
Friday, July 24, 2020

Murraya koenigii (Metha Neem) - A natural health maintainer and anemia killer

Murraya koenigii (Meetha neem or curry leaves) belongs to the family Rutaceae is a handsome aromatic shrub or small tree. It is commonly found in forests often as gregarious undergrowth. It is cultivated for its aromatic leave and for ornament throughout India.
{Murraya koeniggi (Curry leaves); Family - Rutaceae}

 The leaves of the plant are extensively employed as a flavoring in curries and chutneys. Analysis of the leaves showed to consist of many nutritional elements like protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, minerals, calcium, and phosphorus. It also consists of plenty of Vitamin A, nicotinic acids, and Vitamin C and is a very good source of iron. It is reported that the regular consumption of leaves in any form either churna, chutney, or podi may help to maintain blood formation in the body and thus controls anemia.

The leaves are commonly used in the preparation of various delicious and spicy food. Consuming leaves in any form is very helpful for health. Though many therapeutic uses like piles, diarrhea, emesis, burning sensation, non-healing ulcer, fever, itching, helminthiasis, skin diseases, metabolic disorder, dysentery, colic pain, emaciation, oedema leucoderma/vitiligo, etc., have been reported, however, consuming leaves powder as churna 03 to 06g OR Svarasa (Juice) 10-20 ml daily gives very good result in the various health complaints.

In addition to the above health benefits, the curry leaves gives following main health benefits. These are -
1. In diabetics: Regular consuming leaves may help to maintain blood sugar levels in the body and thus control diabetics.
2. Cough: Dry curry leaves powder helps to control cough if taken with honey to in case of dry and sticky phlegm from lungs.
3. Diarrhea and dysentery: 2 -3 g churna with 100 ml of butter milk may help to stop the loose motion and relax the stomach without pain.
4. Bruises and eruptions: The fresh leaves in paste form or dry leaves powder may help to reduce bruises and eruptions when applied externally on the affected part of the body.
5. Vomiting: 2 - 3 g powder with hot water or butter milk may help to stop vomiting.
7. Skin disease and pimples: The paste made from fresh leaves is helpful to normalize the skin disease and pimples if applied on the affected area of the body.

For any query, please contact me @ or
Thank you๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜Š

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