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes. On the skin, lichen planus usually appears as purplish, itchy, flat bumps that develop over several weeks. In the mouth, vagina, and other areas covered by a mucous membrane, lichen planus forms lacy white patches, sometimes with painful sores.

Most people can manage typical, mild cases of lichen planus at home, without medical care. If the condition causes pain or significant itching, you may need prescription drugs. Lichen planus isn't contagious. The signs and symptoms of lichen planus vary depending on the areas affected. Typical signs and symptoms include - purplish, flat bumps, most often on the inner forearm, wrist, or ankle, and sometimes the genitals, Itching, Blisters that break to form scabs or crusts, Lacy white patches in the mouth or on the lips or tongue, painful sores in the mouth or vagina, Hair loss, Change in scalp colour, Nail damage or loss. These are the common symptoms. many more symptoms of this disorder are still the subject of research.

It is also observed that most people even children started suffering from this disease because of poor metabolism of the body including continuous respiratory tract infection, poor digestion, constipation, poor lifestyle and food habit, overthinking, mental stress, and depressions. There are no specific and causal factors that come into existence to diagnose this disease.

Treatment is a must for these diseases but on the correct medical path. If the medicines are given to the patient on a trial basis, it may worst the situation. After a long observation, I bring some home but highly effective home remedies that can be work if all the precaution measures should be followed as discussed in my earlier blog about the skin disorders (Psoriasis & Lichen planus).

A. Intake medicinal treatment :

1. Take 10.-15 mature leaves of Azadirachta indica (Margosa tree/ Neem tree) and eat and morning in between 6-7 am with an empty stomach daily except Sunday (we should give a break of one day even any days can be selected as per choice) 

Neem Leaves

2.  Take one medium-sized raw fruit of Momordica charantia (Bitter Gourd / Karela ) grind it well with mixer juicer along with one tumbler of water, filter well, and drink empty stomach on the gap day (Sunday) as stated in No.1 in the morning in between 6-7 am.

3. Triphala churna (1.5-2.0 g ) churna should be taken in one tumbler of water at bedtime twice a week. (Sunday and Wednesday day)

B. External application:  

1. Take 100 g of fresh and well cleaned Neem leaves to grind well by adding little; water, make it a fine paste. now add 100 g fresh butter obtained directly from curd (market butter may be taken but should be within expiry period and without salt added). The butter and neem leaf paste are mixed well in the bowl and apply twice daily in the affected areas.

2. Take 1.0 kg fresh and mature neem leaves grind well by adding 200 ml of drinking water make it paste and then squeeze the extract into a vessel. Add one-liter pure coconut oil in it and boil on sim flame for 1-2 hrs with regular stirring till the green leaves get converted into brown colour and settled in the bottom of the vessels. Now allow it to cool. Filter this medicated oil (approx yield 700 ml) and collect in a cleaned bottle. Add 10 g of karpooram (Camphor) and shake well. Now your medicated oil is ready to apply in affected areas. Apply gently (please do not rub or massage it). The application of oil on affected areas may be done thrice a day. The next day the skin should be clean with gentle soap and then dry skin by using a cleaning cotton cloth (please don't rub). After making it fully dry, the application of oil continues.  

Medicated oil 

Note: It is to be noted that the above medication is suggested based on my own experiences and given to many more patients. I have obtained good results and thus I come forward to help society people through this blog. One thing is very important, the above medications followed with the exercises and especially Pranayam (deep breathing) gives wonderful results

[Skin - Before treatment ]

[Skin - After treatment]

Disclaimer: I have suggested medicines based on my own experiences only. It does not mean that I am compelling the person to do as I suggested. It would be better, consult your Physician (Ayurveda). before starting the aforesaid medicines (Home Remedies).   

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