
Monday, August 24, 2020


The medicinal use of the plant Cassia auriculata has received interest nowadays from both traditional systems and allopathic medicine. This medicinal plant plays an important role in public health especially in developing countries where it is believed that the intense utilization of plant with therapeutic action does not lead to intoxication.

Cassia auriculata belongs to family Caeselpinaces (Leguminosae) is a shrub with large bright flowers. It is a common plant in Asia, profoundly used in Ayurvedic medicines as a tonic, astringent, and as a remedy for diabetic, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, and ophthalmia. It is one of the principal constituents of 'Avarai Panchaga Choornam'  in Indian Herbal formulations used in the treatment of diabetic to control blood sugar level. It is also reported to use in ulcers, leprosy, and treatment of liver diseases. Leaves and fruits of the plan C. auriculata is antihelmintic and also used in curing skin disease. 

The demand for the drug is more resulting in many adulteration and substitution to the drugs. Now it becomes very important to get original and authentic raw drugs for manufacturing medicines to show good therapeutic action. The drug available in the market is in dry forms and becoming somewhat difficult for a vendor and purchaser to identify the drugs.


[Cassia auriculata Linn. Market sample]

Here, I would like to give some points that can help in quickly identifying the drugs.

1. The drugs available in the market are fully dried form consisting of leaves, petioles, inflorescences, flowers, fruits and seeds of the C. auricularta.

2. The drug possesses dull brownish-green leaves, which are alternate, stipulate, paripinnately compound with 16-24 pairs of leaflets and each leaflet has a short stalk. The surface of the leaves is pubescent.

3. Flowers are bright yellow, pedicellate, Sepals - 5; two external larger and three internal smaller. Petals - 5, imbricate, crisped along with the edge and bright yellow vein.

4. Anther many, ovary is unilocular with the peripheral ovule.

5. Fruits pale brown, flat, thin, papery, pilose, undulate, crimpled, and tripped with long style base. Seeds, 12-20 in numbers. Each seed is in a distinct and separate cavity.

Colour of the market drug as whole in dry form - Yellowish to greenish-brown.

Odor - fragrant and characteristics

Taste-  Astringent.

The above identification surely helps the person who wishes to procure the drugs without an expert as well as the medical student who is going to purchase drug for their practical work. This identification would also be very useful to the personnel who is working as Quality Controller in the manufacturing unit of a traditional system of medicines.            

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trichosanthes cucumerina (Snake gourd) Vs Momordica charantia (Bitter gourd) - Ingredient for Bhunimbadi kadha (Nilavembu Kudineer)

Bhunimbadi kadha or Nilavembu Kudineer the best remedy for the dengue, malaria, chikungunya, and other viral fever and seasonal fever due to common cold. Trichosanthes cucumirina (Snake gourd- small cultivated variety or Jangali Chichinda) belongs to family Cucurbitaceae is one of the most important ingredients among the other required for the manufacturing or preparing of the aforesaid medicine. The whole plant is reported to cure bronchitis, headache, and boils. The plant leaves are used to cure biliousness also. The plant is reported for its many therapeutic properties like antipyretic, antihelminthic, antiemetic, etc. This raw drug is commercially not available in bulk like other Trichsanthes anguina (long snake gourd). Trichosanthes cucumerina (Jangali Chichinda) still lacking of more cultivation. The scarcity of particular raw drugs affects the timely production of the Bhunimbadi kudineer (Nilavembu kudineer) as a result, the availability of this medicines in the general public in a frequent manner is highly questionable. 

[Trichosanthes cucumerina - small and wild variety]

Now the question is what would be the alternative solution of the plant Trichosanthes cucumerina and how we can prepare the medicine in absence of the that plant without affecting the therapeutic properties?

Here, I have some solutions for the above queries. There is another plant that also belongs to the family - Cucurbitaceae and commonly know as Momordica charantia - wild variety (but not a cultivar variety (Karela - bitter gourd) that fruits are usually being sold in the vegetable market). The Momordica charantia small and wild variety has already picked up the market because of its cultivation in bulk and also easily available in the raw drug trade market but the trade name is Bitter gourd -wild variety is still remaining for identification purposes. This plant also has the same therapeutic properties as stated for the Trichsanthes cucumerina. 

