
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Eating raw food for boosting immunity may sometimes harm your health ......

In order to increase immunity during the Corona period, people have also made a lot of changes in their diet chart. People have started liking healthy food more. He has made yoga and exercises a part of his lifestyle. But it is said that incomplete knowledge is dangerous.

[Green and uncooked Vegetables] 

Yes, we are definitely consuming fruits and vegetables to be healthy and to increase immunity, but we are also consuming raw vegetables. It is fatal for the body from both scientific and Ayurvedic points of view. Many people believe that by eating raw fruits and vegetables, the body will get the necessary nutrition. Cooking will destroy their properties. There are categories of food that only be taken as raw, remaining foods are recommended to take either in full or semi-cooked forms. For, details you may consult your dieticians.

What things can be eaten raw?

Raw fruits, salads, and nuts can be eaten. But vegetables should be eaten only after cooking. Raw fruits and vegetables should also be washed with water at least three times before processing as food. If you want, you can also wash the fruit and vegetable with salt water to remove fine animals and sticking bacteria. Nowadays it becomes a business profile to make nice looking smooth surfaced and bright looking food and for that, an artificial waxy coating is being applied over the many varieties of fruits and vegetables. To look always evergreen, the chemicals and non-edible colors are also being frequently used to show the fruits and vegetable green for a long time. Such fruit and vegetables are neither giving nutrition nor healthy but they destroying our vital body parts due to unwanted deposition of foreign matter like wax coating, colouring reagent etc in our body.

Danger to the digestive system ?

Cooked food is recommended by experts because it is easily digested. There is no harm to the digestive system. Eating raw vegetables has a greater effect on the digestive system. It is difficult to digest raw vegetables,  sometimes the stomach also starts hurting. If you want, you can cook the vegetable a little and eat it by adding turmeric plus black pepper powder and a little salt.

Often, even after washing raw vegetables in water, fine insects remain, so Doctors and experts advise eating cooked. Sometimes raw food items contain bacteria, which can cause any kind of infection if they enter the stomach. Not only this but there can also be a risk of stone. Therefore, apart from salads, nuts, and fruits, food should be eaten after cooking and boiling.

Stay healthy, stay safe...

Ginger-licorice tea gives good relief in cold..

We know the fresh underground stem of the plant Gingiber officinalis (Family - Gingiberacea) and the mature stem part of licorice i.e. Glycyrrhiza glabra (Family- Fabaceae) play a key role in our routine life. People used this part of the medicinal plant for various purposes. It has often been seen that every house kitchen is found equipped with ginger but keeping licorice is also very important like ginger. Licorice has been observed good remedy for the sore throat and clearing of the throat might you have seen even a singer has small pieces in his pocket and they use to chew these stem pieces before starting the concert for the best and clear voices. Some of the singers use black pepper and Misri (Sugar candy or crystal sugar) but licorice or Mulethi is found much beneficial.

It is very common to get cold when the weather changes. Normal cold and cold also get cured in a few days. but some people get more upset. Whether the weather is changing from cold to summer or from summer to rainy season. Actually, when the weather changes, some people get used to it, but due to weak immune systems, they catch a cold and cough. In this situation, a short and healthy time and economic remedy may help us to get rid of the cold, and that a cup of hot ginger and licorice tea, you will get quick relief in the cold. Let us know how to prepare -    

Ingredients - Sugar, water, tea leaves, grated ginger, milk, and licorice powder, etc. 

Method - First of all, take a cup of water and the same quantity of milk in a tea pan. Boiled it becomes one and a half cups.  Now add half teaspoons tea powder, sugar (according to the sweetness), 1 teaspoon licorice powder, and a piece of one-inch grated ginger or as per taste in the water. Again boil for 2 - 3 minutes and then filter and drink it in hot. Keep in mind that do not go in cold air and sleep within 30 minutes of taking this tea.

This will give you quick relief.

Stay healthy, Stay safe......

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Post Covid VS Cardiovascular diseases and status of our Country in fighting with Covid , a deadly pandemic...

Nowadays, it is often seen that the people who have taken the Covid vaccine are becoming careless for wearing masks and frequently sanitizing their hands but do we know? The latest research shows that persons who have already got affected with Covid and recovered. After recovery, they got fully vaccinated also, even though they are susceptible to get severe cardiovascular diseases. 

As per the latest research study, 134 Covid patients from a Government hospital in New Delhi were being scanned and among them, 40 person's hearts have got affected by the Covid. 

