
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fake Zarishka or Indian barberry (Berberis aristata - dried fruit) crossing limit of adulteration ...

As we know that the preparation of medicines as per the formulae quoted in various Pharmacopoeias (viz. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia, The Siddha Pharmacopoeia, and The Unani Pharmacopoeia) and also the invention of various new proprietary medicines is increasing day by day to treat the patient by the AYUSH traditional medicines. The research is taking place in one way to upgrade the quality of medicines and in another way, the up-gradation in adulteration and substitution also becomes a top-ranked business. 

Nowadays, the common adulteration can be seen in many raw drugs but the majority of adulteration being made in the drugs which are obtained from root, fruits, and seeds. Now, adulteration and substitution seem to be old fashion and practice is being made to launch the artificial and duplicate or fake products in the market to run the business and earn the money.

The dried fruits of Zarishka in the open and online market is the best example. The Zarishka is actually the dried fruit of Berberis aristata belongs to the family Berberidaceae. Morphologically, the original dried Zarishika fruits look blue-black color, 10 to 12 mm long, and 5 to 8 mm thick; ovoid, the outer surface shows wrinkles when dried. Each fruit consists of 3 seeds about 6 mm long and 2 to 3 mm thick, ovoid, and somewhat flattened with odor-characteristic and taste - slightly bitter. (Please see Image -1)

[Image-1 Orginal dried fruit of Zarishka ]

I was very much surprised when I saw fake Zarishka in the market being sold with the same price of original Zarishka (the dried fruits of Berberis aristata) Morphologically, the so-called Zarishka has similar resemblances with black and a small variety of currants (Kismis). The characteristic feature of the drug was supporting California Currants. This is also called Zante Currants, Corinth raisins, Corinthian raisins, or simply currants. It is actually the dried berries of the small sweet, seedless grape Cultivar black Corinth. The name comes from the Anglo-French Phrase "raisins de Corinthe" and the Ionian Island of the Zakynthos (Zante). Please see Image -2. 

 [Image - 2 Fake dried fruit of Zarishka]

Using sub-standard quality or fake raw drugs as ingredients would not cure the disease due to lack of required therapeutic action of the drugs but destroy the fame of the Traditional System of Medicines.  The Zarishika is mainly used in India in many preparations of the medicines especially in the Unani System of the medicines, the Vaidya or Haqim and Doctors, Pharmacist, etc. should be very careful in the selection of ingredient and to avoid such fake drugs as we know that the priority in the selection of original and authentic drugs gives effective medicines that only cure the patients and solve our purpose.    

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Interest to be developed to the upcoming generation to study a subject that can give livelihood...

Whether gaining knowledge of a particular subject or get awarded degrees from a specific university or college is directly correlating our daily and routine life or not? This question is nowadays becoming alarming as well as life challenging queries to all our young generation of the countries. It was often seen that many courses are offered or brought in the syllabus for the study has no connection to life for survival. It is now highly demanded to form an academic coarse that can give self hand employment to the new generation by making them self-made and self stand. It is now very much need to offer the coarse from the beginning of school and colleges as a compulsory subject that can give work to the young hands. 

I was very much surprised once I visited a city and had a chance to take a review of more than a hundred youngsters belong to school and college. While asking what would be their future motto, surprisingly, I got answered more than ninety percent to the student that wants to be a doctor, engineer, architect, I.A.S., P.C.S and so on.. About two to three percent student reply to take ahead of their father,s business; about five percent student have shown no aim that what they will do in the future after completion of their graduations, and only two to three percent students shown lazy interest about agriculture, pisciculture, apiculture, and animal husbandry. 

It was really shocking news that our young generation losing their interest in farming, agriculture, etc, however, it is a very well known fact that we can even survive without any artificial modalities but it is not possible to live without food, shelter, and clothes. Many projects and schemes have been launched by the Government from time to time but its effective implementation in practice is still questionable. Merely launching a scheme and doing paperwork would not solve the issues. But, we have to do something like Gurukulam or School of the olden days, where it was made a compulsory study to the subject that can create the economy as well as food for our countries. I have practically observed when I was studying in class 3rd in 1987, along with other subjects, there was compulsory coarse have to opt either Krishi (Agriculture) or Katayee - Bunayee (Hamara Kapada) In agriculture, the theory classes, as well as practical classes, was conducted and passing mark in the practical was depending upon the preparation of field, planting of the seedlings or seeds, irrigation, manuring, weeding, and harvesting of the assigned crop. In katayee -  bunayee, Charkha, Takuwa, takali, raw kapas, preparing of thread, and weaving minimum handkerchief was compulsory. 

Nowadays, many courses of study have been offered by central and many state governments but no school interesting to provide direct life relating classes and moral education that make students self-made and self stand. The competitive course producing doctors engineers that is fine it is also required too but how many courses making to give schooling on the subject that can promote to grow food by means of to study life subject i.e. Biology (Botany & Zoology) which is the life science and without we can not survive. We have to think once again because nowadays offered subject creating competition for survival and also developing more unemployment. It is not possible in any country to make their citizen a hundred percent employee but they can give work to all hands by making certain changes in the school and college educations that is a future requirement.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark (Ceylon cinnamon) VS Cinnamomum cassia bark (Regular Cinnamon) in quality aspects

Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) is the cinnamon peculiarly originated in Ceylon not elsewhere and Cinnamomum cassia (Regular or Cassia Cinnamon) is mostly trading from Indonesia and China and many other countries. Both of the species belong to the family Lauraceae and both are commonly being used all over the world. Ceylon Cinnamon attracts a higher price in the market due to its taste and safer for health because of less percentage of chemical constituent 'Coumarin' than the Cassia Cinnamon where the percentage of chemical constituent 'Coumarin' is comparatively high. Both of the species have health benefits but it was reported that the high dose of coumarin may damage the liver and gives other health side effects. Therefore, many of the Medical practitioners recommend using Ceylon Cinnamon. 