[Momordica charantia - wild variety]

Many manufacturing companies easily using the whole plant of the Momordica charantia, the common vegetable bitter gourd (Karela) in absence of Trichosanthes cucumerina and Momordica charantia - wild variety. I think, using this material is actually not harmful to health but more research requires to prove its therapeutic action of the raw drugs along with other ingredients because much literature supports utility for its roots, leaves and fruits only.  

Note: Dear Readers, the above-given information is purely based on my studies and long experiences. If any queries regarding this blog, please contact me on OR I will be welcoming your suggestion by heart if any.  

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Salab Punja, Salab Misri and Salab Gatta - Unique Identification.

In India, mainly five types of systems of traditional medicines comprise together to form a system is called AYUSH System that includes Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathic medicines. It has been practically observed that more efforts have been made to develop Ayurveda and Siddha, Systems of traditional medicines. In which, Ayurveda and Homoeopathy achieved its name in the country and abroad but Siddha is popularly practiced to South part of India and some neighboring countries. Yoga  & Naturopathy is also on upward movement but the Unani System of medicine still requires more attention to make the medicines scientifically proven. There are many valuable medicines available in the  Unani System but lacking of authentication due to more confusion in the identical or similar looking herbs but has different therapeutic values. Since, the Unani medicine is an important part of Ayush System, the standards of single drugs as well as compound formulations cannot be left over the Haqim or Unani Physician. Their experiences and skill of treatment to the patient cannot be overlooked but along with the knowledge now evidences on research background is also required as the backbone of the Unani System. Though, many efforts are being made to grow this system but still many drugs lacking identifications and create great confusion on its utility point.

Here, I like to discuss about the Salab Punja, Salab Misri, and Salab Gatta. These drugs belong to the family Orchidaceae and genus Orchis. These three drugs is very much differ from each other due to their species and therapeutic values. The ground tuber of this Orchis species is called "Salep" and is being utilized in many important treatments like sexual disorder, nutraceutical supplements to geriatric patients. It also has aphrodisiac, hypolipidemic and antihypertensive properties. As per Unani experts, all these Salep cannot be utilized for the same purposes due to its different therapeutic properties but due to lack of Pharmacognostic evaluation of these species, all are confusingly being used as per availability in the market.  

The efforts are made in this blog to identify the aforesaid drugs with their morphology as to make more approachable on the utilization point of view and also without confusion. 

1.Salab Punja: As the name indicates, "Punja" this drugs look like a palm along with fingers like 3-5 projections.  The drug is the cleaned, dried, and peeled tuber of plant Dactylorhiza hatagirea; family Orchidaceae. It is naturally brown in color but after peeling it gives shiny white to creamish appearance, fleshy and slightly sweetish in taste. 

[Dactylorhiza hatagirea (Peeled Tuberous root)]

2. Salab Misri: As the name indicates " Misri" means very sweet in taste. The scientific name of Salab Misri is Orchis latifolia; Family - Orchidaceae is also called as "Salep" in English languages. The tuberous root of the plant is called Adam and Eve Root due to its magical medicinal properties. It is one of the herbs that are very effective in promoting sexual health. This is very much use for treating aged patients because of its high nutritive value. This drug is widely used in the Unani System of Medicine to treat chronic diarrhea, bilious fever, syphilis, strangury, hemiplegia, dyspepsia, tuberculosis, debility, and helminthiasis etc.    
[Orchis latifolia - Tubrous root]

3. Salab Gatta: This is also called as Khusiyat -Ul- Salib or Salab Gatta. This is the ground tuber of Orchis masculata; Orchidaceae. The drug sample consists of the dried and mature tuber of O. masculata. The drug sample in the market varying in size from 5.5 cm to 9.5 cm long and 2.5 cm to 4.5 cm wide and conical, conch, or somewhat spindle-shaped. the drug has many shallow grooves and thus forms shrinking appearances The lower end of the drug is tapering and shows sharp to blunt ending;, however, the upper portion shows white to creamish broad scar indicated the detachment of the tuber from the plant stem. Colour, dark brown to black, Odorless, and taste is bitter and astringent.

