
Monday, August 24, 2020


The medicinal use of the plant Cassia auriculata has received interest nowadays from both traditional systems and allopathic medicine. This medicinal plant plays an important role in public health especially in developing countries where it is believed that the intense utilization of plant with therapeutic action does not lead to intoxication.

Cassia auriculata belongs to family Caeselpinaces (Leguminosae) is a shrub with large bright flowers. It is a common plant in Asia, profoundly used in Ayurvedic medicines as a tonic, astringent, and as a remedy for diabetic, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, and ophthalmia. It is one of the principal constituents of 'Avarai Panchaga Choornam'  in Indian Herbal formulations used in the treatment of diabetic to control blood sugar level. It is also reported to use in ulcers, leprosy, and treatment of liver diseases. Leaves and fruits of the plan C. auriculata is antihelmintic and also used in curing skin disease. 

The demand for the drug is more resulting in many adulteration and substitution to the drugs. Now it becomes very important to get original and authentic raw drugs for manufacturing medicines to show good therapeutic action. The drug available in the market is in dry forms and becoming somewhat difficult for a vendor and purchaser to identify the drugs.


[Cassia auriculata Linn. Market sample]

Here, I would like to give some points that can help in quickly identifying the drugs.

1. The drugs available in the market are fully dried form consisting of leaves, petioles, inflorescences, flowers, fruits and seeds of the C. auricularta.

2. The drug possesses dull brownish-green leaves, which are alternate, stipulate, paripinnately compound with 16-24 pairs of leaflets and each leaflet has a short stalk. The surface of the leaves is pubescent.

3. Flowers are bright yellow, pedicellate, Sepals - 5; two external larger and three internal smaller. Petals - 5, imbricate, crisped along with the edge and bright yellow vein.

4. Anther many, ovary is unilocular with the peripheral ovule.

5. Fruits pale brown, flat, thin, papery, pilose, undulate, crimpled, and tripped with long style base. Seeds, 12-20 in numbers. Each seed is in a distinct and separate cavity.

Colour of the market drug as whole in dry form - Yellowish to greenish-brown.

Odor - fragrant and characteristics

Taste-  Astringent.

The above identification surely helps the person who wishes to procure the drugs without an expert as well as the medical student who is going to purchase drug for their practical work. This identification would also be very useful to the personnel who is working as Quality Controller in the manufacturing unit of a traditional system of medicines.            

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