As we know that the human heart is divided into four chambers. In the study, it's shown that about 30 % of patient's left chambers of the heart;  10% of patient's right chamber was found affected after recovery of Covid diseases. 

Doctors told that these patients should have attentive care of their hearts because there is a chance of conversion into severe heart diseases. 

It's observed that after Covid the affected persons had abnormal heartbeats either it was very slow or very fast, also they are facing chest pain. 

It is advised that any patient who had got Covid and feeling sick for a long time such as fatigue, stomach pain, cough, hair falls, short sleep, continuous headache, such person is suggested to consult their doctors immediately. 

In the study it's seen that 10% of patients are found asymptomatic, 45 % mild symptomatic and 35% have symptoms but 10% are severely affected and not able to perform normal life functions. 

Whether the Covid affected a person severely or not it doesn't matter but the reality is it can affect badly. The Government of India is taking utmost effort to vaccinate its citizens as fast as possible. 

Yesterday, on 27.08.2021, our doctors, paramedical staff, and health co-workers had broken the record by vaccinating 1.0 crore people in a single day and till this day 61.0 crores from the entire population of India has got vaccinated. 

We must appreciate the efforts of the Indian Government, doctors, paramedical staff, and coordination of Indian citizens for Controlling the rapid transmission of the disease and as a result, our country is still safe from the 3rd wave of the Covid. 

From the different sources of the news, it is brought to the knowledge that America is now suffering from the fourth wave of the Coivd in which Florida city got very much affected. We should extend our support to the Government of India and follow all the protocols for this pandemic and make our country safe. This may be consider as our moral duty on priority. 

Stay healthy, stay safe... 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Are you worried of increasing belly fat and body weight, then consume millet as Roti OR Chapati from today and see results..

Belly enlargement starts with the fat stored around the abdomen. After this, the body gradually starts expanding and we become fat. When it increases too much, then the lines of worry start appearing on the forehead. Trying hard to lose weight, but not controlling the food does not bring results. In such a way, instead of wheat, eat millet roti. Along with this, there are many other benefits as well. 

[Image Showing Belly Fat]

Health Benefits of nutrient-rich millet- Millet contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, B vitamins, manganese, and antioxidants. Being rich in nutrients, the consumption of millet is very good in terms of health. Its consumption helps in reducing cholesterol. Reduces the risk of heart diseases. The magnesium and potassium present in it also help in controlling blood pressure.

Benefits of eating millet-  

1. Increase energy - During the rainy season, the mind becomes a little lazy. In this case, millet bread should be consumed that maintain energy and strength. Also, due to the number of carbohydrates and fiber, the energy level remains up throughout the day.

2. Strengthen the bones - The bones are strengthened by the consumption of millet roti. It contains plenty of calcium. Along with this, it also reduces the risk of arthritis, arthritis, osteopenia disease.

3. Digestion-  If you are troubled by indigestion, then eat only millet roti. plenty of it Fiber is found in the millet and due to this the digestive system is strengthened. It also provides relief in constipation and gas problems.

How millet helps in reducing weight - Very Important

Actually, millet is slow to digest. The fiber present in it keeps our stomach full. That's why you don't feel hungry very soon. Due to this, the weight is reduced rapidly and the fat also starts decreasing.

Stay healthy, stay safe... 

Why mask is more important even after vaccination...

Many experts in India have said that it is necessary to keep wearing a mask despite vaccination, as the vaccine helps in fighting Corona, but it does not guarantee protection from infection. It has also been said that the second wave of the corona is not over yet and the months of September and October are very important for epidemic management due to many festivals to come. 

It would be better to wear a mask with a combination of surgical and cotton masks one surgical (minimum 3 layered, disposable, and one cotton mask) even after fully vaccinated because safety is in our hands. Laziness is the great reason observed to be sick, so please do not give any chance to this pandemic disease to spread as it is communicable and many more people in our surroundings do not show any symptoms as they are asymptomatic but they can spread disease to others. In the same manner, a vaccinated person maybe not get harmed by Coronavirus due to being fully vaccinated but he or she can spread the disease. So, please wear the mask properly and sanitize your hand frequently, also suggest to others. 

It is practically observed that the vaccine is to reduce the disease, not to prevent it, so it is very important to keep using the mask even after vaccination. 

The coming months of September and October will be very important for Corona management and festivals should be celebrated following the Corona rules. It is said that the second wave of the Corona is still not over in the country.

We are still in the middle of the second surge of COVID-19. The second wave is still not over. So we have to take all necessary precautions, especially keeping in mind the experiences that the transition has accelerated after every festival.