[Orchis masculata - Tuberous root]

Nowadays, in the commercial market, the above mentioned three drugs are available in the name of Salab root. Due to lack of detailed descriptions of its identification and easy distinguishing characters, the quality of medicines becomes questionable. As we know the above mentioned one drug of the genus Dactylofera and other two species of the genus Orchis has different therapeutic values and if the authentic material would be used for preparation of medicines, the medicines would be more effective.

The above diagram surely helps to identify the drugs and its selection according to the medicinal requirement to produce highly effective, standard medicines to treat the patient satisfactorily and thus the writing of this blog will work purposefully.

Trust, you will love this articles, if any question, please feel free to contact me on  OR

Stay Healthy and Stay Safe. 

Dr. Prem Dutt Dwivedi,

Monday, August 3, 2020

Study of Botany as pure subject is nearing to extinction...

It is very much surprising that a human being knows that he or she cannot live without food, shelter, and clothes that are mainly originated from the vegetation or flora or Botany. Nowadays, all countries of the whole world competing for each other in various technologies except the consideration of their own fundamental needs that are improving agriculture.

Heavy competition is going on to empower forces, modern weapons, increasing soldiers in the various army like in the sky, earth, and in water. In the education system, a great focus has been given to prepare candidate with the streaming subject in engineering medical, paramedical sciences, pure sciences that include Physic, Chemistry and Biology, information technologies, Mathematics and so on.. but, have you ever seen that any student wish to study pure botany or zoology as subject after his or schooling (10 +2) as it was seen before 1990?  We may say that time it was the requirement of those decades then, what now becomes new.

We also consuming the same food in various forms and the required quantity becomes five times more than the earlier due to the raise of populations in our Country. A newly born child cannot live without his or her mother likewise we cannot imaging our survival on the earth without vegetation whatever the modernization may be...

We have to consider once again the conservation of forest, improvement of agricultural technology, indigenous cattle, promote veterinary sciences, animal husbandry, etc.., otherwise, the day is coming when we would be compelled to eat plastic rice, artificial bread, artificial vegetables. 

For any query, please contact me @ or
Thank you🌹😊

Ayurveda recommends use of whole plant not alkaloids or active principles

Nowadays, isolation of active principles or alkaloids from the plants is seeking more attraction to the researchers and Scientists to manufacture various kinds of medicines based on a single active principle or molecule mainly in the Allopathic System of Medicine. Indigenous drugs are now being tested in various chemical laboratories, however, the Ayurveda recommends utilization of the whole plant as drugs not single isolated molecules or active principle constituents. 

 Much work had already been done to compare the properties of the Indigenous drugs by using as whole as well as isolated single molecules and observed that the whole drugs were found more effective in comparison to the isolated molecules.

 According to many practical observations it is seen that- 

 " It is impossible to obtain any information about the medical properties of drugs by carrying on researchers in chemical laboratories. Whether a botanical or chemical drug is harmful to the system can be conclusively proved only if the drug is administered in its natural state - a state in which its action has been described in Ayurvedic work: research regarding them should be carried on primarily in human hospitals or at the most in biological laboratories." 

 The following quotes published in the current Science in 1946 also supporting that -

  " Looking at the matter from chemical point of view one is struck by the large number and variety of natural products employed successfully as curative materials by the Ayurvedic practitioners as a result of the immensity of valuable therapeutic knowledge of these accumulated by centuries of observations. It has been the practice among advocates of Indigenous drugs for use in the western system of medicine to extract some of these drugs for what is known as active principles with a view to employing the latter for the same purposes as the crude drug. Ths practice which has currency for some time soon proved dangerous, as it was frequently found that, the extracted principles very often had not even a fraction of the efficacy of the crude drug. As has been recently shown by Miss Irani in the case of Kuruchi seeds, the constituents of a  crude drug responsible for its curative action may be in a different and much more complex stage of combination than the substances usually isolated from them in the form of the so-called active principles. This question, therefore, of the substitution of Ayurvedic drugs by their so-called active principles may be fraught with dangerous consequences."

From the above, it is very much clear that the Ayurvedic System Of Medicines recommends utilizing whole drugs for the preparation of medicines to get more and effective therapeutic properties.

For any query, please contact me @ or
Thank you🌹😊

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