
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Is all traditional Medicines analysis essential in modern time - A review.

"अपने अच्छे कार्य करते रहना चाहिए। हम रहें या न रहें, हमारा काम बोलना चाहिए। " 

It is often said by people that this is a progressive time even for traditional medicines and therefore, many research and development activities to identify the drugs and their potency and other formulation and development work have been taken place to modernizes the doses in various forms such as tincture, extracts, capsules, tablets, etc as per the carrying conveniences but many times it is practically observed that such converted forms of medicines are not having such effect as experienced in their fresh form or juice form. 

Now, the question is whether all traditional Medicines analysis essential in modern times? In fact, answering such a question is a little bit tough and cannot be concluded immediately. But one thing is appreciable that in India, all the green vegetation available throughout the years, then why we should not use their fresh juice? For instance, the kwatha and churn of Boerhaavia diffusa (Punarnava) showed more effectiveness in comparison to its tincture. Another example is the  Abroma augusta (Ulat - kambal) is a very good drug. This plant mainly grows in West Bengal and therefore, many attempts have been made to prepare its tincture in order to serve the drugs all over India but on the practical ground, the tincture showed less effective than that of fresh extract (swarasa). According to Dr. Bhuvan Mohan Sarkar " Attempts have been made to administer the drug in the more acceptable forms of tincture, pill or powder; but, none prove so efficacious as the fresh viscid sap in substances in which form I have used it with the wonderful result." 

Indian peoples have been using fresh drugs since the ancient periods and those drugs proved wonderful therapeutic properties as told by many experienced persons but these herbal drugs do not show the same chemical constituents during their chemical analysis. In Modern time, it is being considered that a drug should have a particular chemical constituent in it up to the fixed standard parameters then only it may be considered as suitable medicine otherwise not. But, it is practically observed that medicines that had not been found complied with fixed chemical parameters, also having many important therapeutic properties. in this connection, one Scientist quoted that " All the phenomena of the plant life are not explicable in terms of chemistry and physics; there are certain residual phenomena which points to the existence of what may be called in the present state of our knowledge, 'Vital force."  

Apart from that this may also be considered that all the drugs had still not been chemically isolated. The Isolation of drugs needs more research and formulation work. Whether we should wait for not to use the drugs that either under research or no research initiated so far. This is true that in many Metropolitan Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, it is difficult to collect green and fresh drug and again to make its paste for extracting fresh juice but it does not mean that we will not get good and effective doses of medicines. In Ayurveda, a very good method for 'Asava' preparation has been mentioned. If we take all medicines in the form of  'Asava' what would be wrong in that. Many reputed companies had already been started work on the preparation of 'Asava' too. This would be a great wok in the Traditional Medicine System. The Traditional System of Medicine uses plant or their parts as such is always recommended and only the things, it should not be compared with the logic of the Allopathy System. 

"Stay healthy, Stay safe"

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