It is to be noted that the coming months September and October will be important for us as we are going to celebrate some festivals. So we have to celebrate the festival with covid-appropriate behavior.

Stay healthy, stay safe....

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Physalis peruviana (Cape gooseberry) fruits and their medicinal uses...

Physalis peruviana, Solanaceae परिवार का 

पौधा है जिसे आमतौर पर केप गूसबेरी या गोल्डनबेरी के रूप में जाना जाता हैजिसे उनके 

मूल देशों में उचुवा के रूप में जाना जाता हैऔर

 हवाई में पोहा कहा जाता हैऔर मिस्र में हरंकश

 कहा जाता है। यह भारत के कई हिस्सों में भी 

उगाया जाता है और प्रशंसनीय जैम बनाना लिए 

जाना जाता है।

[Cape Gooseberry Fruits]

केप गूसबेरी अधिकांश बगीचों में पनपेंगेलेकिन उनमें से सबसे अधिक प्राप्त करने के लिए उन्हें समृद्ध,अच्छी तरह से सूखा मिट्टी में एक उज्ज्वल स्थिति में उगाएं।Cape gooseberry स्वाभाविक रूप से झाड़ियों में

उगते हैंलेकिन उन्हें प्रशिक्षित भी किया जा सकता है 

कुछ देशों में केप गूसेबेर्री को उगना अवैध मानते हैं।लेकिन क्यों? वर्ष 1911 मेंएक संघीय प्रतिबंध ने currant और

cape goosberry सहित सभी crops को उगाना 

अवैध बना दिया,क्योंकि ये पौधे सफेद पाइन ब्लिस्टर 

रस्ट के मध्यस्थ मेजबान के रूप में काम करते थे I

Cape Gooseberry की खेती उत्तरी कैरोलिना 

और कई अन्य राज्यों में प्रतिबंधित है उत्तरी 

कैरोलिना के कृषि विभाग  ने  इस बीमारी के कारण

उत्तरी कैरोलिना में currant और cape gooseberry

के पौधों (जीनस रिब्सको आयात या उगाना अवैध 

कर दिया है।
केप आंवले को अलग-अलग नामों से जाना जाता है,

जिसमें गोल्डन बेरीइंका बेरी,ग्राउंड बेरी और रसभरी शामिल हैं इसे एक स्वस्थ नाश्ते के रूप में लिया जा 

सकता है या मिठाई में भी जोड़ा जा सकता है।इन्हें अपने आहार में शामिल करने से आपको  
स्वास्थ्य लाभ मिल सकता है। 
पाचन को आसान बनाता है -केप आंवला फाइबर से भी भरपूर होता हैजो कब्ज
को रोकने में मदद करता है यह जठरांत्र संबंधी मार्ग 

को भी शांत करता है।
सर्दी और फ्लू से लड़ता है-
चूंकि केप आंवला एंटीऑक्सिडेंट से भरपूर होता है इसलिए यह आपको फ्लू और सामान्यसर्दी से लड़ने में 

मदद कर सकता है। यह एक अवरुद्ध नाक मार्ग को खोलने में भी मदद

 करता है।आपकी दृष्टि के लिए अच्छा हैकेप आंवला विटामिन ''ए' से भरपूर होता हैजो आपकी आंखों की सुरक्षा 

करता है और आपकी दृष्टि के लिए अच्छा है।

औषधीय उपयोग: औषधीय रूप से इसका उपयोग
 मूत्रवर्धक के रूप में किया जाता है और मूत्र रोगों 
 और गठिया में उपयोगी होता है। कृमि और आंत 
की शिकायत में पत्तों का रस दिया जाता है।
केप आंवला विटामिन 'सी' का एक अच्छा स्रोत है,
जो आपकी प्रतिरक्षा को बढ़ावा देने में मदद कर सकता 
है और आपकी त्वचा के लिए भी अच्छा है। 
पाचन को आसान बनाता है- केप आंवला फाइबर से 
भी भरपूर होता है, जो कब्ज को रोकने में मदद करता है।

सावधानी: कच्चे केप आंवले में सोलनिन एक विष होता है जो ऐंठन और दस्त का कारण बन सकता हैऔर 

दुर्लभ मामलों में घातक हो सकता है।

Frequent Cigarette Smoking and Its Impact on a Healthy Life...

Understanding the Global Health Threat of Cigarette Smoking: Cigarette smoking has long been recognized as one of the most significant pub...