
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Overthinking may lead to depression

Overthinking may lead to depression

Nowadays depression becomes a very common disorder, especially to the growing youngsters. In simple words, depression is nothing but deep thinking and more expectation to gain something with the least resources or unavailable resources, and that also within a short time. It may also happen when an assignment has been taken with inappropriate planning and expected outcome not achieved. 

Depression is another word- 

" Thinking without planning,
   Planning without action,
   Action without thought,
   The result is confusion and,
   Ultimately, occur frustration." 

If a person has the least resources then, he has to plan accordingly as in the building of strong carrier, the first step in any field seems very tough but it is then eased by the second step and so on..It has ever been listening to many famous people they have selected a field as a carrier and then turned to other work. Everyone has some unique characters and talent. Only, it should be taken from the mind and polished well before its launch on the public platform. 

Lose and gain, success and failure are complementary to each other. A winner has to face more challenges to maintaining their top-level graph in society in order not to defeat by others at the same time a loser has multiple opportunities to try and win. Life itself a challenge and nothing is perfect in the world. The competition should be between the person who has equal caliber to fight. High expectations always push to a person to down if the attempt not made in time and in correct directions. Life never like short cut pathways. It is true while traveling on the true path, many obstacles may come in the way but it may shorten out as problems are everywhere at the same time solution is also available only the thing, person has to search very calmly and with patience. 

A person must try to be positive towards his mind and soul because negative thoughts can also play an important role to push a person towards depression as it makes a person hollow internally. If anything not coming to hand and slipping even on a continuous attempt, then it must be thought that something is going to happen better than the present. Might, this work not allotted by GOD to him. 

It has been seen that a person unable to tolerate criticism by the society or among the friends but if the criticism is being utilized in a positive manner it would become boon for next opportunity. Criticism is just like a centipede crawling which left sign over the soil to the identification. Likewise, criticism always remind not to repeat such activities again by making good and positive efforts until the targeted goal achieved.  

Disappointment is another reason for depression for the new generation for example if a person going to attend an interview with full preparation and thinking to success and by the chance, he or she unable to qualify the interview what should they do? Whether they should stop preparing for competitions or make further attempts with the rectification of the former lacunae that causes unsuccess. Absolutely the answer must be for a further attempt to the competition as - 

The END is not the end, in fact E.N.D. is "Efforts Never Dies" and if you get NO in answer, then, remember N.O. is " Next Opportunity". 

Always be positive.

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