1. [Ceylon Cinnamon - left    and Cassia Cinnamon - Right]

Organoleptically the Cassia Cinnamon is stronger than Ceylon Cinnamon but while manufacturing the medicines, the percentage of adding cassia cinnamon as an ingredient instead of Ceylon cinnamon may be reduced and standardized for the preparation of single drugs or compound formulations. 

1. Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): 

The drug is a dried inner bark (devoid of cork and cortex) of the coppiced shoots of the stem of C. zeylanicum. bark pieces about 0.5 mm thick, brittle, occurs as single or double, closely packed compound quills (see Image - 2). The outer surface is dull, yellowish-brown, marked with pale, wavy longitudinal lines with occasional small scars; inner surface darker in color, striated with longitudinally elongated reticulation; fracture splintery, odor - fragrant; taste - sweet, aromatic with the sensation of warmth.

2. Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

2. Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia):

The drug consists of the bark of C. cassia. The bark is either channeled pieces or as single quills, the size of the drug ranging from 6 to 40 cm long and 1 to 2 cm in width and 1 to 3 mm in thickness, fracture short, the bark is thicker, coarse, darker, and dull in compare to Ceylon cinnamon. The outer surface, rough, dark brown to brown, and the inner surface reddish-brown with fine striations (see Image -3). Odor, Aromatic; taste slightly sweet but highly pungent with bitter than that of C. zeylanicum, the Ceylon cinnamon.   

3. Cassia Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)

Cinnamomum cassia is also known as Malai Lavagna pattai or periyalavangapattai in South India that mostly confused with Cinnamomum macrocarpa, the other variety of Cinnamon. Without proper identification, some times malailavanga pattai is frequently found adulterated with C. macrocarpa. The purpose of this article will solve the issue of identification and material would be taken without adulteration or substitutions. The percentage of adding C. cassia in the formulations may be recalculated and standardized according to safety measures of health.

Karakata Sringi Vs Kadukkai poo - Unique identification.

1. Karakata Sringi : 

The drug Karakata Sringi consists of gall -like excrescences formed by insects on the leaves, petioles, branches of the plant of Pistacia integerrima, Or Pistacia Chinensia or Rhus succedanea belong to family Anacardiaceae.

The dried gall of Karakata Sringi looks hard, horn like, thin-walled, generally, cylindrical, tapering at both ends. It appears grayish-brown externally and reddish-brown internally. Each gall contains numerous dead insects in its hollow cavity. Odor- terebinthine, taste is strongly astringent and slightly bitter.

[1]     Karakata Sringi ;   and  [2]    Kadukkai poo]

2. Kadukkai poo: 

Kadukkai poo gall is the occurrence of gall on the spike of the Terminalia chebula family - Combretaceae. In the market, the drug found as the dried insect gall formed at the inflorescence of Terminalia chebula spike due to the inducement of the insects calls as Corycidothrips inquilina and Cecidomilladae resulting an abnormal growth formation by the oozing of latex from the tender spike of T. Chebula.
On drying, it appears flat, creamish - white to pale brown - colour externally and blackish-brown color internally due to many larval residues deposited in the cavity of the gall. It is triangular or pyramidal or lanceolate to ovate in shape with flat surfaces of both sides, Since, this is found on the spike of the T. chebula tress, therefore, it is locally known as "Kadukkai poo" in Tamil language. The overall color as whole drug is creamish - white and odor and taste are indistinct.

Without its proper identification, the drug is sold in the market in the form of adulteration or substitutions, however, both gall drugs have different therapeutic properties and health benefits. The adulterated or substituted drugs might be disturbed the actual therapeutic action of the particular drugs and thus, the identification is very important. The correct selection of drugs is important to prepare a potent medicine.

The above identification hopefully very helpful to the AYUSH practitioners and the student of the medical streams. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Role of CT Value in COVID - 19 tests

Nowadays, the testing of COVID - 19 has taken new turns in the medical field. Previously, it was said that the test should be performed for all the persons whether they are asymptomatic or symptomatic means the person whether has no cough, cold and fever, etc. or with all COVID -19 related symptoms, In both the case, the test was made mandatory. In the testing, the RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reactions) test is found effective, very easy, and accurate to easy diagnosis to the patient than other typical tests. In the RT-PCR, a patient has to give a swab from his inner mouth and nostrils. If, after RT-PCR, the result showed that the patient diagnosed as a COVID -19 positive, it does not mean to get panic but a positive patient should ask the laboratory as a human right that what was his CT - Value (Cycle Threshold value).

Now, the question is what you are going to do with CT Value? Yes ! the CT value now becomes self-explanatory whether a patient is harmful to others by means he or she is prone to spreading the disease or not. 

If, a patient is declared as COVID - 19 positive and has a CT value less than 24 then, alertness is required because he is very prone to communicate this disease due to more viral load but if the CT value is 24 or above and the patient is declared COVID-19 positive, then, there is no harm because the patient has a very less viral load and is safe for society as well as for community and thus, a small precaution like fever and cough, etc should be managed and nothing to worry. 

As we know that this COVID - 19 disease also becomes airborne and we can say that most of the populations having COVID-19 knowingly or unknowingly. Some times they become panic due to more viral load that requires incentive care otherwise not. The CT value is directly related to the body's immune system. The recovery rate is also seen high in the patient those are found positive in COVID-19 but have strong immunity and CT Value 24 or above, means the patient is not infectious and now it is practically known that CT value 24 is safe and non-risky.  

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy.

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