
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Dare, Aware and self care; three main principles to escape from COVID -19

 " Endless Efforts is the mantra of Success" 

As the world is suffering from COVID -19, a pandemic disease that overall destroyed the routine life of the entire world. Gradually, the people losing their patience and confidence due to seeing the upraising graph of Corona on daily analysis from various media. In this situation, even a small rumors may make panic to the entire public of a country and therefore, it is the duty of various responsible organizations not to deliver such kind of news or bulletins that has controversial views from one to another. It is noted that the earlier information was given by World Health Organization (W.H.O.) that the corona was spreading by air through minute droplets and can affect even a common man that had not shown symptoms to this COVID -19; a pandemic disease and such kind of person be referred as "Asymptomatic".

It was also told by the many news channels that an asymptomatic person that has infections can spread this disease to the other persons and therefore, public should take utmost care not to come in contact to others. Recently, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO Technical Lead COVID -19, the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, updated that there is no actual rate of transmission known for spreading this disease from asymptomatic persons to the secondary individuals. In her program, Dr. Samadi, Director of Men's Health, St. Francis Hospital stating that if a person has no chillness, fever, soreness in the throat, and difficulties in breathing, such person is very rare to spread disease. It clearly indicates that the asymptomatic persons are not contagious too.

The common people have no ideas to diagnose symptomatic and asymptomatic patients so easily and whether they can spread the disease to others or NOT that is also suspicious. 

In these conditions, it would be better for the common people to adopt the following three mantras - 

1. Dare: It is very important to maintain dare and leave the fear from the mind considering that the person getting infected at the same time they are recovering too. So, it is not necessary to be panic for this disease.
2. Aware: Awareness is important to take care of our body even from a small infection. Better to wear a facemask, maintain proper distancing, avoid physical contact, and wash hands with suitable soap frequently.  

3. Self-care: Only things to maintain good immunity by taking healthy and hygienic food. It is good to get proper sleep of 6-7 hours, regular indoor exercises, and meditations help to boost the immune system and make ready the body to fight against any communicable disease. 

Hope, any good vaccine will be invented and launch very soon to eradicate this pandemic and make human life in normal condition. 

Stay Healthy & Stay Safe.   

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Thank you๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜Š

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